
There is the solitary act of writing, and then there is the communal effort of bringing a story into the world. I am grateful to my writing group—Carol Fisher Saller, Linda Kimball, Elizabeth Fama, and Susan Fine—for their support and guidance through the years. Esther Hershenhorn has been an amazing booster and mentor. Irene Fahrenwald, librarian to the stars and an early reader of this story, gave me great insights. Angela Sherrill infected me with her crazy love of children’s literature. Franny Billingsley generously shared writing advice. Jennifer Fleming listened to every up and down. Jennifer Mattson helped me through countless drafts and plot twists with her usual grace and calm. My husband, Norm Issa, patiently read every word. And, of course, there are Dad and Mom: Harry and Kathleen Hannigan have been unfailing champions of my writing life, starting with my earliest days penning homemade birthday cards. I thank you all.