201The Sagittarius Personality
Strengths, Talents, and the Creative Spark
No sign has a better handle on absorbing different ways of thinking than you, Sagittarius. You challenge yourself to live for long stretches among those with unfamiliar customs or vistas, determined to understand what drives people from other cultures and hear their life stories. You most definitely like to expand your borders, and many of you live far from your place of birth for long periods of time. It’s not unusual for you to be gone for decades and then return in later years to the location of your birth. Jupiter rules your sign, attracting you to travel and ventures that broaden your life experience. Sagittarius is known as the sign of the Archer, with the symbol of the Centaur, a mutable fire member of the zodiac and ruler of the solar ninth house of the higher mind, religion, spirituality, the clergy, advanced education, law, publishing, in-laws, foreigners, and travel to distant places. With expansive Jupiter in charge, you enjoy the lead role of educating yourself and others in life’s potential by exploring new mental concepts, discovering the mysteries of nature, acquiring multiple degrees, and appreciating the many choices available to you.
You are ever a truth seeker honoring the mission to expand your consciousness and discover a deeper passion for life. When considering a career choice, you may be captivated by the entire legal system, including criminal and civil courts, civil rights, and judges who hand down decisions. No wonder you like to ask probing questions. More than likely you studied more than one language and usually prepare for foreign travel by taking a crash course in the language spoken in the country you’re visiting to be able to communicate and understand important customs of the region. You prefer rich colors like dark blues, browns, purples, and deeper green shades. You honor the mission to expand your consciousness. Most of you can be very straightforward and freely express your opinion, often shocking others in your circle with your blunt remarks.
Intimacy and Personal Relationships
You study the people you meet to get a handle on what makes them unique. They ultimately enjoy your sense of humor and conversational wit when you share stories of your adventures. Associates describe you 202as popular with friends, coworkers, and most people who cross your path. You collect more than your share of friends and prefer to have one of them tag along with you on a trip or to a seminar. A prerequisite is that you can share your inner feelings with them, and they know that they can count on you for support in a pinch. You believe deep friendship precedes a love relationship, and until you find it, you delay committing to an individual who might attract you. Sometimes you enjoy playing the field and often marry later in life. When you marry young, the relationship often falls apart, and the duality of your sign brings multiple marriages. You are often attracted to Gemini, your opposite sign, who appreciates your passion, playfulness, and sense of adventure. The two other air signs, Libra and Aquarius, make excellent matches and could start out as best friends. You have chemistry with Aries and Leo, too, who are seldom boring. You’ll probably struggle with Pisces and Virgo, who prefer scheduled interactions and no guesswork. You make sure your children receive a fine education and encourage them to participate in creative or sports-related extracurricular activities. If you’re in the market for a new love this year, book an enjoyable trip.
Values and Resources
You’re on the lookout for a career that includes travel and a variety of training opportunities that suit your versatile nature. Education is your jam, and even if your profession isn’t teaching, people learn from you. You’ve been called a perpetual student and rarely let a year go by without enrolling in a fascinating learning opportunity. Staying chained to a desk or interacting in the same daily environment bores your restless spirit. An attractive option is one that gives you maximum autonomy to perform your unique skills creatively. Sagittarians either adhere to strong formal religious practices or embrace a holistic, metaphysical philosophy that matches their spiritual outlook. You admire those with a generous spirit and value their loyalty, displaying enthusiasm and showing adaptability when circumstances change considerably. You treasure close friendships with individuals you rarely see but whose bonds are long-lasting, and rekindle their fire in a moment’s notice.
Blind Spots and Blockages
Reminders about managing your responsibilities push your buttons and sour your attitude toward your job. The concept conjures up an image of the boss looking over your shoulder and prodding you to get moving203 on finishing assignments, something that shatters your spirit and translates to a vote of no confidence. You have plenty going on in your head yet often fail to keep a visible timeline that shows what has been accomplished. Tasks fall between the cracks until you discover there’s a missing link that has to be adapted to cohesively fit into the assignment. You also have a tendency to run late for meetings, appointments, and dinner dates, much to the consternation of those you keep waiting. At times, excessive talking distracts you and annoys your boss, especially if you are delivering a presentation and keep going off topic, running out of time to present information that should have been shared.
