Appendix: II

Groups that Support Elephant and Other Endangered Animal’s Preservation within Sanctuaries, Rehabilitation Centers, and Medical Facilities.

This list was created by the group below:



Exploring the threats to elephants around the world: An educational media portal created by the International Field Program of the New School

from their Website

The Amboseli Trust for Elephants aims to ensure the long-term conservation and welfare of Africa’s elephants in the context of human needs and pressures through scientific research, training, community outreach, public awareness, and advocacy.


The African Conservation Foundation works to preserve Africa’s wildlife by conducting, supporting, and linking conservation projects throughout the continent.


The African Wildlife Foundation is an international conservation organization focusing their efforts across Africa. They work on promoting elephant conservation by reducing ivory consumption with their Say No Campaign, supporting anti-poaching efforts in Africa, and securing habitats across Africa’s landscapes.


Big Life Foundation is a community based conservation organization that employs park rangers in Kenya and Tanzania to stop poaching in national parks. It works to protect all species in the parks, but elephants are the highest priority.


David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Elephant Orphanage is a sanctuary for orphaned elephants. The charity works closely with the Kenyan Wildlife Services to raise orphaned rhinos and elephants.iWorry is their campaign started in Kenya that aims to protect elephants by raising awareness. They have campaign materials available for download.


Elephant Voices advances the study of elephant cognition, communication, and social behavior, promotes the scientifically sound and ethical management and care of elephants through research, conservation, education, and advocacy.


Elephants for Africa is a small charity dedicated to protecting African elephants through research and education projects in Botswana.


Save the Elephants is based in Kenya and works to secure a future for elephants and to sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live; to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two species. They solely work to protect elephants.


Last Great Ape Organization is a non-governmental organization that works closely with governments to enforce and prosecute criminals who are involved in illegal wildlife trafficking.


SOS Elephants is dedicated to the preservation of elephants and their habitats throughout various regions by employing methods in research, education, conservation, and counter poaching disciplines. They are based in Chad and have an elephant orphanage.


Wildlife Direct is an international organization based in Kenya that works to protect African species and others around the world. It has organized two campaigns to protect elephants – Elephant Voices and Hands Off Our Elephants.


Bring the Elephant Home is an organization that works in Thailand to ensure the proper treatment of elephants in captivity and to promote the protection of wild elephants by securing their habitats.


Elephant Nature Park aims to provide a sanctuary and rescue center for Asian elephants. The sanctuary is in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand.


ElefantAsia is an organization that aims to protect Asian elephants through different projects in Laos and Myanmar.


Save Elephant Foundation is dedicated to protecting Asian elephants. They are based in Thailand and work on local community outreach programs, rescue and rehabilitation programs, and educational ecotourism operations.


Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society is an international community-based organization committed to the research, conservation and protection of Sri Lanka’s endangered wildlife, communities, and natural habitats.


Surin Project is a new and innovative project focused on finding solutions to the challenges faced by mahouts and their elephants in Surin province in North-Eastern Thailand. It is committed to improving the living conditions of Asian elephants and providing sustainable economic revenue for their mahouts in the local community.


Wildlife Trust of India is a leading nature conservation organization committed to the service of nature. They partner with elephant-baring states, Asian Elephant Research and Conservation Centre (AERCC) and Project Elephant to provide corridors for elephant movement.


A Rocha India is an international conservation organization that works to protect the environment through local, community-based conservation, scientific research, and environmental education.


Burn the Ivory is a non-profit campaign that focuses on bringing awareness to elephant poaching crisis through educational outreach and advocacy and media campaigns. They raise funds to support conservation and anti-poaching efforts.


Elephant Aid International is a non-governmental organization that aims to raise global consciousness about the lives of elephants both in captivity and in the wild.


International Anti-Poaching Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit that has a military-like approach to conservation and anti-poaching. They work to prevent the wildlife trafficking of criminals.


The Kerulos Center is a non-governmental organization working to help animals The Billy and Kani Fund works to restore space, peace, and security for elephants and tribal communities.


The Nature Conservancy is an international organization that protects ecologically important lands and waters around the world. It also seeks to address threats to conservation involving climate change, fresh water, oceans, and conservation lands. It has specific efforts devoted to elephant conservation.


Think Elephants International is an organization focused on elephant conservation through education. They work to research cognitive behaviors of elephants and educate local and global youth about the threats to elephants.


WildAid works to raise awareness about wildlife trafficking in order to stop the demand for wildlife products. They campaign through video and other media and have support from many celebrities, including Yao Ming and Edward Norton.


The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) works to save wildlife by addressing climate change; through natural resource exploitation; connecting wildlife health and human health; and supporting the sustainable development of human livelihoods. Their campaign focused on elephants, 96Elephants, seeks to garner support to protect the African elephant from poaching.


The US Fish & Wildlife Services have made efforts to burn US stockpiles of ivory and are funding international efforts to battle elephant poaching.


United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent campaigning organization committed to bringing about change that protects the natural world from environmental crime and abuse.


The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international organization, with local offices in over 100 countries, dedicated to conserving nature. It seeks to reduce threats to biodiversity, protect and restore species and their habitats, help local communities conserve their natural resources, and reduce the impact of production and consumption on the natural world. It has specific efforts devoted to elephant conservation, with interesting and informative pages dedicated to African elephants and Asian elephants.

More WWF info: African elephants and Asian elephants


International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a global conservation organization with over 200 government members and over 900 non-governmental members. It focuses on three areas: valuing and conserving nature, promoting effective and equitable governance of nature’s use, and deploying nature-based solutions to global challenges in climate, food and development. It is not specifically focused on elephant conservation, but its researchers study many different species, including elephants. The IUCN is also referred to as World Conservation Union.


Conservation International (CI) is an international conservation organization that seeks to protect our natural wealth, promote sustainable production, and foster effective governance. Its goal is to protect what nature provides for humans: food, fresh water, livelihoods, and a stable climate. Its efforts are generally directed towards stopping illegal wildlife trade and are not focused only on elephants.


Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is the international organization that implemented a complete trade ban of ivory, enacted in January 1990. CITES also established two monitoring groups to analyze how policies impact trade in elephant products. An overview of the two groups can be found here. The first group is MIKE – Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants and the second is ETIS – the Elephant Trade Information System. CITES focuses on how wildlife trade affects populations of animals and, more specifically, elephant conservation.


International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is an international organization that works to protect animals around the world. It provides assistance to all types of animals in need – protecting domesticated animals like pets and livestock from cruelty, rescuing animals in the wake of disasters, and protecting species from commercial exploitation, habitat loss, poaching, and other threats to the continued health of the population. It has specific efforts devoted to elephant conservation.


TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network is a conservation organization born out of World Wildlife Fund and the World Conservation Union and works closely with CITES. TRAFFIC reports on wildlife trade and trafficking and has dedicated much of their reporting to elephant conservation.


The American educational TV channel Animal Planet has a page devoted to elephants and also has several short informational videos online from its program Wild Kingdom.


Founded in 1888 as a nonprofit scientific and educational institution, National Geographic focuses on geography, archaeology and natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation, with specific efforts devoted to elephant conservation. National Geographic has pages dedicated to African and Asian elephants.