Cameron said to Neal, “Edwards planned to get caught on every one of the murders he committed since he was 11. That’s why he wrote that message in lipstick on his first one ‘Please Stop Me I Can’t Control Myself,’ in Chicago, 1945. He does JonBenet 50 years later and still doesn’t get caught. He planned all of them deliberately, patiently and cold bloodedly like he said in his book. Sometimes it took decades to bring to fruition, but he would carry through.”
“He had a bigger plan on what he was exposing, John. He was the foreign faction fighting the unjust criminal justice system, even though he was the one making it unjust. He wanted to see the demise of the USA.”
“That’s exactly right, Neal. And in the end he targeted Washington, the media and Fort Bragg, the nation’s defense.”
Starting around 2000, Edwards started blogging details of his life on, describing who the Zodiac killer was, to anyone that would listen. He challenged the expert opinions for 20 years, giving them the entire story but you had to know who the blogger was. Many questioned the knowledge he had. Cameron uncovered thousands of conversations he had as he led the bloggers to believe the Zodiac was alive and well. He detailed every opinion he had about the Zodiac’s thought process and how he was raised.
“Zodiac’s crimes have no sexual activity involved. These crimes were about something else. IMHO.
Zodiac’s 3-part cipher, contains the only sexual passage in all his letters that I remember, and all it tells us is that he had sex with at least one girl and he enjoyed it. When compared to the single statement about sex, Zodiac makes several statements about religion and religious domination of his victims, in this life and the afterlife. Again a very notable observation. I was raised in a family which tended toward human secularism, which put me in a situation of having to kowtow to devout Christians and realizing the wrath of the Irrationalist when I offered my opinion on one thing or the other. As a result I’ve maintained a deep interest in organized religions and their teachings. The more fundamental the parents’ religious belief, the deeper the problems demonstrated in the child. This always stayed with me because it truly matched my experience.
Zodiac fits my personal ‘profile’ of this type of person from this peculiar social climate. Short hair, neatly dressed, quiet and controlled. Add the weekend killings and we have the 9-5 work ethic and the unwillingness to expose himself to peer or marital scrutiny by deviating from his normal schedule. Heck, his wife probably thought he was out bowling, hunting, or something! (probably hunting as Zodiac suggests.)
What also goes into this is that he was well-established with a circle of family and/or friends and had every desire to maintain that relationship unblemished. This above all was his fear and the thing that kept him from coming out and telling the world who he was. In essence, his connection to family/friend/church/social structure was what kept him from going over the edge and immediately declaring himself to the world.
I’ve seen it so many times I can’t count, the desire to scream out one’s actions, weighed against the fear of the consequences. The consequence the individual is concerned with is not jail or death, but how others in close relationships will view the individual when things become known.
This probably sounds far-fetched to many of you, that a cold killer can have a family life and a career, and it is of course just my opinion.” (Ed Edwards,, October 21, 2000)
Cameron said to Neal, “Remember what Ed told us in that letter about his family?”
Edwards Letter to John Cameron, November 2010
“It started long before they came along, or even my wife!” ‘This matches what he said on the blog. He had a family, kids, social circles, and had his murderous life also. His wife Kay had stated he must have had two lives. His wife and family came along in 1968, just before he started killing everyone in San Francisco. This is how Ed plays the game, truth with lies. That’s the light and the dark; it’s the good guy and the bad guy, the ying and the yang. Kay was on the good side of him and wouldn’t have known most of what he was doing. She appeared hypnotized when I spoke to her around Christmas, 2012. She sure knew he was blogging in the final years of his life, and was talking about ‘other’ sensational murders. She invited me into her computer room. It was the size of a nice office. Ed had everything, because he was a writer his entire life. Look what he told the bloggers on”
“ By sexual loser I meant that the person or people acting as Zodiac probably were not sexually active in what we would think of as ‘healthy’ ways. Though I’m not sure that that is what drove Zodiac. If I remember my 60’s and early 70’s correctly (I do with all fond remembrance!) sexual ‘deviation’ was the norm for many of us. The only ones sexually deviant at the time were the straight laced ones who were too hung up to get it on. Besides, I personally think Z was a straight lace with religious hang-ups, probably a smothering mother and a wife who acted just like his mother (kiddie stuff in the car, etc.) He was probably in such a rut he needed to feel some power of his own. Just my opinion, but boy did I love the 60’s!” (Ed Edwards, October 21, 2000)
Edwards had blogged under numerous names over a 9-year period on many different websites. Most of it occurred on, but if other newspapers were doing specials on his murders, he would make sure to jump in on the blog and straighten out the so called EXPERTS. The list of names he used is as follows with the IP addresses, if they were available.
Cameron pointed out, “Any of these names can be Googled by entering the ‘name’ and ‘,’ and the conversations he participated in will come up.”
1) | Bababijan | (Crime and Punishment Website, |
2) | Curios Cat | (Crime and Punishment Website, |
3) | Oscar |,,,,, ( |
4) | Oklahoma_mike | ( |
5) | Zoe Glass |,,, ( |
6) | Sylvie |,,,,,,, ( |
7) | Evil |,,, ( |
8) | ZK (Zander_Kite) |,,, ( |
9) | Anonymous |,, ( |
10) | Hurley |,,, ( |
11) | Esau |,, ( |
12) | Peterh |,, (, |
13) | Chrissy Shaw |, ( |
14) | Peter H |,, ( |
15) | Zander Kite (zk) |, ( |
16) | Sylvie (Sylvie14) |, ( |
17) | Lapumo |,, ( 9 |
18) | Peter_H |, ( |
19) | Mike (Oklahoma_Mike) | |
20) | EEAVE | (Washington Post Website) |
During the year 2000 Edwards was leading the bloggers to believe that the Zodiac killer was still alive and working. Many had their own theories about the Zodiac and Edwards would jump in on conversations and straighten them out when they were wrong. Using the name Oscar was a clue as to who the blogger was. His name wasn’t Oscar, but he was earning one on the blog. Everyone was impressed at what Oscar had to say because he had details and theories that made more sense than anyone. In the last decade of his life Edwards committed some of the most sensational murders in the country. Before committing them he made sure the bloggers knew that the Zodiac HAD a Montana connection. Tom Voigt, the owner of tried to tell everyone there was NO connection.
“Ok everybody, please read carefully. There is NO known connection between Zodiac and Montana.” (Tom Voigt,, 12-18-2000)
Cameron detailed the murders of his last decade. “The first murder I found was in Washington D.C. He was targeting the government.”
On May 1, 2001 in Washington D.C, Edwards kidnapped 26 year old Chandra Levy, criminal justice and journalism student from Modesto, California. She was working for the Federal Bureau of Prisons on the pending execution of Timothy McVeigh, the USA’s most prolific killer at the time. Edwards targeted Congressman Gary Condit as the fall guy for the crime. Condit was from California who’s constituency (jury) was the Bay area, the same area that convicted and executed Burton Abbott in 1957, for the killing of 14-year-old Stephanie Bryan. Edwards targeted and killed people from the Bay area his entire life to get even. He said he would do it in the letter he sent February 7, 1956 to Judge Snook in California, just before the death sentence was pronounced on Burton Abbott.
