135The Virgo Personality
Strengths, Talents, and the Creative Spark
Lucky you, Virgo, to have mind-driven Mercury ruling your sign and drawing you to employment in communication-oriented careers, fact-finding, editing, the health field, massage and bodywork, patient advocacy, problem-solving, or administrative roles. Your solar sixth house of work hums with potential, giving you dominion over your daily work environment and the latitude to interface with colleagues or supervise them, organize work flow, and specialize in kitchen and food management, including outfitting your cooking center with supplies and equipment. Certain Virgos have a keen interest in veterinary medicine or work with training or grooming small animals. You have an eye for detail and scrutinize pieces of information until you have the big picture and put it all together. Born with a knack for finding the quickest way to do just about anything, you excel at planning. If you find something that looks like it needs to be organized, you make it a priority to drop everything to tackle the chore, tossing out what you believe is unusable clutter.
As you move into your thirties, many of you overcome shyness and develop the confidence to speak up to make your views known. With Virgo ruling the bowels and intestines, digestion problems bother some of you, while others display signs of hypochondria or overdo the dosages of vitamins and supplements. Manage your gut to avoid developing ulcers, eating disorders, or colitis. Some of you are known to be germophobes. Others cling to the other end of the spectrum, displaying extreme messiness. Few know better than you that if you organize your life and personal space, you’ll find the closest thing to nirvana. Your claim to fame might be in how well you’ve mastered your work scene and how much pleasure you derive from the accolades you receive.
Intimacy and Personal Relationships
Monogamy appeals to you. You’re not one to play the field and dislike trying out compatibility with multiple potential mates. A single relationship is your jam, even if you don’t formally commit to it until several years have passed. You’re picky, but when the right person comes along, you’re ready to acknowledge your passion and show your sensual side. Sentimentality is at the heart of your love and affection toward others. Date nights are special to you. You could find your love match with one 136of the water signs, Cancer or Scorpio, or be drawn to your opposite sign, Pisces, the third member of the water trio in the zodiac. Earth signs Taurus or Capricorn bring stability and happiness, as would a mate who has Virgo on the Ascendant in their birth chart. Mutable signs Gemini and Sagittarius could make you feel unsettled by displaying too much spontaneity. Some of you marry later in life and have only a few children whom you dote on and support in their success. You’re likely to push them toward developing a solid work ethic and could encourage them to start earning money at a young age. Help young ones build self-confidence by praising accomplishments, and watch the tendency to go overboard in criticizing efforts.
Values and Resources
Yours is a sign that moves through processes and does it well. Attractive, spacious homes appeal to you especially if they have room for your reading material, artifacts, animal beds, and music collection. A sizable garden plot is a must, with plenty of trees, an area conducive to entertaining lots of guests, and space for a hammock. Your practical nature attracts you to do-it-yourself projects to upgrade your home for a reasonable price. You’re willing to put up with long periods of clutter while working on the desired outcome, but you will have to clean as you go to avoid feeling suffocated and losing access to valuables. Why not pay for a cleaning service periodically to get out from under the drudgery of sanitizing the house when you’re bucking a schedule that is on overload? Although a number of people come in and out of your life periodically to help you learn relationship lessons, you especially enjoy the company of people who are close friends and feel like family. Sometimes you develop close friendships with coworkers and colleagues who bond with you and join you in entertainment, dining, and enjoyable social outings. As long as you aren’t a direct supervisor, these individuals may prove to be valuable connections you count on and cherish.
Blind Spots and Blockages
Too much editing or analyzing will clog up your timetable for meeting deadlines. You can easily get lost in details and sometimes show intense reactions over trivial matters. Be careful not to criticize severely the very colleagues you work with who have the skills to help you deliver your product with efficiency and quality. Jumping to conclusions prematurely is a habit to curb. Doing so allows you to be more objective in 137dealing with others. Some of you refuse to take a stand when you know the truth about certain circumstances and throw others to the wolves because you don’t speak up or leave out key facts when you describe the incidents. Learn to admit there are unfounded accusations and give others the benefit of the doubt. Be generous toward others who have paid for lunches or outings for you by pulling out your wallet once in a while, and treat them to a round of drinks or a movie.
