Well! Scratch that last post. Everyone at school hates me now.
I guess that cute guy in my math class is dating one of the girls from the cool table. I don’t know how I was expected to know that, but now she hates me, and told everyone that I am stuck-up and slutty. And everyone in school believes her, because that’s what it means to be the cool girl. Everyone just unthinkingly goes along with whatever you say.
So now in addition to living in the middle of nowhere, I am also a social pariah. Fun!
In other wonderful news, it was a big mistake for Mom to take down those fly strips because the front entryway has now become Grand Central Station for flies. Big black, ugly suckers too. They’ve taken to hanging out in a lazy swarm right inside the front door, so it’s impossible to go in or out of the house without wading through a *cloud* of flying, buzzing beasts. But Mom still won’t do anything about them. She says they have as much right to the space as we do.
I pointed out that they aren’t paying rent, and then Mom pointed out that neither am I.
Point: Mom.
But I have this creeping feeling like there might be something else in the house too. Something even worse. I kind of don’t want to say it aloud (or even put it in writing) because it freaks me out, but I think there might be . . . . . . (((((spiders))))) in here. Oh God, pretend I didn’t say that. I don’t even want to think about it.
Getting really sick of living without furniture. But let’s end this on a positive note: the movers will be here soon with all our stuff!