“Mr. Snook, You had better give Burton Abbott more time than one week, as you and the twelve jurors are standing or sitting on a bomb. In fact, if Burton Abbott is sent to death row at San Quentin you and the twelve jury men will not be here to convict another not guilty man.”
Edwards was the ticking time bomb he mentioned in 1956, planning his murders for maximum recognition and terror. Chandra Levy was an intern for the Federal Bureau of Prisons. She was given the responsibility as an intern, to handle public media relations for the pending execution of Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh had blown up the federal building in Oklahoma City and killed 168 people, April 19th, 1995. McVeigh was set to be executed June 11, 2001 and a month before, Edwards kidnapped her.
Levy was kidnapped May 1, 2001 and never seen alive again. She remained missing for over a year. Congressman Gary Condit became the focus of the investigation after admitting to an inappropriate relationship with her. During the summer of 2001 the press went crazy on Gary Condit and destroyed him. Then, something horrible happened to take Edwards out of the spotlight. The terrorists struck the twin towers on September 11, 2001 and Chandra Levy was gone from the press, yet her body had not been found.
Whenever another killer would take away his recognition, Edwards would create another “crime of recognition” to outdo the one getting all the press. He killed Chandra just before Timothy McVeigh’s pending execution to steal the papers and he stole the 911 terrorists’ recognition by sending anthrax to congress and the MEDIA.
September 18, 2001. New York, New Jersey, Florida and Washington D.C. Edwards mails the Anthrax Letters to congress and the MEDIA, shutting down the mail system and creating terror.
September 18, 2001 Anthrax Letters
Cameron explained, “Edwards mailed the letters 7 days after they struck the twin towers, and he wanted everyone to think that THE MUSLIMS were now inside the USA exposing us all to deadly anthrax. He used felt tip markers just like he did in the JonBenet case. It’s harder to track felt tip writing.”
“Well, he certainly created terror, John,” Neal said. “We went to war a few years later all fearful that the terrorists were within. I guess they were but they weren’t Muslim.”
“Exactly, Neal. Two bio-weapons specialists were targeted by the FBI as the letter senders. Steven Hatfill settled a law suit against the government in 2004, and the FBI paid him 4 million dollars for their false accusations. The other suspect, Bruce Ivins, died suspiciously on July 27th, 2008 of a Tylenol overdose. That date is the anniversary Edwards killed Adam Walsh in Florida and he anthraxed Florida.”
“John, do you have Edwards out in Washington blogging from anywhere?”
“Yes, I have him blogging just 30 miles south of Fort Detrick where the anthrax was stolen, and you aren’t going to believe what he said! He tied the Zodiac killer to Egyptian history and science fiction just like he said in his book.” (Ed Edwards, August 19, 20, 2000
In the Osirisian Mysteries you find the Egyptian God Osiris who represented the Lord of the Dead, Ruler of the underworld. Osiris is the dispenser of justice and in Masonic terminology the Zodiac is represented by an oblong square with the 4 Cardinal points in each corner and Osiris in the middle. Osiris is ruled by Saturn which rules the day Saturday and is represented by the Nile River. In the Osirisian Mysteries the drama is always carried out between the waxing to the full moon on a sacred lake. Osiris is represented in several mythologies by either the Sun or the Moon. Osiris has been known to represent “the ruler of the dead”; that is, he judges the sinners and collects their souls for purification in the afterlife (they become his slaves). Many of the Zodiac killings were on a Saturday or close to the midnight hour on Friday. He unconsciously or consciously chose to kill around bodies of water or references to water. He may have planned his killings between the waxing to full moon. If Zodiac were a Mason he may have identified himself with Osiris and may have felt protected by that identification.
Osiris is also represented by the symbol of the circle with the cross in it. The same symbol Zodiac used. If you get a book on ancient symbols you can readily see that many of the Arcane symbols Zodiac used in his ciphers are a part of the Masonic mythology. The Osirisian mysteries are included in the Scottish Rite in the acquisition of degrees. My point is I feel Zodiac was a Mason and chose his name based on the Masonic definition of the word “Zodiac” and that he distorted the Osirisian mysteries to fit somehow his demented personality with the delusion that he was the reincarnation of Osiris in this particular lifetime. If Zodiac was a Mason this would have given him more access to information concerning the Zodiac case than your average individual.
Neal pointed out, “Ed was a Mason in 1968 when he got out of Leavenworth. And that comment he made, ‘The ruler of the dead that judges the sinners and collects their souls for purification in the afterlife; they become his slaves.’ That is exactly what I said he was doing back in 2010 when we started this investigation. He was acting out as Satan or Osiris. It’s Osiris’ eye on the back of the dollar bill Ed was holding in that Paradise Lost Scene:
Ed Edwards, Paradise Lost, HBO Documentary, 1993
Holding Two One Dollar Bills Exposing Osiris’ Eye and Egyptian Pyramid
Edwards had blogged this information in August of 2000 from Ashburn, Virginia, just 33 miles away from Fort Detrick where the Anthrax was stolen. 911 happened and changed his plans so he monopolized on our country’s fear and anthraxed the media and congress, tying it to Islam. He targeted them for their destruction of Congressman Gary Condit, the summer of 2001.
Edwards began blogging again one month after the attack about the envelopes sent. He used the name BOOKWOORM, tying his rant to the anthrax attack, the 911 attack and the scales of justice.
“Using fake return addresses, like the 4th grade one, would be something any terrorist, serial killer, etc. would do. The question is why they use the return addresses that they do use? Letters from kids wouldn’t seem suspicious. My other guess on the school one is that the Pentagon is shaped similar to a school zone sign. And grade school kids sent letters to the weather people. We look at the sky to see what it looks like outside. The sky is where the planes came from on Sept. 11th, too. The sloped writing reminds me of when the Titanic sank. Or it could have something to do with the scales of justice.” (Ed Edwards,, October 24, 2001)
He furthered his connection to the anthrax attacks in a blog in April of 2002. All the misspellings were his.
“The kind of society that would consider a mass murderer terrorist a hero is rather bleak to imagine. If we consider for a moment Zodiac’s as terroism 101, we can see today the damage of a more advanced terrorist from recent events. As millions consider the more advanced terroist a hero today a time may come where a similiar population will consider the same about Zodiac. Would a seret cashe of eveidence revel a mission in which an agreived group might except or even embrace zodiac’s tactics? Has the more advanced terroist of current time learned from zodiac? As suggest on the board there are undenaible similarities in the recent antrax letters to thoose of Zodiacs. I would imagine such a soceity could develop in the midst of a holy war. The insanity of such a war would grow agreived groups. Any of which would be capable of pushing a button to a weapon of mass desruction if they had it. Has Zodiac passed out such buttons? Sure a secret cashe of evidence is possible. As is a game of who’s got the button.” (Ed Edwards, 4-29-2002 blogged from Washington DC)
After killing Chandra Levy in May of 2001, and doing the anthrax attacks in September and October, 2001, he posted the above comments online and planted Chandra’s skull in the heart of Washington D.C. in Rock Creek Park, May 22, 2002, the day the Levys were on Oprah Winfrey begging for the safe return of their daughter. He had planted Adam Walsh’s head in 1981 on the day the Walshs were on CBS’ Good Morning America begging for the return of their son. Everything he did was to maximize terror and recognition. Edwards left a tube of red lipstick at the scene where Chandra’s skull was found and this confused police. The lipstick killer had struck 56 years after he started killing and nobody put the puzzle together.
