

CHAPTER 1 ‘Dear Old Griff’

1. J. W. Cross, George Eliot’s Life as Related in Her Letters and Journals, 3 vols. (Edinburgh and London, 1885), I, 1. In 1886 Cross published a new version of his work incorporating some important new material, in particular an account of Mary Anne during her early twenties from her Coventry friend Mary Sibree. This revised edition will be noted as Cross, Life (1886).

2. The George Eliot Letters, ed. Gordon S. Haight, 9 vols. (New Haven, 1954–78), I, 254.

3. Ibid., VI, 129n.

4. Ibid., VI, 374.

5. Daniel Deronda (1876), ed. Barbara Hardy (Harmondsworth, 1967), p. 50 Bk. 1, ch. 3.

6. Felix Holt, The Radical (1866), ed. Peter Coveney (Harmondsworth, 1972), p. 79, Author’s Introduction.

7. Silas Marner (1861), ed. Q. D. Leavis (Harmondsworth, 1967), p. 147, ch. 11.

8. Scenes of Clerical Life (1858), ed. David Lodge (Harmondsworth, 1973), ‘The Sad Fortunes of the Revd Amos Barton,’ pp. 59–60, ch. 2.

9. ‘Occurrences at Nuneaton’ 1810–45, MS Nuneaton Library.

10. Adam Bede (1859), ed. Stephen Gill (Harmondsworth, 1980), p. 324, ch. 25.

11. The Mill on the Floss (1860), ed. A. S. Byatt (Harmondsworth 1979), p. 197, Bk. 1, ch. 13.

12. See, for example, Robert Evans to Francis Newdigate, 1 January 1838, MS Warwickshire County Record Office.

13. Robert Evans to Francis Newdigate, 29 December 1835–23 January 1836, MSs WCRO.

14. Letters, III, 174.

15. Middlemarch (1871–2), ed. Rosemary Ashton (Harmondsworth, 1994) 3 p. 326, Bk. 4, ch. 34.

16. The Mill on the Floss, p. 96, Bk. 1, ch. 6.

17. Letters, VI, 45–46.

18. See illustration no. 1, an engraving taken from this 1842 miniature by Carlisle.

19. Cross, Life, I, 12–13.

20. On one occasion Evans enthusiastically supplied the Arbury tenants with copies of Chemistry Made Easy for the Use of the Agriculturalist, Robert Evans to Francis Newdigate, 2 Sept. 1843, MS WCRO.

21. Robert Evans to Francis Newdigate, 8 July 1839, MS WCRO.

22. ‘Occurrences,’ MS Nuneaton.

23. Robert Evans to Francis Newdigate, 6 July 1834, MS WCRO.

24. Letters, III, 168.

25. ‘Occurrences’, MS Nuneaton.

26. Robert Evans to Francis Newdigate, 31 July 1837, MS WCRO.

27. Cross, Life, I, 13.

28. Robert Evans, Journal, 2 August 1832, MS Nuneaton.

29. Cross, Life, I, 10.

30. The Mill on the Floss, p. 60, Bk. 1, ch. 2.

31. ‘Self and Life’, reprinted George Eliot Collected Poems, ed. Lucien Jenkins (London, 1989), pp. 189–91. The date of composition is unclear. The poem first appeared in the Cabinet Edition of GE’s works, 1878.

32. The Mill on the Floss, p. 120, Bk. 1, ch. 7.

33. Ibid., p. 79, Bk. 1, ch. 4.

34. Letters, 1, 173.

35. ‘Brother and Sister’ sonnets (1874), reprinted Collected Poems, pp. 84–90.

36. Quoted Gordon S. Haight, George Eliot: A Biography (1968), (Harmondsworth, 1992), p. 5.

37. ‘Brother and Sister’ sonnets, p. 90.

38. Cross, Life, I, 17.

39. Ibid., I, 15.

40. Ibid.

41. My understanding of the dynamics and tensions in the Evans household is indebted to Ruby Redinger’s discussion in George Eliot: The Emergent Self (London, 1976).

42. Cross, Life, I, 16.

43. Ibid.

44. Letters, I, 41n.

45. Ibid., I, 22.

46. This copy of The Linnet’s Life can be seen at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.

47. Cross, Life, I, 19–20.

CHAPTER 2 ‘On Being Called a Saint’

1. Edith Simcox, Autobiography, 9 March 1880, K. A. McKenzie, Edith Simcox and George Eliot (Oxford, 1961), p. 97.

2. Ibid., 12 June 1885, p. 129.

3. Ibid.

4. Scenes of Clerical Life, p. 320, ‘Janet’s Repentance’, ch. 10.

5. Silas Marner, p. 137, ch. 10.

6. Scenes of Clerical Life, p. 121, ‘Mr Gilfil’s Love Story’, ch. 1.

7. Simcox, Autobiography, 12 June 1885, McKenzie, p. 129.

8. Cross, Life I, 25.

9. Ibid., I, 26.

10. Ibid.

11. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 20.

12. Mathilde Blind, George Eliot (London, 1883), p. 19.

13. Reproduced Haight, George Eliot, pp. 553–4) Appendix 1.

14. Letters, I, 298.

15. Ibid., IV, 116.

16. Blind, George Eliot, p. 18.

17. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 13–14.

18. Letters, I, 3.

19. Robert Evans to Francis Newdigate, 22 February 1836, MS WCRO.

20. Cross, Life, I, 24.

21. Ibid., I, 39–40; Letters, 1, 6–7.

22. Cross, Life, 157.

23. Letters, I, 42.

24. Cross, Life, I, 30–31.

25. Ibid., I, 35.

26. Letters, I, 8.

27. Ibid., I, 284.

28. Ibid., I, 6.

29. Ibid., I, 31, 24.

30. Ibid., III, 175.

31. Ibid., I, 19.

32. Cross, Life, I, 156.

33. Letters, I, 40–1.

34. Quoted Cross, Life, I, 36.

35. Marghanita Laski, George Eliot and Her World (London, 1978) p. 36.

36. Letters, I, 25.

37. Ibid., I, 23.

38. Ibid., I, 12.

39. Ibid., I, 23.

40. Ibid., I, 64.

41. Ibid., I, 51.

42. Ibid., I, 107–8.

43. See Rosemarie Bodenheimer’s excellent discussion of GE’s correspondence in The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans: George Eliot, Her Letters and Fiction (Ithaca, 1994), pp. 23–56.

44. Scenes of Clerical Life, p. 121, ‘Mr Gilfil’s Love Story’, ch. 1.

45. Letters, I, 36.

46. Ibid., I, 60.

47. Ibid., I, 47–8.

48. Ibid., I, 64.

49. Ibid., I, 11.

50. Ibid., I, 59.

51. Ibid., I, 29.

52. Cross, Life, I, 27.

53. Ibid., I, 21–3.

54. Reproduced in Haight, George Eliot, pp. 554–62, Appendix 1.

55. Letters, I, 13.

56. Ibid., I, 41.

CHAPTER 3 ‘The Holy War’

1. Letters, I, 22.

2. Ibid., I, 34.

3. Ibid., I, 45–6.

4. Ibid., I, 34.

5. Ibid., I, 84.

6. Ibid., I, 90.

7. Ibid., I, 91.

8. Ibid., I, 90–1.

9. Ibid., I, 102.

10. Ibid., I, 103.

11. Ibid., I, 108.

12. Ibid., I, 111–12.

13. Ibid., I, 116.

14. Ibid., I, 116.

15. Ibid., I, 119.

16. Ibid., I, 120–1.

17. Ibid., I, 50.

18. Ibid., I, 60.

19. Ibid., I, 68.

20. Cross, Life, I, 44.

21. Letters, I, 46–7.

22. Ibid., I, 51.

23. Ibid., I, 70.

24. Robert Evans, Journal, 19 March 1841, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 30.

25. Letters, I, 86.

26. Ibid., I, 93.

27. Ibid., I, 91.

28. Cross, Life (1886), I, 403.

29. Letters, I, 90.

30. Cross, Life (1886), I, 126.

31. Charles Bray, Phases of Opinion and Experience during a Long Life (London, 1884), p. 82.

32. Ibid., p. 48.

33. Charles Christian Hennell, An Inquiry Concerning the Origin of Christianity (London, 1838, 2nd edition 1841), pp. 476, 489.

