Selected References

RESEARCHING THIS BOOK was such a pleasure. A frustrat- ing one at times, but there is something enticing to search and search and finally be rewarded with a new character or story or to confirm a fact you’ve been trying to verify for weeks. Often that “fact” added only a sentence, perhaps only a word or a date, to the final book. In the end it might have been cut, but still, the search was irresistible. The hardest thing to do was stop. My editors and publisher are, no doubt, glad that I finally did and got down to the business of writing.

I consulted dozens of books and hundreds of reports and newspaper articles to create Long Beach Wild. This list is only a partial one of the most relevant sources. For those who love the pursuit as I do, you can find a complete list at www.longbeach


Abraham, Dorothy. Lone Cone: Life on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, B.C. Vancouver: privately printed, 1945.

Arima, E.Y. The West Coast People: The Nootka of Vancouver Island and Cape Flattery. Victoria, BC: British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1983.

Armia, E.Y., et al. Between Ports Alberni and Renfrew: Notes on West Coast Peoples. Canadian Ethnology Service, Mercury Series Paper 121. Hull, QC: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1991.

Bossin, Bob. Settling Clayoquot. Sound Heritage Series #33. Victoria: Sound and Moving Image Division, BC Provincial Archives, 1981.

Brabant, Augustin. Mission to Nootka: 1874–1900. Charles Lillard (ed.). Sidney, BC: Gray’s Publishing, 1977.

Brubacher, J., C. Cunningham, et al. The Sound Anthology: News around Clayoquot Sound. Tofino, BC: The Sound Magazine, 1997.

Cannings, Richard and Sydney Cannings. British Columbia: A Natural History. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1996.

Carr, Emily. Growing Pains: An Autobiography. Toronto: Irwin, 1946.

Drucker, Philip. The Northern and Central Nootkan Tribes. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 144. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1951.

Gibson, Gordon. Bull of the Woods. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1980.

Gordon, Katherine. Made to Measure: A History of Land Surveying in British Columbia. Winlaw, BC: Sono Nis, 2006.

Guppy, Walter. Wet Coast Ventures: Mine-Finding on Vancouver Island. Victoria, BC: Cappis Press, 1988.

———. Clayoquot Soundings: A History of Clayoquot Sound, 1880s-1980s. Tofino, BC: Grassroots Publications, 1997.

———. A Place for Gold. Tofino, BC: Grassroots Publications, 2000.

———. Eighty Years in Tofino. Duncan, BC: Firgrove Publishing, 2002.

Hayes, Derek. Historical Atlas of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. Vancouver: Cavendish Books, 1999.

Hempsall, Leslie. We Stand on Guard for Thee: A History of the War Years at the Royal Canadian Air Force Stations, Ucluelet and Tofino. Surrey, BC: Coomber-Hempsall Publishing, 2003.

Hoover, Alan L. (ed.) Nuu-chah-nulth Voices, Histories, Objects and Journeys. Victoria, BC: Royal British Columbia Museum, 2000.

Horsfield, Margaret. Voices From the Sound: Chronicles of Clayoquot Sound and Tofino 1889–1929. Nanaimo, BC: Salal Books, 2008.

Lillard, Charles. Seven Shillings a Year: The History of Vancouver Island. Ganges, BC: Horsdal and Schubart, 1986.

McDiarmid, Howard. Pacific Rim Park: A Country Doctor’s Role in Preserving Long Beach and Establishing the New Wickaninnish Inn. Victoria: Howard McDiarmid, 2009.

McNamee, James. Florencia Bay. London: New Authors Limited, 1960.

Moser, Charles. Reminiscences of the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Victoria: The Acme Press, 1926.

Murray, Peter. The Vagabond Fleet: A Chronicle of the North Pacific Sealing Schooner Trade. Victoria: Sono Nis, 1988.

Nicholson, George. Vancouver Island’s West Coast 1762–1962. Victoria: Morriss Printing, 1962.

