Chapter 33

The Solution

Christmas, 2012

When Neal arrived, Cameron said, “I think you need to just sit down and listen. Boy, was I wrong about the whole recognition thing. It means so much more than what we thought. Not only was the book a puzzle of murder, but so was the internet! Ed was a computer genius!! And I found him blogging on from 2000 until his capture in 2009!”

“What??” a surprised Neal said.

“Yeah, using names like Oscar and EEAVE. He was working his way into an Oscar all right, leading them down Ed Edwards Avenue! He used names that tied to him. I found him using dozens, all over the country for 10 years. He was leading the entire website down the path of the real Zodiac killer, seeing if they would bite and identify him.”

Cameron had made a surprise trip back to Louisville, Kentucky December, 2012 to confront Kay Edwards, and confirm his suspicions that Ed was blogging on the internet starting in 2000. Kay confirmed it and that started the unraveling of what he had done the last decade of his life.


Ed Edwards and Kay Edwards, 1971

He had published albums, tapes, and movies for profit. He was paid for his speaking tour, while he was killing everyone in the Zodiac case. He made appearances at police academies and colleges everywhere, while he killed our children everywhere.

In the end, his daughter told a secret, and after 66 years of killing and setting up others, Edwards was arrested, July 30th, 2009. He looked harmless. The press ignored him for the most part. But what he did in his last 10 years of his life was worse than the previous 56. And nobody knew it.


Ed Edwards, August 19th, 2009

Cameron said to Neal, “You ever heard of The Black Dahlia?”

“Not really. Wasn’t that a movie back in the 50’s?”

“Actually, the movie was The Blue Dahlia. The Black Dahlia was the name the press gave to the most famous unsolved murder in the history of the United States. Elizabeth Short was found mutilated; her body sliced in half at the waist and she was laid out in a vacant lot in Hollywood, January 15, 1947. The area was a known lover’s lane.”


Elizabeth Short, 22 years old


Elizabeth Short Dissected, January 15, 1947

Neal glanced at the picture of the dissected body and asked, “Is this the Cleveland Torso Murderer again?”

Cameron replied, “No, this is Ed’s next victim after he killed Suzanne Degnan in 1946. Suzanne represented his 7 year old cousin Dawn, and Elizabeth Short represented his mother, who was 22 when she bore him in the back seat of a car on a lover’s lane. This is why the Zodiac attacked couples on lover’s lanes. They were creating him! A child not born of love. Elizabeth was lured, tortured, washed, cut in half, and then spread out in a public park near Hollywood on a known lover’s lane!!”

“You’re kidding me!”

“No. And I found something bigger than Ed’s book.”

“What? What do you have, John? I know you’re holding back. You’ve been hiding in your head for months and I know what that usually means.”

“I’m crazy?”

“Well that’s a given… but you’re crazy seems to follow the truth.”

“I found a website and it’s Edwards’ 2002 public confession to many of his killings in 1945-46, with details only the killer would know! Nobody ever knew who had put up the site. Not only that, it ties his entire life together—all the cases and all the murders. Everything our investigation has uncovered so far, confirmed on this site!!! It is exactly like his book, a puzzle of murder, a confession to being the Zodiac, the Atlanta Child Killer, the killer of JonBenet, the Black Dahlia… There are so many, many more murders and he did it right up until the end.”

Neal asked, “Edwards? Put up a website?? You gotta be kidding!!”

“Let me show you. There is so much, this will take a while.”

Cameron opened his computer and there was Ed Edwards at age 13 and a half years old pictured with Elizabeth Short just before her demise.


Elizabeth Short and Ed Edwards, 1947

Cameron explained. “Edwards authored this site in 2002 as a follow-up to his book, ‘Metamorphosis of a Criminal.’ He knew that nobody had read the book and put the pieces together by the mid-90’s. Once the internet came along he knew he could tell his murder stories as a game on public blogs. Rather than sending letters to the editor he could go right on their websites and blog his expert opinion on the case.”