34. Cross, Life, I, 158.

35. Bray, Phases, p. 76.

36. Letters, I, 120.

37. Bray, Phases, p. 76.

38. Robert Evans, Journal, 2 January 1842, Letters, I, 124.

39. Letters, I, 125, 127.

40. Ibid., I, 157.

41. Ibid., I, 156–7.

42. Ibid., I, 128–30.

43. Ibid., I, 131.

44. Ibid., I, 132.

45. Ibid., I, 132.

46. Ibid., I, 134.

47. Ibid., I, 138.

48. Ibid., I, 132.

49. Cross, Life (1886), I, 397.

50. Cross, Life, I, 157–8.

51. Cross, Life (1886), I, 397.

52. Ibid., I, 398.

53. Robert Evans, Journal, 15 May 1842, Letters, I, 138n.

54. Letters, I, 127.

55. Ibid., I, 134.

56. Cross, Life, I, 113.

57. Letters, I, 162–3.

58. Ibid., I, 140.

59. Ibid., I, 230n.

60. Simcox, Autobiography, 12 June 1885, McKenzie, p. 131.

61. Ibid., 12 June 1885, p. 130.

62. Letters, I, lxxiii.

63. Ibid., I, xlix-l.

64. Ibid., III, 176.

65. Ibid., I, 113.

66. Cross, Life (1886), I, 403–4.

67. Laski, George Eliot, pp. 24–5. For an account of how GE’s ‘northerly’ relatives continued to view her right into the twentieth century, see William Mottram, The True Story of George Eliot (London, 1905).

CHAPTER 4 ‘I Fall Not In Love With Everyone’

1. Bray, Phases, p. 70.

2. Quoted Gordon S. Haight, ‘George Eliot’s Bastards’, George Eliot: A Centenary Tribute, ed. Gordon S. Haight and Rosemary T. VanArsdel (London, 1982), p. 5.

3. Letters, I, 193.

4. Ibid., I, 194.

5. Kathleen Adams, Those of Us Who Loved Her: The Men in George Eliot’s Life (Warwick, 1980), pp. 52–6.

6. John Chapman, Diary, 27 June 1851, Gordon S. Haight, George Eliot and John Chapman (London, 1940), pp. 184–5.

7. Bray, Phases, p. 125.

8. Simcox, Autobiography, 12 June 1885, McKenzie, p. 131.

9. Quoted Laski, George Eliot, p. 95.

10. Cross, Life, I, 160.

11. Cross, Life (1886), I, 399.

12. See illustration no. 10.

13. Bray, Phases, p. 75.

14. Ibid., p. 73.

15. Cross, Life, I, 160; Cross, Life (1886), I, 402.

16. Letters, I, 144.

17. Cross, Life (1886), I, 406.

18. Ibid., I, 407.

19. Ibid., I, 406.

20. Ibid., I, 412.

21. Letters, I, 150.

22. Ibid., I, 164.

23. Ibid., I, 165.

24. Ibid., I, 167.

25. Chapman, Diary, 27 June 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 186.

26. Anna Kitchel, George Lewes and George Eliot (New York, 1933), p. 314.

27. Cross, Life (1886), I, 398.

28. Letters, I, 136.

29. Ibid., I, 142.

30. Ibid., I, 154.

31. Ibid., I, 158.

32. Ibid., I, 158n.

33. Ibid., I, 167–8.

34. Ibid., I, 225.

35. Ibid., I, 231.

36. Ibid., I, 236n.

37. Ibid., I, 363.

38. Ibid., I, 364.

39. Laski, George Eliot, p. 94.

40. Cross, Life, I, 36.

41. Letters, I, 194.

42. Ibid., I, 205–6.

43. Ibid., I, 176.

44. Ibid., I, 208.

45. Ibid., I, 185.

46. David Friedrich Strauss, The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined, tr. from the 4th German Edition (1846), (New York, 1855), p. 69.

47. Letters, I, 203.

48. Strauss, The Life of Jesus, p. 636.

49. Letters, I, 206.

50. Ibid., I, 218.

51. Ibid., I, 190–1.

52. ‘accurate and perceptive’.

53. Letters, II, 171.

54. Ibid., I, 191.

55. Ibid., VIII, 384.

56. Quoted Cross, Life, I, 151.

57. Letters, I, 214–15.

58. Ibid., I, 147.

59. Ibid., I, 240–1.

60. Ibid., I, 279.

61. Simcox, Autobiography, 12 June 1885, McKenzie, p. 131.

62. Letters, I, 277.

63. Ibid., I, 277–8.

64. Ibid., I, 184.

65. Ibid., I, 184.

66. Ibid., I, 186.

67. Ibid., I, 188.

68. Ibid., I, 186.

69. Ibid., I, 179.

70. Ibid., I, 178n.

71. Ibid., I, 180.

72. Ibid., I, 180n.

73. Ibid., I, 271n.

74. Ibid., I, 245.

75. Ibid., I, 254.

76. Ibid., I, 251, 255.

77. Cross, Life (1886), I, 412.

78. Letters, I, 260–1.

79. Ibid., I, 306.

80. Ibid., I, 309.

81. Ibid., I, 315.

82. Ibid., VIII, 12–14.

CHAPTER 5 ‘The Land of Duty and Affection’

1. Letters, I, 141 and n.

2. Ibid., II, 97.

3. The Mill on the Floss, p. 139, Bk. 1, ch. 8.

4. Cross, Life (1886), I, 409–10.

5. Letters, I, 268.

6. Ibid., I, 188.

7. See p. 154.

8. The five sketches appeared between December 1846 and February 1847 and are reprinted in The Essays of George Eliot, ed. Thomas Pinney (New York, 1963).

9. ‘Brothers in Opinion: Edgar Quinet and Jules Michelet’, reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, Poems and Other Writings, ed. A. S. Byatt and Nicholas Warren (Harmondsworth, 1990), pp. 261–4.

10. Letters, I, 200n.

11. Ibid., I, 263.

12. Ibid., I, 266.

13. Ibid., I, 265.

14. Ibid., I, 264.

15. Cross, Life, I, 204.

16. Letters, I, 264.

17. Ibid., I, 280n.

18. Ibid., I, 276.

19. Ibid., I, 283–4.

20. Ibid., I, 272.

21. Ibid., I, 284.

22. ‘J. A. Froude’s The Nemesis of Faith’, Coventry Herald, 16 March 1849, reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, p. 265.

