245The Aquarius Personality
Strengths, Talents, and the Creative Spark
One of the most intriguing signs of the zodiac is yours, Aquarius, and you enjoy keeping others guessing about who you are and what you’re willing to share. You have so many interests that others wonder how you have the time to pursue them, since your conversations about them suggest you have considerable experience in multiple fields—and you often do. No wonder so many of your acquaintances enjoy talking with you and picking your brain to hear your take on politics, social interests, and world events. Yours is the sign of the Water Bearer, an air sign. Aquarius is the last of the four fixed signs of the zodiac and the natural occupant of the solar eleventh house of your employer’s resources and your goals, hopes, wishes, motivations, groups, mutual organizations, friendships, new trends, unorthodox methods, humanitarian projects, and sudden revelations or change. Uranus rules your sign and attracts you to a variety of social settings and futuristic insights in your sphere of influence. As one of the most analytical signs, you’re a natural problem-solver whose inventive style offers the universe effective discourses and tips for improving environmental, public, and social relationships.
In the work you choose and the talent you wish to display, you live up to the themes connected to the eleventh house, including joining forces with others for mutual gain, spearheading collaborative ventures, and working on shared causes that are multilayered and take time to implement for the greatest good of affected supporters. Expertise you demonstrate in the field of electronic technology improves through your innovative ideas and your problem-solving aptitude, resulting in outstanding operational practices. You represent the prototype of optimism, Aquarius, and excel at social networking. Most of you know an astrologer or two. Your many affiliations give you a feeling of pride and self-worth as you work to perfect conditions for humanity.
Intimacy and Personal Relationships
It’s not unusual for you to become so involved in impersonal relations that you devote considerable time to group causes, long campaigns to bring about medical, political, and social change, or support enterprises where others need a helping hand. Personal relationships take a back seat to these urgent demands for your time. Your many interests influence 246your dating life and lead you to eligible prospects via your well-connected communication networks. Since you are known for being a member of the universal sign for friendship, it takes a very special person to capture your heart. With your independent spirit, you thrive with a partner who likes to talk with you and engage in mind play. You have been known to fall in love with a partner’s mind. You’ll find the best matches with Leos, your opposite sign, who can be quirky and match your love of the dramatic; the other two fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius, who enjoy gadgets, vehicles, and travel; and air signs Gemini and Libra, who usually match your love of communicating, partying, and intellectual pursuits. Less spontaneous signs like Taurus and Scorpio prefer fixed routines and can be more possessive, disliking having to share your time with members of groups you’re assisting. Spend time with a loving partner who loves your creative mind and brings out your deepest romantic emotions.
Values and Resources
A fascination with unique people, organizations, and career choices leads you to experience an eclectic variety of adventures. You deeply enjoy the company of collaborators with inventive minds, ready to forge a new path and leave the stamp of originality on the intellectual properties you so skillfully develop. You like knowing where your next paycheck is coming from and seldom quit a job without obtaining a commitment from a reliable employer. If the work is monotonous and the conditions of career growth are not met, you will bail and move on to greener pastures. You are loyal to your employing organization and are protective of the assets and expenditures of the firm. You’re usually willing to relocate for a choice position that makes use of your analytical and project management skills. Assignments in foreign countries appeal to you for the unusual work experiences they provide. Those who know you say you are all business, since you prefer not to divulge details about your personal life. Some of your friends disclose that they have never visited your home. When you do entertain, you leave others talking about the unusual menu and accommodations. Children in your life receive the most creative gifts from you.
Blind Spots and Blockages
Releasing conditions that no longer work in your life does not come easy for you, since you always hope for the best and fail to see the red light that pops up in front of you. At times circumstances you encounter 247call for a break and a change of scenery, whether it involves work or your personal life. You will leave a job a lot faster than you will a relationship. As independent as you may appear to others, you often stay rooted in difficult working and living arrangements out of fear of failure. When you accept a supposedly plum job that is a poor fit, your ego gets in the way and argues with your rational mind that this is a career coup. The bloom may be off the rose in the love department, but you hang in there until outside interference or a blowup occurs. Even then you may talk yourself out of leaving and have great difficulty saying goodbye permanently. Sometimes you just want to be friends but avoid telling your partner how you really feel. Internalize the meaning of closure.
