Note: Page numbers refer to the print edition. Please use the search function on your device to locate particular terms in the text.
- A. H. Robins, 24
- Ackley, Gardner, 2
- Aliber, Robert, 1, 15, 65
- Allied powers, 100
- American Economic Association, 15
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 71
- bailouts
- of Penn Central, 17
- of Wall Street, 62
- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, 66
- Belgrade, 50
- Black (Justice), 6
- Boskin, Michael, 58f
- Bretton Woods Agreement, 35
- history of, 99–100
- Brezhnev, Leonid, 30–31
- Budget Act of 1974, 86
- budgets
- cuts in, 84
- in economic strategy, 84–86
- off-budget financing, 85
- Burns, Arthur, 15, 23f, 31, 46–48, 65
- on GDP, 48–49
- on inflation, 20, 73–74, 77–78
- Nixon and, 48, 73–79
- on Penn Central, 17–18
- Shultz on, 19f
- on trade unionism, 74–75
- on wage and price controls, 20–21, 66
- on welfare programs, 75
- Bush, George H. W., 70
- Council of Economic Advisers and, 58f
- tax code reforms under, 57–58
- Bush, George W.
- on Keynesianism, 60
- tax cuts under, 60
- Taylor and, 61f
- business cycle, 20–21
- Byrd, Harry, 24
- Cabinet Room, 52f
- Camp David, 23f, 35
- Carter, Jimmy, 44
- on consumer credit, 50
- on inflation, 69
- centralization, 12–13
- Chase Manhattan, 39
- Cheney, Dick, 27, 55
- classical economic policy, 99
- Clinton, Bill
- on government, 70
- stimulus under, 59
- compliance measures, 5
- Connally, John, 23f, 25, 55, 66
- constant growth rate rule, 102
- consumer credit
- Carter on, 50
- controls on, 50
- consumer price index (CPI), 25, 42, 44, 46
- controls. See wage and price controls
- Coordinating Committee on Economic Policy, 56–57, 69
- action of, 91
- on energy, 88–89
- on monetary policy, 89–90
- on oil price controls, 88
- of Reagan, 81–93
- recommendations of, 85–86
- on regulations, 45, 87
- on regulatory reforms, 87–88
- Shultz at, 45
- signatures of, 94f
- steady course maintained by, 91–92
- on tax policy, 85–86
- Cost of Living Council, 25, 67
- Council of Economic Advisers, 6, 23f, 52f
- Bush, G. H. W., and, 58f
- public opinion and, 13
- Council on Wage and Price Stability, 69, 88
- elimination of, 45
- passage of, 68
- CPI. See consumer price index
- deficit spending, 100
- deflation, 61–62
- Dent, Frederick, on wage and price controls, 29
- Department of Defense, 17
- Department of Energy, 89
- depreciation, 86–87
- Diocletian, 95
- disinflation, 51f
- Dole, Bob, 59
- dollar, US
- credibility of, 90
- overvaluation of, 35
- price controls of, 37–38
- Dunlop, John, 2, 55, 67, 68
- Economic Club of Chicago, 66
- Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, 70
- Economic Policy Board, 91
- Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 69
- Economic Report of the President, 12, 33–34, 95–96
- Economic Stabilization Act, 22–23, 68
- passage of, 65
- Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, 70–71
- economic strategy
- budgets in, 84–86
- coherence in, 83
- consistency in, 83
- guiding principles of, 82–84
- initiative in, 84
- long-term, 84
- problems faced by, 83
- public opinion and, 84
- of Reagan, 81–93
- steady course in, 91–92
- tax policy and, 86–87
- Eisenhower, Dwight, 17
- employment, full, 8. See also unemployment
- energy, Coordinating Committee on Economic Policy on, 88–89
- Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 68–69
- Euro-dollar market, 41
- Executive Branch, 91
- Federal Energy Administration, 68–69
- Federal Energy Office, 42
- federal funds rate, 45–46
- Taylor rule and, 51f
- Federal Regulatory Agency, 46f
- Federal Reserve, 20, 45–46
- Friedman on, 40
- Greenspan at, 59
- independence of, 90
- on interest rates, 59, 61
- monetary policy of, 62
- transparency at, 59
- Volcker at, 55–56
- First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America’s Prosperity (Taylor), 62
- fixed exchange rates, 37, 39
- breakdown of, 100
- Rockefeller on, 40–41
- floating exchange rates, 37, 100
- Ford, Gerald, 31, 32f, 68, 98–99
- recession during presidency of, 44
- Francis, Darryl, 47
