A wise author knows his limitations... and knows when to ask for help. I'd like to recognize several people who were instrumental in bringing about STARGATE: Retaliation.
Dean Devlin, the producer and originator of STARGATE, was most generous with his interest and suggestions in developing this story.
Michael P. Palladino, friend and fellow writer, not only shared his own military knowledge, but helped me tap the expertise of others: Lee Russell, Major Garrie Dornan, U.S. Army, and Lieutenant Chris Lewis, U.S. Marine Corps. The accuracy of military detail in this novel is due to their efforts. Mistakes are solely the fault of the author.
And then there is my most patient editor, Amy Stout, a voice of calm and good humor in the rising hysteria of finishing a tricky novel.
Thank you all—without you, this book would have never been the same.