Feather and Bone’s jambon persillé

This is a simple and delicious way to use up the end of your Christmas ham and also earn nose-to-tail points by incorporating trotters into your cooking. Jambon persillé is easy to make and a delicious crowd-pleaser. As with many such dishes in France, there are many jambon recipes and whoever you talk to will be adamant that theirs is the best. Our version is based on one given to us by Angie Prendergast-Sceats, who teaches our secondary-cuts cooking classes and, naturally, we reckon it’s the best.

Makes: 4 small jars or 1 small terrine | Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 4–4½ hours | Special equipment: 4 small jars or 1 small terrine mould

3 smoked ham hocks

2 pig’s trotters

100 ml (3½ fl oz) dry white wine

2 bunches flat-leaf parsley, coarsely chopped, 5 stalks reserved

6 black peppercorns

100 ml (3½ fl oz) Champagne vinegar (or any good-quality, high-acid vinegar)

Crusty bread and cornichons, to serve

Place ham hocks, trotters, white wine, parsley stalks and peppercorns in a large saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 3–4 hours or until meat is falling off the bone. Remove hocks and trotters from the stock and cool briefly. Strain the stock and cool to room temperature.

When the meat is cool enough to handle, shred the meat from the bones into a large bowl, discarding all the fat, skin and bones. Add half the chopped parsley and half the vinegar, taste, and add more of both to suit your taste. Season the meat with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, keeping in mind this will be combined with the stock — adjust the seasoning as required.

Either fill small jars with the shredded, dressed meat or line a small terrine mould with plastic wrap and gently press the meat into it. Pour the stock over the meat and press the meat into the stock so the top is even. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm — the stock should set into a lovely, firm jelly around the meat and parsley mix.

Serve in jars or sliced with fresh, crusty bread, cornichons or pickles and your favourite refreshing beverage.