23. Letters, I, 279n.

24. Ibid., I, 280.

25. Bray, Phases, p. 75.

26. Letters, III, 321.

27. Ibid., I, 261.

28. Ibid., I, 289.

29. Cross, Life, I, 208.

30. Letters, I, 308.

31. Ibid., I, 297.

32. Ibid., I, 298.

33. Ibid., I, 290–1.

34. Ibid., I, 298.

35. Ibid., I, 308.

36. Ibid., I, 301.

37. Ibid., I, 292.

38. Ibid., I, 308.

39. Ibid., I, 301–2.

40. Ibid., I, 309.

41. Ibid., I, 314–15.

42. Ibid., I, 294.

43. Ibid., I, 289.

44. Ibid., I, 303–4.

45. Ibid., I, 327.

46. Ibid., I, 302.

47. Ibid., I, 307.

48. Ibid., I, 320.

49. Ibid., I, 324.

50. Ibid., I, 307.

51. Ibid., I, 328.

52. Ibid., I, 317.

53. Ibid.

54. Ibid., I, 316.

55. Ibid., I, 322, 318.

56. Ibid., I, 316–17.

57. Ibid., I, 330.

58. Ibid., I, 328.

59. Ibid., I, 330.

60. Ibid., I, lxiv.

61. Blind, George Eliot, p. 53.

62. Cross, Life, I, 231.

63. Letters, I, 321.

64. Ibid., I, 322.

65. Ibid., I, 335.

66. Ibid., I, 336.

67. Ibid., I, 334.

68. Ibid., I, 335.

69. Ibid., I, 335n.

70. Ibid., I, 225n.

71. For an account of Chapman’s early life see Haight, George Eliot and John Chapman.

72. Letters, I, 231.

73. ‘R. W. Mackay’s The Progress of the Intellect’, Westminster Review, January 1851, reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 268–85.

74. Letters, I, 337.

75. Chapman, Diary, 10 August 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 200.

76. Ibid., 24 July 1860, p. 246.

77. Ibid.

78. Ibid., 30 July 1851, p. 196.

79. Ibid., 8 January 1851, p. 129.

80. Ibid., 9 January 1851, p. 129.

CHAPTER 6 ‘The Most Important Means of Enlightenment’

1. Haight, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 114.

2. Ibid., pp. 87–92.

3. For an account of Chapman’s 1851 Diary, see Haight, George Eliot and John Chapman, pp. 123–220.

4. Ibid., 8 January 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 129.

5. Ibid., 12 January 1851, p. 131.

6. Ibid., 18–19 January 1851, pp. 133–4.

7. Ibid., 22January 1851, pp. 135–6.

8. Ibid., 18 February 1851, pp. 140–1.

9. Ibid., 11 January 1851, p. 130.

10. Ibid., 12 January 1851, p. 131.

11. Letters, I, 346.

12. It has always been assumed that Marian failed to get any commissions during this trial period at The Strand. But recently Rosemary Ashton has argued that the Leader published two pieces from her on Harriet Martineau’s new book. See Rosemary Ashton, George Eliot: A Life (London, 1996), pp. 81–2.

13. Chapman, Diary, 21 February 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 143.

14. Ibid., 19–23 March 1851, pp. 146–7.

15. Ibid., 24 March 1851, p. 147.

16. Ibid., 25 March 1851, p. 148.

17. Letters, I, 348.

18. Chapman, Diary, 21 April 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 157.

19. Ibid., 28 April 1851, p. 160.

20. Ibid., 27 May 1851, p. 171.

21. Ibid., 30 May 1851, p. 172.

22. Ibid., 10 October 1851, p. 218.

23. Ibid., 31 May 1851, p. 173.

24. Ibid., 5 June 1851, p. 175.

25. Ibid., 2 June 1851, p. 174.

26. Ibid., 15 June 1851, p. 179.

27. Ibid., 16 June 1851, p. 179.

28. Ibid., 21 June 1851, p. 182.

29. Ibid., 15 August 1851, pp. 201–2.

30. The Prospectus is reprinted in George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 3–7.

31. Letters, VIII, 23.

32. Chapman, Diary, 10 June 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, pp. 176–7.

33. Ibid., 7 June 1851, p. 176.

34. Ibid., 21–22 August 1851, p. 204.

35. Ibid., 21 September 1851, p. 213.

36. Letters, II, 206.

37. Ibid., II, 208.

38. Chapman, Diary, 23 September 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 213.

39. Letters, I, 371.

40. Ibid., I, 377.

41. Ibid., I, 378.

42. Ibid., II, 33.

43. Ibid., II, 55n.

44. William Hale White, Athenaeum, No. 3031 (28 November 1885), 702.

45. Letters, II, 47–9.

46. Ibid., II, 23–5 and n.

47. Ibid., II, 15.

48. Ibid., I, 365–6.

49. Ibid., II, 4.

50. Ibid., II, 45.

51. Ibid., II, 44.

52. Ibid., II, 87.

53. For the life of Barbara Bodichon see Pam Hirsch, Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon (London, 1998).

54. Letters, II, 138.

55. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 103.

56. Herbert Spencer, An Autobiography, 2 vols. (London, 1904), I, 360–2.

57. Ibid., I, 394–5.

58. Letters, VIII, 42–3n.

59. Ibid., VIII, 42.

60. Ibid., II, 16.

61. Ibid., II, 22.

62. Ibid., II, 40.

63. Ibid., II, 35.

64. Spencer, Autobiography, II, 445.

65. Haight, George Eliot, p. 115.

66. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 102–3.

67. Letters, II, 22–3.

68. Ibid., II, 38, 25.

69. Ibid., VIII, 50–1.

70. Ibid., II, 42.

71. Ibid., VIII, 56–7.

72. Ibid., VIII, 61.

73. Spencer, Autobiography, I, 467.

74. Ibid., I, 478–9.

75. Ibid., II, 131.

76. Haight, George Eliot, p. 120; Spencer, Autobiography, I, 398.

77. This correspondence is quoted in Haight, George Eliot, pp. 121–2.

CHAPTER 7 ‘A Man of Heart and Conscience’

1. Letters, II, 54.

2. George Combe, Journal, 29 August 1851, Letters, VIII, 27–8.

3. Letters, VIII, 33.

4. Ibid., II, 59.

5. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 124.

6. Letters, II, 62.

7. Ibid., II, 65.

8. Ibid., II, 74.

9. Ibid., II, 75.

10. Haight, George Eliot, p. 126.

11. Letters, II, 97.

12. Ibid., II, 97.

13. Ibid., II, 163.

14. Ibid., VIII, 115n.

15. Ibid., II, 83.

16. Ibid., II, 93.

17. Ibid., II, 127.

18. Ibid., VIII, 104.

19. Haight, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 71.

20. Letters, II, 130–1.

21. Chapman, Diary, 6 October 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 217.

22. Letters, I, 367.

23. Chapman, Diary, 20 August 1851, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 203; Letters, II, 49.

24. Rosemary Ashton, G. H. Lewes: A Life (Oxford, 1991), pp. 58–9.

25. GHL to F. O. Ward (Spring 1853), The Letters of George Henry Lewes, ed. William Baker, 2 vols (Victoria, British Columbia, 1995), I, 227.

26. Letters, II, 68.

27. Ibid., III, 49n.

28. Ibid., II, 94.

29. Ibid., II, 97.

30. Ibid., II, 98.

31. For an account of G. H. Lewes’s early life, see Ashton, G. H. Lewes.

32. GHL, Journal, 16 April 1861, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 337.

33. Letters, IV, 154n.

34. Kitchel, George Lewes and George Eliot (New York, 1933), pp. 61–2.

35. Ashton, G. H. Lewes, pp. 11–12.

36. G. H. Lewes, ‘Spinoza’, Fort nightly Review 4 (April 1866), 385.

37. W. B. Scott, Autobiographical Notes, ed. W. Minto, 2 vols. (London, 1950), I, 130.

38. G. H. Lewes, ‘Percy Bysshe Shelley’, Westminster Review 35 (April 1841), 303–4.

39. Quoted Kitchel, George Lewes and George Eliot, pp. 12–13.

40. Scott, Autobiographical Notes, I, 130.

41. Quoted Ashton, G. H. Lewes, p. 25.

42. Scott, Autobiographical Notes, I, 134; Jane Welsh Carlyle, Letters to Her Family 1839–63, ed. Leonard Huxley (London, 1924), p. 320.

43. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 129–30.

44. Quoted Ashton, G. H. Lewes, p. 40.

45. Letters, 11, 126.

46. Kitchel, George Lewes and George Eliot, p. 46.

47. Ibid., pp. 312–13.

48. See illustration no. 21.

49. Jane Welsh Carlyle, Letters, p. 329.

50. Leader, 3 July 1852, pp. 639–40.

51. Leader, 12 November 1853, p. 1099.

52. GHL, Journal, 28 January 1859, Haight, George Eliot, p. 133.

53. Oscar Browning was the source of this rumour, spreading it to Henry James and Eliza Lynn. He also managed to drop several hints in his Life of George Eliot (London, 1890), especially over his treatment of Romola’s discovery of Tito’s infidelity.

54. GHL, Journal, 28 January 1859, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 271.

55. Thomas Trollope, What I Remember, 2 vols (London, 1887), II, 299.

56. Spencer, Autobiography, I, 377.

57. Elizabeth Haldane, George Eliot and Her Times (New York, 1927), p. 92n.

58. Letters, II, 112.

59. Ibid., II, 178.

60. Ibid., II, 134n.

61. Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity, tr. Marian Evans (London, 1854), p. 47.

62. Ibid., p. 268.

63. Letters, II, 165.

64. Ibid., II, 154–5.

65. Ibid., II, 156.

66. Ibid., II, 157.

67. George Eliot to John Chapman, December 1853, Rosemary Ashton, ‘New George Eliot Letters at the Huntington’, Huntington Library Quarterly LIV, (Spring 1991), 120.

68. Letters, II, 158.

69. Quoted Laski, George Eliot, p. 44.

70. Letters, II, 166.

CHAPTER 8 ‘I Don’t Think She Is Mad’

1. GE, Journal, 20 July 1854, MS Yale.

2. Letters, II, 171.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid., II, 174.

5. Ibid., II, 170–2.

6. Sara Hennell to GE, 20 October 1854, quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 116.

7. Letters, II, 179.

8. Sara Hennell to GE, quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 116.

9. Letters, II, 19–20.

10. Ibid., II, 186.

11. Ibid., VIII, 122–3, 126.

12. Ibid., VIII, 129–30.

13. Ibid., VIII, 131.

14. Ibid., VIII, 124–5.

15. Ibid., VIII, 125–6.

16. Ibid., VIII, 129.

17. Haight, George Eliot, p. 166.

18. R. K. Webb, Harriet Martineau, A Radical Victorian (London, 1960), p. 14.

19. Letters, II, 176n.

20. Ibid., II, 176–7.

21. Ibid., II, 178.

22. One of these, ‘Liszt, Wagner and Weimar’, Fraser’s Magazine (July 1855) , is reprinted in George Eliot, Selected Critical Writings, ed. Rosemary Ashton (Oxford, 1992), pp. 82–109.

23. ‘Recollections of Weimar, 1854’, written at the back of GE’s Journal, MS Yale.

24. Letters, II, 171, 173.

25. GE, Journal, 10 August 1854, MS Yale.

26. Letters, II, 173.

27. Ibid., II, 169.

28. Ibid., II, 173.

29. GE, ‘Recollections of Weimar, 1854’, MS Yale.

30. Ibid.

31. Letters, VIII, 134.

32. Ibid., II, 190.

33. Ibid., II, 184.

34. ‘The Future of German Philosophy’, Leader (28 July 1855), reprinted George Eliot, Selected Critical Writings, p. 133.

35. Letters, II, 192n.

36. ‘Recollections of Weimar, 1854’, MS Yale.

37. George Henry Lewes, The Life and Works of Goethe, 2 vols. (London, 1855), I, 144.

38. ‘The Morality of Wilhelm Meister’, Leader (21 July 1855), reprinted George Eliot, Selected Critical Writings, pp. 129–32.

39. Letters, II, 156.

40. ‘Woman in France: Madame de Sablé’ (Westminster Review, October 1854), reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 8–37.

41. Ibid., p. 11.

42. Letters, II, 189.

43. Ibid., VIII, 133.

44. Ibid., II, 189.

45. ‘Recollections of Berlin, 1855’, written at the back of GE’s Journal, MS Yale.

46. Letters, II, 197.

47. Quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 125.

48. GE, Journal, 9–14 April 1855, MS Yale.

49. A remark from Cara Bray to Edith Simcox in 1885, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 179.

50. Letters, II, 194, 196.

51. Ibid., II, 197.

52. Quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 124.

53. Letters, II, 200, 232.

54. This is a paraphrase, given to Gordon Haight by Bessie’s daughter. Haight, George Eliot, p. 205.

55. Letters, II, 199–200.

56. Ibid., II, 199.

57. Ibid., II, 209.

58. Ibid., II, 217.

59. Ibid., II, 214–18.

60. Ibid., II, 224.

61. ‘Charles Kingsley’s Westward Ho!,’ Westminster Review (July 1855) , reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, p. 312.

62. ‘Geraldine Jewsbury’s Constance Herbert’, Westminster Review (July 1855) , reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 321–22.

63. ‘The Morality of Wilhelm Meister’, Leader (21 July 1855), reprinted George Eliot, Selected Critical Writings, p. 131.

64. Letters, II, 221.

65. ‘Evangelical Teaching: Dr Cumming’, Westminster Review (October 1855), reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 36–68.

66. Ibid., p. 52.

67. Cross, I, 384.

68. Quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 146.

69. Letters, II, 233.

70. Ibid., VIII, 159.

71. Ibid., VIII, 120.

72. Ibid., II, 235.

73. Ibid., II, 233.

74. Ibid., II, 251.

75. Ibid., II, 184.

76. Ibid., II, 197.

77. Ibid., II, 184.

78. Ibid., II, 204.

79. Ibid., II, 202.

80. ‘Recollections of Ilfracombe 1856’ in GE, Journal, MS Yale.

81. Ibid.

82. Ibid.

83. Ibid.

84. Ibid.

85. ‘The Natural History of German Life’, Westminster Review (July 1856) , reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 107–39.

86. Ibid., p. 127.

87. Ibid., p. 131.

88. Ibid., p. 111

89. ‘Recollections of Ilfracombe, 1856’, MS Yale.

90. John Chapman to Barbara Leigh Smith, 17 September 1855, quoted Haight, George Eliot and John Chapman, p. 91.

91. GE, Journal, 20 July 1856, MS Yale.

92. Letters, I, 223n.

93. ‘How I Came to Write Fiction’, GE, Journal, 6 December 1857, MS Yale.

94. Ibid.

95. Ibid.

96. Ibid.

97. Ibid.

CHAPTER 9 ‘The Breath of Cows and the Scent of Hay’

1. Letters, II, 261.

2. ‘Silly Novels by Lady Novelists’, Westminster Review (October 1856), reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 140–63.

3. Ibid., p. 141.

4. Ibid., p. 148.

5. Ibid., p. 149.

6. Ibid., p. 156.

7. Ibid., p. 162.

8. GE, Journal, 22 September 1857, MS Yale. Haight points out that GE was probably referring to 23 September, Letters, II, 407n.

9. ‘How I Came to Write Fiction’, GE, Journal, 6 December 1857, MS Yale.

10. Scenes of Clerical Life, p. 41, ‘Amos Barton’, ch. 1.

11. Ibid., p. 85, ch. 5.

12. Ibid., p. 81, ch. 5.

13. Ibid., p. 80, ch. 5.

14. Ibid., p. 44, ch. 1.

15. Ibid., p. 48, ch. 1.

16. Ibid., p. 49, ch. 1.

17. See p. 154.

18. Scenes of Clerical Life, pp. 102–3, ‘Amos Barton’, ch. 7.

19. Ibid., p. 111, ch. 9.

20. Ibid., p. 112, ch. 9.

21. Ibid., p. 113, ch. 10.

22. Letters, III, 377n.

23. Ibid., II, 269.

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid., II, 270.

