267The Pisces Personality

Strengths, Talents, and the Creative Spark

Pisces, you have the distinction of being one of the most complex signs of the zodiac. Your signature symbol is the dual Fishes, swimming up and downstream and adding texture to your water sign element. Who realizes that behind your dreamy eyes is a mind that values personal privacy while you probe the mysteries of what makes others tick? When you need to share most, you often swim in the opposite direction and retreat until you come up with a new perspective. Freedom means a lot to you, and you shun confinement even though it is closely affiliated with your sign and the solar twelfth house of seclusion, retreat, and regrouping. As a Pisces, you own a generous spirit, love a mystery, take pleasure in journaling to give voice to important goals, and appreciate theater, film, art, and music. Yours is the last of the four mutable signs of the zodiac, and the only mutable water sign, with Neptune as your ruler and the natural occupant of the twelfth house of charity, healing, meditation, psychic experiences, loose ends, and secrets.

Currently you are enjoying both increased spirituality and notoriety with transiting Neptune in Pisces occupying the heavens through 2026. What fun you’ll have using your intuitive insight and expanding your metaphysical side. Be sure you don’t disappear into the fog that Neptune spreads or get confused about priorities during this long journey. Your colors are lavender, mauve, purple, sea green, violet, and soft royal hues. You bring your creative gifts to the world and look for ways to launch a new enterprise, especially with Neptune, your ruling planet, entering a late-degree cycle. Yours is the sign most affiliated with liquids of the earth (including oil and gas), aromatherapy, alcohol, medicinal drugs and illegal drugs, and ether.

Intimacy and Personal Relationships

Pisces can often be a flirt who dances, sings, or charms the audience. Your role model in the love department might be Cinderella, because you often visualize the perfect partner walking into your life one day and stealing your heart. As a bona fide soul mate seeker, you want the bells and whistles that include love at first sight and a happy ending. You bubble over with love and kindness. When you make a deep connection with a partner, you’re in it for life, even if the “music” stops playing. You 268hang on too long to a lost cause, but when you’re gone, you’re gone, and aren’t hesitant to remarry when the next sublime partner comes along. Possible partners are the other two water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, who resonate to your sensitivities. Attraction to your opposite sign of Virgo can be magnetic and keep you mesmerized. Other suitors are Taurus or Capricorn, who compete to hold your interest as a date or a good friend. Stability could be absent with a Gemini or Sagittarius and make you doubt, early in the game, that the relationship will last. Vary your routine when you are ready to find romance, and you’re likely to meet your match. With your compassionate heart, you can be a kind and loyal friend and supporter of your cherished family.

Values and Resources

You do best when you listen to your inner voice and then follow with questions when information seems to be missing or needs clarification. Even though you like to see the best in others, taking what you hear for granted when you have doubts leads to confusion. In a work setting, you value the option of telecommuting, unless you are one of the Pisces group who dislikes using electronic technology. You might also prefer physical gardening and shrub maintenance to any other type of exercise because it allows you time to think. Many of you were born with a lucky streak thanks to your affiliation with Jupiter, your sign’s former ruler before Neptune’s discovery. Playing the lottery can be your jam, and you use favorite numbers to bring in winning results on a hot ticket. The home of your dreams includes big closets and abundant storage. You spend time and money on your wardrobe and especially splurge on shoes. Coordination of accessories is a must to define your strong fashion sense. And if your psychic sense keeps you busy, tune in, because those strong vibrations you’re getting are on to something big.

Blind Spots and Blockages

Certain Pisces spend too much time on games, hobbies, or daydreaming until you realize that you are off track in meeting goals, a habit that annoys your boss. Supervisors dislike when you take too long to complete assignments, blow them off when they question the status of a task, or you seem to misunderstand the point of the work based on the content of material you submit for their review. Some of you are gamblers and enjoy playing the lottery or making trips to Atlantic City, Reno, and Las Vegas. These excursions can be fun as long as you 269don’t forget to set a limit on how much money you have available for gambling without hurting your financial assets. Bosses call you stubborn when you refuse to sign up for developmental training courses designed to acquaint you with new technology or provide systems support. Although you’re normally good-natured, those who work with you claim that you sometimes give defensive responses when you’re asked for unanticipated information or requests, giving you a reputation for being uncooperative.

