

The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

Addison, Joseph


Airlie, Lady (née Stanley)

Albert, Prince

Allbutt, Thomas Clifford

Amberley, Lady (née Stanley)

Andersen, Hans Christian

Anderson, Mrs Garrett

Arbury estate

Arbury Hall


Arnold, Mary, see Ward, Mrs Humphrey

Arnold, Matthew

Ashweek, Elizabeth, see Willim, Elizabeth

Atkinson, Henry

Austen, Jane

Aylesford, Lord

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Bacon, Francis

Bagehot, Walter

Baker, Martha (‘Nursie’)

Balzac, Honoré de

Bamford, Samuel

Barclay, Jessie

Barrett Browning, Elizabeth

Becket, Thomas à

Bell, Currer, see Brontë, Charlotte

Belloc, Bessie Rayner (née Rayner Parkes)

Belloc, Hilaire

Belloc, Louis

Bentham, Jeremy

Berlin, stay in

Blackwood, John

Adam Bede

Daniel Deronda

Felix Holt

and ‘George Eliot’ pseudonym

initial relationship with


Mill on the Floss, The


Scenes of Clerical Life

Silas Marner

Blackwood, Julia

Blackwood, Major William

Blackwood, William

Blackwood’s Magazine

Blagdon, Isa

Blanc, Louis

Blandford Square, London

Blind, Mathilde

Boccaccio, Giovanni

Bodichon, Barbara (née Leigh Smith)

acceptance of Lewes ‘marriage’ by

correspondence with

courted by John Chapman

discussions on religion

feminist activities

friendship with

interest in Catholicism

as neighbour

pseudonym, knowledge of

Boeckh, August

Bohn, Henry George

Bonham Carter family

Booksellers Association

Brabant, Dr Robert

model for Edward Casaubon [Middlemarch]

Brabant, Mrs Robert

Brabant, Rufa, see Call, Rufa

Bracebridge, Charles Holte

Braddon, Mary

Bray, Cara (Caroline, née Hennell), passim

acceptance of Lewes ‘marriage’ of

approval of Cross marriage

beliefs of:

effect of on GE


correspondence with, passim

death of

disapproval of Lewes ‘marriage’

financial problems of

friendship with

and knowledge of GE’s pseudonym

Lewes relationship kept secret from


objection to Lewes

open marriage of

extramarital affair of

portrait of GE

reconciliation with

Spinoza translation

unconventional life of

warning against Dr Brabant

Bray, Charles

beliefs of:

effect of on GE


correspondence with, passim

defending GE’s reputation

financial problems of

friendship with

on GE’s character

and GE–Lewes relationship

GE’s relationship with

interest in phrenology

and knowledge of GE’s pseudonym

matchmaking of

model for Mr Brooke [Middlemarch]

objection to Lewes

open marriage of

adultery of

and pseudonym

reforming zeal of

unconventional life of

Bray, Elinor (Nelly)

Bray, Elizabeth, see Pears, Elizabeth

Bremer, Frederika

Brewitt, Susanna, see Chapman, Susanna

Brezzi, Joseph

Brion, Frederika

Brontë, Charlotte (Currer Bell)

Brontë sisters

Brown, John

Browning, Oscar

Browning, Robert

Buchanan, James

Buchanan, Nancy (née Wallington)

Bull, Mrs

Bullock-Hall, Elizabeth (née Cross)

Bullock-Hall, William Henry

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward

Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm

Burke, William

Burne-Jones, Edward

Burne-Jones, Georgie (Georgiana)

Burne-Jones, Margaret

Burne-Jones, Philip

Burney, Charles Parr

Burton, Frederic

Bury, Mr John

Byron, George Gordon, Lord

Call, Rufa (Elizabeth Rebecca, née Brabant, then Hennell)

Cambridge Street

Carlyle, Jane

Carlyle, Thomas

Cash, John

Cash, Mary (née Sibree)

