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Robinson, Jeffrey: Minus Millionaires; Grafton, London, 1988.


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- Periodicals -


ABA Banking Journal: August 1995: "Son of CRF: suspicious activity form proposed." May 1994: "Treasury gets direct banker input on Bank Secrecy Act." June 1993: "Dialup help for Bank Secrecy Act compliance." Feb 1993: "Money laundering law is (so far) mostly a blessing; new legislation could provide some significant relief to bankers, but the regs aren't written yet. July 1992: "When money laundering law meets environmental risks." January 1991: "Spotting and handling suspicious transactions." December 1990: "Treasury takes next step on wire transfers." March 1990: "From the money laundering front." March 1990: "Stop the smurfs." November 1989: "Bank secrecy revisited." July 1985: "What you should know about money laundering law."


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Chain Drug Review: July 18, 1994: "Monus trial ends in hung jury; tampering charged." June 20, 1994: "Former Phar-Mor execs square off." Feb 15, 1993: "Monus faces 129-count indictment."


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Commuter-Regional Airline News: May 25, 1992: "L'Express owner gets prison term for money laundering."


Contemporary Crises: March 1990: "The Chinese laundry."


Crain's Cleveland Business: June 13, 1994: "Fired Eaton workers indicted."


Criminal Law Forum: Spring 1991: "Money laundering, an investigatory perspective;" "Convention on laundering."


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Euromoney: July 1989: "Can the UBS colonels win the overseas battle?" December 1988: "Sailing into the grand harbour." March 1987: "Laundering law leaps across borders."


Europe 2000: March 1990: "Commission declares war on money laundering."


European Journal of International Affairs: Winter 1989: "Drug money, hot money and debt."


Far Eastern Economic Review: March 15, 1990: "Japan - Dope dealers delight."


FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin: March 1993: "Forensic examination of money laundering records."


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The Financial Post: Nov 12, 1994: "Too easy to wash money in Canada." July 6, 1991: "Bank shut in global crackdown."


Financial Services Report: August 29, 1990: "Money laundering deterrence costs banks millions of dollars, survey shows."


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Forbes: August 14, 1995: "Salad oil, $720." June 7, 1993: "Closing in - Tracking down laundered money in a consumer fraud case." April 26, 1993: "Cash capital - Los Angeles replaces Miami as city where most money laundering activity occurs." July 23, 1990: "Middle East." July 23, 1990: "The Americas." November 13, 1989: "The paradox of antidrug enforcement." October 30, 1989: "In the all out drug war, a low cost blow to the jugular." May 29, 1989: "Scam capital of the world." April 17, 1989: "The Bulgarian connection." December 26, 1988: "Drug smuggler's startup." November 14, 1988: "Too rich to ignore." June 1, 1987: "The biggest drug bust." April 6, 1987: "Stash accounting." October 6, 1986: "See no evil." May 5, 1986: "T-man videos." April 7, 1986: "New hub for an old web." September 23, 1985: "America's Hottest Export - Funny Money Stocks." September 9, 1985: "How the smart crooks use plastic." January 28, 1985: "Guilt by association." December 5, 1983: "Everybody's favorite laundryman."


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Fortune: July 25, 1994: Ask Mr. Statistics. November 5, 1990: "The S&L felons." June 20, 1988: "The drug trade." March 2, 1987: "Turmoil time in the casino business." April 1, 1985: "Money laundering more shocks ahead;" "Editor's Desk." April 4, 1983: "The feds eye the herd; Merrill Lynch swears off cash."


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New Internationalist: October 1991: "How To Make Dirty Money Squeaky Clean."


New Leader: September 18, 1989: "A country under siege; fighting anarchy in Colombia."