Figure out who authored this site and you will have the real Zodiac killer.

The site gave the answers as to who he killed when he was 12 to 14 years old in 1946-47, 20 years before he started the Zodiac killings. Few people in 1947 would have ever suspected that a 13-year-old kid could do such a thing. We know different today. He provides ALL the answers as to how he met her, groomed her and then sought revenge after she shunned him, Christmas, 1946.

At the beginning of the site, he claims the real killer of Elizabeth Short is a man named ‘Ed Burns.’ That is why he highlighted the letters EBE in past letters. Edward Burns Edwards.

Cameron furthered, “The author claims to know who the killer is, but then uses words that suggest HE is the killer. It’s the same syntax Ed used in his book and his ransom notes, trying to portray himself as two people. Using words like I or me to imply only one person speaking—the author of the site himself, admitting to murder. He’s flaunting it in front of everyone, just like his book. He uses the name Ed Burns as his alias and details the killing of Elizabeth Short. He tells it as a riddle, just like the Zodiac letters were!”

Neal started reading.

“On a sunny winter morning in 1947, the bisected, nude body of a once-gorgeous young woman was discovered in a big vacant lot in south-central Los Angeles. It was as blackly mind-blowing as any exhibit in a Madame Tussaud horror museum. The Black Dahlia was born to the world.

“Who is that guy? If we asked him, he might say: ‘Who am I?’ A burning question with a smoking answer! LAPD has been referring to me as ‘unID’d man’ for more than fifty years, and I’ve been here in the Great Beyond for almost as long. You’re on to me so I’ll tell you my name. And I’ll do it with a riddle. They called me a werewolf. I actually was a riddler and a mimicker during my time on earth. My darkest mimicry was a nightmare for thousands of people. Anyway, I’m not Edd ‘Kookie’ Byrnes of 77 Sunset Strip, the old hit TV show. My reelingly big show was a smash hit on Forty-seven Sunset Strip. And what did the fuzzies call it? LAPD called it lust murder, and most folks took LAPD’s word for it. Had LAPD dug it as I defiled it, they should have been able to decipher my trilogy and arrest me. To me, it was a Suzanne Degnan Murder Tableau in a Degnan Boulevard lovers’ lane, with Elizabeth Short as Suzanne Degnan. And where was I in this Madame Tussaud-genre artwork? That’s where my published trilogy came in: its purpose was to put me in the scene while keeping me out of range of LAPD’s case-cracking radar. I was in the secret story, in parallel with William Heirens, George Murman, Suzanne Degnan and the Black Dahlia. The cryptic trilogy was my magic carpet ride into eternity with Elizabeth Short. But you can take the trilogy as a souvenir program for the tableau…

“The killer wasn’t a tall, gaunt drunkard. Smoke was billowing from that miscreant’s proximity long before his Dutch-oven demise in LA’s Holland Hotel.”

Cameron looked at Neal and said, “Do you see what I mean? Do you see how many times he used words such as I or me or my, giving a ‘first person’ connotation?”

Neal immediately confirmed that Cameron was correct. He noted numerous other connections. Suzanne Degnan, William Heirens, lover’s lanes, mimicry, cryptic messages. He looked up at Cameron, “John, this refers to everything in our case! It sounds like the Zodiac himself is doing the talking.”

“Yeah, he is. Did you catch the 50 years of being in the great beyond and the magic carpet ride into eternity? This site goes into everything. Edwards was the author! The Black Dahlia killer, the Zodiac, the killer of JonBenet Ramsey and Suzanne Degnan. Solutions to killings starting in 1946 and never ending! And he put it on the internet for all to see—yet nobody could attach it to ‘someone.’ If you didn’t know everything that we do about Edwards, a lot of this wouldn’t make sense, but it is his confession. He put it out in 2002. Here’s how it starts out.”

