Other Foods to Include in Your Smoothies

While green leafy veggies are the base of your green smoothies, you can include many other foods in your smoothies as well. Adding other foods can help you to improve the flavor and you can add in foods that will add to the nutrient content of your smoothies as well. Here is a look at other foods you can add to smoothies to improve taste and their nutritional punch.

- Fruits – Fruits help to improve the taste of your green smoothies and can be added to your smoothies. However, you shouldn’t overdo the fruits. Diabetics should make sure they choose low sugar fruits. Many of the best green smoothie recipes call for various fruits, which also pack in many important nutrients for your body. Fruits to add to your smoothies include, but are not limited to, the following:
















- Sweeteners – Natural sweeteners can be added to green smoothies if necessary, but it’s best to leave them out if possible. Sweeteners like Stevia, organic maple syrup or agave are okay.

- Water – Purified water can be added to smoothies. It helps improve hydration and can be used to thin out the texture of your smoothies. Using purified or spring water is important, since you want to avoid using water that may have chemicals in it.

- Protein – Consider adding protein to your green smoothies, especially if you are working out or need some extra energy to your day. It is best to avoid whey protein powder. Instead, go with hemp protein, soy protein or rice protein powders. Adding protein to your smoothies is especially important if you are planning to work out after drinking your smoothie. You may even want to add protein to smoothies to help kick start a busy day.

- Veggies – You can also add other veggies to your smoothies. Tasty veggies to add include the following:






And other favorite veggies

Foods to Avoid While on the Green Smoothie Cleanse

Certain foods should be avoided while you are following the green smoothie diet. Keep a list of the foods you should avoid so you don’t accidentally consume them while you’re on the cleanse. Foods you should avoid include the following:

- Starchy veggies, such as corn and potatoes

- Refined carbs (donuts, white pastas, white bread)

- Meat

- Dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream)

- Sodas

- Refined sugar

- Alcoholic beverages

- Anything fried

- Unhealthy fats

- Coffee

- Processed foods

About a Modified Cleanse

Some people may not be able to handle the full 10-day green smoothie cleanse, particularly those with certain health problems. However, you can do a modified cleanse that will allow you to enjoy the benefits of the cleanse.

To do a modified cleanse, you will need to drink smoothies for breakfast and lunch and then you can have a light, healthy meal for dinner. Drink 4-5 16oz green smoothies throughout the day. Then, for dinner, choose a healthy option, such as grilled fish with broccoli and a side salad. Small snacks are okay on a modified cleanse as well, as long as you make healthy choice.

Of course, if you do a modified cleanse, you still need to skip foods on the list of foods to avoid. Drinking water is important as well.