69The Gemini Personality
Strengths, Talents, and the Creative Spark
The classroom setting and diverse forms of education appeal to you. You collect certifications and new credentials routinely to build your substantial portfolio of qualifications. Many Geminis make excellent teachers for grade school through college students, mesmerizing them with little-known facts about the world. Your Sun sign rules the communication-oriented solar third house of cousins, siblings, and other relatives, neighbors, communities, seminars and workshops, transportation, media interests and communications vehicles (phones, computers, faxes, internet, social networks, TV), writing, and the mind, especially how it works and the impact it has on your mental state. This section of the chart describes your intellect and how you converse with others or form creative relationships. You probably have at least one sibling or a cousin with whom you have a close relationship and take into your confidence. That individual may be your favorite traveling companion, and the one you most frequently chat with via text or email. The third house is ruled by Mercury, and Gemini’s symbol is the Twins. You are both an air sign and a mutable sign and fulfill your role as the conditioned analyst, one who questions relationships with people, objects, and ideas.
Deductive skills go a long way in helping you converse with people, analyze all types of problems, and share your conclusions. You have a great sense of humor and an abundance of information to share with others and enjoy the social scene to recharge your batteries. Your quick yet changeable mind misses little. You find ways to examine as many sides to a situation as possible, some of which you retain and much of which you discard after the reason for retention subsides. If the scenario is too exhausting, you bail. Boredom is a turnoff. You share your ruling planet, Mercury, with Virgo. Both of you are sticklers for using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, abilities that get you far in advertising, language, and writing fields.
Intimacy and Personal Relationships
When you want to talk politics or listen to an insightful debate, phone a Gemini. This sign loves to have their brain picked and will devote hours to sharing all the information their contacts need to make a good decision. Be sure to include witty Gemini individuals in social plans, as they 70provide entertaining conversation, an astute flair for playing games and winning them, ideas for spending leisure time enjoyably, and the ever-present display of sharp wit.
Even the shyest Gemini prefers a partner who engages in stimulating talk. You’ll pick mates who can hold their own in the discussion zone and want someone who is willing to listen to frequent discourses on current events, community matters, entertainment, health care, and politics. You thrive on brain food, the nourishing kind that tests your intellect, asks you diverse questions, and gives you a chance to use your power by answering complex questions. Although you love the informative features of TV viewing, you seldom fall for a couch potato, preferring air-sign partners like Libra or Aquarius, who fall in love with your brain. A sense of excitement and willingness to travel attracts you to your opposite sign, Sagittarius, with whom you’ll share exotic adventures. If you choose Aries as your love interest, the passionate fire sign will deliver on your mutual love of driving and action-oriented ventures.
Values and Resources
Work that gives you a leg up on current trends, innovation, and exciting breakthroughs in your field fits well with your versatile career path. That means you like to work with electronic equipment, applications, smart TVs and smartphones, leading-edge security systems, and gadgets that give you easy access to information streams. You treasure knowledge and from childhood find ways to acquire as much education as possible to compete in intellectual arenas. Modalities you choose to enhance education beyond college include advanced degrees such as MBAs or PhDs, certification programs, online courses, seminars, workshops, on-the-job-training, and cross-training that may include a detail to another location to master a new qualification. Many Geminis develop seminars and workshops based on books and articles they write to provide tools and know-how to attendees for use in business, government, real estate, and self-help psychology. Since you excel at teaching, you may conduct the workshops or train facilitators to present the courses. Your eloquence as a public speaker often brings requests to emcee awards programs or deliver keynote speeches.
Blind Spots and Blockages
In most circles you’re known as the undisputed master of multitasking, as you juggle many assignments and meet numerous deadlines that 71occur in tight time frames. Most of the details are right in your head, and you hold them in your vision effortlessly. You get into trouble when you forget to keep your log current by marking pending due dates or noting the parties responsible for delivery. Sometimes you allow distractions to take you away from important tasks at the workplace or at home. This shortsightedness seems inconsistent with your normally organized method, resulting in unfinished tasks that you don’t discover until you’re facing critical deadlines. Intellectual pride prevents you from admitting that you just might have too much on your plate to handle everything efficiently. Another recurring blind spot occurs when your talk runs over the allotted time in a program or meeting. Aside from forgetting that others are waiting to deliver their information at the podium, which you have shortchanged, you have cut into response time and feedback on your presentation. Learn to adopt better timekeeping and listening skills.