Eventually, an innocent man named Ingmar Guandique was arrested in 2009 for the killing of Chandra Levy. His arrest based partially on testimony provided by Edwards as witness # 10 in the arrest affidavit dated March 2009. Edwards stated the following in the affidavit.
“It has known Guandique for years and that Guandique was a member of MS-13 and has committed many robberies. Guandique boasted that he was called Chuckie, and that he had a reputation for killing and chopping up people. Guandique told Witness # 10 that he had committed many crimes against women including rapes. He stated that he would tie their hands and feet together, usually with a rope or he would improvise.
The Witness # 10 statement was a parable of Edwards’ life of killings. Edwards’ real name was Chuckie—Charles Edward Myers. Edwards chopped people up his entire life and hauled them out in suitcases. Edwards had committed many crimes against women since 1945. And Edwards was selling firearms to MS13 in 2001 while living in Oklahoma with his wife Kay. He wanted to be close to the pending execution of Timothy McVeigh. Edwards would follow other killers and mimic their murders to confuse police. He would never let McVeigh go down as the USA’s worst killer.
Witness # 10’s testimony was provided to police in writing in November of 2008, and the author was never identified. Witness # 10 never appeared at trial yet the information was used to arrest Guandique.
Edwards had blogged from Chandra Levy’s hometown 4 days before killing her. He spoke about how easy it was to change his appearance. He was leading the bloggers to look at the Zodiac killer for Chandra Levy’s murder. He used the name ZOE GLASS.
“How many ways can one change their appearance? from head to toe. finding an old 60’s ad for shoe lifts, brought speculation of how much height could one easily gain. two and half to three inches with a shoe lift and an equal amount with shoes would seem achievable. perhaps with construction or cowboy boots. a hat or ‘big hair’ could add more inches to an illusion of height. what else might a ‘master of disguise’ have in his bag, although Batman was a master of disguise, there was no mistaking him when he was disguised as the caped crusader.” (Ed Edwards, 4-21-2002.)
Edwards continued to blog under other names before he killed Chandra. He used the name 13 words just days before doing it. There are 13 letters in his name.
“Not only is very easy to change one’s appearance, it’s also possible for perps to leave misleading physical evidence. One example is the burglar who wears shoes/boots etc, twice his size and never the same boot but always the same size. Hence, the physcial profile based on the shoe size is inaccurate, also the planting of false fingerprints at a crime scene is not unusual by perps. (Although a good crime scene tech can ID those latents as false). Recently worked a case where a perp set the crime scene to appear as if he had cut himself on a glass window while entering the victims residense leaving a nice trail of blood and of course DNA, too bad the blood was not his. (Ed Edwards, April 19th 2001 Washington DC)
Edwards was portraying himself online as an investigator that had worked cases in the past where fingerprints and blood were planted. He described in the blog what he had done to Dannie Gloeckner in 1996 when he beheaded him, took his blood and gave it to police claiming Dannie had climbed through his window and broke into his home. Edwards gave police blood on glass in 1996 in Ohio. Edwards details giving the blood to police in this 2010, You-Tube confession to killing Dannie, given to the Geauga Maple Leaf Press.
Edwards details planting evidence, March, 2011:
Edwards targeted Chandra Levy because she was about to graduate from USC with a Masters in Journalism and Criminal Justice. She was from the area of California that convicted and executed Burton Abbott in 1957. Her father was a doctor in Modesto, and she worked with the media in the Federal Bureau of Prisons for the pending execution of Timothy McVeigh. Edwards targeted McVeigh because the press was claiming him to be the most prolific serial killer ever. He killed 168 people and injured 600. Ed Edwards followed serial killers to outdo them.
After Edwards had killed Chandra and bragged on the blog about taking fingers and planting evidence, he sent Tom Voigt of Zodiackiller. com, a set of 8 fingerprints rolled in red lipstick.
Envelope and Latent Fingerprints Sent To November 22, 2002.
The prints were rolled in a red substance. Edwards only sent 8 fingerprints and all were missing the tips. This was a clue. Edwards is missing two tips, leaving him with 8. His NCIC record lists it:
Edwards NCIC record
Edwards Fingerprint Card
By leaving off the tips it made identification impossible through an automated system. Edwards posted an opinion on the fingerprints a month after sending them:
“It wouldn’t surprise me if the prints could not be checked even if they do belong to the writer. They appear to be limited to the second and third, or just the third joints of the fingers. The two or three times I have been printed, only the first joints were taken”. (Ed Edwards, Zodiackiller. com, 12-9-2002)
Edwards was correct about the portion of the fingers he sent in. The lower joints of the fingers rarely appear on fingerprint cards and Edwards only sent in the lower parts of the 8 fingers, no tips.
Edwards wrote a lengthy letter trying to get Tom Voigt to enter into an agreement to reveal the real Zodiac killer story.
Letter From Edwards to, November 22, 2002
Tom Voigt has withheld page two of the above letter for 11 years. Two months after sending in the above letter and prints, Edwards tried one more time to get Tom Voigt to catch him. He sent him another letter trying to make a blockbuster movie deal.
January 15th, 2003 Edwards Zodiac Killer Letter to Tom Voigt of
The letter was sent on the 56-year anniversary of Edwards’ killing the Black Dahlia in Hollywood, January 15th, 1947. Edwards had also sent a packet containing a white powdery substance along with the fingerprints he sent in.
Tom Voigt November 22, 2002 Letter Containing White Powder Poison
The packets, made in China, and tying back to Edwards’ history of hunting down communists, was a clue as to who the sender was. It was also a clue that he was the Anthrax killer from 2001. The Zodiac killer was the Anthrax killer.
The items Edwards sent to Tom Voigt have been in the public domain since 2002 on his website. Voigt moved from Portland, Oregon to San Francisco after receiving these letters in an attempt to catch the Zodiac. Tom Voigt’s website was taunted by Edwards from 1998 until his capture in 2009. In the end, Voigt’s desire to bring out the Zodiac killer worked.
Edwards used the Chandra Levy case from 2001 until 2009, trying to get the police to go after anyone just to prove he could do it. He knew if he provided the evidence they would follow his false clues.
