
One month later

Nadia stepped back and eyed her work. “So, I’m basically an artiste. You know that, right?”

The client smiled. “You really are.”

They laughed, though Nadia’s amusement sounded hollow even to her own ears. She turned away before the client could see it. She didn’t know the woman well and didn’t need a dissatisfied client. Not when her customer base was limited to the two hundred people who lived in town.

The client charged the cut and color to her account, and Nadia glanced around her empty salon. The familiar smell wasn’t as comforting as it had been before she left. She almost wondered what he was doing, but had decided not even thinking his name was best. Who cared what he was doing? It wasn’t like she’d ever see him—

The bell over the door clanged and then got stuck as it was wedged wide, and he rolled in with a wheelchair.

Nadia stumbled back. She clipped the edge of the chair and it spun. Hit her in the hip. She didn’t move. “You can’t be…”

The cords of his throat moved as he swallowed. “Nadia.”

She didn’t want comfort or smooth words. Nadia steeled herself against all the feeling that rushed through her and folded her arms. Just so he was clear, she also lifted her chin. “You hated it here.”

Why was he back? He looked tanned. Almost at peace. Okay, so he looked good but she didn’t want to notice. This wasn’t a place you just visited. It was a witness protection town, and he didn’t live here anymore.

Bolton stared at her for a moment. Why did he look at her like she was some kind of apparition? “I tried to. Seems like I tried to convince myself of a lot of things. Most especially things about you.”

She didn’t even… “How did you get here?”

“Grant. He’s doing fine now, recovered and everything. I saw Shadrach, too. He’s good. Remy’s taking care of him.”

“You saw Shadrach?”

“I needed some advice.” His white teeth flashed at her. “He gave me a black eye.” Bolton pointed at his left eye. Sure enough, there was an edging of blue shadow against his skin. “He wants to Skype with you. John is going to set it up.”

“John knows you’re here?”

Bolton nodded. Of course. Incoming aircraft couldn’t be a secret in this town. That meant he’d known Bolton had been coming, probably days ago. He hadn’t said anything at dinner the night before, but she had left early. It hurt too much to be around happy, in love people. Even if they were her best friends.

Nadia couldn’t make sense of any of this. “Why are you here?”

“That depends on you.” He grasped the wheels of his chair and came closer.

“Why are you in that thing?”

“The surgery, or me not resting, didn’t work. Whatever the reason I can’t walk, and I haven’t been able to since Dante had me in that house.”

“Your house.”

He nodded. “That was a long time ago, Nadia. In another life. I’ve had a lot of time to think the past few weeks. Time to figure out where I want to be, and what I want to do now. Enough time that I realized I left something here, something I need if I’m going to be happy.”

“And what is that?”

“It’s you, Nadia.”

She didn’t move. “You’d subject yourself to a life of misery stuck in this town just to be with me?”

“Yes, I would.”

“I don’t believe you. What’s changed?” He hadn’t wanted her more than the stash. “Did you blow through the money already? New life wasn’t what you thought it would be.”

He sighed. “I found a hotel, and I tried to decide where to go. Met with a doctor, and had some tests run. They ended up admitting me until the swelling went down. I had more surgery, and the prognosis isn’t good. I won’t ever walk again, but maybe a few steps. I can’t do manual labor, so I have no idea how I’m going to work. I had to face a lot of things, not the least of which was that the one person I wanted to be there with me, holding my hand while I heard that news, wasn’t there.”

Nadia bit her lips together so she didn’t say something out of frustration and make him leave. She could be all strong, independent woman, but she also wanted to be needed.

“It’s not an easy life I’m offering you. You know what it’s like to live with me when I’m like this.” He gave her a small smile. “But I’m hoping that if we tell each other the truth, things will go a lot better this time.”

“And what truth is that?”

“I love you, Nadia Marie Carleigh. Even if your brother hates my guts, I still love you. I want a life with you, a family, if we can.”

“What if I say no?”

“Then I’ll find a place here, and spend every day for the rest of our lives trying to convince you to take a chance on me.”

“Bolton—” Her heart squeezed in her chest, and tears filled her eyes. “Everything I ever wanted is right here.”

He smiled wide. “Yeah?” The word was tentative still.

Nadia nodded. “I always loved you.” She laughed and ran a hand through her hair. “It’s been frustrating, painful, and heart-wrenching, but I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I wanted to leave with you, and I would have if you’d asked me to. But if we could stay here, I would be the happiest woman in the world.”

“I think I could love anywhere, if you were there.” He held out his hand. “I want to kiss you, but you’re going to have to come down here.”

Nadia set her hand in his and smiled. “What if we took things slow?”

Bolton stared at her hand in his with disbelief. He rubbed his thumb back and forth over her hand then brought it to his lips. “It would be my pleasure. How about, for starters, we go get some lunch at—”

Javier strode in with a grin on his face. “She had the roast beef.” He held the white bag of sandwiches up. They’d shared lunch regularly the past four weeks.

His face fell as he looked at her and Bolton. His father. “What is he doing here?”

Bolton turned the wheelchair. “Hello, Javier.”

The teen turned to Nadia. “What is he doing here?”

She gave him a small smile. “Bolton has decided to move back home.”

Bolton started, “Jav—”

“No.” He tossed the bag on a chair. “I’ll see you later, Nadia.”

Her heart sank. “I’m sorry. He’s had a hard time adjusting to being here, with everyone wanting to talk about you.”

“He seems fine with you.”

“We’re friends.”

Bolton hadn’t let go of her hand. He lifted it again to his lips. “Thank you for that.”

“He’ll get used to you being here.”

“And you?”

She smiled. “I’ll muddle through it.” Nadia leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re home.”

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The WITSEC Town series culminates in book 5 – Sanctuary Forever

Find out how it ends!

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