Goals and Success
Find a way to balance your love of work with the tendency to become a workaholic. Stay away from job environments that generate complaints from you as the norm. The gastric buildup could wreck your health and your internal discomfort could leave you focusing too much on your “stomach” problems. You thrive on harmonious relationships and often apply for positions where you know the work environment favors calmness. You have a fond appreciation for the way employee talent is held in high esteem and the team works together to meet goals. As we move toward stabilizing work norms, you’ll hear more about changing careers and picking a specialty that you’ve always wanted to try but lacked the confidence to pursue. The food industry is going through revolutionary changes. Chefs or excellent cooks often have planets in the sixth house of their birth chart, your sign’s natural domain. Look for opportunities to create recipes, publish articles that discuss cooking and presenting food, open a bakery, intern at a restaurant, or enroll in culinary school to learn the creative art of food preparation. Someday, if that is your goal, you could be the Top Toque at a fine dining establishment.
Virgo Keywords for 2023
Efficiency, enterprise, execution
The Year Ahead for Virgo
In 2023 you have no outer planets in your sign, Virgo, although several planets are making an aspect to your Sun, depending on when your birthday falls. Jupiter in Aries and your solar eighth house makes a stressful quincunx aspect to your Sun through May 16. Then Jupiter moves into Taurus and your solar ninth house, making a compatible trine aspect with your Sun through the end of the year. Saturn challenges your work environment in Aquarius until it moves into Pisces on March 7, and Uranus shows a compatible face to your Sun while in Taurus all year. 138Neptune opposes your Sun if you were born in later degrees of Virgo, and Pluto completes a harmonious cycle for those of you born toward the end of Virgo. Mars in Gemini is the first planet to go direct in 2023 in your solar tenth house of authority on January 12, giving the go-ahead to plans that were put on hold related to employment, projects, and promotions in your organization. Mercury in Capricorn goes direct on January 18 in your solar fifth house, encouraging you to make vacation plans and increase social activity. Pluto in Capricorn is still plodding through this same solar fifth house of romance until March 23, when it transitions into Aquarius for several months.
Uranus in Taurus, transiting your solar ninth house, will turn direct on January 22, clearing a path for resumption of business travel, interaction with in-laws, and enrollment in advanced education programs. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is moving through Aries and your solar eighth house of joint assets and debts for the first part of the year, showing promising signs that financial health will get a boost. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius finishes its two-and-a-half-year tour of duty in your solar sixth house, where you juggle duties from more than one job and scramble to hire skilled employees to fill vacant positions. On March 7, the planet of restriction moves into Pisces and your solar seventh house, where you’ll assess the strength of both personal and business partnerships.
While Jupiter in Aries dashes through your solar eighth house of joint funds, debts, assets, investments, estates, wills, sex, birth, death, and mortgages, you’ll come up with a solid financial plan. Jupiter affects every degree of Virgo through May 16, when it moves into Taurus and your solar ninth house, allowing you to make decisions related to long-distance moving, a job transfer, and how you can best fulfill higher education goals. Market your resume to potential employers. If an assignment over the last year was related to the pandemic, you may be writing reports to finalize projects that still have an effect on the public or private sectors, medical breakthroughs, or food services. You have a chance to shine in launching a new enterprise or starting a business. When Jupiter begins its rapid trip through Taurus, it pauses for a few months by going retrograde on September 4 and turning direct on December 30. The planet of opportunity occupies your solar ninth house for seven months in 2023, helping you look for ways to connect 139with in-laws, offices, publishers, and educators in distant locations. Find options for building your nest egg. Virgos born between August 24 and September 9 see the most action this year while Jupiter is in Taurus.