In 2008, the Washington Post did a 12-part series on the unsolved Chandra Levy case, and pointed the evidence directly at an illegal immigrant named Ingmar Guandique. It was after this series of stories that Edwards became a witness in the case and provided his written statement which eventually contributed to the arrest of Ingmar Guandique for the murder of Chandra Levy.
Edwards posted the following after the Washington Post ended the series in 2008 accusing Ingmar Guandique of being the killer of Chandra. He was taunting the “expert” opinions of all involved and warning them. He used the name Linda. The rant was a biblical warning of what he was revealing.
“Then, the FBI learned from the message of God that the prime suspect in this case was the mastermind of at least three other murderous crimes against other women. Believe it, for God was mad that spiritual evidences were not taken full weight as they should have been. And God said, this 2008 will be a year to regret if US is not serving the justice upon the culprits’ gang-leader of these horrendous crimes. And the time ticking on, then, you have the tornadoes, the 500-year-flood, and the 8000 dry shots of tinder-burning thunderbolts in CA. So, again, here is an almost rehash of the unfinished business against the implicated, for God demanded this be tho’roughly investigated again, if not, this year is far from over yet. It’s good to be fearful before God, for that is how all learn from God in these first steps of getting close to Him.
Semen of Condit on Chandra’s yet-washed underwear serve to reveal how sneaky he had been with all those who confronted him about the type of relationship he had with Chandra. Timing of that semen stain can be tied with the ‘big news’ that eventually hoodwinked Chandra into a trap of a callous-beast-in-disguise. (911) This crime, together with the previously committed ones, were team work, with cruel hearts behind the veil, no wonder another poster reminded the readers to: avoid a minister/or son of such.….… The bees are 2/3 missing in some parts of US, and humankind simply can’t live without these hardworking ones. God said, ‘US, make these things right immediately, less there’d be no bee flying over all the buds across this land called by my name in the first place. These series were like intelligent bricks to elicit the all-seeing jades out of the heart of the earth, and thank goodness, the jades are coming in. May God have mercy upon US, and strengthen her in avenging the cries of Chandra in good speed. Heads up, necks stretching, eyes fixating for all the sincere hope of a matured judgment into this already made bare case, and only after an execution compatible to that truth, then the whole world will chorus, ‘indeed justice is served rightly as we have surmised since its beginning.’ US, listen to that, I hope in advance, you’re not to late to act now for Chandra/US well-being altogether.” (Ed Edwards,, July 24th, 2008)
Neal pointed out, “Every time he is using the word God in this rant, he really means Satan. This sums up how Ed felt. He was God and was orchestrating injustices for decades, getting people to sin and then killing someone close to them. When he says ‘avoid a minister/or son of such,’ he is describing himself. He used the preacher ruse all over the country.”
“Well, it worked well for him. In 2010, illegal immigrant Ingmar Guandique was convicted of Chandra Levy’s murder. Now, in 2012 the United States Attorney General contacted the judge in the Ingmar Guandique case to inform him and the defense that there are problems.”
“What’s going on, John?”
“A witness had provided testimony that Guandique confessed while the two were housed in a Kentucky federal prison in 2006. Edwards was living in Kentucky in 2006. The Defense has filed an appeal for a new trial and the judge is expected to rule by January 2014. The government has held 5 secret hearings since 2012 regarding the wrongful conviction of Ingmar Guandique. A white noise machine was used in the courtroom so reporters and spectators could not hear what was being said. The judge has sealed the records until the defense and prosecution can agree on what to release. This in itself is unheard of in a post-conviction trial proceeding. Neal, there has never been court hearings like this in the USA. Edwards had gotten into the investigation of Chandra Levy and now it is all unraveling in a courtroom.”
“Good. It’s about time this was exposed. What was the next murder you found after he did the anthrax attacks?”
“You will find this one interesting. He targeted a newspaper EDITOR on Halloween.”
November 1, 2001, Columbia Missouri. Edwards targeted and killed EDITOR Kent Heitholt of the Columbia, Missouri Tribune. Heitholt was celebrating his 5-year anniversary with the paper and there was an open public reception. Edwards targeted EDITORS his entire life and he targeted this one on Halloween night, leaving him strangled and beaten in the parking lot at 2:30 am. He committed the crime on Halloween because it leads into November 1st, the Catholic All Saints Day. This represents the good and the evil, the light and the dark. Heitholt was beaten in the face with a cane-like object and his hyoid bone was broken just like Chandra Levy’s. Eventually Ryan Ferguson and Charles Erickson were wrongfully convicted in 2006 and are currently serving time.
Edwards blogged on the day after killing Heitholt, about having a confrontation with a newsman. The name he used was Sylvie. Edwards used this name in written documents in the 1968 Robison, 6-family-member murders in Michigan. Mr. Robison was also an EDITOR like Kent Heitholt.
“My neighbor is a decades long employee for the Press-Enterprise. Usually a very nice guy, he became very defensive and assertively protective of his Paper when I politely questioned him on his Paper’s choice not to do a story on CJB, this being the 35th anniversary of her death. He admitted that the PE is now owned by a Nat’l group BUT he says ALL the reporters are local who care dearly about their community. He went on to tell me that (as Tom suggested) the PE would NEVER wish to cater to the RPD - AU CONTRAIRE - as they were the ones to keep up relentless heat on the officers that shot unarmed Tyisha Miller, and that their continual unfavorable stories on the RPD were the reason the officers lost their jobs and the Miller family recieved 5 million. He claims the RPD constantly harrased PE employees at that time. He believes in his opinion that they did not do the story so as not to be redundant, that the multi-part piece done last year had since yielded nothing new, thus no reason to rehash. I respectfully disagreed with him there, even a short refresher article would, INMO, have been in order. Then he turned it around on me - ‘Why do you critics expect everyone to do it for you, take matters into your own hands,’ blah, blah, blah. Finally he said ‘why doesn’t everyone give us a break, we are a huge contributor to charities!!’ (Ed Edwards,, November 2, 2001)
Cameron furthered, “Heitholt was an EDITOR in Shreveport, Louisiana before he moved to Missouri. Edwards targeted editors and had spent considerable time in Shreveport. He had mailed the JonBenet letter from there in 1997. Edwards targeted Heitholt because he had a daughter Kali, a production designer and artist student, attending USC in Los Angeles. Two of her classmates were targeted and found guilty for the murder of her father. Kali Heitholt lived in the same city Ed killed Elizabeth Short, known as the Black Dahlia, in 1947.”
“It’s amazing how he was able to tie so many things together, John. How many more did he do? We haven’t even gotten through 2001!”
“I’m sure there are others but the next one I tied him to was a young couple on a beach in 2004.”
August 16th, 2004. Jenner, Sonoma County, California. Edwards killed Lindsay Cutshall and Jason Allen as they slept in their sleeping bags on an ocean beach. Lindsay was from Ohio and her dad a preacher. Jason was from Michigan, the same place Edwards killed the entire Robison family in 1968.”
