1. Etymology
from father to father to farther away
from the father or take the mother instead
and keep her where she belongs
under a name that isn’t hers
2. In religious thought
see “Names of God”
and then refuse
to write them down
and ask if ink
is sacrilege or faith
3. Names of names
person / body / anthroponym / another body / hold me as if I’m yours
place / please / toponym / top of a mountain / toppling down
body of water / body of body / hydronym / hear me under / drowning
ethnic group / not mine / ethnonym / still not / mine? / I don’t
understand the question
resident(s) of a locality / locusts / demonym / demon / demand return
/ anywhere but home
false name / face / hand / rib / pseudonym / pass
named after a person / below earth / below water / below skin /
eponym / upon the grave
4. Further reading
my mother was afraid
and made my father
take her name
and so my husband was afraid
and made me take his
and so I was afraid too
and made our son
take my great-grandmother’s
and so she turned
scared in her grave
the stones above her
shook and called out
for god to give it back