Goals and Success
Those of you with excellent writing skills present ideas and successfully mold the opinion of readers by formally publishing books, articles, guides, and pamphlets that show the way you have mastered the intent of the solar ninth house: to educate and influence thinking patterns. Now more than ever it’s time to show others the way. With a wealth of information flowing from the impact of COVID-19, you have abundant material ready to be told to engage interested parties. If the pandemic affected your career path in any way, as it did for many in 2022, think about using one of your related skills like broadcasting to air public service announcements, narrate documentaries, or run community meetings. The way business is done may change drastically and call for social and workplace change, a passionate interest of yours that you could tackle especially if you have a competent assistant available to keep you on track.
Sagittarius Keywords for 2023
Venture, vision, voyage
The Year Ahead for Sagittarius
In 2023 two eclipses occur in fixed signs, Scorpio in the spring and Taurus at the end of October. A new eclipse sequence begins on April 20 in Aries, with one in its opposite sign of Libra in mid-October. Find your sense of humor before venturing full steam ahead to pursue pressing issues that are waiting for you. Mars in Gemini ends a retrograde period in your solar seventh house on January 12, putting an end to impulsive action regarding relationship goals that affect personal and business partnerships. Mercury in Capricorn goes direct on January 18 in your 204solar second house, ending delays around receiving your paycheck on time and engaging in developmental opportunities. Pluto in Capricorn in late degrees occupies this same solar second house until March 23, when it transitions into Aquarius for several months.
You let out a sigh of relief when Uranus in Taurus in your solar sixth house turns direct on January 22, clearing a path for exploring new opportunities in your work environment, improving your health, and organizing your daily environment to operate more efficiently. For the first part of the year, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is in Aries and your solar fifth house of children, entertainment, recreation, romance, sports, and risk-taking, planting seeds in your active mind to consider independent contracting while the dust settles in the employment arena. On March 7, transiting Saturn in Aquarius finishes its two-and-a-half-year tour of duty in your solar third house, where you dealt with communication issues that affected education, community affairs, local travel, interaction with relatives, and electronic systems. The planet of restriction then moves into Pisces and your solar fourth house, where you’ll examine domestic matters with household members, parents, and anyone else who lives with you.
For the first part of 2023, Jupiter occupies Aries and zooms through the solar fifth house of children, amusements, entrepreneurial ventures, recreation, risk-taking, romance, sports, and vacations. Jupiter affects every degree of Sagittarius through May 16, when it moves into Taurus and your solar sixth house, the environment where you use your blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish assignments, improve your health, prepare nutritious meals, collaborate with workmates, care for animal companions, and organize your work space and plans. What contributions are you making to improve conditions for humanity as you clean up the post-coronavirus environment? Did you add credentials to your skills portfolio? You have options for making the environment healthier and more efficient. If you want to make a job change, expand your circle of influence through professional memberships, neighborhood associations, clubs, peer groups, and volunteer services. When Jupiter begins its rapid trip through Taurus, it pauses for a few months by going retrograde on September 4 and turning direct on December 30. Those of you born between November 22 and December 9 see the most action while Jupiter is in Taurus.
At the beginning of 2023, the planet of restriction continues its intense journey in Aquarius and your solar third house of advertising, communication, contracting, education, electronics, mental outlook, community and neighborhood activity, transportation (including vehicles), machinery, and relationships with cousins, siblings, and neighbors. Saturn insists on added discipline to follow through on agreements you forged that are ready for action and commitments that are going to bring you increased responsibilities as a result of higher demand for your services. Analytical positions emerge, giving you attractive choices. Those of you born between December 14 and 21 see the most action while Saturn wraps up its cycle in Aquarius. Authorities in charge notice your skillful application of processes that added value to each project phase.
Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7 in your solar fourth house of domestic matters, home, family, parents, home-improvement projects, and the daily life of residents in your home. Be prepared to adjust routines and lay down new expectations for household members. While Saturn is in this house, you’ll be pushed hard to adapt to health conditions or a changing outlook for family members. You could also decide to start a home-based business to fulfill a long-held dream. If you write, you may possibly take on freelance assignments but will do this successfully only if you apply strong discipline to meeting timelines. During the remaining nine months of 2023, Saturn most affects those of you born between November 22 and December 1. You’ll welcome the chance to create a new product, assess the strength of your skills, and take a mental health break via a vacation before launching a new enterprise. Share goals with those who support your vision.
