Jane and Maura drove west on the Massachusetts Turnpike, Jane at the wheel as they hurtled through a stark landscape of snow and bare trees. Even on this Sunday afternoon, they shared the highway with a convoy of monster trucks that dwarfed Jane’s Subaru as she sped around them like a daredevil gnat. It was better not to watch. Maura focused instead on Jane’s notes. The handwriting was a hurried scrawl, but it was no less legible than the scrawls of physicians, which Maura had long ago learned to decipher.
Sarah Parmley, 28 years old. Last seen 12/23 checking out of the Oakmont Motel.
“She vanished two weeks ago,” said Maura. “And they only just discovered her body?”
“She was found in a vacant house. Apparently, it’s somewhat isolated. The caretaker noticed her car parked outside. He also found that the house’s front door was unlocked, so he went in to investigate. He’s the one who discovered the body.”
“What was the victim doing in a vacant house?”
“No one knows. Sarah arrived in town on December twentieth to attend her aunt’s funeral. Everyone assumed that she’d returned home to California right after the service. But then her employer in San Diego started calling, looking for her. Even then, no one in town considered the possibility that Sarah had never left.”
“Look at the map, Jane. From upstate New York to Boston—the crime scenes are three hundred miles apart. Why would the killer transport her hand that far? Maybe it’s not hers.”
“It is her hand. I know it is. I tell you, the x-rays are going to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Check out the name of the town where Sarah’s body was found.”
“Purity, New York. It’s a quaint name, but it doesn’t mean a thing to me.”
“Sarah Parmley grew up in Purity. She graduated from high school there.”
“So guess where Lori-Ann Tucker went to high school?”
Maura looked at her in surprise. “She’s from the same town?”
“You got it. And Lori-Ann Tucker was twenty-eight years old, too. Eleven years ago, they would have graduated from the same high school class.”
“Two victims who grew up in the same town, went to the same high school. They would have known each other.”
“And maybe that’s where this perp met them. This is how he chose them. Maybe he was obsessed with them since high school. Maybe they snubbed him, and he’s spent the last eleven years thinking about ways to get back at them. Then suddenly, Sarah shows up in Purity for her aunt’s funeral, and he sees her. Gets all pissed off again. Kills her and cuts off her hand as a souvenir. Has so much fun doing it that he decides to do it again.”
“So he drives all the way to Boston to kill Lori-Ann? It’s a long way to go for a thrill.”
“But not for good old-fashioned revenge.”
Maura stared at the road, thinking. “If it was all about revenge, why did he call Joyce O’Donnell that night? Why did he turn his rage on her?”
“Only she knew the answer to that. And she refused to share the secret with us.”
“And why write on my door? What’s the message there?”
“You mean, I have sinned?”
Maura flushed. Closing the folder, she sat with clenched hands pressing against the file. So it was back to that again. The one subject she had no wish to talk about.
“I told Frost about it,” said Jane.
Maura said nothing, just kept her gaze focused straight ahead.
“He needed to know. He’s already spoken to Father Brophy.”
“You should have let me talk to Daniel first.”
“So he wouldn’t be completely taken by surprise.”
“That we know about you two?”
“Don’t sound so damn judgmental.”
“I wasn’t aware that I did.”
“I can hear it in your voice. I don’t need this.”
“Then it’s a good thing you didn’t hear what Frost had to say about it.”
“You think this doesn’t happen all the time? People fall in love, Jane. They make mistakes.”
“But not you!” Jane sounded almost angry, betrayed. “I always thought you were smarter than this.”
“No one’s that smart.”
“This can’t go anywhere and you know it. If you ever expect him to marry you—”
“I’ve already tried marriage, remember? That was a rousing success.”
“And what do you think you’re going to get out of this?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, I do. First there’ll be all the whispers. Your neighbors wondering why that priest’s car is always parked outside your house. Then you’ll have to sneak out of town just to spend time with each other. But eventually, someone’s going to see you two together. And then the gossip starts. It’ll just get more and more awkward. Embarrassing. How long are you going to be able to keep that up? How long before he’s forced to make a choice?”
“I don’t want to talk about this.”
“You think he’ll choose you?”
“Cut it out, Jane.”