New Republic: November 27, 1989: "The kingdom of cocaine: the shocking story of Colombia's habit." September 18, 1989: "A mess in the Andes: Columbia's government-by-cocaine." June 12, 1989: "Dear Manny." March 13, 1989: "Robbin' Hoods: how the big banks spell debt 'relief.'" April 15, 1985: "Inside dope in El Salvador: where did d'Aubuisson's pal come up with $6 million in cash."


Newsweek: November 16, 1992: "A CIA-BNL link?" October 12, 1992: "The last martini." August 21, 1991: "The CIA and BCCI"; "The bank that prays together." August 5, 1991: "What did they know - and when?" March 18, 1991: "The pain of a power broker." April 10, 1989: "A drug crackdown in the Alps;" "A Bungled deal with Panama." March 27, 1989: "Scandal in Switzerland." February 22, 1988: "The dictator on the dock." September 23, 1985: "Hong Kong's funny money." May 20, 1985: "E.F. Hutton: it's not over yet." February 25, 1985: "Banking by paper bag." March 28, 1983: "Trying to shut down the money laundry;" "The grandma Mafia on trial."


New York: August 26, 1991: "A Noriega laundry." January 22, 1990: "The Panama connection." October 31, 1983: "Money laundering: how crooks recycle $80 billion a year in dirty money." January 23, 1978: "Ladies of the night clean up their act."


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Penthouse: April 1984: "Blood money."


People: August 6, 1990: "A conspiracy of crowns." June 19, 1989: "Masters of deception; a prominent Indiana family in exile is accused of running a drug ring."


Philadelphia Magazine: July 1985: "The day they raided Shearson."


Pittsburgh Business Times: October 14, 1991: "Coastal Marketing owner pleads guilty to $2.2 million loan scam." March 18, 1991: "Local businessmen indicted in alleged drug-money deals."


Playboy: May 1990: "Just say nothing, Noriega; we created the monster we've now propped up on trial. Could be kind of awkward." November 1989: "Inside job; the looting of America's savings and loans." November 1987: "The crimes of patriots."


Progressive: June 1992: "The banker who said no to the CIA."


Reader's Digest: September 1978: "The Swiss connection."


Real Estate Today: Sept 1993: "Don't be blind to the buyers' money source."


Regardie's Magazine: April-May 1991: "What did Clark Clifford know, and when did he know it?" March 1990: "R.I.P. DRG: the rise and fall of a real estate dynasty."


San Antonio Business Journal: June 21, 1991: "Feds crack down on exchange houses."


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Security Management: May 1990: "When the walls come tumbling down."


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State Legislatures: Feb 1994: "Texas cleans up money laundering."


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SwissBusiness: May-June 1990: "Keeping to the code; Switzerland's bankers have set up their own good-conduct guidelines." January-February 1990: "Tackling a tarnished image."


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Travel Weekly: June 4, 1992: "Helping the IRS." May 28, 1992: "Money-laundering regulations redefine cash." December 17, 1990: "Large cash sales must be reported." April 23, 1987: "Drug trafficking, money laundering and the travel industry." March 9, 1987: "Weak currencies and weak agencies recipe for riches in Nigerian scheme"; "Airline crackdown shows results against money-laundering scam."


UN Chronicle: Sept 1993: "World conferences on organized crime, money laundering to be hosted by Italy."


Underwriter Life & Health-Financial Services: August 21, 1995: "Execs of insolvent N.C. insurer convicted of fraud."


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US Department of State Bulletin: September 1986: "Narcotics trafficking in Southwest Asia."


US Department of State Dispatch: August 17, 1992: "Statement on Pablo Escobar Gaviria." May 11, 1992: "Narcotics activities in Panama: mutual legal assistance treaty needed." (R. Grant Smith address). March 2, 1992: "Progress in the international war against illicit drugs." (Melvyn Levitsky address). March 2, 1992: "Fact sheet: combating drug money- laundering." September 10, 1990: "International narcotics control." September 3, 1990: "Narcotics: threat to global security."


US Distribution Journal: November 1989: "Cash business targeted for laundering probe."