If you were born with natal planets in Taurus, you may have noticed how they clash with your unhurried style, especially while Uranus in Taurus has been in residence in your solar sixth house of daily routines, fitness, health, healing, nutrition, organizational style, animal companions, coworkers, and approach to work since May 2018. How have you dealt with the signature chaotic antics of Uranus? The delays in matters related to your solar sixth house will soon be behind you. You will have one more Taurus eclipse here on October 28, which could play out 206through spring of 2024. It could open your eyes to new possibilities that stimulate your spirit. What if multiple offers surface for you? If you were born between December 7 and 17, the planet of wild rides and disruption has the greatest impact on your brilliant mind and complicated routines. The year starts out with Uranus in retrograde motion, going direct on January 22 and shaking up the energy in your work and health-oriented solar sixth house. No doubt you will experience a few unanticipated quirks or puzzling challenges that will influence your decision to scope out new work opportunities. The unpredictable planet will move into retrograde motion on August 28 in Taurus and go direct on January 27, 2024. Stay calm as the predictable Uranian blasts shake up your work world by showing your light side to authorities and employees who appreciate your unrelenting charm.
Enjoy a spiritual interlude when Neptune in Pisces stimulates action in 2023 in your solar fourth house of domestic matters, home, family, parents, home-improvement projects, and the daily life of those who live with you. Reflect on what you’ve experienced with this complex yet inspiring energy since April 2011. Realize that glamorous Neptune has been getting in the way of your abstract mind, and that has created a significant amount of daydreaming time you’ve allocated to spend on these reveries. Be a good listener this year and show compassion, a Neptune trait that is essential to healing family ties and stimulating teamwork in accomplishing mutual goals.
Saturn in Pisces shows up in this same solar fourth house in March to help you validate your feelings and reframe the way you take responsibility, maybe now through healing hearts, minds, and attitudes. Learn to trust your instincts as you work with Saturn in Pisces to find a meaningful strategy for bringing important focus to family interests. Manifest ongoing humor to keep others from sinking into an abyss of sadness when they hear about the death or illness of contacts. Work with loved ones when learning of new anxieties and share information on emerging treatments and procedures that could be helpful to all. Keep an eye on drinkers or those who take medications to make sure dosages are effective. Let Neptune help you get ahead by putting you in touch with dreams for your family as you use your astute mind to restore unity in the home. Use your psychic gifts that give you a nudge until you get that strong gut feeling. Voilà! Discover your true purpose with your family. 207Sagittarians born between December 14 and 21 see the most activity from Neptune this year. Use your abundant healing energy.
Pluto in Capricorn first appeared in 2008 in your solar second house of assets, income, money you earn and how you spend it, what you value, and self-development interests. Pluto is winding up this long passage and directs you to address old issues you’ve held on to in this important house, making sure you are clear about your intentions and have let go of fears regarding earning power and personal advancement. Move toward release by examining any baggage still affecting your financial security needs, and let the Pluto-driven karma cleaners dispose of any anxiety. Address any remaining aggravations. Pluto creates intensity in financial relationships that show up as power struggles and may lead to unpleasant confrontations. What’s it like for you this year? Let go of painful issues to welcome regeneration of your attitude toward money. Pluto is visiting the final degrees of Capricorn in this long transit, which finally wraps up in November 2024. Pluto affects you mildly this year if you’re a Sagittarius born between December 18 and 21, the dates most affected by this transit. Pluto makes a brief entry into Aquarius starting on March 23. It turns retrograde on May 1 in the first degree of Aquarius and returns to Capricorn on June 11 to complete the remaining months of its transit, which officially ends in November 2024. Sagittarians born between November 22 and 24 feel the impact of a brief but harmonious teaser when Pluto occupies Aquarius from March 23 through June 11. Start thinking about communication priorities, your mental outlook, neighborhood conditions, and local travel and transportation during this period.
How Will This Year’s Eclipses Affect You?
In 2023 a total of four eclipses occur: two Solar (New Moon) Eclipses and two Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipses, which create intense periods that start to manifest a few months before their actual occurrence. Two of the eclipse signs are changing this year. The first eclipse occurs in your solar fifth house, the second in your solar twelfth house, the third in your solar eleventh house, and the final eclipse in your solar sixth house. Eclipses unfold in cycles involving all twelve signs of the zodiac, and usually occur in pairs about two weeks apart. Don’t fear eclipses—think of them as growth opportunities that allow you to release old and 208outworn patterns. They often stimulate unexpected surprises and windfalls. The closer an eclipse is to a planet or point in your birth chart, the greater the importance of the eclipse in your life. Those of you born with a planet at the same degree as an eclipse are likely to see a high level of activity in the house where the eclipse occurs.