“Well, do you?” The question was unnecessarily brutal, and for a moment Maura considered getting out at the next town, calling for a rental car, and driving home by herself.
“I’m old enough to make my own choices,” she said.
“But what’s his choice going to be?”
Maura turned her head to stare out the window at snowy fields, at toppling fence posts half-buried in drifts. If he doesn’t choose me, will I really be all that surprised? He can tell me again and again how much he loves me. But will he ever leave his church for me?
Jane sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s my life, not yours.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s your life.” Jane shook her head and laughed. “Man, the whole world’s gone totally bonkers. I can’t count on anything anymore. Not a single goddamn thing.” She drove for a moment in silence, squinting at the setting sun. “I didn’t tell you about my own wonderful news.”
“What news?”
“My parents have split up.”
At last Maura looked at her. “When did this happen?”
“Right after Christmas. Thirty-seven years of marriage, and my dad suddenly goes sniffing after some blondie from work.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Then this thing with you and Brophy—it’s like everyone’s gone sex crazy. You. My idiot dad. Even my mom.” She paused. “Vince Korsak asked her out on a date. That’s how weird everything’s gotten.” Suddenly Jane gave a groan. “Oh, Christ. I just thought about it. Do you realize that he could end up being my stepdad?”
“The world hasn’t gone that crazy.”
“It could happen.” Jane shuddered. “It gives me the creeps just thinking about the two of them.”
“Then don’t think about it.”
Jane gritted her teeth. “I’m trying not to.”
And I’ll try not to think of Daniel.
But as they continued driving west toward the setting sun, through the city of Springfield and into the rolling Berkshire Hills, all she could think about was him. She breathed in and could still smell his scent, crossed her arms and could still feel his touch, as though the memories were engraved on her skin. And she wondered: Is it the same for you, Daniel? When you stood before your congregation this morning and looked around at the faces watching you, waiting for your words, was it my face you sought, my face you thought about?
By the time they crossed the state line into New York, night had fallen. Her cell phone rang, and in the dark car it took her a moment to find it among the jumbled contents of her purse. “Dr. Isles,” she answered.
“Maura, it’s me.”
At the sound of Daniel’s voice, she felt her cheeks flame and was glad that darkness masked her face from Jane’s gaze.
“Detective Frost came to see me,” he said.
“I had to tell them.”
“Of course you had to. But I wish you’d called me about it. You should have told me.”
“I’m sorry. It must have been so embarrassing, to hear it from him first.”
“No, I mean about the writing on your door. I had no idea. I would have been there for you in an instant. You shouldn’t have had to face that alone.”
She paused, acutely aware that Jane was listening to every word. And would no doubt express her disapproval the instant the call ended.
“I went by your house a little while ago,” he said. “I was hoping to find you at home.”
“I’m going to be away tonight.”
“Where are you?”
“I’m in the car with Jane. We just passed through Albany a while ago.”
“You’re in New York? Why?”
“They’ve found another victim. We think …” Jane’s hand suddenly closed around Maura’s arm, an unmistakable warning that the less revealed, the better. Jane didn’t trust him anymore, now that he’d proven himself to be all too human. “I can’t talk about it,” she said.
There was a silence on the line. Then, a quiet “I understand.”
“There are details we have to keep confidential.”
“You don’t need to explain. I know how it works.”
“Can I call you back later?” When there isn’t another pair of ears listening.
“You don’t have to, Maura.”
“I want to.” I need to.
She hung up and stared at a night pierced only by the beams of their headlights. They had left the turnpike behind them, and their route now took them southwest, on a road that cut through snow-covered fields. Here, the only lights they saw came from the occasional passing car or the glow of a distant farmhouse.
“You’re not going to talk to him about the case, are you?” asked Jane.
“Even if I did, he’s perfectly discreet. I’ve always trusted him.”
“Well, so did I.”
“Meaning you don’t anymore?”
“You’re in lust, Doc. That’s not the best time to trust your judgment.”
“We both know this man.”
“And I never thought—”
“What, that he’d sleep with me?”
“I’m just saying, you may think you know someone. And then they surprise you. They do something you never expected, and you realize you’re in the dark about everyone. Everyone. If you told me a few months ago that my dad would leave my mom for some bimbo, I’d have said you were nuts. I’m telling you, people are a goddamn mystery. Even the people we love.”