Goals and Success
After the last few years of disruptions, you’re ready to travel a more settled path that offers an innovative work environment, autonomy in managing your daily routine, and options that include exchanging information and technology with experts in other parts of the world. You could be especially effective in businesses that have seen the greatest loss of employees, leaving customers underserved. Exceptionally high numbers of employees sought new jobs in 2022, and that has left entire industries—travel, entertainment, food services including grocers and restaurants, hospitality, manufacturing, medical, retail, teaching, and transportation—devoid of qualified candidates. If you have experience in one of these areas, you’ll be able to don your change-agent cap and figure out ways to build confidence in employees, develop and deliver training programs that respond to current industry needs, reorganize or pare down physical work space, and focus on analyzing skill sets to get the best mix of talent into the workforce. Some of you may desire to work in the family business and use your brilliant mind to channel energy into making it highly productive by revamping policies and procedures. Certain Aquarians lean toward starting a new business.
Aquarius Keywords for 2023
Election, exception, extraordinary
The Year Ahead for Aquarius
You’ll experience the last visit from Saturn in your sign when the planet of restriction wraps up its two-and-a-half-year visit in your solar first 248house in March and moves into mystical Pisces. Your bag of tools includes extraordinary coping mechanisms and ideas for staying productive and upbeat. Jupiter starts off the year in Aries, occupying your solar third house of communication, contracts, education, neighborhood events, cousins and siblings, electronics, and transportation. Local travel may increase in this house, which is also the site of the first Solar Eclipse of 2023 that is sure to energize your mind with innovative ideas and the desire to take credential-building courses. Mercury has been retrograde in Capricorn since December 2022 in your solar twelfth house of healing, intuition, introspection, and sabbaticals. The communicator planet turns direct on January 18, opening the door to greater understanding of complex issues and implementation of projects you’ve had on hold since December.
Uranus stirs the pot in your solar fourth house of home with sudden revelations, shifts in behavior, movement into or out of your home, and a look at your home’s physical foundation. The planet of chaos moves direct on January 22, restoring the stability you are seeking in employment arrangements and family relationships. Neptune in Pisces continues to move through your solar second house of assets, income, money you spend, and raises, giving you ideas about how to fulfill goals for self-improvement while simultaneously keeping an eye on managing expenses. Transiting Pluto in Capricorn occupies your solar twelfth house in the remaining years of this long transit, giving you a chance to recover from any health issues, care for others who are ill, deal with private matters, and nurture your dreams for the future. Think about which burdensome, critical issues you look forward to letting go of this year.
Jupiter starts out in Aries and your solar third house in 2023, renewing your passion for straightforward communication, outreach, increased local travel, contract terms, mental acuity, systems equipment, and cousins, neighbors, and siblings. This transit has a calming effect on complex detailed work and gives you a chance to find workable solutions to any post-pandemic issues that remain. Aquarius enjoys fixing problems and cutting the mental cobwebs loose. Change is in the wind, so look for future opportunities because Jupiter leaves Aries on May 16 and begins a rapid trip through Taurus and your solar fourth house, where it highlights your home and family dynamics. You’ll have opportunities to demonstrate your excellent analytical skills as you continue to work 249from home, start a consulting business, or work on a remote assignment. While traveling through Taurus, Jupiter is going to pause for a few months by turning retrograde on September 4 and turning direct on December 30. Innovative accomplishments lead to greater visibility in your field and a raise in salary. Agreeable relationships with family members develop, leaving you content and inspired to continue the quest for meaningful causes. Those of you born between January 20 and February 6 see the most action while Jupiter is in Taurus.
This is the final year that Saturn in Aquarius takes up residence in your solar first house of action, appearance, assertiveness, health, individuality, and self-promotion. The taskmaster planet has been creating tension and conflict on both inner and outer levels since the end of December 2020 and won’t let up until you understand the source of the constant frustration over the pace of activity in your life. Saturn is one demanding orb and holds you to high standards of conduct when you are tasked with setting and meeting goals. In just a few months you’ll be out from under the weight of delays and will be able to smoothly implement plans. Look for ways to strengthen relationships and build your brand if you run a business. Those of you born between February 11 and 18 see the most action while Saturn remains in Aquarius. Weigh personal priorities carefully. Are they in line with your goals and philosophy? Have you assessed the reasons that you feel stuck and how will you disengage from problem areas you’ve identified? Are you taking care of your health? On March 7, Saturn will move into Pisces for the next two and a half years in your solar second house of assets, income, salary, savings, and self-development plans. These matters affect your career and job status, your desire to move ahead in the work world, and professional relationships that influence long-term employment and retirement plans, including the innovation that gives you the most satisfaction. What is your current priority? While Saturn is in Pisces, Aquarians born between January 21 and 29 will experience the strongest impact from this transit related to earning power. Use the time to review your holdings, monitor your budget, and pay down debt.
