So, episode 3 of Paige’s Humiliating Life. I thought nothing could be worse than everyone in school shunning me for no reason, but it turns out something is. The Weird Girl (you know what I mean, every school has one) wants to be my friend.
Seriously awkward. This girl—Chloe, I think?—dresses all in black and camo, and wears super heavy eye makeup. And her hair! Well, her hair is just ludicrous. Like, dyed black with a pink streak, but not a normal streak—it’s leopard print. Is that not a cry for help? And obviously everyone else agrees, because no one ever talks to her, and she never talks to anyone either. Except me!
I now have that honor, since she came up to me at lunch and started asking me all kinds of creepy questions. Everyone else here (back when they were speaking to me) wanted to know about California and the movie business and all that. This girl just asks me about my new house. I’m like—this is *your* town, and the house has been sitting here for at least one hundred years. You probably know more about it than I do! Okay, I didn’t say that, because I’m not a complete jerk. But I thought it.
How did I sink so low? What pathetic stench am I unwittingly giving off that makes this girl think I am an appropriate friend match for her? Although I guess she’s right. Given the current situation, it’s not like I’m going to do any better.
A part of me wants to blow her off in hopes that I can claw my way back into a respectable friend group at some point. But another part is like, eh, who cares? I’ve done the whole popular girl thing before, and it’s not like it brought me a ton of happiness. Maybe I should experiment with being a weirdo outcast. I don’t have much to lose, at this point.
(Drawing the line at leopard print hair, though.)