26. Ibid., II, 272.

27. Ibid., II, 274.

28. ‘Worldliness and Other-Worldliness: The Poet Young’, Westminster Review (January 1857), reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 164–213.

29. Letters, II, 290–91.

30. Ibid., II, 291, 293.

31. Ibid., II, 292.

32. Ibid., II, 297.

33. Ibid., II, 299.

34. Ibid., II, 308.

35. Ibid., II, 309.

36. Ibid., II, 347.

37. Scenes of Clerical Life, p. 322, ‘Jane’s Repentance’, ch. 10.

38. Letters, II, 347–8.

39. Ibid., II, 352–3.

40. Ibid., II, 353.

41. Ibid., II, 292.

42. Cross, Life, I, 431.

43. Letters, II, 309–10.

44. ‘Silly Novels’, George Eliot: Selected Essays, p. 161.

45. Letters, II, 436.

46. Simcox, ‘George Eliot, a Valedictory Article’, The Nineteenth Century (May 1881), McKenzie, p. 120.

47. Letters, II, 273–4.

48. Ibid., II, 275.

49. Ibid., II, 277.

50. Ibid., II, 298n.

51. Ibid., II, 294.

52. Ibid., II, 410n.

53. Ibid., II, 435.

54. Samuel Lucas, unsigned review, The Times, 2 January 1858, p. 9. David Carroll, ed., The Critical Heritage (London 1977), p. 61.

55. Unsigned review, Saturday Review, 29 May 1858, v, 566, Carroll, Critical Heritage, p. 70.

56. Letters, II, 424.

57. Ibid., II, 426.

58. GE, Journal, 17 March 1857, MS Yale.

59. Haight, George Eliot, p. 226.

60. Letters, II, 314.

61. Ibid., II, 317.

62. GE, Journal, 2 May 1857, MS Yale.

63. Letters, II, 331.

64. Ibid., II, 333.

65. Ibid., II, 336–7.

66. Ibid., II, 346.

67. Ibid., II, 350.

68. Ibid., II, 350.

69. Ibid., II, 364.

70. Ibid., II, 342; ibid., 111, 26.

71. ‘The Antigone and Its Moral’, Leader (29 March 1856), reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 363–6.

72. GE, Journal, 31 December 1857, MS Yale.

73. Letters, II, 387.

74. GE, Journal, 28 February–5 March 1858, MS Yale. Letters, II, 439n.

75. Letters, II, 452.

76. GE, Journal, 14 April 1858, MS Yale.

77. Letters, II, 454.

78. GE, Journal, 17–24 June 1858, MS Yale.

79. Letters, II, 451.

80. Adam Bede, pp. 223–4, Bk. 2, ch. 17.

81. Letters, II, 474.

82. Ibid., II, 445–6.

83. Ibid., II, 504.

84. Ibid., II, 484.

85. Ibid., II, 492.

86. ‘The History of Adam Bede’, GE, Journal, 30 November 1858, MS Yale.

87. Adam Bede, p. 50, Bk. 1, ch. 1.

88. Ibid., pp. 53–4, Bk. 1, ch. 1.

89. Ibid., pp. 258–9, Bk. 2, ch. 19.

90. Letters, III, 25.

91. ‘The History of Adam Bede’, MS Yale.

92. Adam Bede, p. 359, Bk. 4, ch. 29.

93. Ibid., p. 170, Bk. 1, ch. 12.

94. Ibid., p. 199, Bk. 1, ch. 15.

95. Ibid., p. 293, Bk. 3, ch. 22.

96. Ibid., p. 324, Bk. 3, ch. 25.

97. See p. 29.

98. ‘The History of Adam Bede’, MS Yale.

99. Letters, II, 324.

CHAPTER 10 ‘A Companion Picture of Provincial Life’

1. Letters, III, 55.

2. Ibid., II, 505.

3. Ibid., II, 509.

4. Ibid., II, 513.

5. The Times, 12 April 1859, Carroll, Critical Heritage, p. 77.

6. Letters, III, 148.

7. Ibid., III, 18.

8. J. A. Froude to GE, 13 March 1859, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 275.

9. Letters, III, 9.

10. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 273.

11. These paintings are still in the possession of the Queen and hang at Buckingham Palace.

12. Letters, III, 44.

13. GHL, Journal, 12 February 1859, Letters, III, 12.

14. Letters, III, 25.

15. Ibid., III, 7.

16. Ibid., III, 33.

17. Ibid., III, 89.

18. Ibid., III, 152.

19. Ibid., III, 41.

20. Redinger, George Eliot, p. 393.

21. Letters, II, 461.

22. Ibid., III, 44.

23. Ibid., III, 50.

24. Ibid., III, 68, 73.

25. Ibid., III, 77.

26. Ibid., III, 93.

27. Ibid., III, 103.

28. Ibid., III, 109n.

29. Ibid., III, 109.

30. Ibid., III, 94.

31. Ibid., III, 151.

32. Ibid., III, 160.

33. Ibid., III, 161.

34. Ibid., III, 161–2.

35. Ibid., III, 183.

36. Ibid., III, 188, 184–5.

37. Ibid., III, 190.

38. Ibid., III, 191–2.

39. Ibid., III, 192.

40. Ibid., III, 194.

41. Ibid., III, 204–5.

42. Ibid., III, 208.

43. Ibid., III, 115.

44. Ibid., III, 43.

45. Ibid., III, 204.

46. Ibid., III, 173.

47. Ibid., III, 215.

48. Ibid., III, 216.

49. Ibid., III, 217.

50. Ibid., III, 217.

51. Ibid., III, 218.

52. Ibid., III, 236.

53. Ibid., II, 337.

54. Ibid., III, 98.

55. Fanny Houghton to Isaac Evans, 13 June 1866, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 394.

56. Letters, II, 457.

57. Ibid., II, 458.

58. Ibid., II, 459–60.

59. Ibid., II, 375.

60. Ibid., II, 376.

61. Ibid., III, 83–5.

62. Ibid., III, 85–6.

63. Ibid., III, 110n.

64. Ibid., III, 179.

65. Ibid., III, 155–7.

66. Ibid., III, 174–7.

67. Ibid., II, 486.

68. Ibid., II, 443.

69. GHL, Journal, 23 June 1859, Letters, III, 90.

70. Letters, III, 945.

71. Ibid., III, 90.

72. Ibid., III, 95–6.

73. Ibid., II, 494n.

74. Spencer, Autobiography, I, 38.

75. Letters, III, 124.

76. Ibid., II, 494.

77. Ibid., III, 3.

78. Ibid., III, 13.

79. Haight, George Eliot, p. 278.

80. Letters, VIII, 257n.

81. GHL, Journal, 24 March 1859, Letters, III, 49n.

82. Letters, III, 170n.

83. Ibid., III, 56.

84. Ibid., III, 65.

85. Ibid., III, 106.

86. Ibid., III, 41.

87. Ibid., III, 124.

88. Ibid., III, 112.

89. Ibid., III, 118.

90. GE, Journal, 31 December 1858, MS Yale.

91. Letters, III, 91.

92. Ibid., III, 103.

93. Ibid., III, 62n.

94. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 299.