The year begins with Uranus in Taurus in retrograde motion and going direct on January 22, when it shakes up the energy in your solar fourth 250house of home, family, parents, base of operations, emotional temperature of residents, household activity, interior and exterior features of your home, and garden or landscaping features. With Uranus in a contentious angle to your Sun sign, you have seen how the disruptive planet affected family relationships, pushed you toward changing design themes for decorating your home, and instigated stricter rules for living in your home. Uranus arrived in Taurus in May 2018 and seemed to spare no one in the home from chaotic behavior, blowups, spontaneous arguments, and one surprise after another that affected stable employment. If you survived a layoff, reduced hours, or site relocation, you got off easy. Secure your home, replace old windows, and fix leaks. Uranus leaves its mark on buildings and grounds. Amid the disruption, you may have received an unexpected job offer or award for the exceptional solutions you suggested that affected the operation of the organization and kept it relevant. This year those of you born between February 4 and 14 feel the most activity from this shock-generating planet.
Way back in April 2011, this mystical planet started putting moves on your solar second house, which has been the long-term home for transiting Neptune in Pisces ever since. Your solar second house represents assets, income, money you earn and how you spend it, and developmental opportunities that are qualifications builders. At times during this transit you have experienced unfavorable money deals, and the value of goods you purchased may not have met your expectations. Neptune is associated with compassion, healing, secrets, and psychological health and has the reputation for confusing issues by tossing a few curveballs and doubt your way when you’re in the middle of solving decisions related to purchasing power. Anyone who’s been there knows that wily vendors use false advertising and unsubstantiated claims about quality and durability of products, and limit the time you have to purchase goods and services. In 2023 review spending and resolve not to spend impulsively. Now Saturn in Pisces is moving into this solar second house, too, and this stern watchdog may help you guard against costly mistakes. Get out of the Neptune fog and see through the glitz. Dream realistic dreams and put an end to constant battles to pay off debt by adhering to your budget. Aquarians born between February 11 and 17 see the most activity from Neptune this year.
No doubt you recall when Pluto in Capricorn first came calling in your solar twelfth house in January 2008. That’s the year when you started hiding out from the baggage you were amassing in your private, secluded space, figuring no one needed to know about all this angst. In 2023 you’ll see that this old pattern is going to be challenged. Pluto, the planet affiliated with psychological depth, arrived in your solar twelfth house of charity, dreams and nightmares, healing, psychic feelings, sabbaticals, secrets, and work done in seclusion years ago. Have you discovered issues associated with these themes that have imposed blocks on you? Eliminate a buildup of stress that affects performance, productivity, the quality of relationships, and how you take care of your health. The position of transiting Pluto in Capricorn creates stress for those of you born between February 15 and 18. Take an inventory of your unsettled worries and issues you procrastinate about to confront your real fear: failure. Ask for help if you’re ready to let go of your fears but feel trapped. You hold the cards to engage in a more fulfilling life. Pluto is getting ready to make a brief entry into your sign, Aquarius, starting on March 23. It goes retrograde on May 1 in the first degree of Aquarius and returns to Capricorn on June 11 to complete the remaining months of its cycle, which officially ends in November 2024. Aquarians born on January 20 or 21 will feel a bit of a poke when Pluto moves into your sign on March 24 and occupies your solar first house of action, health, independence, personality, and self-image. You’ll have a front seat to see how the transformational planet operates in the most personal arena of your chart. Be proactive about dealing with destructive habits, stubbornness, and excessive secrecy. Share the truth with partners, take the time to shed negative thinking patterns, and use your higher mind to attract a happy, inspirational life.
How Will This Year’s Eclipses Affect You?