Goals and Success
Diplomacy and tact, along with your amazing gift of gab, go a long way in giving you command of the communication sector of the zodiac. Whether it is a speaking or a writing task, you tackle every assignment with passion and polish your product until it shines. As a natural educator, you excel at developing and presenting courses and tailor them to fit the makeup of the participants. When you’re running a meeting, you get it started on a high note with clever icebreakers that quickly engage participants and leave them wanting more. The effective body language and tonal qualities you use help listeners relax and retain meaningful context. The professionalism you demonstrate shows why you deeply internalize Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, in your psyche.
Gemini Keywords for 2023
Language, learning, literature
The Year Ahead for Gemini
In 2023 two eclipses occur in fixed signs: Scorpio in the spring and Taurus at the end of October. A new eclipse sequence begins with a Solar Eclipse on April 20 in Aries, and another in the opposite sign of Libra in mid-October. Mars in Gemini ends a retrograde period in your solar first house on January 12, putting an end to erratic starts in implementing plans and improving your physical health. Mercury in Capricorn 72goes direct on January 18 in your solar eighth house, eliminating the round of delays in receiving mail, scheduling meetings, communicating clearly about finances, and revising your budget. Pluto in Capricorn is still meandering through this same house until March 23, when it transitions into Aquarius for several months.
Much to your relief, Uranus in Taurus and your solar twelfth house will turn direct on January 22, clearing a path for new learning opportunities in your career and a healthier outlook on life. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, has moved into Aries and your solar eleventh house of goals and groups, sending optimistic vibes your way for landing a plum assignment when the dust settles. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius finishes its two-and-a-half-year tour of duty in your solar ninth house, where you dealt with both finance-driven educational and travel restrictions. In early March, the planet of restriction moves into Pisces and your solar tenth house, where you’ll broaden your field of expertise with new employment opportunities.
Although Pisces was the main driver of Jupiter’s activity in 2022 in your demanding tenth house of career and ambition, you had an inkling of what life would be like when the planet of expansion occupied Aries and your solar eleventh house for a number of preview months. You achieved greater visibility, and some of you received awards, promotions, and personal recognition that played into your evolving plans. In 2023 Jupiter occupies Aries and races through your solar eleventh house of dreams, goals, wishes, friends, groups, associations, your employer’s resources, and your quest for world-changing projects. Jupiter affects every degree of Gemini through May 16, when it moves into Taurus and your private solar twelfth house space, where you can lay out your plans, line up stakeholders, and identify the best way to fulfill your dreams. What credentials are you ready to use to make a meaningful investment in humanity? You have a chance to set the tone you desire in launching new enterprises. When you contact your networks, you’ll widen your circle through professional memberships, neighborhood associations, clubs, peer groups, and volunteer services. When Jupiter begins its rapid trip through Taurus, it pauses for a few months by going retrograde on September 4 and turning direct on December 30. The planet of opportunity occupies your solar twelfth house for seven months in 2023, searching your brain for options that will boost your 73net worth, increase your salary, and add to your savings funds. Those of you born between May 22 and June 7 see the most action while Jupiter is in Taurus.
As 2023 dawns, Saturn, the planet of restriction, continues its challenging journey in Aquarius and your solar ninth house of foreign cultures, higher education, in-laws, religion, long-distance travel, and writing. The added discipline you soaked up last year when faced with travel and educational cutbacks led you to explore new possibilities that may include a position as a research analyst that requires considerable communication and long-distance travel. Foreign connections yielded new offers that call for your superior writing or language skills, designed to improve health and economic security for world citizens. Those of you born between June 13 and 21 see the most action while Saturn wraps up its cycle in Aquarius. Authorities in charge saw how skillfully you added value to each undertaking.
Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7 in your solar tenth house of career, ambition, authority figures, government, maturity, and standards of excellence. Be prepared for emerging offers. While Saturn is in this house, you’ll be pushed hard to adapt to changing work conditions: a new position possibly in a different field, a different leader who may be a stickler for discipline, or an opportunity to rewrite outmoded policies and structure a high-content, high-caring work environment that attracts motivated staff. During the remaining nine months of 2023, Saturn most affects those of you born between May 21 and 30. You’ll welcome a chance to create a new venture, assess the talent of your team, refresh your psyche by taking a welcome vacation before starting a new position, and sharing goals with loved ones who support your vision.
