POE WAS LYING on his bed, a half-empty tumbler of Scotch resting on his chest. He was thinking about Helene and where she might have gone. As he’d predicted, she had disabled her cell phone. So, against his better judgment, he’d traced the car. He’d only caught the first three letters of the plate as she drove off, but it was enough. The car was a rental, turned in at midnight at a lot near Grove City, Pennsylvania. Beyond that, nothing. As he’d suspected, Helene had the skills to evaporate.
Poe’s cell phone buzzed on the bedside table. He grabbed for it, heart pounding. He glanced at the ID.
It was Marple.
Poe exhaled slowly and put down his drink. “Hello, Margaret. How’s London?”
“Auguste! Where are you right now?”
“In bed.”
“It’s not even noon there.”
“I’m having a challenging day.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Not legally.”
Marple’s voice was thin and broken slightly by static. “Listen to me,” she said. “You need to get to Duff.”
“Already saw him,” said Poe. “We nearly came to blows.”
“What about?”
“Never mind,” said Poe. “But believe me. We are personae non gratae with the task force.”
“Listen, Auguste. I have a lead that there may be another kidnapping about to happen in New York.”
Poe swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Where?”
“I don’t know. But take down this information.”
Poe opened his side table drawer and pulled out a pen and notepad. “Ready.”
“You need to track down a Megan Robinson. Age twenty-six. British. Possibly there on a work visa. May be working as an au pair, possibly under the table. All I know is that she’s involved. Probably on the inside.”
“I’ll put Virginia on it,” said Poe.
“No!” said Marple firmly. “Put everybody on it. You. Brendan. The task force.”
“Brendan’s not here,” said Poe.
“Where is he?”
“He took off for Delaware.”
“Oh, for God’s sake. I knew it!”
“What’s he looking for in Delaware? He wouldn’t tell me.”
Marple sighed. “He’s looking for trouble, is what. All right, forget Brendan for the moment. Focus on the babies! Find the girl! Do it now!”
The line clicked off.