In 2023 a total of four eclipses occur: two Solar (New Moon) Eclipses and two Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipses, which create intense periods that start to manifest a few months before their actual occurrence. Two of the eclipse signs are changing this year. The first eclipse occurs in your solar third house, the second in your solar tenth house, the third in your solar ninth house, and the final eclipse in your solar fourth house. Eclipses unfold in cycles involving all twelve signs of the zodiac, and usually occur in 252pairs about two weeks apart. Don’t fear eclipses—think of them as growth opportunities that allow you to release old and outworn patterns. They often stimulate unexpected surprises and windfalls. The closer an eclipse is to a planet or point in your birth chart, the greater the importance of the eclipse in your life. Those of you born with a planet at the same degree as an eclipse are likely to see a high level of activity in the house where the eclipse occurs.
The first Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place on April 20 in Aries and your solar third house of communication, education, your mind, local travel, neighborhood, siblings, and transportation. Expect significant increases in calls and visits from neighbors, siblings, and cousins. Community matters may take on greater importance. Plans may revolve around purchasing a vehicle or educational pursuits. Set priorities related to work schedules and purchasing electronic equipment.
Two weeks later, on May 5, the first Lunar Eclipse of the year takes place in Scorpio and your solar tenth house of authority figures, career, ambition, recognition for achievement, and organizational conditions. If your birthday falls between February 3 and 5, the pressure is on to achieve performance goals and meet timelines while monitoring the quality of work in your area of responsibility. Celebrate success with your work group. Balance delivery of products and reports while maintaining healthy work habits to avoid burnout. Take a periodic day off to recharge, and schedule medical and dental checkups.
On October 14 the second Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place in Libra and your solar ninth house of the higher mind, advanced education, foreign countries and cultures, in-laws, philosophy, publishing and writing, and long-distance travel. You could experience yet another postponement or cancellation of a cruise, vacation, or pleasure trip. Ride this one out until travel conditions stabilize. Focus instead on exploring a foreign assignment, a relocation offer for a different job, or temporary duty at a distant company location to experience job growth and a shift in responsibilities. Touch base with established networks.
The year’s final eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse on October 28 in Taurus and your solar fourth house of home, foundation, family, parents, and your home’s physical structure. Adapt an air of confidence and feel energized as you move in new directions, eagerly taking on stimulating projects. Show gratitude for the desirable changes that occurred in family relationships, and encourage loving rapport among family members.
253Aquarius | January
Overall Theme
You’re ready to get on with plans for 2023 and can’t wait until the three retrograde planets shift into direct motion. With Mars in Gemini going direct in your solar fifth house on the 12th, you’ll resurrect your social life by planning events with loved ones. On the 18th, Mercury in Capricorn moves forward in your solar twelfth house of seclusion, releasing stalemates. Unpredictable Uranus in Taurus could stir the ire of a family member on January 22.
Bonding with visiting family members on the 2nd places high value on love and understanding. Special outings with children occur on the 3rd to extend holiday celebrating at a favorite entertainment venue. You and your partner share intimate moments and a delightful outing on the 8th, with plenty of privacy to talk and exchange information.
Success and Money
The New Moon in Aquarius on the 21st stimulates talks about upward movement in the workplace, with a welcome increase in salary. Gifts from friends and relatives were exceptionally generous during the holiday season. You bank the cash for vacation plans and use the gift cards for purchases and delicious dinners.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6 brings sniffles and lower energy than usual, indicating you could use extra sleep. Avoid confrontations at the workplace on the 16th, when lunar aspects show the potential for hostility over the spread of unfounded rumors. A meeting chair proves unreliable on the 18th when the agenda changes without notice.
Rewarding Days
2, 3, 8, 24
Challenging Days
6, 9, 16, 18
254Aquarius | February
Overall Theme
If you were born on February 5, the Leo Full Moon is conjunct your Sun in your solar seventh house. Why not share a quiet outing with your partner by visiting botanical gardens to get some inspiration for spring planting? Then enjoy an early dinner, run a quick errand, and head home to catch an episode of a favorite TV program.
Coworkers hold a birthday celebration for those born in February on the 6th. A long-distance trip on the 10th begins a pleasurable getaway that includes visiting relatives and early Valentine’s Day bonding time with your partner. A neighbor calls on you to discuss concerns over a neighborhood safety incident on the 22nd, and you score points in problem-solving over coffee and cake.
Success and Money
The Pisces New Moon on the 20th highlights your solar second house of income and assets. You learn that jewelry you inherited is worth substantially more than you thought and make arrangements to discuss options to keep or sell it with your attorney. Working from home on the 18th gives you a chance to finish a critical paper that is due on the 22nd.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
An auto show tempts you to preview next year’s models to compare features on the 7th. Avoid a random purchase that increases your debt load, throwing you off course of your plan to reduce your budget in 2023. Prices are way too high.