Uranus in Taurus has been in residence in your solar twelfth house of healing and seclusion since May 2018. Have you felt lively and liberated or hopelessly hog-tied by the chaotic planet’s unexpected antics? Although Uranus is now making an unfriendly aspect with transiting Saturn in Aquarius, the delays in matters related to your solar ninth house will be far behind you soon. You will have one more Taurus eclipse here on October 28, which plays out through the spring of 2024. It could open your eyes to new possibilities that stimulate your spirit. 74More than one job could manifest for you. This eclipse is compatible with the early degrees of Saturn in Pisces that manifest good career vibes. If you were born between June 5 and 16, the planet of wild rides and disruption has the greatest impact on your brilliant mind and complicated routines. The year starts out with Uranus in retrograde motion, going direct on January 22 in Taurus, shaking up the energy in your spiritually oriented solar twelfth house. You undoubtedly will experience a few unanticipated encounters or puzzling challenges that will influence your decision to scope out new work opportunities. The unpredictable planet will move into retrograde motion on August 28 and go direct on January 27, 2024. Find the humor in your upside-down world and write about it for an appreciative audience.
When Neptune in Pisces stimulates action in 2023 in your solar tenth house of career, ambition, authority, and organizational matters, you’ll reflect on what you’ve experienced with this hazy yet inspiring energy since April 2011. You recognize that dreamy Neptune has been getting in the way of your disciplined mind, and that willing or not, you have spent more time daydreaming than usual during this long transit. Focus on compassion this year, a Neptune trait that is essential to motivating the work team to perform at new heights. Be a good listener and the work plan you want to develop will fall into place more successfully than you anticipated. Saturn in Pisces shows up in this house in March to help you validate your feelings and reframe the way you express responsibility. Trust your instincts as you work with Saturn in Pisces to find a meaningful strategy for bringing important focus to projects. Work with management when introducing new procedures and you’ll receive high praise for considering morale and the strength of the staff. Let Neptune help you get ahead by putting you in touch with your inner dreams as you use your astute mind for collaborative dealings. When using your psychic gifts, you get that strong gut feeling that you have discovered your true purpose. Geminis born between June 13 and 20 see the most activity from Neptune this year.
Pluto in Capricorn first appeared in your solar eighth house of birth, sex, death, wills and estates, joint income and assets, loans, mortgages, rebirth, psychological depth, and mysteries in 2008. Pluto is winding 75up this long passage and directs you to address old issues you’ve held on to in this complex house, making sure you clear your subconscious and let go. You no longer have to fear the control freaks in your life, whose power is diminishing as you move toward release. Examine any baggage still affecting your life and let the Pluto-driven karma cleaners dispose of any remaining anxiety. You have conquered fears of intimacy, debt, stuffed feelings, or pent-up anger. Address any remaining aggravation. Pluto creates intensity in relationships that show up as power struggles, trust issues, and unpleasant confrontations. What’s it like for you this year? Are you in a better place in your marriage or headed for divorce court? If circumstances result in the demise of painful issues, you can freely welcome the rebirth of your soul.
Pluto is slipping into the final degrees of its long transit through Capricorn, which finally wraps up in November 2024. Pluto forms an inconjunct aspect to your Sun this year if you’re a Gemini born between June 18 and 22, the dates most affected by this transit. Pluto makes a brief entry into Aquarius starting on March 23. On May 1 it turns retrograde in the first degree of Aquarius and returns to Capricorn on June 11 to complete the remaining months of its transit, which seems to end but really doesn’t until the cycle officially ends in November 2024. Geminis born between May 22 and 24 feel the impact of a brief, harmonious teaser when Pluto occupies Aquarius from March 23 through June 11. Decode the hints about future relocation options, shifting career aspirations, and foreign languages, ties, and travel during this Pluto-in-Aquarius teaser.
How Will This Year’s Eclipses Affect You?
In 2023 a total of four eclipses occur: two Solar (New Moon) Eclipses and two Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipses, which create intense periods that start to manifest a few months before their actual occurrence. Two of the eclipse signs are changing this year. The first eclipse occurs in your solar eleventh house, the second in your solar sixth house, the third in your solar fifth house, and the final eclipse in your solar twelfth house. Eclipses unfold in cycles involving all twelve signs of the zodiac, and usually occur in pairs about two weeks apart. Don’t fear eclipses—think of them as growth opportunities that allow you to release old and outworn patterns. They often stimulate unexpected surprises and windfalls. The closer an eclipse is to a planet or point in your birth chart, the greater the importance of the eclipse in your life. Those of you born with a 76planet at the same degree as an eclipse are likely to see a high level of activity in the house where the eclipse occurs.
