Symbols, Abbreviations and Contractions

± more or less
> greater than
< less than
abbr. abbreviation
ACT Australian Capital Territory
adj. adjective
approx. approximately
auctt. non (auctorum non) preceeds the authority of a plant name when the name has been misapplied by other authors. Can be loosely translated as ‘of some authors but not of ...’
C central
c. approximately (circa)
cf. compare to (confer)
cm centimetre
cv. cultivar
diam. diameter
dim. diminutive
E east, eastern
ed./eds editor(s)
e.g. for example (exempli gratia)
et al. and others (et alii), and of others (et aliorum)
Fig. Figure
flor. floral
i.e. that is (id est)
Is. Island(s)
km kilometre
L. Linnaeus (in authorities for plant names)
L.S. longitudinal section
Ma million years ago
m metre
mm millimetre
N north/northern
n. noun
NCal New Caledonia
NE north-east
NG New Guinea
NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
NW north-west
NZ New Zealand
p./pp. page/pages
Pl. Plate
plac. placentation
plur. plural
PNG Papua New Guinea
Qld Queensland
q.v. which see (quod vide)
RH right-hand
S south/southern
SA South Australia
SE south-east
sens. lat./s.l. in a broad (taxonomic) sense (sensu lato)
sens. strict./s.s. in a narrow (taxonomic) sense (sensu stricto)
sing. singular
s.l. (see sens. lat.)
sp. species, singular
spp. species, plural
ssp. subspecies, singular
subsp. subspecies, singular
subspp. subspecies, plural
SW south-west
syn. synonym
Tas. Tasmania
T.S. transverse section
var. variety
Vic. Victoria
USA United States of America
W west/western
WA Western Australia