Catherine Price watched the world unfold outside the carriage window. She felt such joy she could scarcely contain it. So many events of magnitude were coming together in her life, it was enough to make a girl raised on the rough frontier believe that she had been transported into some magical fairy tale.
Fort Edward kept just one carriage, usually reserved for the king’s representative, the provincial governor. But the general had personally invited Catherine to dine on board a ship of the line. It was the first time an official invitation had been addressed to her, the first time Catherine was not going just as her father’s daughter. The written invitation had read that General Whetlock, the regimental commandant recently arrived from England, requested the pleasure of her company on board the vessel Excalibur for a banquet in celebration of the sacking of Fort Louisburg.
Her father sat ramrod straight beside her, pride showing in spite of his efforts to appear nonchalant. John Price had served in the King’s Own Fusiliers for eleven years, until a French cannonade had injured him and cut short his career. He deeply missed the pomp and circumstance, the honor and the glory. No matter that he now served as the provincial notary, answering only to Fort Edward’s senior officer and the governor in Halifax. John Price had never forgiven the French for ending his rise within the military, and he loathed them to a man.
The carriage rocked like a boat in high seas as the trail descended and forded yet another stream. The woman seated across from Catherine sniffed her disdain. “I do not see why on earth we must suffer through this endless journey. The ship is almost close enough for me to reach out and touch it.”
“That may be so, ma’am.” John Price’s voice was as stiff as his bearing. “But there is only one docking station between Fort Edward and Chelmsford. We must make for that in order to meet the ship’s boat.”
Mrs. Priscilla Stevenage sniffed even more loudly. “Even a provincial town such as your own, sir, should be able to afford a proper docking facility. Why, our new capital of Halifax is but a few years old, and already we have a decent rock-lined harbor.”
“I daresay you do,” John Price said, a red flush creeping up from his collar. “Since the fleet must winter there and at Annapolis Royal.”
“Then why on earth can’t a fort as old as yours—”
“Mud, ma’am. Good, rich, fertile mud.” He waved an angry hand out beyond the open window. “The very same mud which allows this provincial town to feed not only its own citizens but Halifax and Annapolis Royal as well.”
Though Catherine did not wish to say anything at all to the woman seated opposite her, she realized she had no choice. To remain silent would mean seeing the evening ruined before it had properly begun. She patted her father’s hand, then said matter-of-factly to Priscilla Stevenage, “The Cobequid Basin has the highest tidal surge in the world. Twice a day the waters rise twenty feet, and descend the same amount.”
Clearly Mrs. Stevenage had no interest in being instructed by Catherine. Her thin lips pursed in disapproval. “I fail to see why that makes it necessary for us to make this horrid trek just to reach the general’s ship.”
“Because at low tide, such as now, the tidal basin is full of shallow ponds and mud so thick a man can sink out of sight and vanish.” Catherine held on to her patience with great effort. Her beloved Andrew had once paid court to this woman. Before he had met me, Catherine comforted herself. Even now, after marrying an older officer stationed at headquarters, it looked as though Priscilla Stevenage remained bitterly resentful that she had lost Andrew. She was supposedly visiting Fort Edward to accompany her husband to this honored occasion, but Catherine was certain the woman had made the journey to see who had won the man she had once endeavored to claim for herself. Andrew’s brief courting of Priscilla had been at his superior officer’s suggestion, but he had soon realized that he did not want to pursue the relationship. Rumors suggested that Priscilla remained furious over this rejection.
Catherine kept her voice calm as she went on. “The French found a way to build dikes and reclaim much of the land. It is the finest farmland in the world, so rich it will grow anything. But to reach a vessel anchored in deep waters, it means we must build a pier out far enough to span the unclaimed muddy land.”
“Only thing the French ever got right,” her father muttered. “Building those dikes.”
Priscilla gave another sniff, one of many mannerisms Catherine was swiftly learning to dislike. But before the woman could open her mouth and cast another barb, Catherine spied a familiar figure on horseback coming down the trail toward them at a brisk pace. She cried, “Here comes Andrew! Oh, I knew he wouldn’t miss this evening!”
Normally the adjutant of a minor garrison like Fort Edward would not be invited to dine with a visiting senior officer. But Andrew had been acting commandant of the Fort Edward garrison since the colonel in charge had been stricken that spring with a severe fever and taken by barque to Halifax. That, plus the fact that Andrew’s father and the general had been friends back in England, had resulted in the evening’s invitation.
The young lieutenant reined his horse up close to the carriage and doffed his hat. “A very good evening to you, Miss Catherine,” he said, bowing slightly toward her as she gazed at him from the carriage window.
“Welcome home, Mr. Harrow.” She wished there were some way to hide from the others, to give him a proper greeting after the weeks apart. But all she could do was put everything she was feeling into her voice and eyes. No matter that the woman across from her was shooting daggers her way. Catherine motioned graciously to the other woman and went on, “Of course you know Mrs. Stevenage.”
