Since Joseph H. Pilates began developing his method of body conditioning nearly a century ago, Pilates has become one of the most popular ways to get fit and strong. Increasing numbers of people have come to embrace Pilates as an invigorating and fun way to not only get in shape, but to also discover things about the body that they didn’t know before. Pilates offers endless possibilities with its scores of exercises based on six principles. As you look through this book, keep in mind that the exercises featured here are only an introduction to Pilates. Thousands of exercises exist and infinite variations are available, making it easy to craft a program aligned with each individual’s needs. Yet, the six principles must always be preserved.
Pilates Anatomy highlights some of the main exercises that are considered the foundation of “classical” Pilates training. This foundation will provide you with a base from which to build, allowing you to take your Pilates experience as far as you wish.
You can use this book in several ways. As a novice, you will most likely want to focus on the basic principles before you move along to more difficult exercises. If you already have a good knowledge of Pilates, you’ll find a number of exercises to add to your routine. Step-by-step photos and anatomical illustrations guide you through the exercise movements, with the muscles active in each exercise highlighted. There are also handy tips that note each exercise’s focus to better allow you to target certain areas of your body. The exercises are grouped into three sections—Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced—and each section features sample workout sequences so that you can test your skills as you progress.