Frequently, tight back muscles and torso immobility are connected with similar issues in the legs. The saw exercise opens up the back and hips while stretching the hamstring muscles.
Sit up tall with your legs outstretched and slightly more than one hip-width apart. Reach your arms away from your sides in a T position, your palms facing forward.
Inhale, sitting up as tall as you can from the base of the spine. Flex your feet and reach through your heels to activate your leg muscles.
Exhale, lifting up and out of your hips as you scoop your lower abdominals in and twist from your waist. Reach your right arm to the outside of your left calf.
Inhale, drawing your navel into your spine, then exhale, reaching a bit farther with your hand along your calf, keeping your head down and your shoulders away from your ears.
Inhale, and return to the erect spinal position. Exhale, and begin twisting in the other direction. Repeat three times on each side.
Bold text indicates active muscles
Gray text indicates stabilizing muscles
* indicates deep muscles
• Keeping your shoulders down and relaxed.
• Allowing your hips to raise off the mat while twisting.
• Allowing your knees to roll in as you stretch forward.
• biceps femoris
• rectus femoris
• obliquus internus
• rectus abdominis
• latissimus dorsi
• multifidus spinae
• quadratus lumborum
• rhomboideus