Castletown, Lady

Chambers, Robert

Chapman, Beatrice

Chapman, Ernest

Chapman, John

disregard for conventional morality of

financial problems

interest in phrenology

link to Lewes

publication of Feuerbach translation

publication of Strauss translation

relationship with GE

unconventional life of

work with GE on Westminster Review

Chapman, Susanna (née Brewitt)

Cheyne Walk

Chilton, Sally, see Ebdell, Sally

Clark, Andrew

Clark, William

Clarke, Chrissey (Christiana, née Evans) [GE’S sister]


estrangement from


poverty of

model for Gritty Moss [The Mill on the Floss]

Clarke, Clara [GE’s niece]

Clarke, Edward [GE’s brother-in-law]

Clarke, Emily [GE’s niece]

Clarke, Fanny [GE’s niece]

Clarke, Katy [GE’s niece]

Clarke, Robert [GE’s nephew]

Clough, Arthur Hugh

Cobden, Richard

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Collins, Wilkie

Combe, George

and phrenology

Comte, Auguste

Congreve, Maria (née Bury)

Congreve, Richard

Conolly, John

Conrad, Joseph

Corbould, Edward Henry

Corn Laws

repeal of

Courtauld, Samuel

Cousin, Victor

Coventry, ‘Bird Grove’

Cowper, William

Cross, Anna [JC’s mother]

Cross, Eleanor

Cross, Florence

Cross, Johnny (John Walter):

friendship with GE

GE biography

marriage to GE

suicide attempt of

Cross, Mary

Cross, William [JC’s brother]

Cumming, John

D’Albert Durade, François

model for Philip Wakem [The Mill on the Floss]

D’Albert Durade, Julie

Dallas, E. S.

Dante Alighieri

Darwin, Charles

Darwin, Erasmus

Davies, Emily

Delane, John Thaddeus

Descartes, René

Deutsch, Emanuel

model for Mordecai [Daniel Deronda]

Dickens, Charles

Dickinson, Emily

Disraeli, Benjamin

Dixon, William

Dou, Gerard


Ebdell, Revd Bernard Gilpin

model for Mr Gilfil [Scenes]

Ebdell, Sally (née Chilton)

Edward of Kent, Prince

Eliot, George (Mary Anne, Mary Ann, Marian Evans; Mary Ann Cross; ‘Polly’):



attitude to feminism

charitable contributions

fear of abandonment


longing for praise, acclaim and love

maternal feelings

need for acclaim

need for attachment

need for intimacy

need for mother love

need for reassurance

period of serenity

sexual freedom





religious beliefs




care of father



Cross, John, marriage to


estrangement from family

female acolytes

financial success

first marriage proposal


Lewes, George, ‘marriage’ to, see Lewes, George Henry

parallel with Queen Victoria

practice of birth control

social life

see also Eliot, George, relationships

physical appearance



Bodichon, Barbara

Brabant, Dr Robert

Bray, Charles

Chapman, John

Evans, Isaac [brother]

Hennell, Sara

Lewes children

Lewis, Maria

Spencer, Herbert


Adam Bede

background for

publishing of

success of

writing of

‘Affectation and Conceit’



articles for Coventry Herald

biological basis of

‘Brother Jacob’

‘Brother and Sister’ sonnets

‘The College Breakfast-Party’

Daniel Deronda

background for


publication of

writing of

Felix Holt, The Radical




Feuerbach’s The Essence of Christianity (translation)

‘How Lisa Loved the King’

Impressions of Theophrastus Such

The Legend of Jubal, and Other Poems

‘The Lifted Veil’




writing of

The Mill on the Floss



publishing of

success of

writing of

novels, first thoughts of

‘O May I Join the Choir Invisible’

‘On Being Called a Saint’



writing of

Scenes of Clerical Life

Silas Marner


Spanish Gypsy

Spinoza’s Ethics (translation)

Strauss’s The Life of Jesus (translation)

Wise, Witty and Tender Sayings

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Engels, Friedrich

Evans, Chrissey, see Clarke, Chrissey

Evans, Christiana (née Pearson) [GE’s mother]

death of

model for Mrs Poyser [Adam Bede]