“This site was created to serve one purpose and one purpose only: To share the truth of what happened to the Black Dahlia and the man that murdered her. You will see no advertisements and will not be asked to give anything but your consideration of the evidence presented.

“The person responsible for solving the Black Dahlia Murder/Riddle spent 30 years working for the U.S. Government as a mathematician and garnered considerable experience in decryption. Although justice can never be served on the man who committed this heinous crime, it is the author’s hope that the information revealed in this site will allow the Black Dahlia to finally rest in peace. The murder of Elizabeth Short has haunted the Los Angeles Police Department since the heinous crime was committed in 1947. The reason will undoubtedly surprise many. The truth is: L.A.P.D. knew who killed Elizabeth Short; they had him, they grilled him, but they did not hold him. This site tells the story of the last days of Elizabeth Short, known in life and in death as the Black Dahlia. It reveals the name of her alleged killer, deciphered from cryptic messages he sent to the L.A. Examiner and L.A.P.D. over 50 years ago.”

“John, it’s Edwards! I’m sure of it! At the end of the website under FAQ’s, the author is challenged by a blogger stating that the author seems to know an inordinate amount about the case. Ed answers, ‘In January of 1947, I was thirteen years old.’ On the surface, that would imply innocence of any culpability by his mere age alone. Knowing that Edward Edwards was born June 14, 1933, this statement is huge. The math works! He also says he was in Los Angeles at that time, reading the Examiner. You and I both know Edwards was on the run at this time.

“This next photo is of the Black Dahlia and a young kid, taken at a penny arcade. The cops found one copy in her luggage and the killer sent a duplicate in the mail. The older couple in the photo identified the young man as the one who tried to rent a room at their hotel just before the murder. He signed in as Mr. and Mrs. Barnes.


Police Trying to Identify Man with Elizabeth Short

“The kid in that photo has never been identified, because they thought they were looking for an adult who had done time in the service! Now that we know the guy in the picture was a kid, it is obvious when you look at it. Ed had gone through puberty by age 13 and his testicles had descended. He was a hairy, mature, strong diagnosed psychopath.

“Now, I’d like to show you a Los Angeles District Attorney’s office memo dated January 26, 1950.” Cameron pointed out, “I would really like you to look at line 3, ‘Beth Short and her boyfriend, a young kid with brown hair, arrived.’ Now look at line 14. ‘Identified picture of soldier sitting on bumper of Chevy coupe with Ohio license # E-640V-4 ‘name unknown’ a new character as man with Short at Hansen’s.’”


Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office Memo January 26, 1950

“This memo positively documents that Elizabeth Short’s new boyfriend was a young kid from OHIO! January 11th was the day she disappeared. Her dissected body was found on January 15th, in a vacant lot, publicly displayed near a lover’s lane. Neal, I want to remind you that even by this age, Edwards was a psychotic, ruthless killer. Look what he did to Suzanne Degnan a year earlier. He chopped her up. The psych eval labels him a sadomasochist with organic brain damage and a serious problem with women. The evaluation was done between the killing of Suzanne Degnan, 1946, and the killing of Elizabeth Short, 1947. He was released from Ohio Catholic League Services for Christmas 1946 to go home one last time! They had no idea he had killed Suzanne Degnan, but they accurately evaluated him as a sadomasochist. CHRISTMAS! JonBenet killed Christmas 50 years later in the same manner? The suspicious car with the Ohio plates? It’s really tough for most to believe that a 13-year-old kid did the Black Dahlia, but that explains why it was never solved. He admits that the cops actually had him, questioned him and let him go!”

Neal interrupted excitedly. “Here’s another thread to the Zodiac killings. James Richardson, city editor of the Los Angeles Examiner, received a telephone call that identified himself as the killer of the Black Dahlia. The caller informed the editor he was going to send him Elizabeth Short’s address book, birth certificate and a few other items from her handbag. A package wrapped in brown paper and addressed to the Examiner was located in a mailbox at the Biltmore Hotel containing the items. Sounds just like Edwards. Do you see the similarities? He called the city editor in San Francisco in 1955 and told him where Stephanie Bryan’s body would be found. Most of the Zodiac letters were addressed to the editor. He wrote the editor in the Robison case in 68, demanding they print a classified ad and he did it again in Atlanta in 1980. He repeats the same M.O. in every one of these cases!