Lindsay Cutshall and Jason Allen, 2004
The two had been asleep in a tent on a remote beach when Edwards approached them with a shotgun, shooting them both in the head like he did to Dannie Gloeckner in 1996. He left writings at the scene that tied him to the killing, and he led the bloggers on to believe the Zodiac killer did it. He used the name Oklahoma_mike. Edwards lived in Oklahoma with his wife Kay at the time he blogged.
Username: Oklahoma_mike
Registered: 02-2004
Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 08:15 pm:
Ever since my wife told me of hearing about this case several days ago it has preyed on my mind more and more. After reading several news accounts and gaining information on the Zodiac chat Sat. night I decided to start this thread. At the outset I know it is very doubtful the original Zodiac is alive and/or free and the odds are far against him being the perpetrator in this latest viscious crime. But I can’t help thinking of these similarities to Lake Berryessa and Santa Barbara:
1. Victims were a young romantically involved couple killed at a beach.
2. Whoever the perp was, he had to know the area well.
3. The victims car was parked along a highway with a path leading to the beach. None of the beaches were accessible by automobile.
4. The actual murder site was not visible from the road.
5. No robbery or sexual assault occurred. Killing seems the only motive.
6. A gun was used in each of the crimes (at Lake Berryessa he only used the gun to intimidate, but a gun was integral nonetheless).
7. No bodies were mutilated and there was no sign of uncontrolled rage. Even with stabbing at Lake Berryessa he was described as cold and methodical.
8. The killer evidently approached and withdrew unseen.
9. The killer seems to have stalked the area not specific persons.
10. Few, if any, other persons knew the victims intended to go to the site.
11. None of the victims had anyone with a grudge against them, so far as known. They were all described by friends as well liked.
12. Victims were caucasian.
13. It is less than 100 miles from Lake Berryessa.
14. Near water.
15. It has always been assumed that Zodiac knew the outdoors at least fairly well. That is one reason ALA was/is such a viable suspect. This killer had to have outdoors skills better than most people nowdays do.
And a few final thoughts: Another serial killer, BTK, resurfaced after more than 20 years. Everyone thought him long gone as well. The SFPD and Riverside PD recently closed their cases. This would infuriate Z if he were still alive. Plus, BTK, an imitator, has returned and is now getting all the press coverage. Several strong motives for Z to come out of retirement. My wife pointed out that at Lake Berryessa and probably Santa Barbara Zodiac liked to control and terrify his victims before killing them which would seem different. But she said, “Now he’d be old and could not take such a chance, he’d go for the quick kill, shooting them in their sleep”. And finally, I am a typical scientific and sceptical fanatic, demanding only facts. But somehow, even all the way out here in Oklahoma, this new crime just ‘feels’ like Zodiac. As I said at the beginning, it is very unlikely that this could be the work of the original Zodiac. But DAMN! END
Edwards left writings at the scene of the murder tying the crime to Satanism. He purposely left every E standing out. The letter is dated August 4th, 2004; the 69-year anniversary of Ed’s mother’s pending death. The handwriting matched some of Cameron’s and Neal Best’s letters.
August 16th, 2004 Sonoma County, California,
Letter Left at Cutshall/Allen Murder Scene
“Well this is mE, frEE of I.D. and soon to walk nudE along thE bEach, things can bE pEachy kEEn if you lEt thEm bE! HE, hE”
Besides leaving the E prominent throughout the letter, Edwards left two pictures drawn on the driftwood at the scene that was a clue as to who had committed the crime.
Two Drawings, Felt Tip Marker, of Satan
Edwards had signed the poem in a large R standing for Ra, the Sun God in ancient Egyptian mythology. The ancients believed RA merged with Osiris and became not only the creator, but the God of the dead. This is why Edwards stated he was collecting slaves for his afterlife, in the Zodiac case. Edwards criticized the police on line, for not releasing the pictures and beach poem right away to the public. Police had withheld many of his letters over the years for fear it would cause panic.
“What is it that makes police sit on so much evidence for almost 2 years? I can see the need to hold some things back, but surely not so much as they have just released.” (Ed Edwards, 5-10-2006)
The Zodiac had killed Lindsay Cutshall and Jason Allen in 2004 while everyone on was wondering if he was still alive. Edwards told them online that an old man could have certainly done it.
“I don’t think Arthur Leigh Allen was the Zodiac. Anyone (even an old man) can pull a trigger, especially against 2 sleeping victims. From what I have read, the victims were just shot and that is it. If you are talking about revenge, anger or ‘if I can’t have her no one can’ there would be a lot more violence at the scene. This was random or they were stalked by a person that was not emotionally attached to either person. The killer has probably walked that section of beach many times reliving his/her crime. August 16, 2004 was new moon, so on the nights of the 15, 16, 17, there would effectively have been no moon during the nighttime hours.” (Ed Edwards, May 3, 2006)
Edwards gave out the details as he challenged to catch him. The two victims were last seen in “San Francisco,” in the heart of the Zodiac, before they drove north toward the same area where Edwards buried Stephanie Bryan, in 1955. As they slept on the beach, Edwards approached them and shot them both in their tent.
Jason Allen and Lindsay Cutshall, San Francisco, Last Pictures In Their Camera
Lindsay Cutshall had a camera, and it has been speculated that the picture of the beach might have been taken by the killer himself. It was the last photo on the film. The driftwood in the foreground had the Satan pictures drawn on it. The rocks in the background appear to be pyramid shaped.
Edwards killed the couple in August, the month he killed so many others. He blogged about his knowledge of the weapon used to kill them and led the bloggers to believe the Zodiac had committed it. He left a note with a poem about what’s at stake.
“Santa Claus?? Leprechauns? Tooth fairy? Alien, buggie man and someone harry. Take what’s at stake before another mistake, which like you, who I very hate, shouldn’t break but make in such a hurry.”
Edwards left a parable of his life at many of his scenes. A writing left in the beach journal indicated the killer was an only child. The name “Chrissie” was a name Edwards used on
Edwards sent many letters over the years indicating he was an only child, born illegitimate. Both Lindsay and Jason had been attending a religious church camp the week before their deaths and were due to head home to Ohio to get married, where Lindsay’s father, Chris Cutshall, was an evangelical minister. He believes that the devil was responsible for the deaths of his daughter and her fiancé. In a 2006 interview, he sadly stated that he believes the murders are linked to satanic activity.
After killing in California in 2004, Edwards returned to Ohio. The next “murder of the decade” was the brutal crucifixion of a nun and the setup of a Catholic priest in Toledo. Although Edwards had killed the nun in 1980, he spent 25 years trying to setup an innocent priest for the crime.
Father Gerald Robinson
Sister Margaret Pahl
On April 6th, 1980 in Toledo, Ohio, Sister Margaret Pahl unlocked the Sacristy of Mercy Chapel and was preparing for Easter Saturday Mass. She was brutally attacked inside the Sacristy 30 minutes before mass started. A suspicious looking priest was seen leaving the area just after the killing. He has never been identified.
