So today was baby’s first shrink appointment! Very exciting.
No, I don’t know. It was fine. A little . . . disappointing, maybe. But not bad. I don’t know exactly what I was expecting. I think I hoped I would go in there and tell this lady all about the flies and the phone problems and the bags of vegetables materializing on the kitchen floor, and she would give me an answer. Or at least a path to hunt down.
I guess it wasn’t very likely that she’d be like, “Yeah, your house is haunted, here’s a phone number of a guy I know who can take care of it for you.” Or on the other hand, for her to be like, “BOOM diagnosis, here’s what’s wrong with you and here’s exactly the pill to fix it.” But I hoped it would be that easy.
Instead it was just sort of . . . awkward. It feels really weird telling personal stuff to a total stranger. But she is cool and easy to talk to, so by the end of the hour it got a lot easier. And weirdly, I didn’t even talk about the house, really. I went in there totally planning to, but then she asked me a bunch of questions that pushed me in different directions. Like I started out telling her about us moving in, but that made her go back to asking about my dad, and how I was feeling about that relationship. And at first I was like, whatever, I don’t want to talk about that. But she prodded a bit more and it turned out I had a lot to say!
And then I happened to mention Mom’s new boyfriend, just in passing, but Dr. Clyde jumped on that and immediately was like, “How are you feeling about that?” And at first I was like, “Fine, he seems fine.” And I changed the subject. But she kept circling back to it, and eventually I started sort of free-associating about it, and well, I don’t know. Maybe I am more conflicted about Mom dating than I thought I was.
Anyway, after all that, the hour was up. But I do want to try to talk about the house stuff next week.