95. Letters, III, 79.

96. Ibid., III, 116.

97. Ibid., VIII, 142n.

98. Ibid., VIII, 250.

99. Ibid., III, 33n.

100. The Mill on the Floss, p. 54, Bk. 1, ch. 1.

101. Ibid., p. 55, Bk. 1, ch. 1.

102. Ibid., p. 362, Bk. 4, ch. 1.

103. Ibid., p. 363, Bk. 4, ch. 1.

104. Ibid.

105. Ibid., p. 405, Bk. 5, ch. 2.

106. Ibid., p. 60, Bk. 1, ch. 2.

107. Ibid., p. 655, Bk. 7, ch. 5.

108. Letters, III, 269.

109. Ibid., III, 285.

110. The Mill on the Floss, p. 91, Bk. 1, ch. 5.

111. Ibid., p. 628, Bk. 7, ch. 2.

112. Ibid., p. 612, Bk. 7, ch. 1.

113. Ibid., pp. 613–14, Bk. 7, ch. 1.

114. Ibid., p. 621, Bk. 7, ch. 2.

CHAPTER 11 ‘Pure, Natural Human Relations’

1. Letters, III, 244.

2. Ibid., III, 245.

3. Ibid., III, 256, 259n.

4. The Mill on the Floss, p. 113, Bk. 1, ch. 7.

5. Letters, III, 277, 276.

6. Ibid., III, 289.

7. Ibid., III, 290.

8. Ibid., III, 292.

9. The Times, 19 May 1860, Carroll, Critical Heritage, p. 131; Letters, III, 299.

10. Macmillan’s, 3 April 1861, Letters, III, 397.

11. Letters, III, 296.

12. Ibid., III, 297.

13. GHL, Journal, 7 April 1860, quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 323–4.

14. Letters, III, 288.

15. ‘Recollections of Italy, 1860’, GE, Journal, MS Yale.

16. Middlemarch, p. 194, Bk. 2, ch. 20.

17. Letters, III, 231.

18. Ibid., III, 366n.

19. Silas Marner, pp. 135–6, ch. 10.

20. Letters, III, 366.

21. Ibid., VIII, 259–60.

22. Ibid., III, 327.

23. Ibid., III, 474.

24. Ibid., VIII, 295.

25. Ibid., IV, 117.

26. GE, Journal, 17 December 1860, MS Yale.

27. Letters, III, 363.

28. Quoted Bodenheimer, The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans, p. 190.

29. My discussion of GE’s relationship with her stepsons is indebted to Bodenheimer, ch. 7, pp. 189–231.

30. GHL, Journal, 26–8 June 1860, Letters, III, 309.

31. Letters, III, 421.

32. Ibid., III, 324.

33. Ibid., III, 448.

34. Ibid., IV, 34.

35. Quoted Bodenheimer, The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans, p. 199.

36. Letters, III, 343; see illustration no. 18.

37. Letters, III, 339.

38. GE, Journal, 28 November 1860, MS Yale.

39. Silas Marner, p. 53, ch. 1.

40. Letters, III, 371.

41. Ibid., III, 427.

42. Silas Marner, p. 54, ch. 1.

43. GE, Journal, 28 November 1860, MS Yale.

44. Letters, III, 372n.

45. See Redinger, George Eliot, p. 235.

46. Letters, III, 393.

47. Silas Marner, pp. 214–15, ch. 17.

48. Letters, III, 117, 335.

49. Ibid., III, 379.

50. Ibid., III, 382.

51. Ibid., III, 386.

52. GHL, Journal, 3–6 June 1861, Letters, III, 424.

53. Letters, III, 394n.

54. GE, Journal, quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 350–1.

55. Letters, III, 420.

56. Ibid., III, 427.

57. Ibid., III, 474.

58. Ibid., IV, 3.

59. GHL, Journal, November 1859, Letters, IX, 345.

60. GE, Journal, 31 January, 17 February 1862, MS Yale.

61. Cross, Life, II, 255.

62. Letters, VIII, 303.

63. Romola (1863), ed. Andrew Sanders (Harmondsworth, 1980), pp. 58–9, Bk. 1, ch. 1.

64. Ibid., p. 420, Bk. 2, ch. 39.

65. Letters, IV, 6–7.

66. Ibid., IV, 15–16, 18.

67. GHL, Journal, 27 February 1862, Letters, IV, 17–18.

68. GHL, Journal, 1 March 1862, Letters, IV, 20.

69. GHL, Journal, 8 May, 8 April 1862, Letters, IV, 29, 24.

70. GHL, Journal, 17 May 1862, Letters, IV, 33–4.

71. Letters, IV, 34–5.

72. Ibid., IV, 36n.

73. Ibid., IV, 38 and n.

74. Ibid., IV, 44.

75. GE, Journal, 30 September 1862, MS Yale.

76. Letters, IV, 58–9.

77. Ibid., VIII, 304.

78. The phrase comes from Margaret Oliphant, another Blackwood writer, who had no choice but to write for the market. Margaret Oliphant, Autobiography and Letters (Edinburgh, 1899), p. 5.

79. Letters, IV, 97.

80. GHL, Journal, 18 April 1862, Haight, George Eliot, p. 395.

81. Letters, IV, 102.

82. Ibid., III, 462.

83. Ibid., IV, 84.

84. Ibid., IV, 212.

85. Ibid., IV, 233.

86. Ibid., IV, 34, 48.

87. Ibid., III, 387.

88. Ibid., III, 398.

89. Ibid., III, 366.

90. Ibid., III, 396.

91. GE, Journal, 19 June 1861, Letters, 111, 427–8.

92. Quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 268.

93. GHL, Journal, 1–13 November 1863, Letters, IV, 111–12.

94. Letters, IV, 116.

CHAPTER 12 ‘The Bent of My Mind Is Conservative’

1. Letters, IV, 68.

2. Henry James to William James, 1 May 1878, Letters of Henry James, ed. Leon Edel, 4 vols (London 1974–84), II, p. 72.

3. Lady Amberley, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 391.

4. Letters, IV, 17.

5. Ibid., IV, 417.

6. Ibid., IV, p. 175.

7. Ibid., IV, 232.

8. Ibid., IV, 268–9.

9. Ibid., IV, 130–1.

10. Ibid., IV, 134.

11. Ibid., VIII, 316–17.

12. Ibid., IV, 140.

13. Ibid.

14. Fanny Houghton to Isaac Evans, 11 December, and 13 June 1866, quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 393–4.

15. Letters, IV, 299.

16. Ibid., IV, 179.

17. Ibid., IV, 183.

18. GHL, Diary, 16 January 1874, Letters, VI, 6n.

19. ‘The Influence of Rationalism’, Fortnightly Review (15 May 1865), reprinted George Eliot: Selected Essays, pp. 389–404.

20. Letters, IV, 159.

21. Ibid., IV, 214.

22. Ibid., IV, 472.

23. Ibid., IV, 284–9.

24. Ibid., IV, 300–1.

25. Richard Congreve to Sophie Edger, 10 May 1880, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 302.

26. Letters, IV, 200.

27. G. H. Lewes, Prospectus for the Fortnightly Review, March 1865, Letters, VIII, 336.

28. Letters, IV, 438.

29. Ibid., IV, 16.

30. Ibid., IV, 72.

31. Ibid., IV, 374–5.

32. Ibid., IV, 375n.

33. Ibid., IV, 472.

34. Ibid., IV, 496.

35. Ibid., IV, 390.

36. Ibid., IV, 390.

37. Ibid., IV, 425.

38. Ibid., VIII, 402.

39. Ibid., IV, 399.

40. Felix Holt, The Radical, p. 76, Author’s Introduction.

41. ‘Occurrences at Nuneaton’, MS Nuneaton.