“The website constantly refers to the ‘ UnID’d man’ who was never there. Young, short, brown haired, with a goofy rabbit grin. It was Edwards. That’s why he always had himself photographed over the years with that same stupid grin!”


Ed Edwards 38 and 13

“Okay.” Neal asked, “What about the book? Why didn’t he tell us about it in ‘Metamorphosis of a Criminal?’”

“He did. We missed it!” Grabbing his copy, he commanded, “Listen to this. He even gives his correct age!”

“One convict was caught at a bus station with the dismembered body of his wife stuffed in a suit case he was carrying.

“By this time I was thirteen. I got a crush on a woman. She was a very attractive, brunette divorcee. I really liked her because she was nice to me; but I resented the fact that there was a guy who visited her every night. I hated this man because I figured he was cutting in on me. Feeling that I truly wanted to marry this woman I made up my mind to get even with my rival and to put a stop to his attentions.”*MOAC

“Now, on page 46, he describes obtaining his military uniform.”

“At Paris Island, they threw a bunch of uniforms at me that seemed three sizes too big, and they issued me a few pairs of shoes. It seemed to me that each shoe weighed 20 pounds.”

“Tell me that’s not like a little kid trying on his dad’s clothes for the first time!”

Neal looked up at Cameron, “What’s all this business on the website that ID’d Ed Burns as the man that did the crime? Is that some kind of pun referring to Edwards’ arson?”

Cameron replied, “Ed Burns is Edward Edwards. It’s a pun to ‘Look for Ed the Arsonist.’ Remember, Ed was arrested for arson in 1982, just after killing all the kids in Atlanta. He started informing to FBI to get out early. Look at his NCIC record. It clearly shows the arson arrest.


Edwards NCIC record, arson, 1982

Edwards’ 1982 conviction for arson occurred after he was caught in Atlanta, Georgia living with a policeman. He had just killed everyone in the Atlanta Child killings. (1979-1981)

Edwards set up the site to place the blame on the name, ‘Ed Burns,’ as a clue. Ed Burns and Edwards have the same amount of letters and the letters needed to solve the Zodiac cryptograms. Edwards the arsonist Burns! Edward Burns Edwards, EBE. The Zodiac killed by fire.

Everyone on had been commenting about the Blackdahliasolution site, since its release in December, 2002. Nobody knew who the author was. Edwards targeted after he published the site to stand in front of some of the world’s leading experts and rub it in their faces.

Neal commented, “Edwards constantly follows the same pattern—misdirection, placing or directing the guilt elsewhere while he stands back and watches the crowd complain about the ‘inconsiderate bastard that caused it all.’ He did it to Burton Abbott, JonBenet’s parents and he tried to do it to Frank Dryman in the Zodiac case, but that didn’t work. He did it in all of them!”

Cameron said, “You want to know what the worst part is? ‘Special Agents’ actually had him. They questioned him on March 27, 1947. I put the entire interview into our timeline. That’s why he constantly refers to the ‘UnID’d man.’ They had him and they never identified him. They just let him walk without identifying who he really was. But he makes it clear they have HIS fingerprints.”

Neal pondered the information that Cameron had given him so far. He said, “I’m starting to get a pretty good picture. Ed is cut loose from Ohio around Christmas of 1946 and traipses off to find the love of his life that’s just jilted him. How’d he meet her in the first place?” he asked Cameron.