- free market
- gold window and, 37–38
- wage and price guideposts and, 11–12
- Friedman, Milton, 7f, 32, 36f, 96
- on Federal Reserve, 40
- on Great Inflation, 49–50
- on inflation, 2–7, 15–16
- on international economic policy, 39–40
- on Phillips curve, 97
- on Reagan, 49–50, 53
- on recessions, 43–44
- Shultz and, 37–40
- Solow and, 13–15
- Taylor and, 47–53, 57–58
- on Volcker, 49–50
- on voluntary controls, 5–6
- on wage and price controls, 41
- on wage and price guideposts, 3–7
- on wage-price freeze, 38
- full employment, 8
- GDP. See gross domestic product
- The General Theory (Keynes), 99
- Gingrich, Newt, 59
- global financial crisis of 2007–09, 62
- gold window, 27
- free market and, 37–38
- Nixon on, 35–38, 100
- Great Inflation, 47, 102
- end of, 49–50
- Friedman on, 49–50
- Great Recession, 102
- Great Society, 1
- Greenspan, Alan, 33
- at Federal Reserve, 59
- on price stability, 59
- gross domestic product (GDP)
- Burns on, 48–49
- growth of, 34f
- guidelines. See wage and price guideposts
- Guidelines, Informal Controls, and the Market Place, 2, 65
- guideposts. See wage and price guideposts
- Harlow, Bryce, 18
- Hartley, Fred, 41
- Hicks, John, 99
- Holton, Linwood, 23
- Hoover Archives, 20
- Hoover Institution, 57
- housing market, 60
- bubble, 62
- Hubbard, Glenn, 60
- incomes policy, defining, 95–96
- inflation, 1. See also Great Inflation
- Burns on, 20, 73–74, 77–78
- Carter on, 69
- deceleration of, 69
- decision-making and, 76
- Friedman on, 2–7, 15–16
- market power and, 10
- monetarism and, 101
- as monetary phenomenon, 2–3
- monetary policy and, 59
- open, 3–7
- persistence of, 76
- Phillips curve and, 97
- premature, 11
- under Reagan, 50
- recession and, 47
- Solow on, 8
- suppressed, 3–7
- unemployment and, 9, 74, 78
- wage and price controls and, 18–19
- wage-price freeze and, 38
- interest rates, 41, 51
- Federal Reserve on, 59, 61
- Taylor rule and, 51f
- international economic policy, Friedman on, 39–40
- International Monetary Fund, establishment of, 100
- interventionism, 62, 63
- Iranian Revolution, 45
- Iran-Iraq War, 89
- Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, 70
- Johnson, Lyndon, 1, 41–42
- Joint Economic Committee, 39, 65–66, 100
- Kemp, Jack, 52f
- Kemp-Roth cuts, 86
- Kennedy, John F., 1, 41–42
- Keynesianism, 48
- Bush, G. W., on, 60
- defining, 99
- Laffer, Arthur, 52f
- Laidler, David, 36f
- Landrum-Griffin Act, Burns on, 75
- leadership, 92–93
- Lynn, James T., 52f
- marginal tax rates
- under Reagan, 56
- reduction of, 56
- market power
- defining, 97–98
- inflation and, 10
- Solow on, 10, 98
- Marriott, J. Willard, on wage and price controls, 27–29
- McCracken, Paul, 23f, 66
- McGraw-Hill survey, 9
- Meltzer, Allan, 2
- Miller, G. William, 49
- monetarism, 47–48
- inflation and, 101
- strict, 101
- monetary growth, 89–90
- monetary policy
- Coordinating Committee on Economic Policy on, 89–90
- of Federal Reserve, 62
- inflation and, 59
- in 2000s, 61
- NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 59
- National Bureau of Economic Research, 20
- National Security Council, 91
- Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978, 89
- New Economic Program, 35, 66–67
- Nixon, Richard, 23f
- Brezhnev and, 30–31
- Burns and, 48, 73–79
- on gold window, 35–38, 100
- New Economic Policy of, 66
- Shultz and, 30–31
- on wage and price controls, 18–19, 30, 33f, 42, 55
- wage-price freeze of, 18–19
- North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 59
- Obama, Barack, 62, 71
- off-budget financing, 85
- Office of Management and Budget, 66, 85
- oil price controls, 40, 69
- Coordinating Committee on Economic Policy on, 88
- Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, 70
- open inflation, 3–7
- Packard, David, 17
- Pay Board, 24, 96
- abolition of, 30
- Penn Central
- bailout of, 17
- Burns on, 17–18
- Shultz on, 18
- Pentagon, 17
- Peterson, Peter, 66
- Phillips, A. W., 97
- Phillips curve, 15, 48
- defining, 97
- Friedman on, 97
- inflation and, 97
- unemployment and, 97
- premature inflation, 11