Sister Pahl had been strangled from behind. She had a broken hyoid bone; 31 stab wounds: 22 to the face, and 9 in the shape of an inverted cross on her chest. Edwards covered her in the white altar cloth, and then stabbed her through it in an upside down cross. It meant Signed by the Cross, just like in the JonBenet Ramsey case, SBTC. Both left covered in white cloth to represent purity.
Like many of Ed’s victims, Sister Pahl had a broken hyoid bone as did Chandra Levy, Dannie Gloeckner, JonBenet etc… This was Edwards’ signature rabbit punch. He demonstrated it in his 2010 confession you can find on You Tube. Ed Edwards 2011 Confession Describing the Rabbit Punch. The rabbit punch knocks you down, unable to scream or breathe, and unable to move. It is a sign that the killer got “close” to his victim.
Sister Pahl was killed in the church Sacristy, not the Chapel. Easter Saturday morning is the only day The Body of Christ is held in the Sacristy. It represents Jesus in the tomb and the coming resurrection on Easter Sunday. Edwards had staged the crime to occur moments before Father Gerald Robinson was due for Easter Saturday Mass. He was in the shower when the murder occurred and was alerted to find Sister Pahl crucified in the church Sacristy moments before Mass. Father Robinson became the prime suspect. The unidentified priest seen leaving the Sacristy just after the murder was the real culprit.
Edwards targeted Father Gerald Robinson for setup in 1980, but the prosecutor wouldn’t file charges. The evidence wasn’t there and the entire case was sensational. Then, in 2002 a psychiatric patient came forward directing the evidence towards Father Gerald Robinson. Robinson was arrested in 2005 and convicted in 2006. He had adamantly denied any involvement in 1980 and maintains it to this day. Cameron’s brother received a letter in 2013 from Father Gerald Robinson and it is clear that an innocent man has been sitting in jail for 7 years now.
Father Gerald Robinson Letter to Joe Cameron May 2013
Father Gerald Robinson was targeted by Edwards because of his name and his relationship with the Toledo Catholic Diocese. It was a Catholic League worker named Mr. Robinson in 1948 that lied, and sent Ed to the reformatory. It was this chapter in his book that tied together the 1968 Robison family murder and the 1980 crucifixion of Sister Margaret Pahl in Toledo, and setup of Father Robinson. Edwards switched the names in his book on purpose as a clue.
“A man came to see me and introduced himself as Mr. Robinson. I was told by Mr. Robison I could come and go as I wish. When we pulled in front of the school’s main entrance, January, 1948 I saw looming in front of me two big black steel doors. After Mr. Robison signed the papers for my admittance I was led downstairs to a shower and my clothes were taken. My imitation had begun and my suspicions were rapidly growing. My resentment knew no bounds.” *(Ed Edwards, MOAC, January 1948)
By age 15 Edwards had such hatred for the Catholics he became a Satanist, targeting religious people and destroying them for decades. He had killed two women, Arliss Perry at Stanford Memorial Church, October 12th, 1974 and Irene Garza, killed Easter Saturday April 16th, 1960 in McAllen, Texas in the same manner as Sister Pahl.
Edwards used his intelligence to write a book that was a puzzle of murder that when revealed would reveal Satan. After Father Robinson’s conviction in 2006, he started planning revenge on a happy, healthy family in Toledo, Ohio. He would take their first born son and plan it for decades.
April 1st, 2008. Lakeland, Florida. On April 1st, 2008, Robert A Wiles, age 26 was kidnapped from Lakeland, Florida.
Robert A Wiles Missing Person Poster
Robert was from Toledo, Ohio and had attended Bowling Green University. His mother and father owned National Flight Services, an aviation company with offices in Ohio, Texas and Florida. The Wiles had been married since 1980, and Robert was their first born son, born after the killing of Sister Margaret Pahl. He was a pilot and was running National Flight Services for his family in Lakeland, Florida. On the day he disappeared he was preparing to fly out to Dallas, Texas for a conference.
Sometime after 6:30 p.m., April 1st, Robert disappeared, never to be seen again. His body has never been found. “Three Days Later” on April 3rd, Tom Wiles, Robert’s father received two text messages that contained a ransom note:
April 3, 2008, 0900 Text Message.
“Mr. Wiles. I suggest you read your Lakeland email if you ever want to see your son again. We can’t imagine why you wouldn’t answer a call from your son.”
“We have Robert. If you hope to see him alive again you must follow our instructions without deviation! Do not speak about this to anyone including family. Tell everyone Robert is Ill. Do not contact any authorities or private parties. Obtain an item of luggage of the appropriate size and place 750.000 dollars in small unmarked untraceable bills. Place the luggage containing the money in a plain cardboard box and ship it to your Lakeland Facility with detailed instructions that it is highly confidential materials for a special project that your son is working on. You should instruct someone you trust to place the box unopened in your son’s office. This must be completed by the evening of the 6th. NO EXCUSES! No exceptions! We are watching everything and if you think you can outsmart us it will cost your son’s life
Group X”
The Robert Wiles ransom note contained similar language as did the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note and the 1955 Stephanie Bryan ransom note Edwards had penned.
1996 RAMSEY NOTE “Mr. Ramsey. At this time we have your daughter in our posession. She is safe and unharmed and if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to the letter.
2008 WILES NOTE. Mr. Wiles We have Robert If you hope to see him alive again you must follow our instructions without deviation!
1955 STEPHANIE BRYAN NOTE: Bryan Don’t be idiotic. This is not a hoax. Don’t contact any law enforces if you expect to see your girl in the near future. Don’t contact anyone it will take the package a while to reach me but your child will be okay if you follow instruction”
1996 RAMSEY NOTE: you must follow our instructions to the letter.
2008 WILES NOTE: you must follow our instructions without deviation!
1955 STEPHANIE BRYAN NOTE: He will give you instruction. Follow them and you will reach your child.
1996 RAMSEY NOTE: you will put the money in a brown paper bag. 2008 WILES NOTE: the money in a plain card board box
1955 STEPHANIE BRYAN NOTE: Wrap it in a small box then wrap the box in brown paper.
1996 RAMSEY NOTE. Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B.I. etc., will result in your daughter being beheaded
2008 WILES NOTE: Do not contact any authorities or private parties. Do not speak about this to anyone including family
1955 STEPHANIE BRYAN NOTE: Don’t contact any law enforces if you expect to see your girl in the near future.
1955 STEPHANIE BRYAN NOTE: You tipped Law. Wise up they can’t help you only I can. You will get instruction
Edwards had been writing ransom notes as puzzles for decades. In every case the victim was already dead, and there was no chance of getting them back alive. The parents would become the first suspect and in the end innocent people were destroyed or executed by the system. Edwards targeted the Wiles family for destruction just as he had targeted the Ramseys and the Bryans.
In 2006, after the conviction of Father Gerald Robinson in Toledo, someone approached Tom Wiles and convinced him that he would need kidnapping insurance on his employees in the future. Mrs. Wiles provided Cameron the policy.