“Police reports state she had been in Chicago in July 1946, infatuated with the Suzanne Degnan murder. Edwards was in Chicago because he had run away from Parmadale and he wanted to see what was going on with HIS Degnan case. This was right after Heirens was arrested for the murder, and forced to confess to spare his life. Elizabeth Short was a freelance reporter and Edwards groomed his way into her life, pumped her full of the details of the killing of Suzanne Degnan, and then planned her demise. Listen to what he said. Betty is Elizabeth.”

“And Ed was Betty’s best-ever listener. He’d feign interest as she’d relate detail after ghastly detail of the Suzanne Degnan murder. Betty drove Ed crazy with it, literally. She coaxed him to drive her out to Leimert Park. When she was expounding on the irony of Degnan Boulevard going right by her old lovers’ lane, he noticed the many big vacant lots in the area … Spirit world, where were you? This was the time to send Betty a sign!”*BDS

“She even posed as a freelance reporter?” Neal asked.

“Yeah, she was thrilled to be part of the case, and Edwards fell head over heels in love with her. He was only 13 years old and she was a Hollywood actress. He provided her money through burglary and robbery, and she used him. Elizabeth had information on the Suzanne Degnan case that no other reporter had access to. The real killer was providing her the details and she was ‘using’ Ed for his money. He made it clear on the site that she teased him about his goofy grin, and being short, and this lead to her killing. Here’s some more from the site.”

“He and Elizabeth Short hit it off fine at first. She was his dream girl, the prettiest woman he’d ever met. She even had him thinking he wasn’t a rabbit: she didn’t make cutting jibes about his height and his goofy grin. And ‘Ed,’ as he’d tell us to call him, was Betty’s wheels-and-money-man who’d never try to make her do things she did not want to do.” *BDS

Cameron continued, “By the end of summer or early fall 1946, Short went back to Los Angeles trying to end their relationship and Edwards returned to Ohio. By October, he got busted in Akron vandalizing a Catholic church and was placed in the Catholic League Services for evaluation. That’s where his psych eval designated him a sadomasochist with a deep hatred for older people.”

Neal concluded, “So when they let him out to go spend Christmas with Grandma, he headed to Los Angeles, trying to get back together with Elizabeth Short. Apparently, she said no.”

Cameron concurred, “It got gruesome. He didn’t go back to meet up with her. He went back to lure her to an apartment with a bathtub, where he could dismember her like Suzanne Degnan. He used luggage to haul her out and that’s why the luggage became such an item in the JonBenet case. He laid her out near Degnan Boulevard in Los Angeles to tie the two murders together. Just like tying JonBenet to it 50 years later. Let’s get back to the website. He calls himself ‘Werewolf Will’.”

“As a sepulchral salud to Beth’s fixation with the 1946 Suzanne Degnan murder, Werewolf Will used ‘ironic psychomancy.’ H… Besides setting up his psychotoxic spectacular in a weedy lot ‘on’ Degnan Boulevard … Will Cutter used knives and a tub for his Dahlia caper, LA Cutter cut Beth into pieces, LA Cutter drained and washed Beth’s pieces free of blood, as Heirens had done for Suzanne.”*BDS

Cameron shook his head, “Neal, this is incredible. He is describing exactly what he did to Suzanne Degnan and Elizabeth Short and how he tied them all together through names of streets. One murder occurred in Chicago, one in LA and he ties them together through what he calls mimicry. You can’t deny that the murders of Suzanne Degnan and the Black Dahlia are related.”

“John, did you catch that part about Norton Avenue? Didn’t Edwards write a letter, and for some reason ‘Norton, you are the first’ was oddly placed in it? We never understood that.”


Letter From Edwards to Ohio Police, 2010

Cameron exclaimed excitedly, “I knew that letter was a clue to a puzzle! That was his confession to killing a couple on a lover’s lane in Ohio, 1977. I noticed in 2010 that Edwards was toying with the police by leaving block lettering in strange places as clues. That got me interested in Edwards as the Zodiac killer. I didn’t understand WHY Ed put ‘Norton, you are the first’ in the letter, but knew it was a puzzle. It all makes sense now. It was the beginning, it was the first crime of recognition, and he committed it near Norton and Degnan Boulevard as a clue. He goes on further, tying the case to the Zodiac killer.”