“Your servant, ma’am.” Andrew gave a small bow, then turned to Catherine’s father. “I bring you greetings from the Annapolis garrison, Mr. Price.”
“Excellent, my young fellow. Excellent. You had a good journey?”
“Uneventful, save for the wretched state of the roads. Almost lost one wagon to a mud slide and another to a panicking mule.” Lieutenant Andrew Harrow had to bend over to meet John Price’s gaze. Which brought his face quite close to Catherine’s. She resisted the urge to lean out the carriage window and kiss him then and there.
Even her father, who was as scant with his praise as he was with laughter, called Andrew Harrow a rare breed. The young man was not particularly tall, yet held his slender frame so erect that he seemed to tower over men half a head higher than himself. He wore his raven hair long and full, tied back tonight with a dark red ribbon the color of his dress uniform. Not for Andrew Harrow the stuffy confines of a powdered wig, not even on a night when he was to dine in the general’s company. He held to the confident strength of a born leader and kept his men’s ready allegiance with deceptive ease.
But it was neither his strength nor his heritage that had caused Catherine to love him, though in her heart of hearts she had to confess to liking both immensely. Andrew had a kinder side, a light to his pale blue eyes which seemed to grow in intensity whenever they were together. She loved that gentle light and wished for nothing more than to dedicate herself to strengthening it all their life long.
Andrew gave her a look then, one which seemed to say that he too was caught by the thought of reaching for her. Catherine knew a thrill of sudden fear that he would cause a public spectacle, but he gave her a mischievous smile before rising up tall once more in the saddle. “I’ll just ride ahead to make sure the ship’s boat is ready.”
Catherine watched him spur his horse on, then dropped her gaze to her lap. She did not need to glance across to know Priscilla Stevenage was rewarding her with a look of sheer venom. A smile kept threatening to rise from the warmth of her heart and spread across her face. Not even Priscilla Stevenage could rob this day of joy.
Despite a naturally sour expression, the general obviously was putting himself out to make the evening pleasant for his guests. For Catherine, who had never been on a naval ship before, all was new and exciting. Priscilla Stevenage’s sophisticated demeanor could not hide the fact that she was vastly impressed. The ship had been assigned to General Whetlock, co-commandant of all British forces stationed in Acadia Province, by Governor Lawrence himself.
The ship’s decks had been holystoned until they gleamed a soft honey gold. Every rope was plaited with perfection, every railing freshly painted, the brass fittings polished until they shone. Even the cannons gleamed dull and ruddy in the fading sunlight. The crew who had manned the general’s jolly boat had all worn fresh-starched white trousers and straw hats with ribbons fluttering in the evening breeze.
The ladies were lifted to the deck in what Andrew had called a bosun’s chair and piped aboard by two fresh-faced youths, then greeted by the general himself. They were led to the aft stateroom and directed to carefully arranged places about the glittering table. The stateroom and the meal were much grander than Catherine had expected to find on board a ship. The cleanliness of everything surprised her as well. Andrew had said that the general, a friend of his father, would do them proud. But she had never expected to find such a welcome, and in such distinguished surroundings.
Catherine was so overcome that the meal was almost finished and she still had not managed to find her voice. But no one seemed to notice, since most of the talk swirling about the table was of war.
“I take my hat off to you, sir,” the general declared to Catherine’s father. “Keeping close watch over this garrison’s supplies, locked in a backwater colony with the enemy for neighbors, that is one assignment I would run from. You have your work laid out for you, I daresay.”
“Major Price served in His Majesty’s forces for over a decade,” Andrew pointed out.
“Well I know it. The notary of Fort Edward is highly spoken of in Halifax and Annapolis Royal both. The governor is well served to have you, sir. Well served.”
John Price’s expression did not change, but Catherine could see the flush on his cheeks and knew he was pleased. “I’d give my good leg for the chance to go back into service, I don’t mind telling you, sir.”
“Now, now. Ten years and a wounding you’ve managed to survive is more than enough service for any man.” The general wore long muttonchop sideburns, which were almost as white as his powdered wig. He was a large man with a booming voice, commanding the table with the ease of one born to rule. “Plus I might add that the service you continue to grant the Crown here and now is valued most highly.”
“You are too kind, General.”
“Not so,” the general argued. “With the storm clouds gathering, there will be honor for all, no matter how they serve.”
Priscilla Stevenage’s husband, a broad-faced lieutenant with glittering green eyes, demanded, “Have the latest dispatches reported anything more?”
“Nothing except what any man with his head attached correctly would expect. War is coming, mark my words,” the general said heavily. “The king of France is allying himself with anyone who is willing to put pen to paper. Princes in Spain, dukes of Sicily and Sardinia, even the ruler of the Ottomans, if rumors are to be believed.”