Goals and Success

Many Pisces are drawn to service professions that cover a wide spectrum of options. If your job provides you with privacy, a good salary, and behind-the-scenes activity, you willingly put in long years of service. Employment could include work in charitable or healing institutions; work at government agencies; the role of a secret agent, an intelligence officer, or an analyst who digs into confidential matters; healing and metaphysical arts; therapeutic practices like psychology; or writing novels, mysteries, and poetry. You have the classic makeup of one who can be gainfully employed in your own business or who attracts work-from-home jobs or freelance assignments. The more athletic among you find work as swimming instructors or have a desire to compete on a team in swimming and water sports venues. Those of you who journal or keep a diary raise your success probability by keeping goals in front of you and taking the right steps to fulfill your dreams.

Pisces Keywords for 2023

Afterthought, aid, approval

The Year Ahead for Pisces

In 2023 you’ll have two outer planets in your sign and several planets making an aspect to your Sun based on when your birthday falls. Jupiter in Aries makes a mild semisextile aspect in your solar second house through May 16. Then it moves into Taurus and your solar third house, making an easy sextile aspect through the end of the year. Saturn challenges your solar twelfth house of solitude in Aquarius until it moves into Pisces on March 7, while Uranus makes a compatible connection to your Sun while in Taurus all year. Neptune conjuncts your Sun if you were born in the later degrees of Pisces, and Pluto nears the end of a harmonious cycle for those of you born in the last few degrees of Pisces.

270Mars in Gemini is the first planet to go direct in 2023, in your solar fourth house of home and family on January 12, giving the go-ahead to implement plans that were put on hold related to household movement, projects, and relationships. Mercury in Capricorn goes direct on January 18 in your solar eleventh house, encouraging you to make decisions related to friendships, memberships in professional groups, and goals. Pluto in Capricorn is still plodding through your solar eleventh house of groups and goals until March 23, when it transitions into Aquarius for several months.

Uranus in Taurus, transiting your solar third house, will turn direct on January 22, clearing a path for resumption of contract awards, communication enhancements, and neighborhood activity. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius finishes its two-and-a-half-year tour of duty in your solar twelfth house, where you juggled assignments, worked on your resume, and possibly recovered from illness. On March 7, the planet of restriction moves into your sign and your solar first house, where you’ll assess personal strength, energy, individuality, and innovation. The taskmaster planet will meet up with transiting Neptune in late degrees of your sign, allowing you to analyze confusing aspects of puzzling circumstances and relationships that are affecting your life.


In 2023 while Jupiter in Aries dashes through your solar second house of assets, bonuses, income, and new employment opportunities, you’ll develop a solid financial plan. On May 16 Jupiter moves into Taurus and your solar third house, allowing you to make decisions related to education, electronic equipment, neighborhood ventures, siblings, and vehicle replacement. Market your resume to potential employers if employment has been sporadic. Assignments related to the pandemic may call for you to prepare status reports for analysis of key conditions, especially those that continue to have an effect on the public or private sectors, medical breakthroughs, or food services. You may receive offers to launch a new enterprise or start your own business. When Jupiter begins its rapid trip through Taurus, it pauses for a few months by going retrograde on September 4 and turning direct on December 30. The planet of opportunity occupies your solar third house for seven months in 2023, looking for ways to connect with community matters, siblings, cousins, neighbors, and transportation. Find options to create inspiring 271products using your fine mind. Individuals born between February 19 and March 7 see the most action this year while Jupiter is in Taurus.


At the start of 2023, the planet of restriction continues its journey in Aquarius and your solar twelfth house of charity, healing, planning, privacy, regrouping, and seclusion. You explore new opportunities that include a search for a new position or the start of your own business, or you may ponder whether to retire or enroll in a certificate program to expand skills in newly evolving markets. Aid for others plays a big role in your employment future. Those of you born between March 12 and 20 see the most action while Saturn wraps up its cycle in Aquarius.

Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7 in your solar first house of action, appearance, assertiveness, health, individuality, and self-discovery. What you decide to do is in your hands and works best if you adapt to changing environmental conditions. If you have a partner, you may have to assess what conditions must be accommodated and work out details. During the remaining nine months of 2023, Saturn most affects those of you born between February 19 and 27. Enjoy the benefits of harmonious relationships with work colleagues and with your partner. If you’ve been pushing hard to hold things together, take a break and relax to clear your head before you accept a position in a new organization. Share goals with your partner and get an opinion on your vision for the future. Transiting Neptune in Pisces shares this solar first house, giving you the intuitive insight to assess the strength of your decisions and relationships and the intuition to implement your dreams.