The first Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place on April 20 in Aries and your solar fifth house of children, amusements, romance, sports, speculation, and vacations. Expect pressure from any pending relationship matters to come up, and take the time to examine what you can do to solve problems. Strengthen bonds and work on mutual goals. If surprises hit, discuss workable solutions and call a truce. Hire qualified consultants if you need help managing critical relationships.
Two weeks later, on May 5, the first Lunar Eclipse of the year takes place in Scorpio and your solar twelfth house of recovery, healing, hospital visiting, metaphysics, enemies, psychic insight, secrets, and charities. Working in seclusion prepares you for emerging projects that may include significant writing goals. You like to dig deep to uncover good material that solves mysteries, features human interest stories, or perhaps shows how others worked through the pandemic, kept their jobs, and improved their health during this world-changing phenomenon.
On October 14 the second Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place in Libra and your solar eleventh house of associations, friends, goals, groups, and humanitarian interests. If you have planets in the eleventh house in your birth chart, the pressure is on you to keep goals on track, monitor funds, take on initiatives that reflect your personal philosophy, and balance your work with festivities that complement these themes. You’ll gain insight into special people and have opportunities to strengthen networks. Enjoy the harmony that accompanies doing work you enjoy.
The year’s final eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse on October 28 in Taurus and your solar sixth house of daily routines, fitness, health, nutrition, and teamwork. The intensity of this eclipse could bring a heavier workload your way, when authority figures assign you to tasks that maximize your talent in communicating, problem-solving, and collaborating with teammates. When you take a day off, you’ll benefit from scheduling medical and dental checkups. Although you’re tired of the unexpected jolts that interfere with your plans because of the presence of Uranus in Taurus in this house, you can be very proud of what you accomplished in trying times. Maintain a cheerful mindset as you celebrate success.
209Sagittarius | January
Overall Theme
Mars in Gemini goes direct in your solar seventh house on the 12th, acknowledging front-burner partnership matters that have no steam. Give them a nudge to implement plans after January 18, when Mercury goes direct in Capricorn in your cash-infused solar second house that funds your anticipated winter getaway.
January is the perfect month to renew love and bond with your partner, immediate family, and siblings. It’s date night for you and your honey on the 3rd. Invite siblings for a home-cooked meal and games on the 21st, and save the 24th for an early movie and dinner with your partner and children. Treat visiting in-laws to a night at the theater on the 8th.
Success and Money
Wait until after the January New Moon in Aquarius on the 21st to pay off credit cards with a generous holiday bonus. Your solar third house shows an increase in local travel and participation in a weekly seminar that offers timely self-help tips to give your personal style a lift in the new year. Complete a project proposal after the 22nd, when Uranus in Taurus goes direct.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Hang on to your wallet on the January 6th Full Moon in Cancer to avoid overspending on items that are subject to further price clearances. Watch weather conditions on the 9th, when an ice storm could delay the start of business or pleasure travel. Friends may cancel a planned dinner on the 14th.
Rewarding Days
3, 8, 21, 24
Challenging Days
4, 6, 9, 14
210Sagittarius | February
Overall Theme
You could experience more travel than usual when the February 5th Full Moon in Leo occurs in your solar ninth house and creates a few unexpected conditions. Don’t leave on that date, since aspects are unpredictable. Instead, put a value on how well you can analyze shaky conditions that plague relationships by expressing comforting words of support.
Friends are game for a bit of early Valentine’s Day celebrating on the 10th. Find a venue that offers tasty food and entertainment, especially dancing. Invitations come at you rapidly and your social life escalates after the 15th. The 22nd is ideal for accepting a date with someone you admire for a romantic midweek rendezvous.
Success and Money
Financial news pleases you on the 2nd, when you receive attractive proposals for remodeling your family room. Select a favorable start date for this long-desired project. The New Moon in Pisces on the 20th focuses on using salary and bonus increases that mesh with upcoming plans. Select materials and purchase them through your contractor for maximum discounts after the 17th.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Work-related tension leads to uncertainty on the 7th over differences in funding projections and details of the project’s cost-benefit analysis. The 8th is no better, when you meet with the work team and find opposing viewpoints on the value and scope of the work. By day’s end, discussions move to a sweeter place, netting a vote of confidence.