Rewarding Days
6, 10, 18, 22
Challenging Days
5, 7, 12, 25
255Aquarius | March
Overall Theme
The Aries New Moon in your solar third house on March 21 gives you ample opportunity to mingle with neighbors at a community event. The energy of the spring equinox on the 20th ushers in the Sun in Aries and has a congenial effect on participants, allowing organizers to enthusiastically receive suggestions for strengthening the spirit and commitment of residents.
This month is all about work, when deadlines loom and your team and collaborators from diverse organizations gather to comment on project direction, new initiatives, hiring decisions, and strategies for meeting timelines. You and your colleagues gather on the 11th to dance and dine at a festive venue compliments of your generous boss. Save the 24th for game night with your children.
Success and Money
Venus and Jupiter in Aries and Mars in Gemini complement your plan to purchase electronic media equipment around the 11th. Your name is being tossed around work circles as a prime candidate for an upcoming position vacancy that fits your qualifications and could mean a generous raise.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
On the March 7th Virgo Full Moon, a child pushes hard for an expensive toy. Use logic to encourage your offspring to contribute a portion of their allowance to the deal if this is something you’ll approve. Mars and Mercury clash on the 17th, creating just enough tension to quash plans for a relaxing family outing that includes casual dinner plans.
Rewarding Days
2, 11, 15, 24
Challenging Days
5, 7, 17, 26
256Aquarius | April
Overall Theme
The Aries New Moon on the 20th is the year’s first Solar Eclipse and conjuncts Jupiter in late Aries in your solar third house, stimulating a growing interest in community affairs, your neighborhood, and landscaping plans.
The first half of the month is a bit chaotic for you and your partner while finalizing home project details. Although you planned to travel late in the month, wait until your contractors finish the painting or other work so you have peace of mind. Attend a friend’s engagement party around the 23rd.
Success and Money
Shop for new furniture after the 17th, when your raise comes through and your redecorating project is underway. Decide whether to replace existing floors or refinish them. You are leaning toward splurging on a bold new design with a nice touch of class. A mentor fields the announcement of a job lead that has promotion potential during the week of the 23rd.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Unexpected expenses emerge related to household matters on the 3rd. Pay for expedited shipment of materials to avoid project delays. The April 6th Full Moon in Libra and your ninth house of distant matters brings news about a relative’s health. Good news arrives around the 21st.
Rewarding Days
15, 17, 21, 23
Challenging Days
3, 6, 8, 20
257Aquarius | May
Overall Theme
Venus turns on the charm in Gemini and your solar fifth house of romance at the beginning of the month. Take the time to play if you’re an eligible Aquarius. Meanwhile, Jupiter in Aries races to the finish line in your solar third house before turning over the baton of growth and prosperity to Taurus on the 16th, where it spends the rest of the year in your solar fourth house.
The Lunar Eclipse of May 5 in Scorpio affects your career and advancement sector when opposing Mercury turns direct in Taurus in your solar tenth house on the 14th. Pending offers could mean a move to a new location, not something you’re eager to do after recent household renovations. After the 18th, share work news with your family.
Success and Money
During the week of the 13th your boss discusses positions in the development stage, including supervisory ones that come about as the result of reorganizing teams. Stay alert and update your resume in case you’re interested. You may find better options than a physical relocation. Money matters look promising after mid-month when Mercury goes direct in Taurus on the 14th.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Pluto turns retrograde on the 1st in Aquarius and your solar first house, emphasizing the need to eliminate personal habits and conditions that slow down productivity. What has been keeping you from performing at peak levels? Examine routines that don’t work and shed these blocks. Poll colleagues for insight if you’re stuck.
Rewarding Days
9, 13, 18, 22
Challenging Days
1, 5, 25, 31
258Aquarius | June
Overall Theme
Your solar seventh house of partners has nonstop activity this month with Mars in Leo activating your social life and collaborative ventures. When Venus joins Mars in Leo on the 5th, your love life ignites and passion forces you to take a break and enjoy your lover’s arms. Wrap up critical work on the 2nd before taking an enjoyable break.
The 17th is a good time to begin a vacation with family. Schedule meaningful bonding time with them that includes their favorite leisure-time attractions. Playful, fun-loving Gemini on the cusp of your solar fifth house makes it easy to leave your work routine behind while you enjoy spontaneity and adventure that complement this welcome change of scenery.