At the start of 2023, Saturn, the planet of restriction, continues its challenging journey through Aquarius and your solar sixth house of your daily environment, work and coworkers, fitness, health, nutrition, and animal companions. The added discipline you soaked up last year when faced with budget and staffing cutbacks led you to explore new possibilities that may include a new position, the start of your own business, or completion of a certificate program to expand skills in evolving markets. Communication plays a big role in your employment future. Those of you born between September 15 and 22 see the most action while Saturn wraps up its cycle in Aquarius.
Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7 in your solar seventh house of personal and business partners, collaborators, advisers, consultants, medical and legal professionals, and the public. The choice of whether to stay or go is in your hands. Adapt to changing relationship conditions. If you have a business partner, you may be pressed to execute policies, practices, and operating procedures. You could share space with someone who is a stickler for discipline and doesn’t like change. If you’re the one who is hard-nosed, personalities clash. During the remaining nine months of 2023, Saturn most affects those of you born between August 24 and September 1. Welcome a chance to enjoy the benefits of a harmonious relationship with your partner or business partner. You’ll feel a lot more objective if you take a decent vacation break before you start work on revamping your business. Share goals with your partner and agree on the scope of your vision. You’ll have the company of transiting Neptune in Pisces in this solar seventh house giving you the intuitive insight to assess the strength of your relationship and the intuition to implement your dreams.
The year starts out with Uranus in retrograde motion and going direct on January 22 in Taurus, shaking up the energy in your philosophically oriented solar ninth house of the higher mind, education, foreign countries and cultures, in-laws, philosophy, religion, publishing, and long-distance travel. You have probably noticed that activity in this house has 140been hampered by delays or setbacks. That’s because the chaotic planet Uranus has been here since May 2018. Although the planet of surprises is in a sign compatible with yours, the Uranian energy conflicts with your laid-back demeanor. Have you felt the erratic energy resulting from the unpredictable planet’s explosive antics? One more Taurus eclipse lands in your solar ninth house on October 28, with effects that could be relevant through the spring of 2024, opening your eyes to new possibilities. A long-distance job search could manifest multiple offers or increase business travel. If you were born between September 7 and 18, Uranus has the greatest impact on your analytical mind and complex routines. Get ready to experience unanticipated challenges that will influence your decision to consider alternative work opportunities. Let go of the intensity in your serious gene and let in a ray of sunshine to reverse the setbacks of recent years. You have the resilience to do it.
Your solar seventh house of personal and business partners, which includes advisors, cooperators, consultants, dreamers, lovers, psychics, the public, and legal or medical professionals, is the site of considerable activity in 2023 when Neptune in Pisces reinforces the role it has been playing since April 2011. Reflect on what you’ve experienced with this hazy yet inspiring energy that opposes your practical view of life and insists on distracting you from the orderly, organized life you prefer. Neptune tempts you to daydream rather than take a pragmatic view of the issues that complicate partnerships. Saturn in Pisces shows up in this same solar seventh house in March to aid in validating your feelings and reworking the way you handle responsibility. Trust your instincts as you work with Saturn in Pisces to find a dynamic strategy for bringing important focus to relationship concerns. Use more humor and Neptune compassion in your exchanges with others, traits that are essential to motivating partners to find their cooperative spirit. Talk over differences openly. After a few years of COVID-related frustration, unsuitable partners may have surfaced, affecting emotional and physical attitudes. Assess the facts if you are a single Virgo. Be a good listener. What you desire may fall into place, allowing you to develop a successful lasting connection. Neptune aids in validating feelings by putting you in touch with your inner vision, using your astute mind for collaborative dealings. Use your psychic gifts; your strong gut feeling rarely steers you wrong. Virgos born 141between September 15 and 22 see the most activity from the opposition of Neptune in Pisces to your Sun this year.
