

by Dave Wolverton

Another Range of Mountains

by Megan E. O’Keefe

Illustrated by Sarah Webb


by Paul Eckheart

Illustrated by Michael Talbot

Beneath the Surface of Two Kills

by Shauna O’Meara

Illustrated by Cassandre Bolan

Artistic Presentation

by L. Ron Hubbard

Beyond All Weapons

by L. Ron Hubbard

Illustrated by Adam Brewster


by Terry Madden

Illustrated by Seonhee Lim

Rainbows for Other Days

by C. Stuart Hardwick

Illustrated by Andrew Sonea

Giants at the End of the World

by Leena Likitalo

Illustrated by Trevor Smith

... And Now Thirty

by Robert Silverberg


by Orson Scott Card

Illustrated by Vincent-Michael Coviello

The Clouds in Her Eyes

by Liz Colter

Illustrated by Kirbi Fagan

What Moves the Sun and Other Stars

by K.C. Norton

Illustrated by Kristie Kim

Long Jump

by Oleg Kazantsev

Illustrated by Adam Brewster

These Walls of Despair

by Anaea Lay

Illustrated by Bernardo Mota

Synaptic Soup

by Val Lakey Lindahn

Robots Don’t Cry

by Mike Resnick

Illustrated by Andrew Sonea

The Shaadi Exile

by Amanda Forrest

Illustrated by Vincent-Michael Coviello

The Pushbike Legion

by Timothy Jordan

Illustrated by Cassandre Bolan

Memories Bleed Beneath the Mask

by Randy Henderson

Illustrated by Vanessa Golitz

A Word on the Art Direction

by Stephen Hickman

List of Illustrations by Artist

Writers’ Contest Rules

Illustrators’ Contest Rules