Astrological aspects describe the relationships between planets and important points in a horoscope chart. Basically, they’re the mathematical angles that measure the distance between two or more planets. Planets in square aspect are 90 degrees apart, planets in opposition are 180 degrees apart, and so forth. Each of these aspect relationships seems to link energies in a very different way. For example, if two planets are in square aspect, think of what you know about “squaring off,” and you’ll understand exactly how they’re interacting. Think of aspects as a way of describing the type of conversation going on between celestial bodies.
Here’s a brief description of the five major aspects.
When two planets are within a few degrees of each other, they’re joined at the hip. The conjunction is often called the aspect of “fusion,” since the energies involved always act together.
Planets in sextile are linked by a 60-degree angle, creating an exciting, stimulating astrological “conversation.” These planets encourage, arouse, and excite each other.
The square aspect is created by linking energies in a 90-degree angle—which tends to be testy and sometimes irritating but always action-oriented.
The trine is the “lazy” aspect. When planets are in this 120-degree angle, they get along so well that they often aren’t motivated to do much. Trines make things easy—too easy, at times—but they’re also known for being quite lucky.
Oppositions exist between planets that are literally opposite one another. Think about seesaws and playing tug of war, and you’ll understand how these energies get along. Sure, it can be a power struggle at times, but balance is the key.