Evans, Edith, see Griffiths, Edith

Evans, Elizabeth (née Tomlinson) [GE’s aunt]

model for Dinah Morris

Evans, Fanny (Frances Lucy) [GE’s half-sister], see Houghton, Fanny

Evans, Fred [GE’s nephew], model for Fred Vincy [Middlemarch]

Evans, George [GE’s grandfather]

Evans, George [GE’s uncle]

Evans, Harriet [GE’S half-sister]

Evans, Harriet (née Poynton) [GE’s father’s first wife]

Evans, Isaac P. [GE’s brother]


GE’s attachment to

GE’s estrangement from

model for Tom Tulliver [The Mill on the Floss]

religious beliefs of

Evans, Jane [GE’s sister-in-law]

Evans, Robert [GE’s father]

GE’s care of

GE’s estrangement from

model for Adam Bede [Adam Bede]

model for Caleb Garth [Middlemarch]

Evans, Robert [GE’s half-brother]

Evans, Robert [GE’s half-brother’s son]

Evans, Samuel [GE’s uncle]

model for Seth Bede [Adam Bede]

Evans, Sarah (née Rawlins) [GE’s sister-in-law]

Evans, Thomas [GE’s uncle]

Evans, William [GE’s uncle]

Evarard, John [GE’s uncle]

Evarard, Mary (née Pearson) [GE’s aunt]

model for Aunt Glegg [The Mill on the Floss]

Faithful, Emily

Faraday, Michael

Faucit, Helen


feminist criticism of Mill

feminist reaction to GE

Feuerbach, Ludwig

Fields, James

Forbes, Edward

Forster, John

Fourier, Charles

Fox, William Johnson

Franklin, Francis

model for Rufus Lyon [Felix Holt]

Franklin, Mary

Franklin, Rebecca

Frederick VIII, Prince

Freud, Sigmund

Froude, James Anthony

Fuller, Margaret

Garner, Ann (née Pearson) [GE’s aunt], model for Aunt Deane

Garner, George [GE’s uncle]

Gaskell, Elizabeth

Geneva, stay in

George III

Gibbon, Edward

Gladstone, William Ewart

Godwin, William

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Goethe, Ottilie von

Goschen, George Joachim

Gosse, Edmund

Gray, Mrs Charles (Hannah Steane)

Great Exhibition

Greg, William Rathbone

Grenfell, Charlotte

Gresley, William

Griff House

dairy, model for Mrs Poyser’s dairy [Adam Bede]

Griffiths, Edith (née Evans) [GE’s niece]

Gruppe, Otto Friedrich

Gwyther, John

model for Amos Barton [Scenes]

Haight, Gordon

Hamley, W. G.

Handel, George Frederic

Hardy, Thomas

Hare, William

Harrison, Frederic

Hartley, David

Haydn, Franz Joseph

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

Heger, Constantin

Heine, Heinrich

Helps, Alice

Helps, Arthur

Hennell, Cara, see Bray, Cara

Hennell, Charles Christian

Hennell, Mary

Hennell, Rufa, see Call, Rufa

Hennell, Sara


death of

estrangement from

Feuerbach translation

friendship with

relation to John Chapman

Strauss translation

Herder, Wilhelm von

Herzl, Theodor

Hickson, W. E.

Hill, Gertrude, see Lewes, Gertrude

Hill, Octavia

Hodgson, William Ballantyne

Holbeche, Vincent

Holly Lodge

Home, Daniel


Hoppus, John

Houghton, Fanny (Frances Lucy, née Evans) [GE’s half-sister]

GE’s estrangement from

Houghton, Henry

Hughes, Susan

Hume, David

Hunt, Kate

Hunt, Leigh

Hunt, Thornton

Hunt, William Henry

Hutton, Richard Holt

Huxley, Thomas Henry

Hyde Park

Jackson, Martha

James, Alice

James, G.P.R.

James, Henry

Jebb, Lady

Jenkins, Miss Bradley

Jervis, Swynfen

Jewsbury, Geraldine

Johnson, Elizabeth (née Pearson) [GE’s aunt], model for Aunt Pullet

Johnson, Richard [GE’s uncle]

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, John

model for Edmund Tryan [Scenes]

Jones, Owen

Jones, Owen, Mrs

Jones, W. P.