Pluto in Capricorn first appeared in your solar fifth house of children, fun, games, romance, social life, vacations, speculation, and sports in 2008. As Pluto winds up this long passage, the slow-moving planet directs you to address old issues you’ve held on to in this complicated house. Clear up discrepancies in how your subconscious evaluates relationships connected to this house. If you have identified control freaks, say goodbye and make choices while pursuing personal freedom. Examine any baggage still affecting your life, and invite the Pluto-driven karma cleaners to dispose of remaining anxiety. Bond with children, walk down the aisle, and make time for leisure activities instead of hiding behind a timetable. Release fears of intimacy, stuffed feelings, or lingering anger. If Pluto has identified relationship power struggles, assess them and have a serious talk with key people. Further confrontations mean you are hugging your blind spot. Let go and live. Release painful issues and master the hurdle. Pluto’s journey through Capricorn finally wraps up in late 2024. The transformer makes an easy trine aspect to your Sun this year if your birthday falls between September 20 and 23, the most affected dates. Pluto makes a brief entry into Aquarius starting on March 23. It turns retrograde on May 1 in the first degree of Aquarius and returns to Capricorn on June 11 to complete the remaining months of this cycle, which officially ends in November 2024. Workplace messages may lead you to question job satisfaction and shift career aspirations during this Pluto in Aquarius teaser.
How Will This Year’s Eclipses Affect You?
In 2023 a total of four eclipses occur: two Solar (New Moon) Eclipses and two Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipses, which create intense periods that start to manifest a few months before their actual occurrence. Two of the eclipse signs are changing this year. The first eclipse occurs in your solar eighth house, the second in your solar third house, the third in your solar second house, and the final eclipse in your solar ninth house. Eclipses unfold in cycles involving all twelve signs of the zodiac, and usually occur in pairs about two weeks apart. Don’t fear eclipses—think of them as growth opportunities that allow you to release old and outworn patterns. They often stimulate unexpected surprises and windfalls. The 142closer an eclipse is to a planet or point in your birth chart, the greater the importance of the eclipse in your life. Those of you born with a planet at the same degree as an eclipse are likely to see a high level of activity in the house where the eclipse occurs.
The first Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place on April 20 in Aries and your solar eighth house of joint funds, debts, assets, investments, estates, wills, sex, birth, death, and mortgages. You’ll be challenged to work on your financial goals, develop savings and retirement plans, reduce debt, and purchase or dispose of real estate. Engage qualified consultants if you need help managing important areas of your life.
Two weeks later, on May 5, the first Lunar Eclipse of the year takes place in Scorpio and your solar third house of communication, education, local travel, neighbors, siblings, your mind, and transportation. The intensity of this eclipse could unleash considerable mental chatter and decisions related to contracts, safety, and the welfare of family and neighbors. Assignments involve tasks that maximize your talent in organizing procedures, communicating, teaching, editing, and troubleshooting problems. Apply for a part-time job or take on independent writing assignments if you plan to supplement income.
On October 14 the second Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place in Libra and your solar second house of assets, money, personal income, planned purchases, self-development, and what you value. You’ll gain insight into purchasing power, how others view your work, evolving career interests, and the views of financial specialists. Have frank conversations with experts that are free of tension and conflict.
The year’s final eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse on October 28 in Taurus and your solar ninth house of the higher mind, higher education, foreigners and foreign countries and cultures, in-laws, publishing, and long-distance travel. Although you are tired of the unexpected jolts that interfere with your plans because of the presence of Uranus in Taurus in this house, be proud of what you accomplished to communicate, provide training, and solve problems for those located at a distance. Consider work details to build experience for those unable to relocate for work. Share experiences with others to help them cope with recent changes in their lives and point them in the direction of valuable expertise. Maintain optimism as you celebrate current achievements and explore new directions.