“And now you don’t trust Daniel.”
“Not when it comes to that vow of chastity.”
“I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about this investigation. About telling him details that concern both of us.”
“He’s not a cop. He doesn’t have to hear a thing.”
“He was with me last night. The writing on my door was directed at him, too.”
“You mean, I have sinned?”
Heat flooded Maura’s face. “Yes,” she said.
For a moment they drove without speaking. The only sounds were the tires on the road, the hiss of the car heater.
“I respected Brophy, okay?” said Jane. “He’s been good to Boston PD. When we need a priest on the scene, he comes right over, any time of night. I liked him.”
“Then why have you turned against him?”
Jane looked at her. “Because I happen to like you, too.”
“You certainly don’t give me that impression.”
“Yeah? Well, when you do something unexpected like this, something so self-destructive, it makes me wonder.”
“If I really know you, either.”
It was after eight when they finally pulled into the parking lot of Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton. Maura was not inclined to make small talk as she stepped out of the car, her muscles stiff from the long journey. They had stopped only briefly for a silent dinner at a rest stop McDonald’s, and her stomach was unsettled by Jane’s driving, by the hastily devoured meal, but most of all by the tension between them, now spun so tight that one more twist could snap it. She has no right to judge me, Maura thought as they trudged past drifts of plowed snow. Jane was married and happy and so fucking morally superior. What did she know about Maura’s life, about the nights she spent alone watching old movies or playing the piano to an empty house? The gap between their lives yawned too wide to be bridged by real friendship. And what do I have in common, anyway, with this blunt and uncompromising bitch? Not a thing.
They walked in through the ER entrance, cold wind sweeping in with them as the automatic doors slid shut. Jane crossed straight to the triage window and called out, “Hello? Can I get some information out here?”
“Are you Detective Rizzoli?” said a voice behind them.
They had not seen him sitting alone in the patient waiting area. Now he rose to his feet, a wan-faced man wearing a tweed jacket over a hunter-green sweater. Not a cop, guessed Maura, noting his shaggy head of hair, and he quickly confirmed her impression.
“I’m Dr. Kibbie,” he said. “Thought I’d wait for you out here, so you wouldn’t have to find your own way down to the morgue.”
“Thanks for meeting us tonight,” said Jane. “This is Dr. Isles, from our ME’s office.”
Maura shook his hand. “You’ve already done the autopsy?”
“Oh, no. I’m not a pathologist, just a humble internist. There are four of us who rotate as Chenango County coroners. I do the preliminary death investigation and decide if a postmortem is called for. The autopsy itself will probably be done tomorrow afternoon, assuming the Onondaga County ME can make it down here from Syracuse.”
“You must have your own pathologist in this county.”
“Yes, but in this particular case …” Kibbie shook his head. “Unfortunately, we know this murder’s going to generate publicity. A lot of interest. Plus, it could end up in a splashy criminal trial someday, and our pathologist wanted to bring in another ME on the case as well. Just so there’ll be no question about their conclusions. Safety in numbers, you know.” He picked up his overcoat from the chair. “The elevator’s that way.”
“Where’s Detective Jurevich?” asked Jane. “I thought he was going to meet us here.”
“Unfortunately, Joe got called away just a while ago, so he won’t be seeing you tonight. He said he’d meet you in the morning, over at the house. Just give him a call tomorrow.” Kibbie took a breath. “So, are you ready for this?”
“That bad, huh?”
“Let’s put it this way: I hope I never see anything like this again.”
They started up the hall to the elevator, and he pressed the Down button.
“After two weeks, I guess she’s in pretty bad shape,” said Jane.
“Actually, there’s been minimal decomposition. The house was vacant. No heat, no power. It’s probably about thirty degrees inside. Like storing meat in a freezer.”
“How did she end up there?”
“We have no idea. There were no signs of forced entry, so she must have had a key. Or the killer did.”
The elevator door opened and they stepped in, Kibbie flanked by the two women. A buffer between Maura and Jane, who still had not said a word to each other since they’d left the car.