The first Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place on April 20 in Aries and your solar eleventh house of associations, friendships, goals, groups, hopes, and plans. Pressure mounts to join new professional organizations, hold an office in them, or develop initiatives critical to social needs. You’ll be challenged to work on your goals, develop projects, keep promises about taking better care of yourself, and change your self-image if you have become too intense over checking all the boxes in your work world and letting downtime slide. Engage qualified consultants if you need help managing important areas of your life.
Two weeks later, on May 5, the first Lunar Eclipse of the year takes place in Scorpio and your solar sixth house of daily routines, fitness, health, nutrition, animal companions, and teamwork. The intensity of this eclipse could bring a heavier workload your way, when authority figures assign tasks that maximize your talent in communicating, editing, writing, problem-solving, teaching, training, and troubleshooting. Don’t be surprised to find yourself moonlighting as a stand-up comic, tutor, writer, or sought-after emcee. When you have time to breathe, you would also benefit from scheduling medical and dental checkups.
On October 14 the second Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place in Libra and your solar fifth house of children, their interests, sports, amusements, entertainment, recreation, romance, and risk-taking. If you have natal planets in this house, expect surprise revelations related to these themes. You’ll gain insight into special people and have opportunities to strengthen bonds, travel with loved ones, and possibly build a meaningful connection with a new love interest that could lead to an engagement or marriage. Enjoy harmonious conversations that are free of tension and conflict.
The year’s final eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse on October 28 in Taurus and your solar twelfth house of recovery, regrouping, healing, hospital visiting, metaphysics, psychic insight, secrets, and charities. Although you’re tired of the unexpected jolts that interfere with your plans because of the presence of Uranus in Taurus here, you can be proud of what you accomplished in seclusion related to emerging projects and significant writing goals. If you write for a living, you’ve had a wealth of human-interest stories to explore. Continue to maintain cheerful optimism as you celebrate success and explore new paths along the way.
77Gemini | January
Overall Theme
Planetary stations this month shift the flow of energy. Mars in Gemini goes direct in your solar first house on the 12th, calling attention to a stuck agenda that you’re eager to move along. Keep anger in check. On January 18 Mercury goes direct in Capricorn and your solar eighth house, bringing a welcome release of funds. Complete a much-anticipated project proposal after the 22nd, when Uranus in Taurus goes direct.
Family and relatives, including in-laws from distant locations, are the focus of attention through the 21st. Guests that are holdovers from holiday celebrations wind up their extended visits. Plan gatherings to accommodate the interests of children and adults. By the end of the month you’ll be fully engaged with your boss handling pressing work demands and laying out a timeline for accomplishments.
Success and Money
Bonus money arrives just in time to help you pay off holiday expenses. The Aquarius New Moon on the 21st in your solar ninth house releases travel restrictions and puts you on the road again to lay the groundwork for implementing new company initiatives. Reserve cash from your performance award to fund upcoming purchases.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Don’t be tempted on the 6th to spend money at sales before you repay credit card debt. Avoid an argument with a neighbor on the 9th, when lunar aspects throw good judgment off. Be a peacemaker on the 16th, when grouchy colleagues throw a Monday morning meeting off course.
Rewarding Days
1, 3, 21, 25
Challenging Days
6, 9, 16, 18
78Gemini | February
Overall Theme
The Full Moon in Leo on February 5 in your solar third house steps up the volume of communication, but not without some confusing exchanges. Solve any misunderstandings as quickly as possible so you can plan upcoming meetings with clear information and support. Schedule Zoom calls to bring remote employees up to speed on major work undertakings. Set the bar high on performance expectations.
Your social life picks up around the 15th, when you and your partner celebrate Valentine’s Day with entertainment and an elegant meal. People at a distance visit the weekend of the 18th and spend time bonding with you and your family and taking in enjoyable local attractions. Friends or professional colleagues network at a power lunch on the 22nd.