Success and Money
From the 2nd through the 11th, money opportunities abound. A welcome raise hits your paycheck and gives you an extra cushion to cover vacation and household project plans. Your boss shows gratitude for your astute problem-solving skills that led to early project completion.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Friends are distracted during a special get-together on the June 3rd Sagittarius Full Moon in your solar eleventh house. Momentum fizzles fast. Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on the 17th in your solar second house, alerting you to postpone approving large outlays of cash while managing a large household project. On June 30 Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces and your solar second house, prompting you to check the numbers on financial transactions.
Rewarding Days
2, 5, 11, 27
Challenging Days
1, 3, 22, 30
259Aquarius | July
Overall Theme
This year’s 4th of July holiday has mixed planetary aspects that accompany the Full Moon in Capricorn. If you understand astrology, you’ll know why people prefer to stay home this year and pamper guests with delicious treats, fun, and games instead of traveling. Be the hit of the neighborhood by inviting nearby friends and family to a patriotic bash that embraces the American spirit.
Family members gather to spend quality time together on the 11th. Steer clear of conflicts with partners or roommates on the 19th. Issues are sensitive and need immediate attention. Friends in high places invite you to a lovely party on the 30th. You meet congenial guests who immediately extend a dinner invitation for the next weekend.
Success and Money
Contracts and financial transactions get the green light around the 7th. The Cancer New Moon on the 17th energizes work teams who elect to pull together to resolve loose ends of a pending project to push for an early completion date. Management begins talking about performance awards to commend outstanding work.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Financial matters need a close look on July 21st if you’ve been contemplating refinancing a mortgage loan, especially if you or your partner experienced a recent job loss. When Venus goes retrograde in Leo on the 22nd, expect to spend the weekend poring over tax and earnings statements. Gather supporting documentation to strengthen approval options.
Rewarding Days
7, 11, 17, 30
Challenging Days
3, 19, 21, 27
260Aquarius | August
Overall Theme
Money talks this month. The second Full Moon in August on the 30th in Pisces focuses energy on your solar second house of income and assets, spending, and self-development. Two of the five transiting planets in earth signs, Mercury and Mars, occupy your solar eighth house of joint funds, savings, and debt for most of the month.
Plan an outing such as a hike, biking, or a volleyball game with your coworkers to give your body a workout on the 13th. Plan an event for the Labor Day weekend with friends, and take a vote on suggestions for celebrating the final summer holiday weekend of the year. Get romantic with your partner on the 18th.
Success and Money
Shop for school supplies and electronic equipment before the 23rd. Shop for loan rates if refinancing your home before Labor Day. Financial dealings favor your chart on the 18th, leading to successful transactions and purchases.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Two Full Moons occur this month, the first on August 1 in Aquarius and your solar first house and the second on August 30 in Pisces conjunct transiting Saturn in your solar eighth house, showing a need to act carefully in monetary dealings. Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde on the 23rd, while Uranus in Taurus stations to turn retrograde on the 28th in your solar fourth house.
Rewarding Days
4, 6, 13, 18
Challenging Days
3, 10, 17, 25
261Aquarius | September
Overall Theme
The amorous feeling that comes over you after September 3 is straight from your heart when Venus in Leo goes direct in your solar seventh house. A neighbor sends you an invitation for the Labor Day holiday weekend to attend a congenial gathering with your partner. The event is warm and uplifting and you’ll talk about it for days.
Congregate with work colleagues on the 9th to celebrate the successful delivery of a high-visibility project. The executive team hosts a celebratory pizza party on the Monday after delivery. Plan a visit with relatives on the 16th, when siblings gather to honor an elderly relative’s birthday.
Success and Money
Your reputation for delivering high-quality analytical work increases. Enjoy the limelight when your boss gives you a performance bonus on the 20th and names your team as most productive in the current contract cycle. Excitement abounds when your organization announces it secured the winning bid on a new two-year contract.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus on the 4th, leaving you puzzled over why family members dropped the ball in finalizing travel plans scheduled to begin later in the month. Details about your availability were misinterpreted. Mercury turns direct in Virgo on the 15th, catching a few employees off guard with unfinished assignments. You’ll find that your mind is sharp and so is your tongue on the Aries Full Moon in your solar third house on the 29th.