US News & World Report: October 19, 1992: "Cocaine kings and mafia dons - Crime in Italy and Colombia." December 23, 1991: "New target - the Cali cartel." August 26, 1991: "Washing the dirtiest money: why drug lords don't need BCCI to launder cash." August 19, 1991: "How BCCI banked on global secrecy." August 5, 1991: "Was there a BCCI coverup? In Washington and London, fallout from the rogue bank is spreading." January 28, 1991: "Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez." December 31, 1990: "Easing back in the war on drugs?" April 30, 1990: "The drug warriors' blues." January 29, 1990: "The Godfathers of Cocaine Cry Uncle." January 15, 1990: "The case against Noriega." December 18, 1989: "To each according to his greed?" August 21, 1989: "The drug money hunt." April 10, 1989: "Hot money: city of angels, indeed." October 24, 1988: "Caught in the money laundry wringer." July 4, 1988: "Psst -- Swiss accounts are no secret." May 30, 1988: "A king pin falls." April 11, 1988: "Inside America's biggest drug bust." February 15, 1988: "Tales of a pineapple pol." February 8, 1988: "How cocaine rules the law in Colombia." January 11, 1988: "The Honduras connection; drugs and money." January 11, 1988: "A narco traficante's worst nightmare." February 16, 1987: "Caught - cocaine's Mr. Big." December 8, 1986: "How White House built a 'black ops' fund." June 2, 1986: "Why its getting tougher to hide money." March 31, 1986: "Europe's immigration battles; slowdown of economies, ethnic discord set off backlash." February 3, 1986: "Busting the mob." March 11, 1985: "Banks caught in fed's squeeze on mobsters." November 5, 1984: "Asian gangs stake out turf in US." April 23, 1984: "Breaking up the pizza connection." August 1, 1983: "Computer cops: on the trail of runaway dollars." August 1, 1983: "Offshore tax havens lure Main Street money."


Variety: May 15, 1985: "Casino industry united in opposition to laundering regs."


Vital Speeches: July 15, 1990: "Money laundering; you make it, we'll take it." (Richard Thornburgh address). April 15, 1990: "Dirty business - money laundering and the war on drugs." (Helen K. Sinclair address).


Washington Business Journal: June 25, 1990: "Suit says Maryland bank masked CIA transactions."


Washington Monthly: June 1991: "Cliffhanging; how the consummate counsel came to need a lawyer." October 1987: "Hot money and the politics of debt."


Washingtonian: January 1992: "Dirty money."


Whole Earth Review: Spring 1988: "The Iran Contra Connection."


Women's Wear Daily: April 7, 1992: "Paris cops bust 100 laundering money in luxury shops."


World of Banking: September-October 1990: "Money laundering - problems and solutions for the banking industry."


World Press Review: November 1985: "Drugs and tax havens."




- Newspapers -


Specific newspaper sources are too many to list individually. Suffice it to say that articles consulted appeared in, among other places: (North America) The Atlanta Constitution, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Daily News, The Chicago Tribune, The Christian Science Monitor, The Dallas Morning News, The Detroit News, The Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald, The Montreal Gazette, The New York Times, The Toronto Globe and Mail, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. Also, the wires of The Associated Press; (UK) The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The International Herald Tribune, The Mail, The Mail on Sunday, The Sunday Independent, The Sunday Times, The Sunday Telegraph, The Telegraph, The Times. Also, the wires of Reuters and The Press Association. Continental newspapers include leading dailies in France, Italy, Germany and Switzerland, in addition to the wire services of Agence France Press.


- Miscellaneous Sources: Reports, Papers, Transcripts -




Ashe, Michael: Money Laundering - Domestic Legal Issues; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Richards Butler, London, 1992.


Ashe, Michael: Reflections on Civil Liability; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


The Bank of England: Countering Money laundering; London, 1992.


The Bank of England: Money Laundering - Guidance Notes for Banks and Building Societies; London, 1990.