“Zodiac sent cryptograms and plain-language messages to three San Francisco-area newspapers. The ciphers were of the substitution type: an amateur cryptographer’s delight. The wily Zodiac issued murderous threats to prod newspapers to print his ego tonic. I think the Zodiac got off by scaring the public, jibing and frustrating the police, and luring Bay area amateurs into a code-breaking frenzy. His cryptograms gave him a feeling of empowerment and control. It’s now obvious that almost everything in Ed’s messages was put there with purposefulness and precision. But virtually no one knew that all they were seeing was dummy text that Ed’s concealment ciphers concealed. But why expend brain juice to construct this type of cipher? Why didn’t Ed do a no-brainer stunt, like making substitution ciphers? Ed did not make his serial brainchild for the general public.” BDS*

Neal now was getting excited. “John! That’s exactly what we said earlier! ‘The Zodiac (Ed), issued his threats to prod newspapers to print his ego tonic. His cryptograms gave him a feeling of empowerment and control.’ That matches our profiling identically!”

Cameron said, “He takes it even further. He sent three post cards to the press in the Black Dahlia case, and totally analyzes the hidden messages contained on the website. This is all a precursor to the Zodiac letters to the San Francisco press and it all took place back in 1947!”


Black Dahlia Killer Letters to Los Angeles Examiner and Police

“John, this is absolutely amazing! I’d like to go home and study it and I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

Neal came by the next morning and Cameron asked him, “What’d you find out?”

“Edwards spends pages explaining the postcards—the placement of each individual letter, the letter size, tilt, every dot. From this, he extracts codes and messages pertaining to the identity of the Black Dahlia murderer. He claims they were all clues to solving the case and identifying her killer, but no one ever figured it out! He uses ladder codes and a code invented by Francis Bacon some 300 years ago based on a binary system. Binary code is what runs computers. He constructs maps and gives gruesome details about the Black Dahlia murder. I wish I hadn’t read some of the parts. He gives a graphic description of how he tortured her and what he did to her body.”

“Ed Burns roped me, haltered me, branded me with the initials of his name and turned me into a horse. But I wanted to be a Black Dahlia, not a Black Beauty. PLEASE let folks know the truth: it will make me free to rest in peace…”BDS*

“By the time he did the Zodiac, he’s fully developed and you can see it in the writings. There are clues within clues within clues. ‘Metamorphosis of a Criminal’ was truly just that. He metamorphosed from an amateur kid to a perfected, artistic adult. I was wrong when I felt Edwards was incapable of appreciating the Mikado. He was the conductor!”

Cameron stated, “Edwards staged a suicide after he killed Elizabeth Short, and left a note on the beach. He was attempting to end any further police investigation into the identification of the ‘UnID’d Man’ in the photo with Elizabeth Short. The police never released the note back in 1947 so Ed replicated it on his site. He then shows the reader how to extract the name Ed Burns.”


Suicide Note Left on Los Angeles Beach, March, 1947

Cameron noted, “Edwards always tried to commit suicide after every capture. He did it in 1951, 1956 and 1961. The signature on this suicide note states ‘Sorry Mary’. Edwards’ foster mother, Mary Ethyl Edwards, had just died before he killed Suzanne Degnan and Elizabeth Short. Elizabeth Short represented Ed’s mother, and he had lost two mother figures just before he did it.”