Success and Money
Celebrate financial news on the 2nd, when funding comes through for a much-anticipated work project. The New Moon in Pisces on the 20th bodes well for salary and bonus adjustments scheduled for this year in your organization. Performance excellence makes you shine. New alliances promote your engaging language and presentation skills.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Internal tension creates confusing vibes at home base on the 8th. If there is anyone who is unwilling to discuss problems now, don’t badger them verbally with sarcastic comments. Business travel may be canceled on the 12th due to overbooking of the flight. Curb a tendency to overbuy sweets on the 13th. Be kind to your blood sugar level.
Rewarding Days
2, 15, 18, 22
Challenging Days
3, 5, 8, 12
79Gemini | March
Overall Theme
When the Aries New Moon shows up in your solar eleventh house on the 21st, this goal-oriented sector gets considerable attention based on availability of resources for new work projects. Your employer could give you the lead in attracting talent and finding the right vehicle to fund a new initiative. Brainstorm with colleagues to find serious contenders.
Single Geminis attend work events or unique social affairs to meet new dating prospects on the 15th. Those of you who already have a partner enjoy love, tenderness, and a romantic dinner that day. Attend a medical lecture about breakthrough cures at a critically acclaimed facility on the 19th. You’ll discover important facts helpful to ill family members.
Success and Money
Extra cash you discovered on the 2nd funds a welcome getaway on the 19th for you and your partner. Enjoy the appealing quality of togetherness. Jupiter in Aries in your solar eleventh house helps you expand contacts and attracts you to groups that are looking for creative leadership and life-changing concepts to launch a humanitarian cause.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Upset neighbors express concerns over rising taxes on the 5th. Suggest holding a meeting to let community members air their main objections. Don’t let the Virgo Full Moon on the 7th interfere with your plans for pizza and a movie night at home base. Break the ice with moody family members to shift conversations toward upbeat topics.
Rewarding Days
2, 15, 19, 24
Challenging Days
3, 5, 7, 26
80Gemini | April
Overall Theme
With a fiery Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter resonating harmoniously with your Gemini Sun, you should have a great time pulling April Fools’ jokes on friends or have a few pranks played on you. Humor is in the air. Why not head to a favorite hangout to celebrate a lively Saturday with kindred spirits? Eat some spicy food and your favorite dessert.
After a serious discussion of feelings, you and your partner enjoy a deep level of intimacy around the 12th. Bankers, financial advisors, and attorneys come through for you with sound advice and a lead for a favorable lending package that helps you consolidate debt and pay off an old loan. Encouraging words from your boss support an emerging learning opportunity.
Success and Money
The first Solar Eclipse of the year falls in your solar eleventh house on the 20th, conjoined to Jupiter in Aries, marking an opportune time to begin new collaborations, join prestigious groups, and invest your time in a life-changing initiative that electrifies the aspirations of human interests. Think big and lead.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
On the April 6th Full Moon in Libra and your solar fifth house, you’ll get nowhere with a child who exhibits stubborn behavior and pretends not to get the message. After the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 20th, Mercury in Taurus turns retrograde in your solar twelfth house on the 21st, calling for a mental health break while you sort out the overload of new options.
Rewarding Days
12, 15, 17, 25
Challenging Days
3, 6, 14, 27
81Gemini | May
Overall Theme
The energy of the May 5th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and your solar sixth house of health opposes Uranus in Taurus in your solar twelfth house of seclusion. Simultaneously, Mercury is retrograde in your solar twelfth house until May 14. Be prepared for disclosures of secrets and new revelations about health matters. Make plans to see a doctor or schedule tests for a loved one. A work team member may need your help.
Legal experts and lenders continue to provide advice and assistance to your financial and estate transactions from the 9th through the 12th. You and your boss have genuine rapport on and off the job. Accept a social invitation to a party hosted by executives in your employing organization on the 13th. Strengthen a partnership bond while seeking solutions to a long-term health matter.
Success and Money
Jupiter advances into Taurus on the 16th and serves as a catalyst to accomplish several assignments calling for language skills, written material for new policies, and the analysis of resumes for anticipated new hires. Use the money you receive on the 22nd to start work on home projects.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Keep a clear head on the 1st when your outstanding logic aids in settling arguments between family members, especially those related to home improvements. Pluto in early Aquarius goes retrograde on the 1st in your solar ninth house, leading to a change of plans for a long-distance visit from relatives.
Rewarding Days
9, 13, 19, 22
Challenging Days
1, 5, 11, 31
82Gemini | June
Overall Theme
The New Moon in Gemini shows up on the 18th along with an anticipated bonus. Clear some space around the 27th for a few days of rest and recreation to hit the beach or amusement parks for some family fun. Confirm down payment details and the loan schedule for household work that’s about to begin.
