
abstracts, copying 68

abuse of a dominant position 369

acceptance 96

acceptance on delivery 112

‘accessible copies’ 64

account of profits 280

acquired rights, in revived copyrights 40

adaptation, making an 267

advances, publisher’s duty to give 1201

agency agreements 132, 367

agents’ agreements 1789

aggregator agreements 1757

anonymous and pseudonymous works: copying 68; duration of copyright in 41

anti-competitive agreements (Article 101) 363

anti-competitive practices 361

anthologies, for educational use 58

applicable law and jurisdiction 134

approval, in contracts 112

arbitration and dispute resolution, provision in authors’ contracts 133

Article 34: free movement of goods 374

Article 101: anti-competitive agreements 363

Article 102: abuse of a dominant position 369

artistic craftsmanship, works of 223

artistic works: copyright protection for 213; summary checklist 23

artist’s resale right (droit de suite) 901

artwork, copyright distinct from physical ownership 34

assertion, of right of paternity 78

assignment of copyright 78

assigns, and assignment of contracts 1067

‘authorised bodies’, copying for disabled people 6264

authorising copyright infringement 262

author contracts, PA Code of Practice 104

author–publisher agreements 10435

authors and joint authors 30; warranties and indemnities by 113

bankrupts, contracts by 103

Berne Convention 4, 2856; ‘3-step test’, see three step test

blasphemy 232

block exemptions 3656

book club rights 153

breach of confidence, actions for and defences to 250

British codes of advertising 343

broadcasts 256; authors of 32

caricature, fair dealing for 52

champerty 101

co-editions 153

collective licensing 70

collective works, authors of 31

‘commercial publication’ for right of paternity 78

commissioned works: copyright ownership in 32, 137; moral rights in 144

common law 6

communication/making available to the public right 13, 267

‘communication to the public’ 27

comparative advertising 340

competing works, by authors 113

Competition Act 1998 363

competition rules 363

compilations, as literary works 17

computer programs: as literary works 18; authors of 31; lawful use of 66

computer-generated works, as literary works 18; copyright ownership 31

concepts, developed, confidentiality in 240

conditions, in contracts 314

confidence, actions for breach of 250

confidence, relationships of 2412

confidential information 240

confidentiality: agreements 2423; government 257

consideration, necessary for contracts 978

Consumer Protection Act 1987 326

contempt of court 215

contract override, in UK exceptions 49, 55

contract terms 313

contract, what makes a 7, 958

contracts of sale or supply 312316

contributors, text and illustrations 143

copying 262

copyright: assignment of 723, 956; core rights 13; duration of 3744; exceptions 14, 47; history of 1112; intellectual property and 1011; ownership 2935; qualification for 345; works 1529

copyright directive, 2001 1214

copyright infringement: criminal penalties for 281; defences, see exceptions; indirect 262; primary 260; secondary 269; who can be sued 275; who can sue 274

copyright licensing and collective management 703

copyright owner, what to do if you can’t find 70, 191

creative commons licensing 72

crown copyright, duration of copyright in 43

current events, reporting 55

customs confiscation 281

cybersquatting 305

damages 278

DSMA-notices 258

data protection 253, 347

database directive 86

database right 86

databases, copyright in 1718; lawful use of 66

deal memos 100

dedicated terminals, exception for making available via 5960

defamation: absolute privilege 215; consent, as a defence to 220; death of plaintiff, kills the action 221; ‘defamatory meaning’ 201; honest opinion, as a defence to 212; identification, need for 206; intermediary liability 217; innuendo and hidden meanings 205; juxtaposition, risks of 208; libel damages 1989; limitation of actions 221; ‘offer of amends’ 220; public interest defence 213; publication, liability for 208; qualified privilege 215; serious harm 200; social context, importance of 2034; truth, defence of 210

defective goods, liability for 326

delivery, authors’ responsibility for 112, 184

delivery up 253

derogatory treatment, and right of integrity 80

design material for computer programs, copyright protection for 18

designs and typefaces, permitted use of 67

Digital Economy Act 268

Digital Millennium Copyright Act 291

Directives, EU 5

Disabled and print impaired people, exceptions for 625

‘disabled persons’ 64

dispute resolution and PA scheme 133

distance selling 329

distribution right 13

domain name disputes 304

‘dominant position’ in markets 370

dramatic works, as copyright works 234

DRM (Digital Rights Management) 377

droit de suite, see artist’s resale right

droit moral, see moral rights

drunkards, contracts entered into by 102

duration of copyright 3745; duration directive and EU harmonization 389; 1995 UK regulations 3941; in individual works 414; summary checklist 44