Peterson, Jan. Journeys: Down the Alberni Canal to Barkley Sound. Lantzville, BC: Oolichan Books, 1999.

Reid, Dennis. Canadian Jungle: The Later Work of Arthur Lismer. Toronto: Art Galley of Ontario, 1985.

Richards, George H. Vancouver Island Pilot. London: British Hydrographic Office, 1864.

Scott, Andrew. The Encyclopedia of Raincoast Place Names. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2009.

Speedie, Julie. Wonderful Sphinx: The Biography of Ada Leverson. London: Virago Press, 1993.

Sproat, Gilbert Malcolm. The Nootka: Scenes and Studies of Savage Life. Edited and annotated by Charles Lillard. Victoria: Sono Nis Press, 1987.

Stewart, Hilary. Cedar. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1984.

Stone, Jim. My Dad, The Rum Runner. Waterloo, ON: North Waterloo Academic Press, 2002.

Streetly, Joanna. Salt in Our Blood: An Anthology of West Coast Moments. Tofino, BC: Aquila Instincts, 2002.

Suttles, Wayne. (Ed.) Handbook of North American Indians: Northwest Coast. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institute, 1990.

Walbran, John T. British Columbia Coast Names 1592–1906: Their Origin and History. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1971.

Weicht, Chris. Jericho Beach and the West Coast Flying Boat Stations. Chemainus, BC: MCW Enterprises, 1997.

Wells, R.E. A Guide to Shipwrecks: Cape Beale to Cox Point, Including Barkley Sound. Sooke, BC: Morriss Printing, 1984.

Windh, Jacqueline. The Wild Edge: Clayoquot, Long Beach & Barkley Sound. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2004.

Wyndham, Violet. The Sphinx and Her Circle: A Biographical Sketch of Ada Leverson. New York: Vanguard Press, 1963.

Yorath, Chris. The Geology of Southern Vancouver Island. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2005.


Numerous articles were consulted in the following papers: Alberni Valley Times, Island Events, The Tofino-Ucluelet Press, Twin Cities Times (Alberni and Port Alberni), Vancouver Sun, Victoria Daily Colonist, Victoria Daily Times, West Coast Advocate (Port Alberni), Westcoaster (Ucluelet-Tofino).

Ayre, Robert. “A Sheaf of Summer Sketches.” Canadian Art 13, no. 2 (1956).

Banfield, W.E. “Banfield Explorations.” An eight-part series originally published August 12 to September 17, 1858, in the Victoria Daily Gazette. Reprinted in the Alberni Valley Times, February 1984.

British Colonist. Accessed through database: Victoria’s Victoria. 2007. (See Taylor and Mindenhall below.)

Clague, John J. “Tsunamis.” In “A Synthesis of Geological Hazards in Canada,” (ed.) G.R. Brooks. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 548 (2001): 27–42.

Clayoquot Sound Scientific Panel. “First Nations’ Perspectives Relating to Forest Practices Standards in Clayoqout Sound.” Appendices V and VI. 1995.

Guppy, Walter. “The Road to Tofino.” British Columbia Historical News 33, no. 1 (1999): 16–18.

Hodgson, Ernest. “British Columbia Earthquake: June 23, 1946.” The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada XL, no. 8 (1946).

Hutchinson, Pat. “Census Taking at Wreck Bay, May–June 1971.” Cedar Bark and Sea. Port Alberni: Ucluelet Recreation Commission. n.d.

McMillan, Alan and Ian Hutchinson. “When the Mountain Dwarfs Danced: Aboriginal Traditions of Paleoseismic Events Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone of Western North America.” Ethnohistory 49, no. 1 (2002).

Mackie, Richard. “The Short, Happy Life and Sad Death of Fred Tibbs.” The Beaver, February/March 1991.

Monashee Enterprises Ltd. v. Minister of Recreation and Conservation for the Province of British Columbia, [1978] Supreme Court of British Columbia, No. 467/1978 and No. 463/1978.

Smith, George A. “Reminscences of an Old Surveyor.” The Link 11, no. 4 (1989).