Rewarding Days
2, 10, 17, 22
Challenging Days
5, 7, 8, 25
211Sagittarius | March
Overall Theme
You’re getting bored with the monotonous routine of start-up tasks that occur when you take on a new project. Be sure you don’t get sidetracked if Uranus in Taurus gets antsy in your solar sixth house of daily routines. Inevitably your boss will hand you extra responsibilities and you’ll feel like you’re riding a roller coaster.
Single Sagittarians get to play the field, finding kindred spirits at happy hours or company functions. Those of you who already have partners and children gather on the 19th with fun, games, and a takeout meal. When the Aries New Moon shows up in your solar fifth house on the 21st, your social sector gets attention with invites to movies, shows, and sporting events.
Success and Money
Jupiter in Aries in your solar fifth house brings quality time to bond with children and participate in their interests. Some of you may give birth. You make connections with entrepreneurial types and consider collaborating on a popular enterprise. Use the cash you set aside to surprise your partner with a mini vacation.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Relatives at a distance could cause you concern related to health matters on the 5th. Suggest holding a Zoom call to discuss details. Don’t let the Virgo Full Moon on the 7th interfere with meeting plans for your team. Aspects are harsh, so keep the agenda light and agree to assign tasks to discuss at the follow-up meeting.
Rewarding Days
2, 15, 19, 21
Challenging Days
5, 7, 16, 26
212Sagittarius | April
Overall Theme
When a fiery Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter on April 1 resonate with your Sagittarius Sun, expect a few April Fools’ jokes from friends. You’ll undoubtedly reciprocate. Select a favorite bistro and mingle with a few kindred spirits on this breezy Saturday night to relax over delicious food and drink.
Financial advisors come through for you when you seek advice on the 12th and feel strong appreciation for the expertise of astute money managers. Siblings gather on the 15th and talk leads to summer vacation plans and reunions. Agree to poll missing family members for their input. You and your partner share deep feelings and assess new goals on the 23rd.
Success and Money
The very first Solar Eclipse of the year falls in your solar fifth house on the 20th conjoined to Jupiter in Aries, marking an opportune time to look at college options for your senior, gymnastic lessons for your children, and an idea-stimulating seminar for your entrepreneurial pursuits.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
The April 6th Full Moon in Libra and your solar eleventh house has a disappointing outcome. Without your knowledge, members of a professional group have met separately to weigh in on a humanitarian initiative you thought was a go, and decided to drop it from further action. Mercury in Taurus turns retrograde in your solar sixth house on the 21st, alerting you to a possible change in plans.
Rewarding Days
12, 15, 20, 23
Challenging Days
1, 3, 6, 14
213Sagittarius | May
Overall Theme
May’s planetary activity could become erratic. The May 5th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in your solar twelfth house of behind-the-scenes activity opposes Uranus in Taurus in your solar sixth house of daily routines. Simultaneously, Mercury is retrograde in your solar sixth house until May 14, and Jupiter is moving there on May 16. Be prepared for disclosure of workplace and health secrets.
Financial experts provide advice and assistance to your money and estate transactions from the 9th through the 12th. See a doctor and schedule tests to examine a bothersome ailment during the week of May 18. You and your boss enjoy a productive lunch on the 28th, discussing emerging plans to add revenue to the company’s assets that includes a new role for you.
Success and Money
Mercury moves direct in Taurus and your solar sixth house on the 14th, followed by Jupiter’s entry there on the 16th, making this an excellent time for landing plum assignments and using unique skills as you take the lead in managing critical projects. On the 18th you could be offered a supervisory position to get acclimated for upcoming company expansion. Teammates offer a vote of support.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Pluto in early Aquarius goes retrograde on the 1st in your solar third house, possibly leading to the cancellation of a course you planned to take to build technical credentials. Stay neutral on the 25th when visiting relatives squabble over old family history and their stubbornness ends in a stalemate.
Rewarding Days
9, 13, 18, 28
Challenging Days
1, 3, 11, 25
214Sagittarius | June
Overall Theme
Get ready for travel to a vacation destination at a location you’ve never visited with your partner around the New Moon in Gemini on the 18th. Clear some space around the 27th for a few days of impromptu rest and recreation while you hit the local scene for some family fun. Confirm reservation details for upcoming travel.
Family members are caught up in summer plans during the week of the 11th and ask you to join them for a few days. You and your partner are ready for adventure on the 16th and may take a side trip in advance of your island vacation. Friends organize a midweek ballgame around the 27th, asking you to play on the team.