e-book agreements 1745

e-books 377

editorial alterations 1869

educational use, copyright exceptions for 5760

electronic copies, transferring 67

electronic licensing and joint ventures 1701

electronic rights 16772

employee works, copyright ownership in 334

employees, apparent authority to contract 103

European Court of Human Rights 4

European Court of Justice 5, 7

European Parliament 4

Exceptions to copyright 14, 47

exclusion and limitation clauses 323

exclusive licences, meaning of 109

exemptions and block exemptions 3656

exhaustion of rights, in Europe 376

Extended Collective Licensing 72

extensions of copyright, following duration directive 39

fair dealing 502; fair dealing for caricature, parody or pastiche 523; for quotation for criticism or review 4950; for reporting current events 556; for research or private study 534

false attribution, moral right to prevent 834

film and TV rights 1647

films 25; authors and copyright ownership 32; duration of copyright in 43; single frames of 25; sound tracks 25; underlying rights 165

first publication, qualifying for copyright 367

fitness for purpose, implied condition of 320

formats 110

free movement of goods (Article 34) 374

freezing injunctions 277

GATT 285

General Editors, contracts for 141

ghost writers, as authors 30

government confidentiality, breach of 257

Gowers Review 48

graphic works, as artistic works 212

Hargreaves Review 48

honest comment see defamation

human rights and privacy 246, 354

human rights law 89

ideas: no copyright in 9

illegality, contracts unenforceable for 100

incidental inclusion 56

indecent photographs 230

indemnities 117

indexes: providing for 192; tired authors not always best at 118

infringing copy: importing an 269; possessing or dealing with an 270; providing the means for making 271

injunctions 277

innuendoes, see defamation

integrity, moral right of 803; derogatory treatment and 802; exceptions to 82; summary checklist 83

intellectual property, copyright as form of 1011

intention to be legally bound, in contracts 97

international copyright protection 2848

international court of justice 4

international law 3

internet transmissions, copyright in 267

Internet, legal risks of 16772

issuing copies to the public 265

joint authors 30

joint committee on legal deposit (JCLD) 193

joint ventures 156: co-editions 1246; electronic licensing 1701

judicial proceedings, permitted copying for 65

jurisdiction, provision in authors’ contracts 134

‘key man’ clause, in merchandising agreements 164

‘know-how’, not normally confidential 243

language and translation rights 157

late payment of debts 128

legal capacity, to make contracts 1013

legal deposit 1934

letter before action 276

libel: authors’ warranty against 116; damages for 198; different from slander 200; repeating a 205; see also defamation

library and archive copying 602

licences of right, in revived copyright works 40

linking 222

literary works 1621; summary checklist 21

‘making available’ to the public 50

malice, see defamation

malicious communications 233

malicious falsehood 224

manuscripts, copyright distinct from physical ownership 34

Mareva Injunctions, see freezing injunctions

Marrakesh Treaty 2013 64

mental patients, capacity to contract 101

merchandising rights 1604

merchantability and satisfactory quality 318

minors, capacity to contract 101

misleading advertisements 336

misrepresentation 317

moral rights of authors 7685; editorial alterations and 1869; false attribution, right of 83; integrity, right of 80; paternity, right of 77; privacy of photos and films, right of 84; remedies for infringement 85; waivers of 79

multimedia, see electronic rights

musical works 24

‘national treatment’, under Berne Convention 285

negligence, and duties of care 225, 324

negligent mis-statement 225

non-delivery or late delivery 183

‘novation’ of contracts 107

obscene publications 227

obscenity: authors’ warranty against 116; defences to 229; obscene articles, defined 227; offences 2289