143Virgo | January
Overall Theme
Several planets shift direction this month. Mars in Gemini is the first to go direct in your solar tenth house of work on the 12th, calling attention to administrative plans that are ready to implement. On January 18 Mercury goes direct in Capricorn and your solar fifth house, encouraging you to bond with children and schedule enjoyable entertainment for them. A much-anticipated trip is a go after the 22nd, when Uranus in Taurus turns direct in your solar ninth house.
Fill your calendar with social events as relatives, including parents and in-laws from distant locations, wrap up holiday celebrations through January 3. Then whisk visitors to the airport to catch return flights home. Enjoy gatherings that capture the interests of all guests. By the end of the week you’ll be fully absorbed with pressing tasks as your boss spells out the critical agenda for completing projects in the first quarter of 2023.
Success and Money
The Aquarius New Moon in your solar sixth house on the 21st puts a smile on your face as you meet new employees hired to accomplish the added goals and escalating workload you’ll be managing. Pay off holiday bills with your bonus award.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Don’t be tempted to spend money on friends on the January 6th Full Moon in Cancer before you check cash flow. Avoid a dispute with an auto repair representative on the 14th if you feel the bill has been inflated. Use good judgment and ask for a detailed explanation of charges.
Rewarding Days
2, 3, 21, 24
Challenging Days
6, 14, 18, 20
144Virgo | February
Overall Theme
You’ll be able to sleep in when the February 5th Full Moon in Leo lands in your solar twelfth house and gives you an opportunity to stay in bed all day, if that is what it takes to recharge your sluggish batteries. Venus in Pisces occupies your solar seventh house for most of the month, showcasing the love and warmth between you and your partner.
Friendships perk up your social life on the 2nd when you and a favorite pal share lunch and the latest family news. Celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 17th when your sweetheart’s schedule opens up and you share a romantic meal that includes hand-holding in the moonlight. Work colleagues gather for a power lunch on the 18th.
Success and Money
Celebrate positive news on the 10th with the announcement that you’ve been promoted to manage a high-visibility work project. Make an enthusiastic acceptance speech and acknowledge the value of teamwork. The New Moon in Pisces on the 20th brings a loving vibration to your solar seventh house of partnerships. Time to canoodle.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Tension with a neighbor creates hard feelings over groundskeeping responsibilities and frosts the already prickly relationship you share on the 12th. Don’t take the bait if your neighbor makes a few snide remarks. Treacherous weather may be the cause of canceled business travel on the 5th. A sensitive child responds to withheld privileges by sulking.
Rewarding Days
2, 10, 17, 18
Challenging Days
7, 12, 16, 25
145Virgo | March
Overall Theme
The Aries New Moon on the 21st shows up with a few surprises in your solar eighth house this month, among them the likelihood of a tax refund you weren’t expecting or a generous interest payment. Venus in this same house in Aries activates your loving feeling toward your mate or awakens your interest in meeting someone new if you are single.
Accept a party invitation from a friend on the 2nd, when you could meet a potential dating partner. Family cohesiveness blossoms on the 15th while you gather to play board games, share a casual meal, and discuss schedules to determine availability for travel in the next quarter. Your partner schedules a much-appreciated romantic meal on the 19th.
Success and Money
The extra cash you discovered on the March 21st New Moon in Aries covers the cost of a mini vacation for you and your family. Enjoy the opportunity for bonding together. Jupiter transiting your solar eighth house is full of surprises such as a win from a scratch-off ticket, putting a dent in paying down debt and providing relief from anxiety over job insecurity.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Eat foods that give you energy and avoid sugar on the March 7th Virgo Full Moon. It’s possible that your body has felt sluggish in light of a particularly intense cycle that interfered with your sleep pattern and stimulated a craving for sweets. Don’t show your nit-picking side to your boss on March 26.