42. Felix Holt, p. 75, Author’s Introduction.

43. Ibid., p. 400, ch. 30.

44. Ibid., p. 145, ch. 5.

45. Ibid., p. 101, ch. 1.

46. GE, Journal, 24 December 1865, MS Yale.

47. GHL, Journal, 1 June 1866, Letters, IV, 265.

48. Letters, IV, 244.

49. Ibid., IV, 240n.

50. Ibid., IV, 241.

51. Ibid., IV, 243.

52. Ibid., IV, 246.

53. ‘Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt’, Westminster Review (January 1868), reprinted George Eliot, Selected Critical Writings, pp. 338–54.

54. John Morley, unsigned review, Saturday Review, 16 June 1866, XXI, 722–4, Carroll, Critical Heritage, pp. 251–7.

55. Henry James, Nation, August 1866, Carroll, Critical Heritage, pp. 273–5.

56. Letters, VIII, 378.

57. Ibid., IV, 285.

58. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 334–5.

59. Letters, IV, 103–4n.

60. Ibid., IV, 28–9.

61. Ibid., IV, 193.

62. Ibid., IV, 447.

63. Haight, George Eliot, p. 398.

64. Scott, Autobiographical Notes, II, 271.

65. Letters, IV, 397.

66. Ibid., IV, 473.

67. Oscar Browning, Life of George Eliot (London, 1890), pp. 96–7.

68. Quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 271.

69. GHL, Journal, 5 May 1867, Letters, IV, 360.

70. Lady Amberley, Diary, 5 May 1867, Letters, VIII, 399n.

71. Letters, IV, 336.

72. Ibid., IV, 346.

73. Leader (31 January 1852), p. 580.

74. Cross, Life, III, p. 42.

75. GE, Journal, 5 December 1864–21 February 1865, MS Yale.

76. Letters, IV, 289.

77. Ibid., IV, 320–3.

78. For an account of this trip see GE’s and GHL’s letters home, Letters, IV, 343–9.

79. Ibid., IV, 353.

80. Ibid., IV, 354.

81. Ibid., IV, 394–8.

82. The Spanish Gypsy, in Collected Poems, pp. 201–456.

83. For a summary of critical reactions, see Haight, George Eliot, pp. 404–5.

84. Letters, IV, 486.

85. Ibid., IV, 413.

86. Felix Holt, Dedication.

87. Letters, IV, 34.

88. Ibid., IV, 154.

89. Ibid., IV, 155.

90. Ibid., IV, 311–12.

91. Ibid., IV, 140.

92. Ibid., VIII, 431–4.

93. Henry James to his father, Henry James Letters, I, 116–17.

94. Letters, V, 53.

95. Ibid., V, 41.

96. ‘German Wit: Heinrich Heine’, Westminster Review (January 1856), reprinted George Eliot, Selected Critical Writings, 193–233.

97. GE, Journal, 19 October 1869, MS Yale.

CHAPTER 13 ‘Wise, Witty and Tender Sayings’

1. Letters, V, 66.

2. Ibid., V, 93.

3. Ibid., V, 84.

4. GHL, Journal, 25 March 1870, Letters, V, 85n.

5. GE, Journal, 1 January 1869, MS Yale.

6. Letters, V, 16.

7. Ibid., V, 403; ‘Brother and Sister’ sonnets, Collected Poems, pp. 84–90.

8. ‘The Legend of Jubal’, Collected Poems, pp. 91–114.

9. ‘Armgart’, Collected Poems, pp. 115–51.

10. Ibid., p. 128.

11. Ibid., p. 129, 133.

12. Ibid., p. 143.

13. Letters, V, 253.

14. Ibid., V, 31.

15. Ibid., IV, 499.

16. Ibid., V, 192.

17. Haight, George Eliot, p. 454.

18. Ibid.

19. Letters, V, 175.

20. Ibid., V, 185.

21. Ibid., V, 207.

22. Ibid., V, 197.

23. Ibid., V, 275.

24. Ibid., V, 361.

25. Haight, George Eliot, pp. 452–3.

26. Quoted Laski, George Eliot, p. 98.

27. Letters, V, 7–9.

28. Ibid., V, 37.

29. Ibid., V, 170.

30. Ibid., V, 180–1n.

31. GE, Journal, 25–8 May 1870, MS Yale.

32. Haight, George Eliot, p. 426.

33. Oscar Browning, George Eliot, p. 99.

34. F. W. H. Myers, Century Magazine 23 (November 1881), 62.

35. ‘A College Breakfast-Party’, Collected Poems, pp. 160–84.

36. Letters, V, 144.

37. GE, Journal, 27 October 1870, MS Yale.

38. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 440n.

39. Letters, V, 341.

40. Ibid., V, 52.

41. Ibid., V, 367.

42. Ibid., V, 301.

43. Ibid., VIII, 482–3.

44. Haight, George Eliot, p. 451.

45. Letters, I, lxxvii.

46. Ibid., V, 132–3.

47. Ibid., IV, 404.

48. Ibid., V, 117.

49. Ibid., V, 112.

50. Ibid., V, 16.

51. GE to John Blackwood, 11 September 1869, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 420.

52. Letters, V, 81.

53. GE, Journal, 2 December 1870, MS Yale.

54. Letters, V, 124.

55. GE, Journal, 19 March 1871, MS Yale.

56. Letters, V, 145–6.

57. Ibid., V, 148; letter from John Blackwood to George Simpson, 4 June 1871, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 434.

58. Letters, V, 182.

59. Ibid., VIII, 466.

60. Ibid., IV, 392.

61. Ibid., V, 167.

62. Ibid., V, 337–8.

63. Ibid., V, 184.

64. Ibid., V, 197.

65. Ibid., V, 237.

66. Ibid., V, 246.

67. GHL, Diary, 17 February–3 March 1870, Letters, V, 79n.

68. Letters, V, 83.

69. Ibid., V, 84.

70. Ibid., V, 157.

71. GE, Journal, 31 December 1870, MS Yale; Letters, VIII, 482.

72. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, pp. 426–28.

73. Letters, V, 7.

74. Ibid., V, 127.

75. Middlemarch, Bk. 1, ch. 10.

76. Ibid., p. 95, Bk. 1, ch. 11.

77. Henry James, Galaxy, March 1873, Critical Heritage, p. 359.

78. Letters, V, 167.

79. Cross, Life (1886), I, 412.

80. Middlemarch, p. 149, Bk. 2, ch. 15.

81. Ibid., p. 264, Bk. 3, ch. 27.

82. Ibid., p. 587, Bk. 6, ch. 58.

83. Ibid., p. 278, Bk. 3, ch. 29.

84. Letters, VIII, 463.

85. Middlemarch, p. 838, Finale.

86. Ibid., p. 835, Finale.

87. Daily Telegraph, 18 June 1872, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 444.

88. Simcox, Academy (1 January 1873), McKenzie, p. 84.

89. Letters, V, 374.

90. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 445; Letters, IX, 33.

91. Haight, George Eliot, p. 443.

92. Letters, V, 322.

93. Ibid., V, 125.

94. F. W. H. Myers, ‘George Eliot’, Century Magazine 23 (November 1881), p. 60.

CHAPTER 14 ‘Full of the World’

1. GHL, Diary, 20 March 1878. Letters, VII, 16.

2. Letters, VI, 413n.

3. Ibid., VI, 436.

4. Ibid., VI, 154–5.

5. Ibid., VI, 257–8.

6. Ibid., VI, 129n.

7. See illustration no. 32.

8. Letters, VI, 374.

9. Ibid., VI, 45–6.

10. Ibid., VI, 321.

11. Ibid., V, 418.

12. Ibid., VI, 192 and n.

13. Ibid., IX, 134.

14. Fanny Houghton to Isaac Evans, 28 January 1881, quoted Ashton, George Eliot: A Life, p. 339.

15. Letters, V, 403.

16. Ibid., VI, 372.

17. ‘Brother and Sister’ sonnets, Collected Poems, p. 87.

