The full moon was reflecting on the shimmering water of the lake. An owl hooting in the distance broke the quiet of the evening and startled the young woman. Momentarily, she was yanked back into an awareness of her surroundings.
A single coherent thought flashed through her mind; what in the hell are you doing out here Angel?
Her vision was pulled once more into darkened oblivion. Her thin night gown swayed against her lithe, supple body as she walked in the pale moon light. Goose bumps raised on her arms as each step carried her closer to the red glow in the grass. Something she couldn't understand or break the hold of was drawing her closer.
Kneeling down she reached into the dew laden tuft of grass. Tendrils of red light reached out and wrapped around her hand. Levitating out of the grass the crystal floated to just above her hand. There it hovered for a few moments before dropping into her open palm. Standing up she turned and headed back to her warm bed in the little bungalow. The hem of her wet gown clung to her knees as she walked.
Entering the house she left the back door open. Oblivious to everything surrounding her, she headed to the bedroom. Pulling the covers over herself she became still, the sounds of her breathing becoming deeper. Both hands were cupping the now warm crystal against her chest as she lay curled up in fetal position. The entity within was becoming intricately linked with her as she slept. Bathing the room in the red glow it began to pulsate in time with her beating heart.
The next morning she woke to find the crystal in her hands. Holding it out to see it better she gave it a distasteful look. What the hell is that? She tossed it on to the nightstand where it bounced off of the battery operated alarm clock. The jarring sound caused her to turn her head to see what she had hit. Grabbing the sheet and comforter she flipped them off and exposed the dirt and grass smeared over them.
Demanding an answer her sleep befuddled mind questioned. What happened to me last night?
She searched her memory she but couldn't remember what she did the night before. A disconcerting reality now sunk in. I must have been sleepwalking but I don’t think I’ve done that before!
Swinging her legs over the side she sat up. Bewildered she looked at the sheets once more. Breathing a heavy sigh she got up. Yanking the bedding off of the bed she threw them into a pile by the door. As it landed a black streak dashed by and sat behind the corner of the bed looking out with wide eyes. She attempted to placate the cat, “Oh I'm so sorry Jet”.
“Meow”, he looked at the pile and then gazed at her intently wide eyed. Apparently satisfied nothing else would happen for the moment the cat began to look disinterested and lick his paws.
Taking off her night gown she hung it on one of the pegs on the closet door and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Turning it as hot as it would go she stood under the steaming water. It felt good on her skin as the rest of the dirt washed down the drain. She stood under the spray with her eyes closed enjoying the sensation.
Once she dried off and brushed out her hair she went back into the bedroom and opened the closet door. Inspecting the choices available she almost took out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. After considering that outfit for a moment she discarded the idea. She finally picked out a white blouse and jeans and put them on. She thought for a moment about how the white blouse would show off her long black hair.
Picking up the sheets she put them in the hallway washing machine. Turning it on, she went into the kitchen where she noticed the back door still standing open. Stopping in the entryway for a moment she scanned the room to see if anything was missing. Then she remembered the mud and grass which caused her to shiver. “Hmm”, she said as she stepped over and closed the door. Setting up the coffee maker she turned it on and soon the wonderful smell was wafting through the air. While waiting for it to finish its task she sat down at the table for a few minutes until her stomach grumbled.
“Okay, okay, I’ll feed you. Just shut up.”
Getting up from her chair she got out a cup from the cabinet and set it on the counter. Opening the fridge she pulled out the eggs and began frying a few of them on the stove. As she was putting them on the plate the burbling sound indicated that the coffee was ready. Pouring some in the cup she went to sit down at the table to eat in the quiet of the morning. The warmth of the sun shining in the window felt good on her skin. The apparent normalcy felt great to her after whatever had happened the night before.
While she ate her breakfast the red pulsating glow down the hallway went unnoticed. Bathing the bedroom it grew brighter as the crystal fed upon Angel. Rising above the nightstand it began to spin in place.
Finishing eating she decided to get a little more reading done. Besides, getting lost in a story was something very calming for her and after last night she could use some of that. Placing the dishes in the sink she went into the living room.
Sitting down in her favorite chair by the window she picked up the dog eared novel she had been reading. She smiled when she thought about how Neil used to hate her reading those types of books. He called them and called them trashy! What the hell did he know? It wasn't like he ever treated me right the whole time we were together!
Seeing that there was a lap available Jet came to her chair and jumped up on to her legs. He rubbed his nose on her hand insistently until she began to pet him. It made it difficult to hold the novel in her other hand but she managed. Plopping down on her legs his motor began running showing his contentment. Stopping reading for a moment as she peered into his closed eyes she started scratching his ears, “you sure are a little love bug today aren’t you?”
With the cat purring away she let Jacqueline Morris carry away into the beautiful romance she had written. Their first kiss was just as perfect as she wished it would be for her in real life. Closing her eyes she could imagine having a trellis just like that in the back yard, the aroma from the climbing roses hanging in the air. The bright beautiful moon over head was shining down on the two of them.