Transiting Uranus in Taurus starts the year in retrograde motion, going direct on January 22 and shaking up the energy in your philosophically oriented solar third house. With this activity, you have probably had your share of miscommunications, delays, or setbacks for a variety of reasons. That’s because the planet of disruption and surprises has been occupying this house since May 2018. Although it is in a sign compatible with yours, the Uranian energy conflicts with your more relaxed demeanor. Uranus in Taurus has been residing in your solar third house, overseeing the comings and goings of local events, contracts, communication, siblings, cousins, neighbors, transportation issues, education and schools, electronic equipment, and your state of 272mind. Have you felt the chaotic energy resulting from the unpredictable planet’s explosive nature? One more Taurus eclipse lands in your solar third house on October 28 and stays relevant through the spring of 2024, opening your eyes to new networking channels and a positive mental outlook. A job search or enrollment in coursework could bring increased local travel. If you were born between March 5 and 15, Uranus has the greatest impact on your impressionable mind. Get ready to experience a series of encounters that influence your career or residential choices, and consider life-changing opportunities. Let go of the worries in your sensitive psyche and let in a ray of optimism.


Your solar first house of action, assertiveness, innovation, passion, the physical body, personality, self-image, and temperament is the site of considerable activity in 2023 as Neptune in Pisces reinforces the role it has been playing since April 2011. Reflect on what you’ve experienced with this ephemeral yet inspiring energy that brings you hazy moments when you would rather concentrate and distracts you from the organized life you’re trying to pursue. You’re quite familiar with how Neptune tempts you to daydream rather than take a pragmatic view of the issues that show up in and complicate life. Saturn in Pisces arrives in this same solar first house March 7 to aid in validating your feelings of self-worth and substantiating the entrance of an eclectic and inspiring group of people. Single Pisces may meet a new partner or two to date or share business interests. Tap into your humor and stimulate your deep Neptune compassion in your exchanges with others, many of whom want to cultivate your friendship. Use your intuition to understand the depth of your feelings for others. What is working and what is not? Be a good listener and study body language. Let what you desire fall into place, allowing you to develop meaningful relationships. Neptune aids in validating feelings by putting you in touch with your inner vision, using your intuitive, probing mind to understand others. Trust your psychic gifts. Pisces born between March 12 and 19 see the most activity from the conjunction of Neptune in Pisces this year. Embrace the forces of your brilliant, mystical mind.


In 2008 Pluto in Capricorn first entered your solar eleventh house of associates, friends, club members, professional organizations, and peer 273groups. While Pluto winds up this long passage, the slow-moving planet urges you to address old issues you’ve held on to in this goal-oriented house. Identify contradictions in how your subconscious mind evaluates initiatives and relationships connected to this sector. If you have identified unyielding leaders who want dynamics to stay the same, regardless of the impact that changing circumstances identify, then say goodbye. Examine any baggage still affecting your memberships and group goals. Invite the Pluto-driven karma cleaners to dispose of any remaining anxiety. Don’t treat problems as an afterthought when you can easily release the hold those with stubborn mindsets may have over you. If Pluto has identified relationship power struggles, assess them and have a serious talk with key people. Further confrontations mean you are hugging your blind spot. Let go and live. Release painful issues and master the hurdle.

Pluto enters the final degrees of Capricorn in late 2024. The transformer makes an easy trine aspect to your Sun this year if your birthday falls between March 17 and 20, the most affected dates. Pluto makes a brief entry into Aquarius starting on March 23. It turns retrograde on May 1 in the first degree of Aquarius and returns to Capricorn on June 11 to complete the remaining months of its cycle, which officially ends in November 2024. Pisces born between February 18 and 20 feel the impact of a brief encounter when Pluto occupies Aquarius from March 23 through June 11. Explore intuitive messages that focus on upcoming decisions that have not yet been announced.

How Will This Year’s Eclipses Affect You?

