

The mouth can also be created with simple circles. By overlapping the circles differently, you can create all three views of the mouth. Some things to note about the mouth: The midline should extend a bit past the upper and lower lips on either side. The upper lip is usually wider and darker (more shadowed) than the lower lip, which catches the light. The lower lip is often formed more by the shading underneath it than by actually shading the lip itself.


drawing/sketching paper


Front View

STEP 1: Draw the Circles and Lines

Draw two circles side by side. Draw a third circle under the top two and centrally aligned with them. Draw a midline. Draw contours around the upper circle to form the upper lip. Draw around the bottom circle to form the lower lip.

STEP 2: Add Shading

Shade the upper lip darker than the lower, and shade under the lower lip.

Three-Quarter View

STEP 1: Draw the Circles and Lines

Draw two circles slightly overlapping to form the upper lip. Draw a third circle under the top two and centrally aligned where they overlap. Draw the midline of the mouth extending farther out one side (right side of the mouth) and one just past the upper circle (left side of the mouth). Draw contour lines around the upper circles to form the upper lip and around the bottom circle to form the lower lip. Remember that you are seeing only part of the right side of the mouth and all of the left side.

STEP 2: Add Shading

Shade the upper lip darker than the lower lip, leaving a highlight in the middle. Shade the lower lip, leaving a highlight in the middle, and shade under the lower lip.

Side View

STEP 1: Draw the Circles and Lines

Draw two circles overlapping in the middle to form the upper lip. Draw a third circle underneath the left upper circle. Draw the midline from the upper right circle extending it past the upper left circle to form the side view of the lips. Add contour lines to the upper and lower lips.

STEP 2: Add Shading

Shade the upper lip darker than the lower lip. Leave a highlight on the right side of the lower lip and lightly shade the rest. Shade underneath the lower lip.