Rewarding Days
2, 15, 19, 21
Challenging Days
5, 7, 26, 28
146Virgo | April
Overall Theme
The fiery Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter show up in Aries and your solar eighth house on April 1. Make sure you don’t play an April Fools’ joke that suggests you filed for bankruptcy, or people could spread the untrue rumor all over the media outlets. With humor filling the air, head to the local comedy club to tickle your funny bone and share a savory dish with friends.
Children have your attention around the 12th when you attend sports events, chaperone a class trip, or treat them to a favorite amusement. Coworkers accept a dinner invitation from you that includes their partners and express gratitude for your thoughtful inclusion of mates. You and your lover enjoy quality alone time on the 17th.
Success and Money
Lucky you to have the very first Solar Eclipse of the year falling in your solar eighth house on the 20th, joining prosperity-driven Jupiter in Aries and highlighting an opportune time to begin new financial cycles, pay off debt, reap benefits from partnership ventures, and increase the amount of money you put into savings and retirement funds. Dream big.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
At the April 6th Full Moon in Libra, you may get lost in too many offers for purchases of luxury goods that you are merely shopping for but are not ready to buy. Table decisions for now. Mercury in Taurus turns retrograde in your solar ninth house on the 21st, calling for a careful look at planned long-distance travel.
Rewarding Days
12, 15, 17, 20
Challenging Days
6, 8, 14, 21
147Virgo | May
Overall Theme
The energy of the May 5th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in your solar third house of communication opposes Uranus in Taurus in your solar ninth house of travel. If you didn’t get the message, be sure to postpone trips until mid-month. Mercury in Taurus stations to move direct in your solar ninth house on May 14. Revise your itinerary to accommodate a team member at a remote work site on the 18th.
You receive good news about a child’s academic or athletic performance around the 9th. Show your offspring how proud you are and schedule a celebratory outing on the 13th with your partner, including classmates if possible. See a doctor on the 18th to address a health matter, and follow up with recommended tests on the 22nd.
Success and Money
Activity in your solar ninth house increases when Jupiter in Taurus arrives on the 16th and you explore assignments related to publishing, program audits for out-of-the-area work projects, and current business practices. Local outreach scores potential interest from parties wanting to join your organization.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Take care to put a stop to any petty arguments expressed during a Monday morning meeting. Offer to share the floor with hotheads when the passion cools and logic returns to the discussion. This could be a sign of what might happen when Pluto in early Aquarius goes retrograde on the 1st in your solar sixth house.
Rewarding Days
9, 13, 18, 22
Challenging Days
1, 5, 11, 25
148Virgo | June
Overall Theme
A contract for remodeling entertainment space and adding another bathroom awaits your signature on the June 3rd Full Moon in Sagittarius. Weigh in on how well the specs match your needs and use of this multipurpose space before signing. Begin the work before Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on the 17th.
Be sure you and your partner schedule time for rest and recreation during the week of the 11th. Enjoy the outdoors and explore new territories. After the middle of the month, accept an invitation from a company executive to attend a party that includes an opportunity to bond with the organization’s management team and size up the level of rapport they share.
Success and Money
At the New Moon in Gemini on the 18th, you have a discussion with your boss about a new position that is yours if you apply for it. Look for the job announcement and prepare your resume. The added salary increase reflects your solid expertise and meticulous performance. A generous bonus award helps cover home makeover costs.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Expect to put out a few fires at your worksite on the 7th when tempers flare over a delay in meeting a critical deadline. On the 30th Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde in your solar seventh house until the 6th, creating confusion over partnership agreements. The situation calls for a private discussion to sort through details. Modify plans to keep the peace.
Rewarding Days
2, 11, 18, 27
Challenging Days
4, 7, 22, 30
149Virgo | July
Overall Theme
Although the Capricorn Full Moon on the 3rd makes a harmonious aspect to your Virgo Sun, lunar aspects are not up to par for travel over the 4th of July holiday. Host a backyard bash instead, inviting friends and neighbors over for a tasty cookout, and serve a patriotic-themed cake to mark the nation’s birthday.
