Helpful reminders

Creating a magical life is an ongoing process. It takes time and resilience to make significant changes and we need to find ways to bolster ourselves as we go. Please know that you’re not alone in wanting to feel abundant, peaceful, free, wild, strong, soft, and magic all at once. Consider this your official welcome to the coven of individuals who take charge of their own lives and change for the better.

Before I go, I’d like to leave you with a few things I often have to remind myself of along this path of healing and transformation. These are a mix of personal aphorisms and intentions to which I continually come back to reassure and steady myself in moments when I’m met with resistance. I hope they can serve as loving reminders to you, too.

Go slower.

Trust, nurture, and show up for yourself.

Let go.

Give yourself the gift of time and space.


Follow the sparks that light you up.

Find pleasure in the everyday.

Crack your heart open.

Move through the world with tenderness.

Trust there is always enough.

Your body is your ally.

Taking care of yourself first will help you show up fully for others.

You have the answers you seek.