In 2023 a total of four eclipses occur: two Solar (New Moon) Eclipses and two Lunar (Full Moon) Eclipses, which create intense periods that start to manifest a few months before their actual occurrence. Two of the eclipse signs are changing this year. The first eclipse occurs in your solar second house, the second in your solar ninth house, the third in your solar eighth house, and the final eclipse in your solar third house. Eclipses unfold in cycles involving all twelve signs of the zodiac, and usually occur in pairs about two weeks apart. Don’t fear eclipses—think of them as growth opportunities that allow you to release old and outworn patterns. They often stimulate unexpected surprises and windfalls. The closer an eclipse is to a planet or point in your birth chart, the greater the importance of the eclipse in your life. Those of you born with a 274planet at the same degree as an eclipse are likely to see a high level of activity in the house where the eclipse occurs.

The first Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place on April 20 in Aries and your solar second house of assets, income, and spending habits. You’ll be examining your salary, determining whether you can live well on what you earn or should start searching for a better-paying job. Among your goals are seeding savings and retirement plans, reducing debt, and purchasing real estate. Invest in educational programs that build strong credentials for competing in new positions. Show flexibility.

Two weeks later, on May 5, the first Lunar Eclipse of the year takes place in Scorpio and your solar ninth house of the higher mind, education, foreigners and foreign countries and cultures, in-laws, publishing, and long-distance travel. Although you are tired of the unexpected jolts that interfere with your plans because of the opposition of Uranus in Taurus in your solar third house, be proud of how well you were able to communicate, provide training, and solve problems for employees at a distant location using remote technology. Consider work details to build credentials in lieu of moving. Share experiences with others to help them cope with social and work changes and steer them toward situation-specific experts. Maintain a positive attitude as you take bows for current achievements and explore new beginnings.

On October 14 the second Solar Eclipse of 2023 takes place in Libra and your solar eighth house of joint income, savings, and debt, as well as karmic conditions, psychological matters, investments, estates, wills, sex, birth, death, and regeneration. If you have planets in this house in your birth chart, expect surprises related to these themes. Matters that were escalating in April could come to a head, requiring a joint decision. A partner may bring in a raise in salary that will benefit you if you plan to pay off a mortgage or increase monthly payments. Seek assistance from financial specialists if warranted.

The year’s final eclipse is a Lunar Eclipse on October 28 in Taurus and your solar third house of communication, education, local travel, neighbors, siblings, your mind, and transportation. With Uranus also in this house, the power of this eclipse could result in a high volume of mental chatter and pressure to sign contracts. Neighborhood safety and welfare are important to your family and neighbors. Circumstances may lead you to a new employment venue that maximizes your talent in communicating and solving problems.

275Pisces | January

Overall Theme

Several planets shift direction this month. The first to move is Mars in Gemini and your solar fourth house on the 12th, calling attention to the tenor of family relationships. On January 18 Mercury goes direct in Capricorn and your solar eleventh house, an indicator that you’ll experience stepped-up communications from friends and members of professional groups. Approval for a community event arrives after the 22nd, when Uranus turns direct in Taurus and your solar third house.


Relatives vie for your attention on January 2 and 3, when visitors and immediate family continue the holiday celebrations with outings, shows, and festive dinners. After the 8th you’ll be fully engaged in critical tasks at your workplace, collaborating with teammates and assessing priorities with imminent dates for completion. As an afterthought, your boss adds another report to the pile. By the weekend you’re ready to chill on a quiet Sunday.

Success and Money

The Aquarius New Moon dawns in your solar twelfth house on the 21st, giving you a chance to work on goals for 2023, assess your healthy financial picture, and pay off the balances on holiday gifts. Purchase wardrobe additions with holiday gift money.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Check on the cost of a music venue on the January 6th Full Moon in Cancer before you purchase expensive tickets that increase the price by several hundred dollars. Double-check documents on the 18th—they may not be ready for your boss’s signature and need a closer look.

Rewarding Days

2, 3, 8, 21

Challenging Days

4, 6, 18, 20

276Pisces | February

Overall Theme

The Full Moon in Leo on February 5 lands in your solar sixth house, allowing time to catch up on work you brought home to give it a fresh eye and assess viability. Go to bed early to be your sharpest on Monday. With Venus in Pisces occupying your solar first house for the first few weeks of the month, love for your partner dominates your thoughts.


