Chapter 2 – Benefits of a Green Smoothie Cleanse

Going on a green smoothie cleanse offers many wonderful benefits. When you follow the green smoothie diet, you will soon begin to notice some benefits, such as weight loss, improved energy and more. In fact, drinking green smoothies offer so many benefits that you will probably want to continue adding them to your diet, even after you complete the cleanse. Here are just a few benefits that following the green smoothie cleanse plan can offer you.

Benefit #1 – Jump Starts Weight Loss

One of the main benefits of going on a green smoothie detox is that it helps to jump start weight loss. Even though the smoothies fill you up, the smoothies will help you lose weight. Since the smoothies have a high water content and they are packed with low calorie green leafy veggies, they’ll help you take off those extra pounds. They are low in calories, yet they have plenty of fiber in them, which will make you feel full. Because the fiber makes you feel full, drinking the smoothies will help eliminate cravings, which will aid in weight loss as well.

Benefit #2 – Increase Intake of Important Nutrients

Another benefit of going on the green smoothie cleanse is that the smoothies help to increase your intake of important nutrients. Since the veggies and fruits in the smoothies are raw, they offer you more nutrients than cooked fruits and veggies do. The green smoothies you drink on this diet are packed with important antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, phytonutrients, minerals and more. Your body needs the nutrients found in the smoothies. Unfortunately, many people do not get the nutrients they need from their diet. However, when fruits and veggies are turned into smoothies, it makes it easier to get more fruits and veggies in your diet, improving your intake of the important nutrients that your body needs to function optimally.

Benefit #3 – Look and Feel Young and Healthy

You may be surprised that consuming green smoothies offers the benefit of helping you look and feel young and healthy. All the nutrients found in the raw fruits and veggies improve the function of your body and help to improve the health of your body. As you eliminate toxins from the body, you will notice that your skin begins to improve, looking younger and healthier. The skin is the body’s largest organ and all those toxins can negatively affect skin. As you remove the toxins, you can expect skin to improve. All the antioxidants in the green smoothies will also help to reverse and prevent aging, reducing problems with fine lines, age spots and wrinkles, giving you a more youthful appearance. Not only will you look young and healthy, but the improvement in your body’s functions will make you feel younger and healthier as well.

Benefit #4 – Eliminate Toxins from the Body

The body is designed to eliminate toxins naturally. However, when excessive toxins build up in the body, the body may have a tough time keeping up with all the toxins. To reduce the strain of your body, you can take measures to help your body eliminate those toxins. The green smoothie cleanse helps the body as it works to eliminate toxins. All the fiber in the green smoothies help the body to cleanse away built up waste and toxins. This helps reduce the strain of the toxic load on your body and as toxins are eliminating, you’ll notice that you begin feeling better. In fact, many of the symptoms of a high toxic load, such as headaches, fatigue and constipation, will go away once those toxins are eliminated.

Benefit #5 – Hydrate the Body for Improved Bodily Functions

Many people today walk around consistently dehydrated. Since most functions in the body rely on water, dehydration can result in big problems. When your body is well hydrated, it ensures that the immune system, brain, digestive system, muscles and other functions all work the way they should. Regularly smoking, eating processed foods or consuming sodas may result in dehydration. Check your urine if you want to know if you’re dehydrated. If it’s not clean or a very pale yellow, then you probably are dealing with dehydration. Since green smoothies have such a high water content, they help to rehydrate the body, which improves all bodily functions. Drinking the smoothies is a tasty way to get more water in your diet as well.

Benefit #6 – Improves Performance of the Digestive System

Following the green smoothie cleanse plan will also help improve the performance of your digestive system. Since the smoothies are in liquid form, the body can easily metabolize and digest them, making it easier for the body to get the nutrients it needs from those fruits and veggies. If you are dealing with digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, heartburn or colitis, you may find that drinking green smoothies helps treat these problems. Eating fried foods, too much gluten and processed foods can lead to digestive problems, as can consuming a large amount of unhealthy fats. The digestive system doesn’t need to work hard to digest green smoothies, since they are already in liquid form. This helps take some of the pressure off the digestive system and makes it easy for your body to extract all the important nutrients that your body needs to function optimally.

Benefit #7 – Tasty, Easy Options to Try

Many people find that they love the green smoothie diet because there are so many tasty, easy options to try. Preparing the smoothies is a breeze and most smoothies only take a few minutes to prepare. Easy preparation makes it easy for you to stick to this diet. Of course, all the tasty green smoothie recipes are beneficial as well. Since most of the green smoothie recipes include fruits, the included fruits will shine through so you won’t really end up tasting the greens. With so many tasty greens and delicious fruits and veggies available, you will find so many delicious recipes to try. In fact, you can even start experimenting with your own recipes. You definitely won’t get tired of green smoothies, since there are so many different options available to you.