Land of Unlikeness (1944)

Lord Weary’s Castle (1946)

The Mills of the Kavanaughs (1951)

Life Studies (1959)

Phaedra (translation) (1961)

Imitations (1961)

For the Union Dead (1964)

The Old Glory (plays) (1965)

Near the Ocean (1967)

Prometheus Bound (translation) (1967)

The Voyage and Other Versions of Poems by Baudelaire (1968)

Notebook 1967–68 (1969; Notebook, revised and expanded edition, 1970)

History (1973)

For Lizzie and Harriet (1973)

The Dolphin (1973)

Selected Poems (1976; revised edition, 1977)

Day by Day (1977)

The Oresteia of Aeschylus (translation) (1978)

Collected Prose (1987)

Collected Poems (2003)

The Letters of Robert Lowell (2005)

Selected Poems: Expanded Edition (2007)

Words in Air: The Complete Correspondence Between Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell (2008)

New Selected Poems (2017)

The Dolphin Letters, 1970–1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell, and Their Circle (2019)