Children, friends, and lovers occupy your heart and leisure time in this special month that also includes Valentine’s Day. Bond with children on the 2nd with attendance at school activities they enjoy. The 10th is perfect for romance with your partner. Schedule a Valentine’s Day dinner with your partner and favorite friends on the 17th, toasting love and admiration.

Success and Money

Your money picture reflects an optimistic beat on the 10th when you learn you’re at the top of the list to win a high-profile assignment. Make sure your resume has been updated and talk to mentors. The New Moon in Pisces on the 20th stimulates gratitude toward coworkers who show support.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Winter storms may lead to a canceled business trip on the 12th. Neighbors are at odds with community issues and ask residents to choose a side on the 25th. Request more details before agreeing if you are on the fence. A friend may offer a flimsy excuse for canceling a lunch date on the 16th.

Rewarding Days

2, 10, 17, 22

Challenging Days

7, 12, 16, 25

277Pisces | March

Overall Theme

Venus transits Aries and your solar second house through the 16th, along with Jupiter, activating deep discounts on home furnishings. Your solar second house of income and values is the site of the Aries New Moon on the 21st, which helps you negotiate terms for a home loan when you meet with a reputable mortgage lender offering favorable interest rates.


Recreation is on your mind when you treat your children to a special game or event on the 2nd. During a romantic weekend getaway on the 11th, you and your partner bond in love by sharing feelings and dreams.

Success and Money

Positive lunar aspects in your solar tenth house of career and employing organization on the 15th lead to insightful discussions with your boss about your role in an upcoming staffing makeover of work divisions. The discussion whets your appetite for doing a creative analysis of positions, and your intuitive mind tells you the job is yours. Buy a lottery ticket on the 22nd.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Business partners or collaborators are edgy on the March 7th Virgo Full Moon. Pull away when discussions get volatile and pick another day to discuss work procedures. Don’t bring complaints to your boss on the 14th or your intentions may be misunderstood.

Rewarding Days

2, 11, 15, 22

Challenging Days

7, 14, 16, 26

278Pisces | April

Overall Theme

When the assertive Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter in fire sign Aries show up in your solar second house favorably aspecting the Moon in Leo in your solar sixth house on the 1st, you could be ready to spend some of your hard-earned cash on a pricey item like a new car, engagement ring, or vacation home. Compare prices first.


Bond with siblings on the 21st, laying the groundwork for upcoming spring invitations. Have dinner out with family on the 23rd to discuss projects, children’s interests, and dates to put on the calendar. Attend a social event on the 25th with your partner that includes seldom-seen friends or former classmates.

Success and Money

How fortunate to have the very first Solar Eclipse of the year falling in your solar second house on the 20th, joining prosperity-minded Jupiter in Aries and encouraging you to initiate a job search, a new financial plan that includes investment and savings accounts, and creative ventures with your partner. Prepare your vision board.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

The April 6th Full Moon in Libra opposes the Sun and Jupiter, warning you away from impulse spending and unplanned travel. Keep a clear head and work on taxes instead, especially if you haven’t yet filed them. Mercury in Taurus turns retrograde in your solar third house on the 21st, highlighting safety matters in your local environment.

Rewarding Days

1, 20, 23, 25

Challenging Days

3, 6, 8, 27

279Pisces | May

Overall Theme

The energy of the May 5th Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and your solar third house of communication aligns with transiting Uranus in Taurus also in this house, resulting in unclear messages or confusing phone calls. Retrograde Mercury in Taurus in your solar third house goes direct on May 14. Make phone calls to clear up misunderstandings.


Colleagues recognize contributions you’ve made to a humanitarian cause at a luncheon on the 9th. An invitation to chair the group may be close behind. Your heart swells with pride when a teen child receives an appealing offer of a college scholarship after mid-month. Congratulate your offspring and celebrate with family on the 23rd.

Success and Money

When Jupiter in Taurus arrives in your solar third house on the 16th, activity in this sector picks up steam and talk turns to planning a summer vacation to begin after the delivery date of a key assignment. Work connected to an insightful assessment of business and policy practices gets rave reviews from peer groups after the 28th.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Pluto in Aquarius, at odds with the Moon, goes retrograde in your solar twelfth house on May 1. Ignore a Monday morning grouch who wants to make waves over trivial matters. By evening, harmony returns to your home. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on the 5th highlights strained long-distance communication. Set up a Zoom meeting on the 19th to discuss and resolve the tension.