The Bank for International Settlements: Statistics on Payment Systems in Eleven Developed Countries; Basle, 1992.


The Basle Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices: Statement of Principles on Prevention of Criminal Use of the Banking System for the Purpose of Money laundering; Basle, 1988.


Bosworth-Davies, Rowan: Money Laundering - Looking Towards the Future From A European Perspective; Private paper, London, 1992.


Bosworth-Davies, Rowan: What Money Is It?; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


Brightwell, Tony: The Laundering of Criminal Funds; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Richards Butler, London, 1992.


The British Commonwealth: International Efforts to Combat Money Laundering; Cambridge International Document Series Vol. 4, Grotius Publishing, Cambridge, England, 1992.


The British Commonwealth: Scheme Relating to Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Within the Commonwealth, Including Explanatory Commentary; London, 1990.


The British Commonwealth: Extracts from the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting; Kuala Lampur, 1989.


Brooks, Christopher: What the Police are Doing - When and How to Contact Them; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


Cassidy, William: Fei-Ch'ien - Flying Money - A Study of Chinese Underground Banking; Annotated text of an address before the Asian Organized Crime Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, 1990.


Clutterbuck, R: Terrorism; Wrexton Paper Series, Wrexton College Wrexton Abbey, England, 1990. Conway, Robert: The Techniques of Money laundering - Who Does What; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


The Council of Europe: Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers on Measures Against the Transfer and Safekeeping of Funds of Criminal Origin; Strasbourg, 1980.


The European Economic Community: The Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime; Brussels, 1990.


The European Economic Community: Payment Systems in EC Member States; Committee of Governors of the Central Banks of the Member States of the European Economic Community, Brussels, 1992.


The European Economic Community: Proposal for a Council Directive on Prevention and Use of the Financial System for the Purpose of Money Laundering; Brussels, 1989.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Investigation Division: The Cosa Nostra in Canada; Washington DC, 1985.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Investigation Division: Colombian Narcotics - Trafficking Organizations; Washington DC, 1986.


The Financial Action Task Force: Notes from the Caribbean Drug Money Laundering Conference; Aruba, 1990.


The Financial Action Task Force: Report on Money Laundering; Paris, 1990.


The Financial Action Task Force: Economic Declaration of the G-7; Paris 1990.


Gilmore, Dr. William C: International Responses to Money Laundering - A General Overview; Paper given at the Money Laundering Conference of the European Committee on Crime Problems, Strasbourg, 1992.


Haines, Peter: How To Identify and Prevent Potential Money Laundering Schemes; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


The House of Commons, the Treasury Committee: Report on Banking Supervision and BCCI - International and National Regulation. London, 1991.


Hurley, Peter: Prevention and Staff Training; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


Hyland, Michael: The British Bankers Approach; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


The National Crime Authority of Australia: Taken to the Cleaners - Money Laundering in Australia. Canberra, 1992.


The President's Commission on Organized Crime: Cash Connection - The Interim Report on Organized Crime, Financial Institutions and Money Laundering. Washington DC, 1984.


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The President's Commission on Organized Crime: The Impact - Organized Crime Today. Washington DC, 1986.


Rider, Dr. Barry A. K: Fei Ch'ien Laundries - The Pursuit of Flying Money; The Journal of International Planning, August, 1992.


Rider, Dr. Barry A. K: Techniques of Money laundering; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Richards Butler, London, 1992.


Saltmarsh, Graham: Understanding The UK Legislation; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


Solly, Mark W: Offshore Havens - The Role and Responsibility of Financial Institutions to Assist in the Prevention of Money Laundering; Financial Supervision Commission, Isle of Man, 1989.


Stucki, Dr. H.U: Swiss Banking Secrecy Revisited; Private Paper, Stucki & de Senarclens, Attorneys at Law, Zurich, September 9, 1992.