offer and acceptance in contracts 967

‘offer of amends’, see defamation

‘offers to treat’ 96

official secrets 2557

online access licences 1723

open access and open access licences 74

option clauses, not always enforceable 131

options, for film rights 165

originality, required for literary works 1920

orphan works 68, 191

Orphan Works Directive 69

orphan works licensing and UK regulations 69

ownership and title, in goods 314

painting, must be on a fixed surface 22

paperback rights 1502

parallel imports 376

parliament, justice and public administration, permitted copying for 656

parliamentary copyright, duration of 43

parody, fair dealing for 52

parties to contract 106

passing off 302

pastiche, fair dealing for 52

paternity, moral right of 77; assertion of 78; waiver of 79; works excluded 79

performing, showing or playing in public 266

permissions, importance of 1901

permitted acts 271

‘personal data’ 351

personal copying for private use, copyright exception for 489

Peter Pan, copyright in 44

photographs: as artistic works 22; authors of 31; commissioned, copyright in 31, 323; indecent 230

piracy 2834

plagiarism 264

plots or scenarios, as confidential 240

post mortem auctoris (pma), duration of copyright 37

print impaired people, exceptions for 625

printers’ and publishers’ details, obligation to print 1923

privacy, limited moral right to 54; UK law of 246

privilege, see defamation

procuring a breach of contract 101

proofs 120, 160

public lending right 8990, 247

public policy, reasons for refusing copyright protection 272

publication, qualifying for copyright 36

publication right, in previously unpublished works 889

publishers’ lunches, limited alcoholic effect of 102

publishers’ responsibility to publish 118

qualifying authors/‘qualifying persons’ 356

qualifying works, summary checklist 37

quitclaims 166

quotation, fair dealing for, copyright exceptions 4950

quotations, illustration and permissions 1901

racial and religious hatred, incitement to 233

regulations, EU 5

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 211

rejection on delivery 185

remainders, provision in author contracts 130

rental and lending 266

reporting current events 55

reproduction right 13

reprographic copying 72

resale price maintenance 367

restraint of trade 362

retention of title clauses 314

reversion of rights 1301

reversion of rights to authors under 1911 Act 38

revision of the work, authors’ duty 12930

revivals of copyright, following duration directive 40

rights, granted by author contracts 107

royalties and advances, in author contracts 1201

royalty statements, publishers’ duty to provide 127

sale by description 316

sale of goods and consumer rights 2857

‘satisfactory quality’, implied term of 318

search orders 289

seditious libel 232

seizure of infringing articles 280

simultaneous publication, qualifying for copyright 36

software, copyright ownership 31

sole and exclusive licences 109

sound recordings 24; authors and copyright ownership 32; duration of copyright in 43

‘spent’ convictions, see Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

stamp duty, in author contracts 135

Statute of Anne 1709 11

statutes 67

statutory instruments 67

‘stop now’ orders 328

subsidiary rights, in author contracts 90–4

subsidiary rights contracts 149

‘substantial part’ 261

‘sufficient acknowledgement’, in criticism or review 52

tables and compilations, as literary works 17

temporary copies 14, 47

term directive, see duration directive

termination, of authors’ contracts 1301

territories; in contracts 111; in Europe 375

text and data analysis (or mining), exception for 545

third parties, contracts may be enforceable by 103

‘three step test’ 14, 46

title: implied condition of good 28990; presumptions on 314

torts 78

trade marks 295; infringement 300; registering 296

translation rights 157

translations: copyright in 147; moral rights in 148

translators, contracts for 147

treatment, derogatory 802

TRIPS agreement 4, 286

typographical arrangements of published editions 28

typographical arrangements, copyright ownership of 32

UCC copyright notice 1289

UK law 56

Ultra Vires, contracts by those acting 102

underlying rights, for film 165

unfair commercial practices 3356

Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 339

Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) 12, 95, 287

universities copyright, duration of 44

unpublished works, duration of copyright in 42

unsafe consumer goods, supplying 327

unsolicited goods and services 346

US copyright protection 28894

user generated works 18, 26, 32

verbal contracts 98100

vertical agreements 366

visually impaired people, see print impaired

volume rights, meaning of 110

waivers, of moral rights 79

warning letters, letters before action 276

warranties and indemnities, by authors 113

warranties, meaning of 313

WIPO 2856

WIPO Copyright Treaties 1996 286

‘works for hire’ in USA, copyright in 145

World Trade Organisation 11, 285

writing, contracts which need 100