In this fun exercise, you can engage the same muscles that you use while swimming—which is just about every part of the body—without stepping into the pool. Using the mat for stability, aim for a long, full stretch in the arms and legs. As your head and shoulders come up off the mat, let your spine lengthen as well.
Lie prone on the mat with your legs hip-width apart. Stretch your arms beside your ears on the mat. Inhale, engaging your pelvic floor and drawing your navel into your spine.
Exhale, extending through your upper back as you lift your right arm and left leg simultaneously. Lift your head and shoulders off the mat.
Inhale, lowering your arm and leg to the starting position, maintaining a stretch in your limbs throughout.
Exhale, extending your opposite arm and leg off the floor, lengthening and lifting your head and shoulders off the mat.
Inhale, elongating your limbs as you return to the starting position. Repeat six to eight times.
Bold text indicates active muscles
Gray text indicates stabilizing muscles
* indicates deep muscles
• Extending your limbs as long as possible in opposite directions.
• Squeezing your buttocks and drawing your navel into your spine throughout the exercise.
• Lengthening and relaxing your neck.
• Raising your shoulders up to your ears.
• gluteus maximus
• biceps femoris
• quadratus lumborum
• rhomboideus
• latissimus dorsi
• erector spinae