Cameron pointed out to Neal, “Look at the date of the coverage, April 14, 2007 to April 14, 2008. This policy was issued April 14, 2006, and jury selection started “three days later,” April 17th, 2006 in the Father Gerald Robinson trial, going on in Toledo. And guess when Father Robinson was born? April 14th, 1938, the year Ed’s mother died of the gunshot. And guess when Chandra Levy was born?”
“April 14th,? Neal said.
“Yup—1977, Edwards thought of everything when leaving his fake clues. In this case, he left them in the insurance policy itself, dating them the day of Chandra’s and Father Robinson’s birthdays. He kills Robert on HIS mother’s birthday and he killed Stephanie Bryan on her father’s.”
Cameron had contacted the Wiles family in 2013 and spent considerable time with Mrs. Wiles after connecting Edwards to the kidnapping, ransom and killing of her son. Pam Wiles, Robert’s mother, described the way the insurance scam came about.
“Unbeknown to me and Robert, kidnapping insurance was placed on our policy; it was renewal time. Robert and I had no idea we had kidnapping insurance and didn’t even know when renewal time was. I found out in 2013 that this kidnapping insurance policy was added for the time period of April of 2007 until April of 2008. It was only good during the period they took my Robert. Someone put a bug in Tom’s ear to get that insurance.” (Pam Wiles, Robert Wiles’ Mother)
The kidnapping insurance scam was perpetrated during the arrest and trial of Father Gerald Robinson. Someone had gotten into the company and was dividing Robert and another employee named Toby Holt. Mrs. Wiles described what was going on with Robert just before he disappeared.
“Robert traveled to the Dominican Republic in March of 2008 on business with National Flight Services. Prior to his disappearance he wasn’t in his normal state of mind. He returned seeming weary not keeping himself as neatly dressed as he usually does. My first thought was did someone put Robert in a position slipping him a drug or placing him in a hypnotic state?”
In the months before Robert’s kidnapping, Mrs. Wiles and her husband were going through a separation and the family was seeing a psychiatrist. Robert refused to go to their psychiatrist, and may have found his own. Someone also scammed Robert and the company of 50,000 dollars just before the crime. After Robert disappeared, someone sent the Wiles an anonymous letter directing them to look at a “Psychiatrist named ZUBIN MYSTERY” that had been flying in and out of Toledo in 2005-06 on chartered planes and was an expert in mind control. The letter was sent by Edwards who was chartering planes in and out of Toledo during the Father Robinson arrest and trial, standing in front of everyone as he destroyed Toledo.
About a year after Robert’s disappearance, Pam Wiles observed a sign in the foyer of her doctor’s office listing ZUBIN MYSTERY in the office complex. She explained it to Cameron.
“I was continuing to go see our counselor; then one day to my surprise I saw the name Zubin Mystery in his office. I asked the counselor how long Zubin Mystery has been in his office, not explaining why. He said oh he needed to rent some space for a while explaining what a bright intelligent person he is. I thought to myself why does Zubin Mystery need to rent space if he has an office of his own in Toledo?”
The Zubin Mystery letter Edwards had sent to the Wiles family was another parable on his life and contained clues as to the identity of the writer. Shortly after observing the name ZUBIN MYSTERY in the family’s doctor’s office, Tom Wiles was contacted by a man with the assumed name of Vernon Hutchison, claiming to be a psychic and to have talked to their dead son. The man was described as about 80 years old, short and fat.
Edward Edwards, 2009, 76 years old, 5ft 9, 270 lbs
The “psychic” provided Tom Wiles handwritten notes of the conversation he had with his dead son on Easter, 2009, one year after the kidnapping. The notes are written in question and answer format with Vernon (Ed), asking the questions, and Robert Wiles answering them from the grave.
The pages were a puzzle and contained the
answers as to how Edwards killed Robert.
Just as Edwards had done in 2004 in the Sonoma County Beach poem, he left all the E’s prominent capitals, standing for, Edward Edwards.
Edwards had provided Cameron this E only in 4 words out of all the letters he wrote.
Every letter sent by Edwards to anyone was a taunt as to his identity. They all contained puzzles and clues. In his conversation with the dead Robert Wiles, Edwards detailed that ‘HE’ was invited into Robert’s apartment and drowned him in the bathtub. He buried his body in a shallow grave and taunted the family for a year with false calls, ransom notes and fake letters, using names like Zubin Mystery as a clue. The Z Mystery, the Zodiac Mystery.
In the question, “How many men held you under water to drown you?” Edwards writes 2-3-4, with four underlined. This was also a clue. In mirror image it would be 4-3-2. They all equal 1. Four minus three =1. Three minus two = 1. One person killed Robert Wiles and it was the psychiatrist, Zubin Mystery, the Z Mystery, the hypnotist, the doctor of psychiatry, the preacher. He had groomed his way into the Toledo Ohio family to kill their first born son in revenge for the wrongful conviction of Father Gerald Robinson two years earlier. Robert Wiles’ uncle was a Catholic priest that worked with Father Gerald Robinson in Toledo.
The day Robert was kidnapped was Ed’s mother’s birthday. April 1st, April Fools. He denied Mr. and Mrs. Wiles Robert’s remains just as he had threatened to do to the Ramseys in 1996. Robert’s remains have never been found because just before he was about to plant them, Edwards was arrested and the unraveling began.
In 2010 police arrested and convicted National Flight Services employee Stobert Holt for the murder of Robert Wiles. Edwards had killed Robert Wiles in his apartment the night of March 31, 2008, took his cell phone and used it to follow Stobert Holt from April 1st until April 3rd, planting all the evidence to make it look like Stobert had Robert’s body and cell phone.
Stobert Holt Convicted May 12, 2012
Stobert Holt was asked by “48 Hours,” a CBS crime program, about his conviction. “I was in disbelief. There is no evidence to support the conviction. I’m upset because I’m an innocent man convicted of manslaughter.”
He was asked to explain the cell phone records.
“Someone had to be following me using it to make it look like it was me. If I had killed Robert I wouldn’t be that stupid. I watch CSI.”
During the sentencing phase, Tom Wiles asked Stobert, “We have a son we don’t know where he is. We want to bring him home. I want to know where my son is. I’d give everything I have just to get him back.”
Stobert responded, “As everyone else’s does, my heart goes out to the Wiles family. I still maintain my innocence. I have from the beginning. They are probably hoping that I’m going to tell them where to find Robert and I just don’t have that information.”
Stobert Holt was sentenced to 30 years and will not be released until he is 72 years old.
Edwards had one more final setup to accomplish before his arrest in 2009. Edwards targeted the defense department and anybody claiming to be an expert on crime. His final ruse was against the Criminal Investigation Division of the U.S. Government.
“I work for the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the US Government.” (*MOAC, Ed Edwards)
Edwards targeted Fort Bragg and the military as his last crime of recognition.