Rewarding Days

9, 19, 23, 28

Challenging Days

1, 5, 14, 31

280Pisces | June

Overall Theme

Be sure to resolve contracting issues for both personal and business enterprises this month, especially before Saturn goes retrograde on June 17 in Pisces and your solar first house. Concerns about a long-distance work matter are likely to involve an interactive Zoom meeting to look at specifics on the 2nd.


A scheduling conflict prevents you from attending a work-related social invitation on the Sagittarius Full Moon of June 3. Meet a close friend for lunch on the 6th who asks you to be a sounding board over a difficult decision to leave the current job. A sibling contacts you on the 5th to coordinate July holiday plans. Clear dates with your partner before committing.

Success and Money

On the 17th you begin an overnight trip that extends through the June 18th New Moon in Gemini. You and your family enjoy fun and recreation featuring swimming, a picnic, or water rides. A work contract deserves a second look with its tempting offer of a salary increase near the 15th.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

On the 30th, Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde in your solar first house until December 6, creating confusion over plans to implement a new system to streamline processes. Clarify details thoroughly.

Rewarding Days

2, 6, 15, 28

Challenging Days

1, 3, 22, 30

281Pisces | July

Overall Theme

Even though the Capricorn Full Moon on the 3rd makes a harmonious aspect to your Pisces Sun, lunar aspects are unfavorable for travel over the 4th of July holiday. Connect with community residents to plan a holiday celebration to honor our nation’s birthday. A patriotic-themed menu and sparkling cake will put neighbors in a festive mood.


When the Moon is in your sign on the 7th, lunar aspects offer a compatible time to enjoy a short getaway with your partner and family. Bond with those you cherish and enjoy time with your significant other. Schedule travel the week of the 17th, starting with the Cancer New Moon that day. Accept a friend’s invitation for a day at the beach on the 31st.

Success and Money

Uranus in your solar third house greets you with surprising news that your parents are treating you to a weeklong adventure trip to a place that has been on your radar screen. The New Moon in Cancer on the 17th favors enrolling younger children in swimming lessons before an August vacation.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

When transiting Venus in Leo turns retrograde in your solar sixth house on the 23rd, you may have to cancel plans with a friend because of a health concern. Keep your wallet hidden on the 10th or you’ll pick up the lunch check for unexpected work visitors.

Rewarding Days

7, 12, 17, 31

Challenging Days

5, 10, 23, 27

282Pisces | August

Overall Theme

The first of two Full Moons in August shows up on the 1st in Aquarius and your solar twelfth house of introspection, giving you an opportunity to ponder developing plans you have with family members. By the second Full Moon, which occurs in Pisces and your solar first house on August 30, you’re ready to implement your choices in September.


Children claim the family limelight on the 13th, excited to be starting their last vacation of summer. The venue is resort-oriented, with multiple activities that please every age. You and your partner are ready for a Friday night dinner and dance on the 18th to nurture your spirits. Invite friends for a casual meal and a movie on the 27th.

Success and Money

Involvement with a favorite charity on the 4th sets the tone for an elegant gala in late fall. Look for entertainment bargains from the 10th through the 13th. Enjoy your finds and the surprises you’ll share with your family. Consider booking a Broadway show in October.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Friction between family members on the 1st involves the opposition of Mercury and Saturn. Address conflicts before they escalate and put a damper on vacation time. Mercury turns retrograde in Virgo on the 23rd, affecting pending partnership decisions. Uranus in Taurus goes retrograde on the 28th in your solar third house of local interests and complicates your meeting schedule.

Rewarding Days

4, 13, 18, 27

Challenging Days

1, 17, 23, 28

283Pisces | September

Overall Theme

Since several planets shift direction this month, pause before tackling any major decisions. First, Venus in Leo goes direct in your solar sixth house on September 3, followed by Jupiter in Taurus turning retrograde in your solar third house on the 4th through December 30. Routines get back to normal when Mercury turns direct on the 15th in Virgo and your solar seventh house.


Accompany your sibling or cousin to an event on the 6th. Attend a birthday lunch with members of a professional group to honor a longtime colleague celebrating a milestone on the 23rd.