- Price Commission, 24, 96
- abolition of, 30
- price controls. See wage and price controls
- price guideposts. See wage and price guideposts
- price setting, 1
- price stability, Greenspan on, 59
- public opinion, 12
- Council of Economic Advisers and, 13
- economic strategy and, 84
- of Reagan, 50
- public sector, trade unionism in, 74–75
- Quadriad, 73
- quantitative easing, 62
- quantity theory of money, 101
- rationing, 42–43
- Reagan, Ronald, 44f, 64
- Coordinating Committee on Economic Policy of, 81–93
- economic strategy of, 81–93
- Friedman on, 49–50, 53
- inflation under, 50
- marginal tax rates under, 56
- public opinion ratings of, 50
- recession during presidency of, 44–45
- Shultz and, 69, 81–93
- tax cuts under, 69–70
- Volcker on, 46
- recessions
- Friedman on, 43–44
- Great Recession, 102
- inflation and, 47
- Reagan and, 44–45
- Regulation Q, 41–42
- regulatory reforms, 87–88
- Reynolds, Richard, Jr., 24
- Reynolds Metal Company, 24
- Rivlin, Alice, 59
- Robins, Claiborne, 24
- Rockefeller, David, 39
- on fixed exchange rates, 40–41
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 27, 31, 55, 67
- Safire, Bill, 31, 66
- Samuelson, Paul A., 15
- saving, 21
- Schmalensee, Richard, 58f
- Schmidt, Helmut, 17
- Senate Banking Committee, 68
- Shultz, George, 1, 15, 23f, 27, 36f, 52f
- Burns and, 19f
- at Coordinating Committee on Economic Policy, 45
- Friedman and, 37–40
- Nixon and, 30–31
- on Penn Central, 18
- Reagan and, 69, 81–93
- “Steady As You Go” speech of, 17, 66
- on wage and price controls, 65
- Simon, Bill, 42–43
- Smithsonian Agreement, 27
- Social Security, 60
- Solow, Robert, 2, 14f
- Friedman and, 13–15
- on guideposts, 8–14
- on inflation, 8
- on market power, 10, 98
- on unemployment, 15
- on wage and price guideposts, 8–14, 16
- Soviet Union, 30–31
- Spong, William, Jr., 22
- Stanford, 57
- “Steady As You Go” speech (Shultz), 18, 66
- Stein, Herb, 30, 66
- Stigler, George, 2
- stimulus, 62, 70
- under Clinton, 59
- stock market, wage-price freeze and, 22
- strict monetarists, 101
- suppressed inflation, 3–7
- Synthetic Fuels Corporation, 89
- tax code reforms, 45
- under Bush, G. H. W., 57–58
- tax cuts
- under Bush, G. W., 60
- under Reagan, 69–70
- Taylor on, 62
- tax policy
- Coordinating Committee on Economic Policy on, 85–86
- economic strategy and, 86–87
- tax rebates, 68–71
- Tax Reform Act, 56, 70
- tax-based incomes policies (TIPs), 96
- Taylor, John, 15, 32f, 33, 36f, 58f, 70
- Bush, G. W., and, 61f
- Friedman and, 47–53, 57–58
- on tax cuts, 62
- at Treasury, US, 60
- Taylor rule, 63
- defining, 101–2
- federal funds rate and, 51f
- interest rates and, 51f
- TIPs (tax-based incomes policies), 96
- trade unions
- Burns on, 74–75
- in public sector, 74–75
- on wage and price guideposts, 11
- unemployment, 8, 16
- inflation and, 9, 74, 78
- Phillips curve and, 97
- rates of, 49f
- Solow on, 15
- Union Oil Company, 41
- unions. See trade unions
- Vietnam War, 1
- V-loans, 17
- Volcker, Paul, 39, 45–46, 50, 66
- at Federal Reserve, 55–56
- Friedman on, 49–50
- on Reagan, 46
- voluntary controls, Friedman on, 5–6
- wage and price controls
- Burns on, 20–21, 66
- defining, 95–96
- Dent on, 29
- Friedman on, 41
- inflation and, 18–19
- Marriott on, 27–29
- Nixon on, 18–19, 30, 33f, 42, 55
- for oil, 40, 69, 88
- phase I of, 96, 100
- phase II of, 96
- phase III of, 67, 97
- phase IV of, 67, 97
- Shultz on, 65
- on US dollar, 37–38
- wage and price guideposts, 65
- causality and, 16
- defining, 95–96
- free market and, 11–12
- Friedman on, 3–7
- goals of, 10
- Solow on, 8–14, 16
- unions on, 11
- weaknesses in, 12–13
- wage setting, 1
- wage-price freeze
- Friedman on, 38
- inflation and, 38
- of Nixon, 18–19
- popularity of, 22
- stock market and, 22
- success of, 24–25
- Wall Street, bailout of, 62
- Wall Street Journal, 22
- Weidenbaum, Murray, 52f
- Weinberger, Caspar, 66
- welfare programs, 59
- Burns on, 75
- Whip Inflation Now campaign, 31–32, 68
- history of, 98–99
- World Trade Organization (WTO), 59
- World War II, 100