I’ve done it. I’ve crossed over into complete madness.
This is all Logan’s fault. People like me should not be trusted with science. But now it’s like, I really want to know the answers, and I am willing to do gross (and maybe ethically questionable?) things to get them.
I caught some flies. It started out innocently enough, I swear. Well, sort of innocently. I was sitting in the kitchen, watching the flies buzzing around in the front hall, looking all slow and stupid and huge. And I thought, boy, if I had a flyswatter, I bet I could do some serious damage to those idiot flies. I wouldn’t even have to aim. I could just sweep the thing through the air and flatten five or six at a time.
But then I immediately felt guilty because I know what Mom would have to say about that. All life is sacred to the Goddess, even *obviously* evil bugs. Fine.