The best day to enjoy a festive time out with your significant other is the 7th, when the Moon in Pisces shines in your partnership house and you bond through loving communication. Planetary aspects favor vacation travel from July 11 to the 16th. Devote the 12th to enjoyable children’s activities, and let them select the dining venue. Accept a friend’s invitation for fun and games on the July 17th New Moon in Cancer.
Success and Money
Uranus has been bombarding you with financial surprises this year from relatives, a higher return on investments, and your boss’s appreciation for your performance in managing a difficult organizational transition. July uncovers another source of financial power when you land the promotion you desire and the acknowledgment lifts your spirits.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Transiting Venus in Leo in your solar twelfth house sends love signals to your mate, who encourages you to set aside time for music and romance. You no sooner schedule a mini vacation for two when the love planet turns retrograde on the 22nd, delaying your trip until the 31st due to workload demands.
Rewarding Days
7, 11, 17, 31
Challenging Days
3, 5, 22, 27
150Virgo | August
Overall Theme
There are two Full Moons this month. The first Full Moon occurs on the 1st in Aquarius and your solar eighth house of shared finances. The second Full Moon occurs on August 30 in Pisces and your solar seventh house, putting the spotlight on a close relationship matter.
You and your partner are ready for a Friday night rendezvous on the 4th and meet up with old friends at a favorite dining-dancing spot to reminisce and show off your moves. Members of a professional group hold a brunch gathering on the 13th to welcome new officers at a meet and greet. Serve takeout at a movie night family gathering on the 27th.
Success and Money
Entertainment bargains and vacation discounts help your money go far this month. Friends scoop up tickets to a musical production that is high on your must-see list, inviting you and your partner to attend. A networking event pays off, putting you in touch with an administrator of a humanitarian enterprise that you generously support.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Watch the opposition aspect between Mercury in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces on the 1st, when friction affects the rapport of a business or personal partnership. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the 23rd, affecting decision dates on priorities. When Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde on the 28th in your solar ninth house of travel, expect a schedule disruption and a shift in plans.
Rewarding Days
4, 13, 18, 27
Challenging Days
1, 3, 23, 28
151Virgo | September
Overall Theme
Pay attention to multiple planetary shifts this month. Pause before making important decisions. First, Venus in Leo goes direct in your solar twelfth house of solitude on September 3, followed by Jupiter in Taurus turning retrograde in your solar ninth house of long-distance travel on the 4th until December 30. Business as usual resumes when Mercury goes direct on the 15th in Virgo and your solar first house.
Attend an awards ceremony on the 9th to honor a professional colleague’s achievements. Make complimentary remarks regarding the honoree’s performance. The Virgo New Moon on the 14th offers quality time to gather with family to celebrate Virgo birthdays, perhaps yours. A sibling invites you to sample an exotic menu that wakes up your palate on the 27th.
Success and Money
Jupiter in Taurus and your solar ninth house in favorable aspect to your Virgo planets all month favors travel discounts on a dream vacation, pursuit of advanced education, and better relationships with relatives at a distance. Refinancing at a lower rate gives you more purchasing power after the 14th.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
A meeting with a lender after the Labor Day holiday is disappointing when you learn the offered loan rate is less favorable to your plans. By day’s end, you’re shopping for a better deal. A neighborhood meeting on the 19th falls short of member count to vote on a community proposal. Avoid closing on a loan on the September 29th Full Moon in Aries.
Rewarding Days
9, 16, 18, 27
Challenging Days
4, 17, 19, 29
152Virgo | October
Overall Theme
Unattached Virgos receive abundant attention from potential partners this month when Venus hangs out in your solar first house. The flirtation begins on the 8th. Married Virgos enjoy romantic discussions and share mutual recreational pursuits on the 24th.