Breathing a sigh that real life for her wasn’t all that wonderful she knew she could always hope. She continued to read further, then out of the corner of her eye she caught a familiar sight. That all too recognizable ugly green pickup truck was parked along the curb. Oh my God! I never heard him drive up! What is Neil doing here? I thought I made it clear that I never wanted to see him again!
Setting her book down on the table she moved the cat off of her lap.
“Meow!” the startled cat indignantly protested his disturbance.
Barely masking her anger she attempted an explanation for the cat. “I'm sorry buddy but I have to get up now. I need to take care of something.”
As she got up from the chair she heard the knock on the door. Dread filled her as she crossed the room. Despite knowing who it was she looked through the peephole anyway. There he stood wearing the same jean jacket and jeans that he always wore. She contemplated acting as if she wasn’t home but decided he had probably seen her sitting in the chair reading. That might just be acting a little childish. Chiding herself with a sigh she turned the knob and swung the door open.
Without greeting him she spat out the words, “I thought I told you not to come back so why did you come here?”
Neil showed his usual devil may care attitude in his reply. “Oh, I just wanted to come by and see you.”
Now that she asked why he was at her door she really wasn’t concerned with the reason. She realized she didn’t really care, she just wanted him gone. “You need to leave now, please! It doesn't matter your reason for coming here, I just want you to go away and not come back.”
“Oh, I know you don’t really want me gone, besides Angel I can’t get you out of my head.”
Thinly veiled exasperation showed in her voice, “I'm sure you can’t Neil, but can I be any clearer than sayin’ I don’t want you here.”
His eyes pleaded with her, “but I’ve been thinking about you Angel.”
Pursing her lips together she frowned. “Yeah right, like all those times you slept around on me. I'm sure you were thinking about me then too.” She wanted to slam the door in his face but at the same time had this morbid curiosity about what he was going to say next.
“I know that I wasn't the best boyfriend at times. I need for you to forgive me.”
Venom dripped in her words she spoke, “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive you Neil.”
She felt something welling up within her as the entity began to control her. A light red hue colored everything within her vision. Her fingers began to pulsate. Little sparks began to dance from the tips. The deep voice she began to speak with shocked her but she didn't care. Anger filled her entire being.
She realized he wasn’t aware of the danger he was in yet. Look at how pathetic and clueless he is!
She pointed at him intending to punctuate her warning for him to leave. Without her knowing the entity controlled her actions. As she raised her arm energy released out her fingertips to become a beam.
His eyes got wide in shock and fear as he began to cower before her. “What the fuck is happening Angel?!”
She didn't answer as power began to surge through her. Its electric current filled her entire being. Pointing at him a beam hit him in the stomach like a punch. His body folded like he had been punched as he began to levitate above the pavement. He rolled end over end until coming to a stop when hitting the tree in the yard. His face registered his shock in raised eye brows and gaping mouth. Staring at her he stammered, “wha, wha, what!”
Her head tilted to the side as she began to laugh with malevolence filling her thoughts. I so want to make him pay! He'll think twice before he does that to anyone again!
She pulled her hand back like she was going to throw a ball. Swinging it quickly forward she opened her hand towards him. His body slid up the tree until his head hit a branch and then came back down. Through gritted teeth she growled at him, “you may want to leave while you still have the chance asshole.”
He shook his head as he got to his feet. “Okay I'm leaving now, I won't bother you again I promise. Just don't hurt me any more Angel.”
Narrowing her eyes, “it would be far too easy to hurt you when I remember how you treated me.”
Neil watched her intently as he backed away from the house. Reaching the pickup truck he stood at the tailgate for a few moments. He raised his hand as if he was going to wave good bye to her. Sighing, he dropped his arm and went to the driver’s door. Opening it, he slid behind the wheel as he kept an eye on her through the passenger window. He contemplated what happened just a few minutes before but those green eyes he swore were glowing. As a shiver traveled up his spine he tried to put the key in the ignition.
Dropping them on the floor board he reached down to get them. Sitting up with keys in hand he caught something he couldn’t comprehend moving out of the corner of his eye. A dark shape was coming very fast towards him that just looked like a blur. He could discern a face with glowing eyes and sharp teeth that was flying at him.
His mind shouted, what the fuck is happening? With the shiver extending throughout his body he shoved the key in and turned it. The moment the engine caught he stomped on the accelerator as hard as he could. Squealing tires left a trail of acrid black smoke in the air. Looking in his rear view mirror he could see something dark flying at the vehicle. “Go, go, go!” he hit the dash as he urged the old truck to speed up.
He was thankful that the tires started gaining traction. I don’t want to go anywhere near that house again! Checking the mirror again he breathed a sigh of relief at only seeing the road in the reflection.
She stood at the doorway until he disappeared from view. Closing it she headed back to the living room to read her novel once again. A vision of blood flowing down the walls made her stop in place. Horrified she blinked her eyes. When she opened them again everything in the hallway went back to normal.
I swear I was just seeing things. There's no way that shit could have been real!
Sighing a breath of relief that he was now gone she went back into the living room. Shaking her head she sat down on the chair and picked up the book once again. While she lost herself in the sweet romance the crystal quit spinning. Its red pulsating light went dim. It would bide its time patiently. Satiated for now it looked forward to helping release the deeper anger Angel held.