Success and Money
You’re feeling a little bit richer on the 2nd due to the bonus money you’ll receive that reflects excellent performance and teamwork on a highly visible project. You can put that promised bonus toward your pool or other home purchases. Say yes to the catered buffet lunch that honors employee performance at mid-month.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
The psychic sign of Pisces has high activity this month. Setback-oriented Saturn slips into retrograde motion on the 17th in Pisces, possibly delaying the implementation of plans to install a swimming pool. Contractors hope to do damage control. On the 30th, Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde in your solar fourth house until December 6, creating confusion over relocation plans of resident family members.
Rewarding Days
11, 16, 18, 27
Challenging Days
4, 6, 22, 26
215Sagittarius | July
Overall Theme
Consider staying in your local neighborhood over the 4th of July holiday. The lunar aspects do not favor travel and indicate that your best time will be celebrating at home base through July 7. The Capricorn Full Moon on the 3rd is a mixed bag and opposes the Sun and Mercury. Don’t hang out with any wet blankets.
Family members are grateful for the holiday theme you selected for home-based celebrations from the 1st through the 4th. Invitations from coworkers on the 11th can be a blast. Accept an invitation from a friend to go horseback riding during that week. Excite children with a day of play at a favorite amusement park before the 11th.
Success and Money
The July 17th New Moon in Cancer has a powerful place in your solar eighth house of joint income. The second half of July proves to be a powerful money magnet. By month’s end you’re looking at a couple of job opportunities compatible with your resourceful resume. Congratulate yourself on reaching sound financial footing after a couple of rough years.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
On the 22nd, the love planet Venus turns retrograde in Leo and your solar ninth house and sends mixed signals regarding a love interest you met while traveling. While you communicated frequently in the early stages, you haven’t been able to connect lately and phone calls go unreturned. Your prospective mate appears to lack interest.
Rewarding Days
7, 11, 17, 31
Challenging Days
3, 5, 19, 22
216Sagittarius | August
Overall Theme
Let’s see how you handle an overload of lunar activity this month when you experience two Full Moons. The Moon turns full in gregarious Aquarius and your solar third house on August 1. Testing communication assets is not a good move since the Moon receives opposition and inconjunct aspects from multiple planets, resulting in stressful conversations. The second Full Moon occurs in Pisces and your solar fourth house of home on August 30.
A older person sends you flowers on the 4th in gratitude for your help on an eldercare initiative. Lovely Venus aspects set a romantic tone on the 13th in your sensual solar eighth house, inspiring you to offer your love partner an elegant meal that reflects an intimate mood. Accept an invitation from your boss to attend a ballgame on the 18th, a day when engaging conversation is a go.
Success and Money
You experience enthusiasm and gratitude at a high level for the meaningful visionary work you’ve accomplished and the acknowledgment of quality performance from your boss. Your money houses show plentiful resources for you and your partner. When your cousin arrives in town unexpectedly, be sure to alter plans and enjoy the company.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
You’re wise to postpone a personal or local business trip on the 1st due to Mercury in Virgo’s opposition with Saturn in Pisces. When Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde on the 28th in your solar sixth house of routines, expect unforeseen problems to disrupt your schedule.
Rewarding Days
4, 13, 18, 24
Challenging Days
1, 3, 10, 28
217Sagittarius | September
Overall Theme
Work dominates your activity this month while important planetary stations take place. Pace yourself. Venus in Leo goes direct in your solar ninth house on September 3, clearing the way to pursue studies, business travel, or romance. Jupiter in Taurus turns retrograde in your solar sixth house on the 4th until December 30. Mercury moves direct on the 15th in Virgo and your solar tenth house.
The first week of September unites your work team to strategize over details of a critical short-term project. Around the 14th, management calls employees together to make assignments and review the projected timeline. Connect with friends on the 16th for a special dinner to kick off the fundraising initiative for a charity’s year-end campaign.
Success and Money
Financial matters progress smoothly this month due to closer monitoring of expenses and reduced loan balances. Discuss information regarding tuition costs for a teen looking to start college next year, sharing the maximum budget you have for funding this expense. The 23rd is a good day to comparison shop for a replacement television.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Don’t let children talk you into a one-day trip on the 2nd, when your impulsive plans disconnect with a jarring Saturn-Mars aspect. On the Aries Full Moon of the 29th, a child could ask you to purchase another vehicle in exchange for running household errands and maintaining the car’s upkeep.