Success and Money

Jupiter favors deals you are setting up, such as work contracts, educational pursuits for you or your children, and home decorating projects. Notice the enjoyable relationships you’re cultivating with cousins and siblings. Put a dent in credit card debt on the 16th.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

If you’re shopping for household remodeling estimates, don’t bother to meet with contractors until after the Labor Day holiday. Line up at least two more companies to compare prices before selecting a well-qualified firm. A couple pieces of office equipment could fail on the 12th, necessitating a call for prompt repairs.

Rewarding Days

6, 14, 16, 23

Challenging Days

7, 12, 17, 29

284Pisces | October

Overall Theme

This month brings invitations for invigorating outings from relatives, friends, and traveling partners looking to share an adventure with you. Single Pisces receive their share of attention from flirtatious friends, especially when the Moon and Venus visit your solar seventh house on the 10th.


On October 14 the final Solar Eclipse of 2023 occurs in Libra and your solar eighth house. You and your mate could be feeling amorous and take advantage of beautiful fall weather to schedule a two-day stay at a popular spa or other venue. Friends invite you to a much-touted concert on the 20th.

Success and Money

Jupiter in Taurus and your solar third house for the remainder of the year gives you an advantageous position for expanding your communication and writing skills well into 2024. Your boss likes your style and the reliability you demonstrate in completing assignments. Look for a salary boost after the October 14th Solar Eclipse in Libra.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

After a six-month retrograde period, Pluto turns direct in Capricorn on October 10 in your solar eleventh house. You’ve been mulling over terminating your membership in a political or social group this year and feel justified in breaking ties over uninspiring leadership qualities. You may experience disappointment when the management team reneges on a revised work policy on the 18th.

Rewarding Days

10, 14, 20, 24

Challenging Days

1, 7, 18, 23

285Pisces | November

Overall Theme

You’re into solving puzzles—crosswords, anagrams, and the good old-fashioned practical kind—which need your intuitive touch when the Moon is in Gemini on the 1st. You’ll want to get a head start on pressing chores this holiday season. Make finishing work assignments a priority to allow plenty of time for gift shopping.


On the 17th children start migrating back to home base to share the Thanksgiving feast. Invite extra guests who live far from their families to your dinner. While the food roasts in the oven, keep the kindness going by asking your family to serve an early meal at a local shelter. Offer invited guests an array of festive dishes and desserts.

Success and Money

An unusual gift from relatives at a distance arrives on the November 13th New Moon in Scorpio. You receive a bonus award shortly after Saturn goes direct in Pisces on the 4th. Share part of your bonus money with a charitable group that provides holiday meals to those in need. Buy extra supplies to make the holiday season brighter around the 17th.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

A mini mutiny in mutable signs takes place this month when the Sagittarius Sun in your solar tenth house takes a hard hit from Saturn in Pisces in your solar first house on Thanksgiving. The Moon in Aries and your solar second house opposes Venus in Libra and your solar eighth house later that day. Keep politics out of the Thanksgiving table discussions.

Rewarding Days

1, 4, 8, 17

Challenging Days

11, 23, 25, 27

286Pisces | December

Overall Theme

Right after Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 6th in your solar first house, holiday invitations for the next three weeks fill your mailbox. Party season seems endless, with special events filling your calendar every week, including parades, cocktail parties, dinners, and brunches.


Attend an event with your partner on the 5th to celebrate their achievements. Accept an invitation to a holiday dinner sponsored by a professional affiliation on the 14th. Buy raffle tickets to support a children’s charity and purchase an extra toy. Guests begin to arrive on the 22nd, kicking off the holiday celebrations.

Success and Money

Jupiter in Taurus transits your solar third house for most of this month, reminding you of the prosperity that has come your way this year—caring neighbors, a lovely community, loving siblings and cousins, and the brand-new car that is sitting in your driveway. Work perks arrive in the form of a fascinating new job, a raise, or a bonus.

Pitfalls and Potential Problems

Planets boldly shift direction this month, starting with Neptune’s direct motion in Pisces and your solar first house on the 6th, followed by Mercury turning retrograde on the 13th in Capricorn and your solar eleventh house. Jupiter goes direct in Taurus on the 30th in your solar third house, suggesting that your expertise in communication will be a focus in 2024.

Rewarding Days

5, 7, 14, 22

Challenging Days

3, 8, 13, 26

287Pisces Action Table

These dates reflect the best—but not the only—times for success and ease in these activities, according to your Sun sign.























Seek counseling/





Ask for a raise











Get a loan