“Wayne has been presenting behavior problems both at school and at home.… His family background has distorted his character development very early. He lost two mother personalities, his own mother, whom he considered to be his aunt as long as she lived, and his adoptive mother.” (Ed Edwards, Psych Eval, Ohio Juvenile Research Bureau, 1946)

“Ed was a very disturbed child, Neal. After the death of his first mother by gunshot in 1938, he lost his identity, had his name changed from Chuckie to Ed, and then lost a second mother a year later to MS. He was only 5 years old, and his life was destroyed by the very people that were supposed to care for him. He was killing his mother over and over again throughout his life. Just think about being 13 years old, a sadomasochist and getting away with two of the most sensational murders of the 20th century. It began the Zodiac and he took on a God-like image. His lack of love and desire to be noticed started his pathology. His ego demanded it and he liked it. As the Zodiac he teased us with his identity. As the killer of JonBenet he taunted us with ‘The Two People Watching Over Her.’ In his book he was a dangerous hardened criminal and a family man.”

“And he lived 66 more years to continue killing,” Neal reiterated.

“No one has ever come close to solving the Zodiac and that’s because they didn’t know the ‘why.’ It all fits like a glove. At thirteen and a half he kills and stages a Hollywood production and gets away with it. He liked it—he enjoyed it—and he couldn’t stop himself. He spent the next six decades creating block busters and selling it to the world.”

“What a production,” Neal said.

“I have one last item from the website that ties him to JonBenet. The Black Dahlia website creator explained how he signs his murders when he wins.”

“Ed ‘won’ and, to proclaim Victory displayed the Black Dahlia remains in a Degnan Boulevard lovers’ lane. I say Burns had his Victory-for-Ed flags flying.”*BDS

Cameron reminded Neal, “The JonBenet ransom note was signed VICTORY- SBTC. It meant, I Won- Signed By The Cross—the Zodiac cross and circle. Ed had won.”

“I guess if I felt all that sorry, I never would have done it. I was always a schemer, I was always thinking of ways of making money. I’ve always been into crime. It was arranged, it was premeditated, it was thought out, it was planned, and that’s what I did. I did it, it didn’t bother me, and I moved on.” (Ed Edwards, 2010)

Neal turned to Cameron, “I’m absolutely sold! The ties to the Zodiac are clear cut. Edwards created headline grabbing murders his entire life. Look at the cases!”

1946, Chicago, Suzanne Degnan, 6 years old

1947, Hollywood, Elizabeth Short, 22 years old

1954, Cleveland, Marilyn Sheppard, 28 years old, pregnant

1955, San Francisco, Stephanie Bryan, 14 years old

1955, Chicago, 3 teens

1955, Omaha, Carolyn Nevins, 19 years old

1956, Great Falls, Kalitske/Bogle, 16 and 18 years old

1957, Berkeley, San Quentin, Burton Abbott, 29 years old

1960, Portland OR, Peyton/Allen, 19 years old

1968, Michigan, Robison Family of 6

1968-70, San Francisco, Zodiac

1971-74, California, Santa Rosa, Highway 101, 8 teens

1979-81, Atlanta, 24 teens

1993, West Memphis, Arkansas, 3 boys

1996, Boulder, JonBenet Ramsey, 6 years old

“That’s 62 murders alone, and out of those there were 13 wrongful convictions. Look at the first and the last. They are identical. Suzanne Degnan and JonBenet Ramsey were mimicry, 50 years apart almost to the day. Every one of these murders received massive ‘recognition.’ That was his M.O. The letters to the press, the clues, the taunting of authorities, he told us why he did it on ‘To Tell the Truth,’ in 1972.”

Gary Allen: “Ed, there was one important point when you and I were chatting backstage and I asked you, what was the reaction in your neighborhood when you came out of the reformatory the first time? Were you put down by your fellow citizens or did they look up to you?”

Ed, “No—ah, when I was released from the reformatory, they looked up to me and this motivated me to go on to bigger things, because this was why I was out there committing the crime, was for the recognition!”

“Finally,” Cameron said, “look at the silhouette Edwards put on his website, He claims it is the real killer of Elizabeth Short, Suzanne Degnan and the real lipstick killer. It is HIM!

Images silhouette picture of suspect compared to Ed Edwards