The final Solar Eclipse of 2023 occurs in Libra and your solar second house on October 14. You and your mate feel at one with emotional and practical decisions. Scholastic and sports achievements by your children have you beaming and thrilled to reward achievement with attendance at favorite entertainment venues.
Success and Money
An executive rewards you with a coveted assignment on the 4th and urges autonomy in selecting a team and a workable timeline. You enjoy being in charge and discover that key staff have the outstanding qualifications that spell success. When Mars moves into Scorpio on the 12th, you put your energy into finalizing plans and estimating expenses for completing the work.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
When Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 10 in your solar fifth house, you’ll feel relief to be letting go of a burdensome relationship problem that had you vacillating over solutions for several months. Friends are argumentative on the 7th, a day that you set aside for a fall outing. Watch out for nasty exchanges and bail if necessary.
Rewarding Days
4, 14, 21, 24
Challenging Days
1, 7, 18, 23
153Virgo | November
Overall Theme
You’re in a problem-solving mood on the 1st when the Moon is in Gemini. Look over the workload that begs for action. After deciding what is most critical, tackle some of it and delegate the rest to capable staff. Schedule holiday shopping with a friend on the 2nd, and create a mailing list for gifts intended for out-of-town recipients.
Children arrive home after the 17th to gather for a Thanksgiving feast. Set a place at your table for guests who are workmates and live too far away from family to travel home. Ask guests to share their favorite customs and enjoy the beautiful way the group comes together. Display an array of tasty dishes and give thanks for a feast that reflects a loving feeling.
Success and Money
Saturn turns direct in Pisces on the 4th in your partnership house just in time for delivery of your holiday bonus. Provide those in need with food and supplies to make the holiday season merrier around the 17th. Write a check to your favorite charity to buy meals for Thanksgiving dinners.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Take note of the Thanksgiving Moon in Aries in your solar eighth house, which encounters harsh aspects from the opposition of Venus in Libra. The Sagittarius Sun also receives hard aspects from Saturn in Pisces in your solar seventh house. Avoid discussion of sensitive subjects at the Thanksgiving table, or arguments will put a chill in the festive air.
Rewarding Days
2, 8, 17, 20
Challenging Days
1, 11, 23, 27
154Virgo | December
Overall Theme
Your social life is solid from December 7 to the 22nd. Right after Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 6th in your solar seventh house, expect holiday invitations to fill your mailbox. Party season seems nonstop, with special events filling your calendar.
Holiday recitals or plays scheduled for the 14th involve your children or grandchildren. Be sure to cheer them on to applaud their participation. Remember the needs of children living in charitable institutions. Host a lunchtime gathering for your work colleagues on the 18th to express gratitude for efficiency and loyalty all year. Make reservations to ring in the new year with your significant other, too, as you celebrate the holiday spirit at the dawn of 2024.
Success and Money
Jupiter now transits Taurus and your solar ninth house, reminding you of the lucrative contract that recently came your way, allowing your flair for organizing to shine. Peaks of prosperity came through at various intervals this year that rewarded your communication expertise. Your analytical savvy broke new ground in your challenging work environment.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Planets are busy this month shifting direction and making a dominant statement. Besides Neptune’s shift into direct motion on the 6th, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn in your solar fifth house on the 13th, suggesting you stay close to home in lieu of traveling. Jupiter goes direct in Taurus on the 30th in your solar ninth house, laying the groundwork for long-distance business travel in the enterprising new year.
Rewarding Days
7, 14, 18, 22
Challenging Days
3, 8, 13, 26
155Virgo Action Table These dates reflect the best—but not the only—times for success and ease in these activities, according to your Sun sign. |
Move |
2 |
18 |
27 |
22 |
Romance |
19 |
12 |
11 |
24 |
Seek counseling/ coaching |
2 |
17 |
18 |
20 |
Ask for a raise |
3 |
23 |
13 |
4 |
Vacation |
17 |
9 |
31 |
17 |
Get a loan |
21 |
27 |
16 |
7 |