Futcher, R.A. Memorandum re. Accidental Drownings at Long Beach, March 31, 1946. Courtesy Ken Gibson.

Hamilton, Mike. A Cruise in Clayoquot. Unpublished memoirs. n.d. Courtesy Ken Gibson.

———. Dream Isle and Its Owner. Unpublished memoirs. n.d. Courtesy Ken Gibson.

———. Oldtimer and Oldtimer’s Son. Unpublished memoirs. n.d. Courtesy Ken Gibson.

Joint Road Committee. Letter to BC Minister of Public Works and other documents related to the creation of Highway 4. Held in the Tofino Public Library.

MacLeod, Ron. Growing Up in Tofino: Some Random Memories. 2002. Held in the Tofino Public Library.

Scott, R. Bruce. How the Pacific Rim National Park Was Made. n.d. Held in the Bruce Scott Collection, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve.

Archival Material


Buckle, Marilyn and Neil. 1979? Interview by Bob Bossin. Tape recording. Part of Bob Bossin (Tofino-Clayoquot) oral history collection. T3878:0014-0015.

Carmichael, Alfred. Journal and Papers. MS 2305.

Dawley, Walter. Papers. MS 1076.

Donahue, Hazel. 1979? Interview by Bob Bossin. Tape recording. Part of Bob Bossin (Tofino-Clayoquot) oral history collection. T3878:0026-0027.

Garrard, Francis C. Reminscences: 1863–1941. MS 0046.

Hillier, Bert and Peter. 1979? Interview by Bob Bossin. Tape recording. Part of Bob Bossin (Tofino-Clayoquot) oral history collection. T3878:0040-0041.

Hillier, E.A. History of Ucluelet 1899 to 1954. MS 2169.

Jackson family fonds. Journals and guest book. MS 1113.

Martin, Phyllis. 1966. Interview by Imbert Orchard. Tape recording. T0863:0001.

Moser, Charles. Diary, with edits by Dorothy Abraham. MS 2172.

Robertson, Alistair I. Report on Surveys in Clayoquot and Barclay Districts, Vancouver Island. December 22, 1912. Microfiche reel XX, pp. D308-310.

Sloman, Alma. 1966. Interview by Imbert Orchard. Tape recording. TO864:0001.

Whittington, Mary Margaret (Peg). 1979? Interview by Bob Bossin. Tape recording. Part of Bob Bossin (Tofino-Clayoquot) oral history collection. T3878:0033-0034.


Banfield, William E. Oath of Allegiance and copies of reports to the Colonial Secretary 1859–1862. Copies held at the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Archives, WRO #4033.

McCandless, R. Mrs. Mary (Peg) Whittington—Long Beach (Pacific Rim National Park) in the Thirties and Forties: A Memoir. 1994. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Archives.

Murphy, Robert H. Commentary on George Jackson’s Long Beach Diaries, January 1927 to May 1929. 1994. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Historic Manuscript Collection. HM-5.

Raue, A. and Barbara Hottson. Memories of hike to Long Beach in 1930. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Historic Manuscript Collection. HM-12.

Scott, R. Bruce. Pioneers of the Southwest Coast of Vancouver Island: A Series of Translated Interviews. 1973. Bruce Scott Collection. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Archives. WRO 4082.

Taylor, Leona and Dorothy Mindenhall. Index of Historical Victoria Newspapers, Victoria’s Victoria. 2007.

Torrens, W. Copy of report submitted by W. Torrens to Colonial Secretary, September 1865. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Archives. WRO #4070.

Wardle, J.M. Report on Proposed National Park in Long Bay and Kennedy Lake District, Vancouver Island, BC. Government of Canada: Canadian National Parks Engineering Service. January 26, 1931. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Archive.

Whittington, Peg. Guest book of Singing Sands resort. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Historic Manuscript Collection. HM-XX.

Wickaninnish Provincial Park. Staff Summer Report. 1967. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Archive.