
Red-rumped Parrot

Psephotus haematonotus

John Gould was the first to describe the species, in 1838.

Psephotus is from the Greek psephotos (inlaid with mosaic stones or jewels), inspired by the richly coloured spots of red on the rump and the sulphur-yellow on the shoulders of the male; haematonotus combines the Greek haima (blood) and notos (backed).

Ebenezer Edward Gostelow, The Red-backed Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus) 1928 (adult male, top; adult female, bottom)

Ebenezer Edward Gostelow, The Red-backed Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus) 1928
(adult male, top; adult female, bottom)

Author’s note: In all of the Psephotus parrots, the males are more brightly coloured than the females.

John Gould (artist), Henry Constantine Richter (lithographer), Psephotus haematonotus (Red-backed Parrakeet) 1848 (adult female, top; adult male, bottom)

John Gould (artist), Henry Constantine Richter (lithographer), Psephotus haematonotus (Red-backed Parrakeet) 1848 (adult female, top; adult male, bottom)

Author’s note: This illustration is the first published of the species.