Rewarding Days
8, 14, 16, 23
Challenging Days
2, 7, 17, 29
218Sagittarius | October
Overall Theme
When the final Solar Eclipse of 2023 occurs in Libra and your solar eleventh house on October 14, you discover that a friend or professional colleague means much more to you. That’s great news if you’re single, Sagittarius, but if you’re already taken, complications set in immediately. With Mercury moving into this house, you’ll have lively conversations and copious social invitations.
Intimate relationships bond on the 4th when you and your partner share feelings and gratitude for the strength of your connection. With the Moon and Venus transiting your solar tenth house on the 10th, you’ll rave over the harmonious exchange of information, reports, and financial strength that your CEO shares at a meeting.
Success and Money
The final Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and your solar sixth house on the 28th makes you the logical candidate for an important position that opens up this month. Get your resume ready. Contact you made earlier this year proves valuable in both your job and your professional affiliations. Be sure your boss has a copy of the insightful vision paper you developed for a current assignment.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
When Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 10 in your solar second house, you’re able to confirm that you have lucrative assets and won’t need to tap your home equity to replace furniture. Leave work early on the 18th when testy lunar aspects kick in, exhausting and depleting your energy.
Rewarding Days
4, 10, 14, 24
Challenging Days
1, 7, 18, 23
219Sagittarius | November
Overall Theme
Start holiday shopping on the 2nd and don’t forget your list. Tackle some purchases online with vendors who offer free gift wrapping and shipping. Write a check for a favorite charity that feeds those without a home to brighten spirits and create memories. The New Moon in Scorpio and your private solar twelfth house on the 13th creates space to write greeting cards and wrap presents for early mailing.
Take a dating relationship to the next level if you’re a single Sagittarius by setting a place at your Thanksgiving table for your new love interest. Welcome children who live out of town to your holiday feast and surprise any grandchildren with favorite treats. If they arrive by the 22nd, they can help you make desserts. Cherish the hearts and minds of those present.
Success and Money
You score big in the financial department on the 2nd and 17th when you spend set-aside funds on holiday gifts and receive a rebate check from a refinancing transaction. The company owner lauds your efficiency in job performance on the 7th. Enjoy the holiday bonus surprise.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Saturn in Pisces turns direct on the 4th in your solar fourth house, redirecting the flow of family activity to meet household goals. Although you may be tempted, leave politics out of Thanksgiving dinner conversations on the 23rd, since the Moon in Aries receives barbs from the opposition of Venus in Libra. Festive music breaks the ice.
Rewarding Days
2, 7, 17, 22
Challenging Days
4, 11, 23, 27
220Sagittarius | December
Overall Theme
Let the parties begin with festive events scheduled between the 5th and 7th hosted by your employer and professional groups who extend gratitude for support and service. Wait until the 14th to complete last-minute shopping. You’ll be all business until then, clearing away unfinished work and using leave to enjoy a sea voyage once Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 6th.
Buy gifts for the community angel tree and visualize the deserving children who receive them that you meet through charitable institutions. Cherish your favorite people and spend quality time with them. Remember work colleagues with gifts or invitations for meals. Spend quality time with your partner and celebrate optimism in the new year.
Success and Money
Jupiter now transits your solar sixth house, reminding you that your mental acuity and wit lift the team spirits of those committed to the completion of critical work well ahead of schedule. Leaders acknowledge performance excellence in the communication and contracting arena. Set funds aside for investing in savings accounts using your bonus award.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 6th in your solar fourth house, clearing away confusion over family members’ tentative moving or travel plans. Mercury slides into retrograde motion in Capricorn on the 13th, not an ideal day to purchase systems equipment for a holiday gift. Prosperity-oriented Jupiter goes direct in Taurus on the 30th, looking for a windfall in 2024.
Rewarding Days
6, 7, 14, 30
Challenging Days
3, 8, 13, 26
221Sagittarius Action Table These dates reflect the best—but not the only—times for success and ease in these activities, according to your Sun sign. |
Move |
21 |
14 |
Romance |
3 |
23 |
27 |
17 |
4 |
2 |
Seek counseling/ coaching |
10 |
18 |
4 |
10 |
7 |
Ask for a raise |
2 |
28 |
24 |
8 |
Vacation |
21 |
18 |
11 |
22 |
Get a loan |
2 |
12 |
14 |