Symbols, Abbreviations and Contractions
± | more or less |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
abbr. | abbreviation |
ACT | Australian Capital Territory |
adj. | adjective |
approx. | approximately |
auctt. non | (auctorum non) preceeds the authority of a plant name when the name has been misapplied by other authors. Can be loosely translated as ‘of some authors but not of ...’ |
C | central |
c. | approximately (circa) |
cf. | compare to (confer) |
cm | centimetre |
cv. | cultivar |
diam. | diameter |
dim. | diminutive |
E | east, eastern |
ed./eds | editor(s) |
e.g. | for example (exempli gratia) |
et al. | and others (et alii), and of others (et aliorum) |
Fig. | Figure |
flor. | floral |
i.e. | that is (id est) |
Is. | Island(s) |
km | kilometre |
L. | Linnaeus (in authorities for plant names) |
L.S. | longitudinal section |
Ma | million years ago |
m | metre |
mm | millimetre |
N | north/northern |
n. | noun |
NCal | New Caledonia |
NE | north-east |
NG | New Guinea |
NSW | New South Wales |
NT | Northern Territory |
NW | north-west |
NZ | New Zealand |
p./pp. | page/pages |
Pl. | Plate |
plac. | placentation |
plur. | plural |
PNG | Papua New Guinea |
Qld | Queensland |
q.v. | which see (quod vide) |
RH | right-hand |
S | south/southern |
SA | South Australia |
SE | south-east |
sens. lat./s.l. | in a broad (taxonomic) sense (sensu lato) |
sens. strict./s.s. | in a narrow (taxonomic) sense (sensu stricto) |
sing. | singular |
s.l. | (see sens. lat.) |
sp. | species, singular |
spp. | species, plural |
ssp. | subspecies, singular |
subsp. | subspecies, singular |
subspp. | subspecies, plural |
SW | south-west |
syn. | synonym |
Tas. | Tasmania |
T.S. | transverse section |
var. | variety |
Vic. | Victoria |
USA | United States of America |
W | west/western |
WA | Western Australia |