Sun comes up. We feel warmth. Night was cold. Pull big leaves around. Sleep close to others. Now light. Green stuff is wet. Lick. Stretch. Taste this one. This one is good. Soft. Chew. Wants to play? Chase him. Chase me. Ha ha ha ha. Run. Fall over. Falls on me. Ha ha ha ha. Eat this leaf. This one is good. Now everybody eats leaves. Quiet. Chew. Sun warm.
Everybody moving. Go up the mountain. Find good green stuff. Smell green stuff. Taste. This female is mother. Carried me then. Now touches me. Eat this leaf. Breathe.
Everyone lies down. Green stuff smells good. Feet in air. Lie in green stuff. Big male is watching. Nothing to fear. Smell. Breathe. Feel sun. Lie flat in green stuff. Mountain is good. We fall asleep.
Bang bang bang! Young male makes noise. Little ones run to females. Bang chest. Show teeth. Scared. Ha ha ha ha. Not scared. Bang bang bang bang. Scream. Run. Shake green stuff. Ha ha ha ha. Fall down. Eat leaf. Sun is good.
This one is friend. We go. Find good green stuff.
Eat eat eat eat. Friend next to friend. Eat. Mmmm.
Wait! Where is everybody? Moving again. Up mountain more. Climbing. Little ones running. They make noise. Ha ha ha ha. This is good. Fog. Air is wet. Good smells. Other green stuff. Eat. Good. Now sun. Now fog. Air is good. Other ones, males, females, little ones, good. Mountain good. Green stuff good. Big trees. Good good.