ACT Practice Test 1

Writing Test

40 Minutes 1 Question

Directions: The essay is used to evaluate your writing skills. You will have 40 minutes to review the prompt and plan and write an essay in English. Before you begin, read everything in this test booklet carefully to make sure you understand the task. 

Your essay will be judged based on the evidence it provides of your ability to do the following:

Write your essay on the lined essay pages in the answer booklet. All writing on those lined pages will be scored. Use the unlined pages in this test booklet to plan your essay. Your work on these unlined pages will not be scored. 

Put your pencil down as soon as time is called. 


  1. Career Readiness Programs

    High school curricula are designed to ready students for future career paths, many of which include higher education. Whether or not students choose to attend college, a comprehensive high school education provides an essential foundation. Some educators argue that high schools have an obligation to provide career readiness training for students who do not intend to pursue a college degree. Should high schools invest time and money to develop programs for students who do not wish to continue their education beyond 12th grade? Given the many factors that students weigh when considering if, where, and when to attend college, it is prudent for educators to explore programs that contribute to a better-skilled workforce.

    Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each offers suggestions regarding high school–based career readiness programs.

  2. Essay Task

    Write a clear, well-reasoned essay evaluating multiple perspectives on high school-based career readiness programs. In your essay, be sure to:

    • Assert your own perspective on the issue and evaluate the relationship between your perspective and at least one other perspective
    • Use reasoning and evidence to refine and justify your ideas
    • Present your ideas in an organized way
    • Convey your ideas effectively using standard written English

    Your perspective may be fully, somewhat, or not at all in agreement with one or more of the three perspectives in the prompt.

    Planning Your Essay

    These pages are not scored.

    Use the space below the prompt or another piece of paper to brainstorm and plan your essay. Consider the following as you think about the prompt:

    • Strengths and weaknesses of the three perspectives in the prompt
      • What observations do they offer, and what do they overlook?
      • Why are they persuasive or why are they not persuasive?
    • Your own background and identity
      • What is your perspective on this issue, and what are its strengths and weaknesses?
      • What evidence will you use in your essay?