Work with your colleagues is on target for productivity. Everyone seems genuinely caught up in the team spirit. Leaders prove to be reliable sources of information and ask you to help with presentations to share details of an emerging organizational change. A vacation with your sweetie looks good during the last week of June.
Success and Money
Rapport is especially strong this month, starting with a report presented on the 2nd that reflects excellent revenue as a result of savvy teamwork. Your boss invites everyone to an event on the 11th to show appreciation for a job well done. A promised bonus will aid in covering home remodeling costs.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Setback-oriented Saturn slips into retrograde motion on the 17th in Pisces and your solar tenth house and delays implementation of hiring plans for a new initiative. Family plans to travel will have to be modified for a few days. On the 30th Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde in this same house until December 6, creating confusion over finalization of business proposals.
Rewarding Days
2, 11, 18, 27
Challenging Days
4, 7, 22, 30
83Gemini | July
Overall Theme
Lunar aspects may not be the best for travel over the 4th of July holiday. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 3rd extends a downer mood for a couple of days. Celebrate with fun and games at home and treat children and their friends to a tasty cookout. Attend a reunion hosted by a sibling on the 30th.
Friends invite you to a gathering, possibly a pool party, on the 9th. Take a day trip with children on the 12th and explore a zoo or a nature trail. Ask them to discuss what fascinated them the most during the trip over a casual, relaxing dinner. Sports venues are an enthusiastic draw for the family on the July 17th New Moon in Cancer.
Success and Money
July proves to be a powerful money month for you, starting on the 7th, when your boss acknowledges your strong performance and hints that a promotion is in the works. A relative expresses gratitude for your kindness with an unexpected gift on the 17th, while a parent gives you a cash gift at month’s end.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Transiting Venus in Leo in your solar third house sends mixed signals regarding support for a neighborhood gathering when the love planet turns retrograde on the 22nd. Participants may bail for lack of interest. Don’t purchase luxury items or jewelry without researching their value carefully.
Rewarding Days
7, 12, 17, 30
Challenging Days
4, 5, 19, 22
84Gemini | August
Overall Theme
The Moon turns full in Aquarius on the 1st, the first of two Full Moons this month. The second Full Moon occurs in Pisces on August 30. Lovely Venus aspects set a romantic tone on the 13th, when you feel the love spark and arrange a fancy dinner to honor the mood.
Accept an invitation from a retired former colleague this month and reminisce about the positive value you experienced from the interaction you shared when you worked together. Bond with your family on the 18th by scheduling a game or movie night with input from all. Put a moratorium on cooking and call for takeout.
Success and Money
Your workplace continues to be a source of inspiration and a rewarding fit for the level of teamwork that allows you to meet pressing deadlines. When an old friend comes to town and asks to see you, cancel plans and enjoy the company. The networking information you receive can change your life if you act on it discreetly.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
With Mercury in Virgo on a collision course with Saturn in Pisces on the 1st, a business trip is likely to be postponed due to new priorities. When Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde on the 28th in your solar twelfth house of solitude, expect displays of discord to disrupt your quiet time.
Rewarding Days
4, 13, 18, 27
Challenging Days
1, 10, 17, 28
85Gemini | September
Overall Theme
Important planetary shifts take place this month. Get all the information you need to avoid making impulsive decisions. Venus in Leo goes direct in your solar third house on September 3, followed by Jupiter in Taurus turning retrograde in your solar twelfth house on the 4th until December 30. To your relief, Mercury turns direct on the 15th in Virgo and your solar fourth house of home.
Romantic privacy is your fondest wish during the first week of September. Plan a secluded getaway with your partner. Bond with members of your immediate family on the 14th with a special dinner buffet and an entertainment menu that suits each person. Invite a friend with an adventurous palate to a sushi bar to sample new delicacies on the 27th.
Success and Money
Collaborate with your partner on the 23rd to discuss financial interests, and schedule an appointment with your attorney to revise your will and assess the strength of individual retirement accounts. Monitor the amount of tax you’re withholding from your salary and increase accordingly based on current IRS tables. A mortgage payment adjustment is likely based on real estate tax increases.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Plans with a group of friends might fall apart on the 3rd, leaving you responsible for contacting travelers and notifying them of the change in status. The Full Moon in Aries on the 29th has you butting heads with a member of a professional group. By day’s end you opt out of an agreement.