Josephus, Flavius

Jowett, Benjamin

Joyce, James

Kean, Edmund

Keble, John

Kempis, Thomas à

Kepler, Johann

King, W. H.

Kingsley, Charles

Kirk Hallam

Langford, Joseph

Laurence, Samuel

Lawrence, D. H.

Lawrence, Slingsby, see Lewes, George Henry

Leavis, F. R.

Leech, Mary [GE’s grandmother]

Lehmann, Frederick

Lehmann, Nina (née Chambers)

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

Leighton, Frederic

Leopold, King

Lewald, Fanny

Lewes, Agnes (née Jervis) [GHL’s wife]

Lewes, Bertie (Herbert) [GHL’s son]

Lewes, Charlie (Charles) [GHL’s son]

Lewes, Charles Lee

Lewes, Edmund Alfred

Lewes, Eliza (née Stevenson Harrison)

Lewes, Elizabeth, see Willim, Elizabeth

Lewes, Ethel Isabel

Lewes, George [son of Bertie]

Lewes, George Henry (‘Slingsby Lawrence’ and ‘Vivian’), passim

early life of

family of

as GE’s literary agent

as GE’s protector

GE’s relationship with


stability of

start of

unorthodox nature of

GE’s travels with


interest in biology

marriage of

physical appearance of

relationship to GE, affectionate

stability of

start of

scientific interests of

social life with GE

work of

Lewes, George, Studentship

Lewes, Gertrude (née Hill)

Lewes, John Lee [GHL’s father]

Lewes, Marian [daughter of Bertie]

Lewes, Mildred Jane

Lewes, Rose Agnes

Lewes, St Vincent Arthy [GHL’s son]

Lewes, Thornie (Thornton) [GHL’s son]

Lewis, Maria

Liebig, Justus von

Liggins, Joseph, and problem of pseudonym

Linton, Eliza (née Lynn)

Liszt, Franz

Lock, Mrs

Locke, John

Lombe, Edward

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Lott, Edward

Louise, Princess

Lucas, Samuel

Ludwigsdorf, Baronne de

Lyell, Charles

Lynn, Eliza (née Linton), see Linton, Eliza

Macaulay, Thomas Babington

Machiavelli, Niccolò

Mackay, Robert

Main, Alexander

Martin, Theodore

Martineau, Harriet

Martineau, James

Marx, Karl

Massey, Bartle

Masson, David

Maurice, F. D.

Mazzini, Giuseppe

Meredith, George


Michelet, Jules

Mill, James

Mill, John Stuart

Milner, Joseph

Milnes, Richard Monckton

Milton, John

Miss Lathom’s school

Molière, François

Montalembert, Charles René Forbes de

Moore, Thomas

More, Hannah

Morley, John

Mott, Lucretia

Mudie, Charles Edward

Müller, Dr

Munich, stay in

Munshi, the

Myers, F. W. H.

Napier, Macvey


Newdegate, Charles

Newdegate, Maria

Newdegate/Newdigate name change

Newdigate family

Newdigate, Francis Parker

Newdigate, Francis Parker, Colonel

Newdigate, Mrs

Newdigate, Roger

model for Sir Christopher Cheverel [Scenes]

Newman, Francis William

Newman, John Henry

Nichol, John Pringle

Nightingale, Florence

Noel, Edward

Noel, Robert

Norton, Charles

Norton, Grace

Norton, Mrs Charles


model for Milby [Scenes]

‘Nursie’ (Martha Baker)

Oliphant, Margaret

Owen, Richard

Owen, Robert

Paget, Sir James

Parker-Newdigate family, see Newdigate family, individuals

Parkes, Bessie Rayner, see Belloc, Bessie Rayner

Parkes, Joseph

Pascal, Honoré de

Pattison, Emilia (née Strong)

model for Dorothea Brooke

Pattison, Mark

model for Edward Casaubon [Middlemarch]

Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich

Pears, Elizabeth (née Bray)

Pearson, Ann, see Garner, Ann

Pearson, Christiana, see Evans, Christiana

Pearson, Elizabeth, see Johnson, Elizabeth

Pearson, Isaac [GE’s grandfather]

Pearson, Mary, see Evarard, Mary

Pearson sisters [GE’s aunts]

model for Dodson aunts [The Mill on the Floss]

Peirce, Harriet

‘Peterloo’ incident

Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca)

Pigott, Edward


Poe, Edgar Allan

Ponsonby, Mrs Henry Frederick


Pownall, Elizabeth

Poynton, Harriet, see Evans, Harriet

Priestley, Joseph

Quinet, Edgar

Quirk, James

Rauch, Christian

Rawlins, Sarah, see Evans, Sarah

Regent’s Park

Reynolds, Dr


Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich von

Rive, Arthur de la

Robertson, Mr

Robinson, Henry Crabb


Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

Rubens, Peter Paul

Rubinstein, Anton

model for Herr Klesmer [Daniel Deronda]

Ruskin, John

Sablé, Madame de

Sadler, Thomas

St Germain, Marquis de

St Germain, Marquise de

Sand, George

Savonarola, Girolamo

Sayn-Wittgenstein, Carolyne, Princess

Schelling, Friedrich

Schiff, Professor

Schiller, J.C. Friedrich von

Scholl, Gustav

Schopenhauer, Artur

Schumann, Clara

Scott, Sir Walter

Scott, William Bell

Sedgwick, Sara

Senior, Jane

Shakespeare, William

Shelley, Mary

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Sibree, John

Sibree, John, Sr

Sibree, Mary, see Cash, Mary

Sidgwick, Henry

Siebold, Frau von

Siebold, Karl von

Simcox, Edith

Simpson, George

Smith, Albert

Smith, Annie Leigh (nannie)

Smith, Barbara Leigh, see Bodichon, Barbara

Smith, Benjamin Leigh

Smith, Elisabeth Leigh

Smith, George

Smith, John Pye

Smith, Thomas Southwood

Smith, W. H.

Solmar, Henriette von

Spencer, Herbert

model for Theophrastus Such [Impressions of Theophrastus Such]

relationship with

Spencer, Revd Thomas

Spinoza, Benedict de

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon

Stahr, Adolf

Stanley, Arthur

Stanley, Augusta

Stanley sisters

Stephen, Leslie

Stevenson Harrison, Eliza, see Lewes, Eliza

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strand, The, stay at

Strauss, David Friedrich

GE’s translation

Stuart, Elma

Stuart, Roland

Taylor, Clementia

Taylor, Isaac

Taylor, Peter

Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Tennyson, Lady

Tennyson, Mrs Lionel

Terborch, Gerard

Teresa of Avila, St

Thackeray, William Makepeace

Tieck, Ludwig

Tilley, Elisabeth

Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clérel de

Tomlinson, Elizabeth, see Evans, Elizabeth

Trollope, Anthony

Trollope, Anthony, Mrs

Trollope, Tom

Tugwell, George

Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich

Tyndall, John


Vallière, Madame de

Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August

Vehse, Eduard

Venice, stay in

Victoria (Vicky), Princess

Victoria, Queen

Victorian age:

characteristics of

end of

Villino Trollope

Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe

Vivian, see Lewes, George Henry

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de

Wagner, Richard

Wallington, Mrs

Wallington, Nancy, see Buchanan, Nancy


Ward, Mrs Humphrey, Mary Augusta (née Arnold)


Watteau, Antoine

Watts, Francis

Weimar, Duke of

Weimar, stay in

Wesley, John

Westminster Review

Whewell, William

White, William Hale (Mark Rutherford)

Wicksteed, Charles

Wilberforce, William

Williams, John

Willim, Elizabeth (née Ashweek, later Lewes)

[GHL’s mother]

Willim, John

Witley, ‘The Heights’

Wollstonecraft, Mary (Mrs Godwin)

Woolf, Virginia

Woolner, Thomas

Wordsworth, William

Young, Edward