18. Letters, VI, 398.

19. See, for instance, the sketch of Princess Louise in which GE is wearing a mantilla, illustration no.32.

20. Quoted Laski, George Eliot, p. 97.

21. Letters, V, 469.

22. Ibid., VIII, 245.

23. See illustration no. 20.

24. Letters, V, 437.

25. Haight, George Eliot, p. 461.

26. Letters, V, 400n.

27. Ibid., VI, 47.

28. Ibid., VI, 161.

29. Ibid., VI, 304.

30. Ibid., VI, 165, 174.

31. Ibid., V, 442, 462.

32. For Edith Simcox’s life, see K. A. McKenzie, Edith Simcox and George Eliot (London, 1961).

33. Simcox, Autobiography, 24 April 1881, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 495.

34. Ibid., 5 June 1880, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 495.

35. Ibid., 26 December 1879, Letters, IX, 283.

36. Ibid., 9 March 1880, McKenzie, p. 97.

37. Ibid., 18 January 1881, McKenzie, p. 102.

38. GHL, Diary, 14 December 1875, Letters, VI, 197–8n.

39. Letters, VI, 342.

40. Ibid., VI, 277, 168.

41. GHL, Diary, 23 February 1877, Letters, VI, 345n.

42. Letters, V, 461.

43. GHL, Diary, 5 September 1873, Letters, V, 433.

44. Letters, VI, 171n, Haight, George Eliot, p. 480.

45. GE, Journal, 11 December 1876, MS Yale.

46. Letters, VI, 386.

47. Ibid.

48. Ibid., V, 314.

49. Ibid., V, 427n

50. Ibid., V, 160–1.

51. Ibid., V, 461.

52. GE, Journal, 25 December 1875, MS Yale.

53. Letters, VI, 76.

54. Ibid., V, 451.

55. Ibid., VI, 136.

56. Ibid., VI, 433–4.

57. Ibid., VI, 37.

58. Ibid., V, 369.

59. Ibid., V, 410–11.

60. Ibid., VI, 137.

61. Ibid., VI, 144–5.

62. Ibid., VI, 183.

63. Ibid., VI, 221–2.

64. Ibid., VI, 227.

65. Ibid., VI, 253.

66. Ibid., VI, 211–14.

67. Ibid., VI, 294.

68. Ibid., VI, 297.

69. Haight, George Eliot, p. 498.

70. Letters, VI, 295.

71. Ibid., III, 376.

72. Ibid., VII, 340–1.

73. Ibid., VI, 56n, 68n.

74. Ibid., VI, 23.

75. Ibid.

76. Ibid., V, 123n.

77. Ibid., VI, 17.

78. Daniel Deronda, p. 618, Bk. 6, ch. 45.

79. Ibid., p. 69, Bk. 1, ch. 4.

80. Ibid., p. 71, Bk. 1, ch. 4.

81. Ibid., p. 127, Bk. 1, ch. 9.

82. Ibid., pp. 294–5, Bk. 3, ch. 23.

83. Letters, VI, 302.

84. Daniel Deronda., p. 791, Bk. 8, ch. 60.

85. Ibid., p. 879, Bk. 8, ch. 69.

86. Ibid., p. 289, Bk. 3, ch. 22.

87. Ibid., p. 298, Bk. 3, ch. 23; p. 303, Bk. 3, ch. 23.

88. Ibid., p. 541, Bk. 5, ch. 39.

89. Ibid., p. 695, Bk. 7, ch. 51.

90. Ibid., p. 694, Bk. 7, ch. 51.

91. Ibid., p. 190, Bk. 2, ch. 14.

92. Letters, VI, 275.

93. Ibid., VI, 280.

CHAPTER 15 ‘A Deep Sense of Change Within’

1. Cross, Life, III, 334.

2. GHL, Journal, 12 August 1878, Letters, VII, 57.

3. Letters, VII, 50.

4. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 514.

5. Letters, VII, 78–9.

6. Ibid., VII, 84.

7. Ibid., IX, 244.

8. Ibid., V, 8.

9. Scott, Autobiographical Notes, II, 244.

10. Quoted Laski, George Eliot, p. 97.

11. Elizabeth Gaskell to George Smith, 2 November 1857, The Letters of Mrs Gaskell, ed. J. A. V. Chapple and Arthur Pollard (Manchester, 1966), p. 587.

12. Letters, VII, 87.

13. Ibid., IX, 247.

14. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 523.

15. Letters, IX, 346.

16. Simcox, Autobiography, 12 April 1879, McKenzie, p. 96.

17. Ibid., 13 January 1879, quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 516.

18. Letters, VII, 93.

19. Ibid., VII, 101.

20. Ibid., VII, 99.

21. Ibid., VII, 131.

22. Ibid., VII, 101–2.

23. GE, Diary, 23 February 1879, MS New York Public Library.

24. Simcox, Autobiography, 30 November 1878, Letters, IX, 243.

25. Ibid., 6 January 1878, Letters, IX, 256.

26. Haight, George Eliot, p. 516.

27. GE, Diary, 28 May 1879, MS New York Public Library.

28. Letters, VII, 138n.

29. Ibid., VII, 138.

30. Ibid., VII, 143n.

31. Ibid., VI, 390.

32. See William Baker, ‘A New George Eliot Manuscript’ in George Eliot: Centenary Essays and an Unpublished Fragment, ed. Anne Smith (London, 1980), pp. 11, 13.

33. Letters, VI, 440.

34. Ibid., VII, 78–9.

35. Impressions of Theophrastus Such (1879), ed. Nancy Henry (London, 1994), p. 6, I.

36. Impressions of Theophrastus Such, pp. 3–13, I.

37. The Times, 5 June 1879, p. 4d.

38. Theophrastus Such, pp. 143–66, XVIII.

39. Ibid., pp. 14–27, II

40. Ibid., p. 24, II.

41. Letters, VII, 207.

42. Ibid., VII, 217.

43. Cross, Life, III, 360.

44. Ibid., III, 359.

45. Henry James to Alice James, 30 January 1881, Henry James Letters, II, 337.

46. Letters, VII, 212.

47. See Laski, George Eliot, p. 112.

48. GE, Diary, 29 November 1879, MS New York Public Library.

49. Letters, VII, 235.

50. Lady Jebb, With Dearest Love To All (London, 1960), p. 163.

51. GE, Diary, 9 April 1880, MS Yale.

52. Ibid.

53. Letters, VII, 259.

54. Ibid., VII, 262–3.

55. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 537.

56. Letters, VII, 269.

57. Ibid., VII, 293.

58. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 543.

59. Letters, VII, 275.

60. Ibid., VII, 342.

61. Ibid., VII, 299.

62. Ibid., VII, 299.

63. Ibid., VII, 273.

64. Ibid., VII, 233.

65. Ibid., VII, 289.

66. Ibid., VII, 295–6.

67. Ibid., VII, 280.

68. Ibid., VII, 287.

69. Ibid., VII, 286.

70. Ibid., VII, 210, 296.

71. Ibid., VII, 292.

72. Simcox, Autobiography, 12 July 1880, Letters, IX, 314.

73. Ibid., 16 April 1882, McKenzie, p. 122.

74. Cross, Life, III, 407–8.

75. Letters, VII, 276.

76. Lady Jebb, With Dearest Love To All, pp. 163–4.

77. Letters, VII, 341–2.

78. Simcox, Autobiography, 23 December 1880, Letters, IX, 321.

79. Letters, VI, 351.

80. Quoted Haight, George Eliot, p. 548.


1. Letters, I, xiv.

2. Athenaeum, No. 3031, 28 November 1885, 702.

3. Baker, ‘A New George Eliot Manuscript’, pp. 11–13.