Tattersall, John: Providing Assurance That All Is Well - What Role For The Internal and External Auditor; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Henry Stewart Conference Studies, London 1991.


Tenth International Symposium on Economic Crime: Hot, Dirty and Stolen Money - Identifying, Tracing and Restoring Flight Capital and the Proceeds of Crime. Collected papers, delivered July 12-18, 1992, Jesus College, Cambridge. Tupman, William: The Laundering of Terrorist Activities; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Richards Butler, London, 1992.


The United Nations: Political Declaration and Global Program of Action of the General Assembly; New York, 1990. The United Nations: Convention Against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; New York, 1988.


The United Nations: Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of Future Activities in Drug Abuse Control; New York, 1987.


The United States Attorney for the US Southern District, Manhattan: Chronology of Events. (Prepared for the jury considering the case known as "The Pizza Connection.") New York, 1985. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth District: The United States of America versus Moffitt, Zwerling and Kemler - Appeals, transcripts and briefs. The United States Department of State: Agreement with the Government of Venezuela Regarding Cooperation in the Prevention and Control of Money laundering Arising from Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; Washington DC, 1990.


The United States Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters: International Narcotics Control Strategy Reports. Washington DC, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991.


The United States Department of State: Progress in the International War Against Illicit Drugs. Transcript of an address by Melvyn Levitsky, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics Matters. Washington DC, March 2, 1992.


The United States Department of the Treasury, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network: An Assessment of Narcotics Related Money laundering; Washington DC, 1992.


The United States House of Representatives, Hearings before the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) Investigation. Washington DC, 1991, 1992.


The United States House of Representatives, the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions, Supervision, Regulation and Insurance of the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs: Statement on Behalf of the American Bankers Association on Money Laundering Deterrence by Boris F. Melinkoff. Washington DC, March 8, 1990.


The United States Senate, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations. Final Report of the McClellan Subcommittee - Organized Crime and Illicit Traffic in Narcotics. Washington DC, 1965.


The United States Senate, Hearings before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Governmental Affairs: Drugs and Money Laundering in Panama. Washington DC, 1988.


The United States Senate, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations: Panama. Washington DC, 1988.


The United States Senate, the Foreign Relations Committee: Testimony of the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, the Honorable John E. Robson, on the Work of the G-7 Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering. Washington DC, April 27, 1990.


The United States Senate, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Consumer and Regulatory Affairs of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs: The Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Washington DC, 1991.


The United States Senate, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations: The BCCI Affair. Washington DC, 1991, 1992.


The United States Senate, Report of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations: The BCCI Affair. Washington DC, 1992.


The World Ministerial Summit: Declaration to Reduce Demand for Drugs and to Combat the Cocaine Threat; London, 1990.


Wren, Tim: Money laundering Legislation; Paper delivered to the Conference on Money Laundering, Richards Butler, London, 1992.









eBooks by Jeffrey Robinson


--- eBook Originals ---

Jeffrey Robinson’s Criminal Intent–FOLLOWING THE MONEY

Jeffrey Robinson’s Criminal Intent–THE SWISS WASH WHITER


--- Fiction ---






--- Non-Fiction ---

THE LAUNDRYMEN–Inside the World’s Third Largest Business: Money Laundering

THE MERGER–The Conglomeration of International Organized Crime

THE SINK-Terror, Crime and Dirty Money in the Offshore World

THE TAKEDOWN–A Suburban Mom, A Coal Miner’s Son and the Unlikely Demise of Colombia’s Brutal Norte Valle Cartel

THE MANIPULATORS-Unmasking the Hidden Persuaders

THE HOTEL–Upstairs, Downstairs in a Secret World


--- Biography ---

RAINIER AND GRACE-30 Years After The Death Of Princess Grace



--- As Told To ---

STANDING NEXT TO HISTORY-An Agent's Life Inside the Secret Service (With Joseph Petro, United States Secret Service, Retired)