
THIS BOOK would have been much more difficult to write if it were not for the tireless efforts of Barry Campbell. Barry was one of Pacific Rim National Park Reserve’s first naturalists, and his interest in history and his meticulous skills at preserving documents, photographs, maps, and more have been invaluable. Barry was supportive throughout the writing of this book and was patient with my many emails, phone calls, and visits to his kitchen. Our bush-bashes were such welcome trips away from my desk. He also graciously vetted many of the chapters in their draft form.

Thanks to my publishers, Rob Sanders and Nancy Flight, who saw promise in this idea and wisely nudged me in directions I was hesitant to go. Georgina Montgomery gently helped me put an unwieldy tome out of its misery. Her shaping and finessing of a manuscript that at times seemed overwhelming is very much appreciated. Thank you also to Lara Kordic, who helped with the final polish and presentation.

I must also acknowledge the work of Ken Gibson and Leona Taylor in preserving the history of the west coast. Ken was willing to share photographs, documents, and his knowledge, and Leona’s painstaking work in transcribing early news reports of the west coast into a searchable database saved days, probably weeks, of searching. My father, David Mason, a retired archivist, also offered me great support and set me on the right path more than once. Margaret Horsfield shared her own research on west coast history and was a much-valued sounding board and friend.

I am indebted to the following archivists and researchers: Kate Bird (Vancouver Sun and Province), Claudia Cole, Ulla Visscher, Pamela Manning (The Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies), Nancy Richards (Grand Valley State University), Cindy Van Volsem (Alberni Valley Museum), the team of archivists at the British Columbia Provincial Archives, and the volunteers of the Alberni Archives and the Ucluelet and Area Historical Society.

Thanks also to the following people who answered my questions, vetted draft sections, and otherwise assisted me: Arlene Armstrong, Roly Arnet, Ian Atherton, Barb Beasley, Danielle Bellefleur, Ann Branscombe, Lisa Brisco, Kim Brunt, Rob Butler, Barbara Campbell, Tom Curley, Adrian Dorst, Mark Fortune, Pamela Golby, Bob Hansen, Derek Hayes, Sibylla Helm, John Ingwersen Jr., Jody Klymak, John McIntosh, Alan McMillan, Andrew Mason, Margaret Mason, Ron Pododworny, Bob Redhead, Margaret Thompson, Jacqueline Windh, Jennifer Yakimishyn, and Chris Yorath.

The following people granted me interviews: Bruce Atkey, Norma Baillie, Pat Boland, Neil Buckle, John Burchett, Don Carmichael, Darlene Choquette, Allison Cronin, Jackie Cronin, Bill Dale, Jim Darling, Reg David, Jan Draeseke, Robin Fells, Kent Fiddy, Jennifer Fisher-Bradley, John Genn, Pamela Golby, George and Ruby Gudbranson, Roger and Anne Gudbranson, Walter Guppy, Mary Hardy, Les Hempsall, Frank and Lavern Hillier, Jim Hudnall, Vicky Husband, Brian Kimola, Steve Lovekin, Gordon and Sandra McClain, Jon Magwood, Jim Martin, Moses Martin, Bill and Val Mole, Warren Moraes, Doreen Myers, Frances Nakagawa, Doug Palfrey, Jeff Reves, Godfrey Stephens, Philip Thornton, Ralph Tieleman, Stan Tompkins, Barb Touchie, Len Walker, Barney Williams Sr., and Arlene Winpenny.

My thanks go as well to the BC Arts Council for their support.

Finally, thanks once again to my family—husband Bob, daughters Ava and Patrice—who have been more than patient and understanding over the years, particularly the last two, as I holed up in my office trying to tease another book to life. I know you share my enthusiasm and love for the place we are privileged to call our home, and I hope these stories will help bring even greater texture and understanding to the times we spend here.