Rewarding Days
9, 14, 16, 20
Challenging Days
7, 12, 17, 29
262Aquarius | October
Overall Theme
Mars in Libra is compatible with your Sun at the beginning of the month. When it moves into Scorpio and your solar tenth house on the 13th, you may feel an edge from aspects to other fixed planets in Taurus. Reunite with members of your team on October 4 to celebrate a successful outcome.
Celebrate diverse groups and their talents. Promote accomplishments via Zoom broadcasts that link networks. Invite speakers from distant locations to deliver talks. The Solar Eclipse in Libra and your solar ninth house on the 14th highlights cordial relationships with professional colleagues in remote locations. Make plans to visit these sites in the coming year.
Success and Money
With Saturn in Pisces moving retrograde and guarding your wallet in your solar second house, keep an eye on funds you set aside for holiday spending. Continue to seed your retirement portfolio with the money from a recent raise and watch your assets grow. Treat children to brunch on the 11th.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
As the only planet turning direct this month (on the 10th), Pluto in Capricorn occupies your private solar twelfth house of secrets and healing. What keeps you up at night and where do you feel stuck? Release irritating patterns by changing your attitude. Avoid an argument with your boss on the 16th. The final Lunar Eclipse of 2023 falls in Taurus and your solar fourth house of home on October 28.
Rewarding Days
4, 11, 14, 24
Challenging Days
1, 16, 18, 28
263Aquarius | November
Overall Theme
You’ll generate plenty of holiday spirit if you turn off your computer the week of the 19th and participate in donating meals to favorite charities, overseeing your Thanksgiving feast, and making sure your home is ready for guests. Enjoy a pre-holiday dinner hosted by your CEO around the time of the Scorpio New Moon on the 13th.
You enjoy entertaining at home and surprising guests with favorite dishes and a variety of desserts, especially pies. This year, work colleagues, neighbors, and relatives all join you to celebrate Thanksgiving. Team up with your partner to serve the drinks, appetizers, and an elegant entrée while exuding a welcoming air to put every guest in a holiday mood.
Success and Money
Saturn in Pisces moves direct in your solar second house on the 4th, coinciding with the arrival of a holiday bonus or merit increase in your pay, a lucky break in the money zone. Start shopping on the 20th for early holiday presents and additional home decorations to enhance your home’s beauty.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Mercury and Mars connect in your solar tenth house through the 11th, opposing transiting Uranus in Taurus in your solar fourth house. Expect a conflict between work and home demands that forces you to take charge of solving problems before the holiday week. The Gemini Full Moon on the 27th in your solar fifth house favors staying close to home to recover after the holiday rush.
Rewarding Days
2, 4, 20, 22
Challenging Days
10, 11, 23, 27
264Aquarius | December
Overall Theme
You’ll get a boost from compatible Mars in Sagittarius in your solar eleventh house all month that increases the number of invitations you receive from friends and professional groups to attend cocktail, dinner, and lunch buffets that put you in a festive holiday mood. Be sure to mail gifts and holiday cards early and look for free delivery offers from online vendors.
Ask close relatives to join your family for pre-holiday festivities to embrace the spirit of togetherness starting December 9. Guests from a distance start arriving on the 22nd, warming your heart and sharing the awe-inspiring miracles of the season. Savor the love while you enjoy these holiday treasures.
Success and Money
Neptune in Pisces goes direct on December 6 in your solar second house, highlighting practical and spiritual insight while accelerating plans to allocate earned raises and bonus money to cover holiday and household expenses. Saturn in Pisces is on board, too, and keeps you watchful of impulse spending. Make the season bright for a favorite charity by mailing a contribution on the 18th.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Two other planets shift direction this month. Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn on December 13 in your solar twelfth house and could delay the execution of plans you’ve had on the drawing board until next February. Jupiter in Taurus neutralizes an edgy rapport at home base when it goes direct in your solar fourth house on December 30.
Rewarding Days
6, 7, 18, 22
Challenging Days
3, 8, 13, 26
265Aquarius Action Table These dates reflect the best—but not the only—times for success and ease in these activities, according to your Sun sign. |
Move |
10 |
23 |
16 |
7 |
Romance |
8 |
24 |
30 |
14 |
Seek counseling/ coaching |
22 |
9 |
13 |
2 |
Ask for a raise |
24 |
13 |
7 |
11 |
18 |
Vacation |
15 |
27 |
14 |
22 |
Get a loan |
17 |
11 |
4 |