Catherine did her best to ignore the discussion. Talk of war disturbed her greatly, especially when it dealt with the French. She was born and raised in the province of Acadia. This was the name given the land by the original French settlers who had arrived over a hundred years before the English had landed. For as long as Catherine could remember, there had been talk of this war or that, always far away, and always against the French. Yet she had lived under the shadow of Fort Edward all her life, with the French village of Minas so close she could see the rooftops from the fort towers. And there had never been any trouble with her unseen neighbors. Not ever. Though she had never laid eyes on a Frenchman outside the markets of Cobequid Town, she could not call them enemies. Mysterious, yes. Threatening, no.
She cast a glance around the room, taking in the darkened beams and the silver candelabra. The light flickered and danced over the silver and gold plating. The general’s table was a broad slab of aged oak, polished with beeswax so she could see her reflection in its surface. Great iron hooks in each corner revealed how the table was raised and latched to the cabin’s ceiling when not in use.
Her reflection twinkled back at her from a score of surfaces. The center of the table was lined with gold and jeweled ornaments, all of them polished until they shone like perfect mirrors.
Catherine wondered if it was as evident to the dinner guests as it was to her that she was a provincial lass. She had sewn her dress herself, using drawings from an English journal and a bolt of the finest material brought last season from England. She wore it off the shoulder as the magazine had indicated but felt a bit uncomfortable with this, even though the June night still held to a bit of chill. She resisted the urge to reach up and lift the ruffles. Instead she touched her burnished brown curls and drew them forward over her shoulders. Her hair was her finest feature, she felt. That and her amber eyes, which were almost the identical color.
But the talk remained upon battles past and those yet to come. Priscilla Stevenage, the other woman at the table, sat across from her husband and offered supporting comments whenever he spoke up—which was rather often. Catherine found the voice of Lieutenant Randolf Stevenage to be particularly grating. A weak chin and flaccid features seemed an ironic contrast to his loud and aggressive manner. Catherine and Andrew exchanged glances when Stevenage had made a particularly belligerent comment. She knew what Andrew’s feelings were about the French.
But the others at the table seemed utterly at ease with savagery and conflict. Suddenly the gold and silver gracing the table lost its glitter, and Catherine saw it for what it was—booty from previous battles. Prizes won at the cost of blood and suffering and fear and death. A flash of shivering premonition seemed to hold a trace of her own future.
Andrew leaned forward and murmured, “Are you cold, Miss Catherine?”
“No, I’m fine.” She managed a smile and took strength from his concern. He was such a good man. Other women might have pursued him for his title and his dashing looks, the raven black hair and eyes the color of a winter sky. But she saw in his care and understanding all the other qualities which she loved most and which she vowed to nurture all her life long. The gentle nature he strived to hide from the world, the intelligence and the questing spirit, these were prizes far richer than all the gold in all the ships in all the world. Her smile rose to fill her gaze, giving to him all she could not put into words. Not there.
The general’s voice boomed from the table’s far end. “Miss Price, I fear we have bored you with all our talk of conflict.”
“Not at all, sir.” She hoped her sudden flush was hidden by the candlelight. “I am honored to be included among your distinguished company tonight.”
The general smiled for the first time that evening. “A proper lady, with manners of one highborn. I shall report as much to Lord Harrow. Have you ever met the earl?”
“Alas, sir, I have never been to England.”
“That is England’s loss, my dear. One soon to be remedied, I hope.”
To Catherine’s relief, the table’s attention was drawn away from her by the arrival of dessert. The general’s two servants brought in steaming platters of bread-and-butter pudding, spiced with cinnamon and other scents of distant lands. They wore their hair in long tarred pigtails and had gold earrings. The man who served Catherine had a most remarkable design upon the back of his right hand. Inked into the very skin, a serpent coiled up his wrist and disappeared into his uniform’s starched sleeve. As he put down the plate in front of Catherine, the serpent seemed to writhe and hiss at her. Another shiver coursed through her.
The general’s attention returned to her after the servants had bowed themselves out. “What manner of activities keep you occupied, Miss Price?”
Despite the battery of gazes directed at her from every place around the table, Catherine was able to keep her voice even. “I keep my father’s house, sir. My mother died when I was very young.”
“She also helps with my records,” John Price added, pride coloring his tone. “A finer hand with a pen and figures you will never find.”
“A lady of talent and good sense.” The general gave a ponderous nod and turned to Andrew. “I hear you are to be congratulated, young sir.”
“Your words are perhaps a bit early, General, but I thank you nonetheless.” Andrew reached across to clasp Catherine’s hand. “I have indeed asked for Miss Price’s hand in marriage, and I am happy to say that she has accepted, and her father has kindly granted his approval.”
A chorus of murmurs rose from about the table. The general banged his knife loudly upon the surface. He rose to his feet and proclaimed, “Our ship is honored to be graced with your presence and your news. I am sure my officers will join with me in wishing you both a long and happy life together.”
Chairs and benches and boots scraped as the men rose and joined with the general in saluting the pair. Only Priscilla Stevenage remained seated across from Catherine, her haughty stare and manner distancing herself from any well-wishing.
Catherine lowered her gaze in embarrassment at all the attention. This brought her again face-to-face with her reflection on the table, and for some reason this disturbed her even more than the other woman’s cold gaze.