June 14th, 2008. Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In his final setup, Edwards targeted the very people he portrayed his entire life: The Criminal Investigation Division of the U.S. Government. He had mentioned it dozens of times in his book. Edwards killed Megan Touma, age 26 on Fort Bragg. She was 7 months pregnant and was killed on June 14, 2008, Edwards’ 75th birthday. He had killed Robert Wiles “three months” earlier, April Fools Day, the anniversary of his mother’s birth. The Zodiac killer was proving in 2008 that the movie, “Zodiac” released November 2007, was wrong.
Megan Touma’s body wasn’t discovered until the 21st, when someone smelled a foul odor and found a “Do Not Disturb” sign on her motel room door at the Cross Creek Mall Fairfield Inn. When police entered they found the Zodiac sign written in lipstick on the mirror. Megan was killed in the bathtub and had been rabbit punched in the throat. Her baby had deceased as well. She had been killed like so many others-in the bathtub. Near water is what Edwards had to ritualistically kill by and that is why the Zodiac killed near water.
After the killing on Fort Bragg, Edwards sent a Zodiac letter dated June 17th, 2008, admitting to being at the scene.
Zodiac Letter Arrives June 25, 2008,
Fayetteville Police and Fayetteville Observer Paper
Police at first withheld the fact that the Zodiac had claimed responsibility, for fear it would cause terror. Edwards had committed the murder on his 76th birthday, June 14th, 2008. He had killed Robert Wiles two months earlier on his mother’s birthday, April 1, April Fool’s Day. Holidays, anniversaries and birthdays were signature signs of Ed Edwards. The beginning and the end; his mother’s birth and his birth. Edwards dated the letter “Three” days later, June 17th (on the third day) and claimed he was at the scene watching them process it when it was discovered June 21st.
On June 28th, 2008 Edwards went online using his grandmother’s name, Anibal, and directed the police to go after Sergeant Ed Patino.
Anibal Says:
June 28, 2008 at 4:46 am
This is regarding the murder of SPC Megan Lynn Touma.…her boyfreind name was Sgt Edgar Patino..He is station in Fort Brag. He is also marry to Heileen Patino. He was also station he in Bamberg, Germany. I spoke to her the day before she left and she told me that was his baby and she was seven months pregnant. He was a buddy of mind. We were both assigned to 54th Egineer Batallion.This is regarding the murder of SPC Megan Lynn Touma.
Edwards misspelled in the blog to tie it to his horrible spelling in the Zodiac case, and he directed the evidence at Ed Patino, the man that was married and had gotten Megan Touma pregnant. Patino hadn’t told Touma he was married. They both met up in the Fairfield Inn in Fort Bragg June 13th-14th. The Fairfield Inn was located on the property of the Cross Creek Mall. Edwards deliberately and cold bloodedly chose this site for what its name was, and what it looked like from Google Earth. The building is shaped like a cross with a circle road around it. Signed By the Cross.
Cross Creek Mall, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Edwards’ first murder in 1945 in Chicago was signed in lipstick and so was his last in 2008. The beginning and the end, Edwards was proving to the USA after the release of Zodiac the movie, that the Zodiac was still alive, sending letters and planting false evidence for the police to follow.
Edgar Patino was in Fort Bragg attending a special class on “Psychiatric Warfare” taught by members of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Armed Services. Patino last saw Megan the night of June 13th when he left her room after visiting with her. After Edwards blogged and led police to him, Patino was arrested July 28th, 2008 and charged with the murder of Megan. He denied the murder—writing the note and writing the Zodiac sign on the mirror in lipstick. Two years later, in November of 2010, while Edwards was sitting in Ohio waiting to be executed, Patino accepted a plea agreement to spare his life and is currently sitting in a North Carolina prison trying to prove his innocence. His lawyer didn’t tell him he had no right to appeal his plea deal. In 2013 he was denied relief in court. He still serves today.
Sgt. Edgar Patino
Edgar Patino was contacted in April of 2013 and responded about his predicament.
Edwards had spent the entire decade of the 2000’s killing people proving the Zodiac was alive. He continued trying to set up someone for Chandra’s murder also.
Weeks after killing Megan Touma in 2008 and before the arrest of Ingmar Guandique for Chandra Levy’s murder, Edwards went online to straighten out the Washington Post regarding their 12- part series on “Who Killed Chandra.”
“It’s sad that Chandra’s killer seems as though he/she/or (how ever many may be involved) will not get caught. My opinion of what I believe is that Guandique did not kill Chandra. I don’t believe that Chandra was killed at Rock Creek Park. And I still say that I believe that Chandra would fight and scream for help if Guandique attacked her too. And if he fled away for the other two, he would flee away for her also. Condit prolonged this case and prolonged this case, he did not cooperate with the Police or FBI, he had his own polygraph test administered, he can’t really provide solid proof of his where abouts during the time of Chandra missing, he rides all the way out to Virginia to throw away a watch box, he insist that another female that he is having an affair with to lie signing a false affidavit, he doesn’t tell the truth about their affair. (Chandra and himself). And I don’t understand why there was never any information as to whether or not Chandra’s apartment was fingerprinted, what else was in her apartment besides the laptop, the dirty clothing, and the pasta and reese cup left in her refidgerator. What phone calls had been made outgoing and incoming on her home phone and cell phone. Who does the lipstick belongs to? Where is her other tennis shoe?” (Ed Edwards, July 24th 2008 Washington Post)
A tube of red lipstick was planted at the scene where Chandra’s skull was found, May 22, 2002. Some of Chandra’s finger bones were never found. Exactly 6 months later, November 22, 2002, Ed Edwards sent 8 fingerprints to, missing the tips. The prints were rolled in red lipstick-like substance and were a clue that the “Lipstick Killer” had struck again.
William Heirens went down in history as the lipstick killer and served 66 years in prison for murders Edwards had committed in 1945-46. Heirens denied killing 6 year old Suzanne Degnan in a 118-page written statement taken from him June 30th, 1946.
Like Edgar Patino in 2008, Heirens pled guilty in 1946 with the hopes to spare his life and prove his innocence. Instead, he served 66 years in an Illinois prison for killing 6 year old Suzanne Degnan, and dismembering her in a tub in Chicago, January 9th, 1946. He died in prison a year after Edwards did, in March of 2012, still proclaiming he was innocent, but the MEDIA claimed he was the Lipstick Killer. It was the State Attorney General in 1946 that announced the author of both lipstick messages found in 1945-46 in Chicago were penned by the same person.
The two lipstick messages were a cry for someone to stop Edwards before he killed more. He wrote them when he was 13 years old. Edwards used Heirens 118-page written confession to tie his puzzle together by asking for 118,000 dollars in the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note:
“You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account. Make sure that you bring an adequate size attaché to the bank. When you get home you will put the money in a brown paper bag. Any deviation of my instructions will result in the immediate execution of your daughter. You will also be denied her remains for proper burial. Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B.I. etc., will result in your daughter being beheaded. It is up to you now John! Victory! S.B.T.C” (Ed Edwards JonBenet Ramsey Ransom Note, Christmas 1996)