Rewarding Days
8, 14, 23, 27
Challenging Days
3, 7, 17, 29
86Gemini | October
Overall Theme
If you aren’t currently attached, Gemini, you’ll have a number of opportunities to meet new people. An active love life could become the center of your universe for several months when the final Solar Eclipse of 2023 occurs in Libra and your solar fifth house on October 14. Mercury is on hand, too, to stimulate conversation and keep invitations flowing.
The Moon and Venus hang out making harmonious music in the household in your solar fourth house on the 10th, helping to dispel lingering anger related to overspending that flared up on the 7th. You could be consulting with key executives to develop a critical path for organizational realignment. Accept the invitation to take the lead.
Success and Money
Attraction to another stirs your passion on the 4th and the 20th. When Mars moves into Scorpio on the 13th, you put your energy into important assignments by estimating the money and resources you’ll need to finish a project’s start-up phase. Successful mastery of a foreign language earns you a noteworthy certificate designating fluency.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
When Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 10 in your solar eighth house, you anticipate withdrawing savings funds for a targeted purchase. Your partner disagrees, so watch for verbal fireworks on the 18th, when accusations about your personal self-interest hit the wall.
Rewarding Days
4, 10, 20, 24
Challenging Days
1, 7, 18, 23
87Gemini | November
Overall Theme
Plan a holiday shopping trip with a sibling to get a jump start on purchasing gifts. Remember those less fortunate by writing a check for your favorite charity, especially those focusing on feeding families and providing goods to make the holiday season brighter and more memorable. Saturn turns direct in Pisces on the 4th in your solar tenth house of career, just in time for the company accountant to issue bonus checks.
Set a place at your Thanksgiving table for unexpected guests, including longtime friends who visit from a foreign country. This group is about as diverse as you can find in origin and opinion. Guests marvel at the array of favorite dishes displayed on your holiday table. Give thanks for a feast that reflects a true meeting of hearts and minds.
Success and Money
Funds appear in your checking account after the 17th, along with a testimonial acknowledging your efficiency and professionalism in performance. Flowers arrive on your doorstep on the 22nd from contacts grateful for your presence in their lives. Surprise children with special gifts and mail packages early.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
The Thanksgiving Moon in Aries has some testy aspects from the opposition of Venus in Libra and the Sagittarius Sun in hard aspect to Saturn in Pisces. Expect arguments over politics and health care systems to flare. Thaw out the chill in the air by breaking the tension with a few of your famous Gemini icebreakers.
Rewarding Days
4, 8, 17, 22
Challenging Days
11, 23, 24, 27
88Gemini | December
Overall Theme
The holiday party season starts early for you with invitations on the 7th through 9th, right after Neptune goes direct in Pisces in your solar tenth house on the 6th. At least one gathering will involve your work team extending heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to unite in spirit all year. Contribute gifts for a community giving tree.
Endearing children capture your heart this season, whether they are your offspring, your grandchildren, or those you meet through charitable institutions. Young ones bring out the playfulness in you and the desire to equip the youth in your circle with their favorite toys and amusements. Spend quality time with your significant other, too, and with visitors who celebrate the holidays ringing in the new year with you.
Success and Money
Jupiter now transits Taurus and your solar twelfth house, reminding you that your brilliant analytical gifts led to a prosperous year, with praise and monetary rewards for your leadership in the communication field. Authority figures continue to praise performance excellence. Invest in your future using bonus funds.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Planets shifting motion dominate the landscape this month. Neptune goes direct on the 6th in Pisces and your solar tenth house. Clarify confusing work directives immediately. Mercury moves into retrograde motion in Capricorn on the 13th, not an ideal day to begin long-distance travel. Expansive Jupiter goes direct in Taurus on the 30th, gearing up for vigorous action in 2024.
Rewarding Days
7, 14, 18, 22
Challenging Days
3, 8, 13, 26
89Gemini Action Table These dates reflect the best—but not the only—times for success and ease in these activities, according to your Sun sign. |
Move |
21 |
9 |
7 |
Romance |
15 |
27 |
23 |
17 |
Seek counseling/ coaching |
24 |
19 |
12 |
10 |
Ask for a raise |
25 |
17 |
11 |
4 |
18 |
Vacation |
19 |
14 |
22 |
Get a loan |
2 |
12 |
17 |
13 |
20 |