“Who owns that vacant house?” asked Jane.
“A woman who lives out of state now. She inherited it from her parents, and she’s been trying to sell it for years. We haven’t been able to contact her. Even the realtor doesn’t know where she is.” They stepped out of the elevator on the basement level. Kibbie led the way down the hall and pushed through a door, into the morgue anteroom.
“There you are, Dr. Kibbie.” A young blond woman in hospital scrubs set down the paperback romance she’d been reading and stood to greet them. “I was wondering if you were still coming down.”
“Thanks for waiting, Lindsey. These are the two ladies I told you about, from Boston. “Detective Rizzoli and Dr. Isles.”
“You drove all that way to see our gal, huh? Well, let me roll her out for you.” She stepped through double doors into the autopsy lab and flipped the wall switch. Fluorescent lights glared down on the empty table. “Dr. Kibbie, I’ve really got to leave soon. Could you roll her back into the cooler and lock up for me when you’re done? Just pull the hallway door shut when you go.”
“You going to try and catch the rest of the game?” asked Kibbie.
“If I don’t show up, Ian’s never going to talk to me again.”
“Does Ian actually talk?”
Lindsey rolled her eyes. “Dr. Kibbie. Please.”
“I keep telling you, you should give my nephew a call. He’s premed at Cornell. Some other girl’s going to snap him right up if you aren’t quick.”
She laughed as she pulled open the refrigerator door. “Yeah, like I’d ever want to marry a doctor.”
“I’m truly hurt by that.”
“I mean, I want a guy who’ll be home for dinner.” She tugged on a gurney, wheeling it out of the refrigerator. “You want her on the table?”
“The gurney’s fine. We’re not going to cut.”
“Let me just double-check that I’ve pulled the right one.” She glanced at the attached tag, then reached for the zipper. She betrayed no hesitation, no squeamishness, as she unzipped the bag to expose the corpse’s face. “Yep, this is it,” she said, and straightened, flipping back her blond hair, her face pink with the bloom of youth. A startling contrast to the lifeless face and desiccated eyes that stared up from the opening in the shroud.
“We can take it from here, Lindsey,” said Dr. Kibbie.
The girl gave a wave. “Remember to pull the door shut all the way,” she said cheerfully and walked out, leaving behind an incongruous trace of perfume.
Maura pulled latex gloves from a box on the countertop. Then she crossed to the gurney and unzipped the bag all the way open. As the plastic parted, no one said a word. What lay on that gurney silenced them all.
At four degrees Centigrade, bacterial growth is arrested, decay halted. Despite the passage of at least two weeks, the freezing temperatures of the vacant house had preserved the corpse’s soft tissues, and there was no need for menthol ointment to mask any overwhelming odors. The harsh lights revealed far worse horrors than mere putrefaction. The throat lay open and exposed by a single deep slash that had transected the trachea, slicing all the way to the cervical spine. But that fatal stroke of the blade was not what captured Maura’s gaze; she stared, instead, at the naked torso. At the multitude of crosses that had been carved on the breasts, on the abdomen. Holy symbols cut into the parchment of human skin. Blood encrusted the carvings, and countless rivulets had seeped from shallow incisions and dried in brick-red lines running down the sides of the torso.
Her gaze moved to the right arm, lying at the corpse’s side. She saw the ring of bruises, like a cruel bracelet marking the wrist. She looked up and met Jane’s gaze. For that one moment, all anger between the two women was forgotten, swept aside by the vision of Sarah Parmley’s final moments.
“This was done while she was still alive,” said Maura.
“All these cuts.” Jane swallowed. “It could have taken hours.”
Kibbie said, “When we found her, there was nylon cord around the remaining wrist and both ankles. The knots were nailed to the floor, so she couldn’t move.”
“He didn’t do this to Lori-Ann Tucker,” Maura said.
“That’s the victim in Boston?”
“She was dismembered. But she wasn’t tortured.” Maura circled to the corpse’s left side and stared down at the wrist stump. The incised flesh had dried to a leathery brown, and the soft tissues had contracted to expose the surface of cut bone.
“Maybe he wanted something from this woman,” said Jane. “Maybe there was a reason to torture her.”
“An interrogation?” said Kibbie.
“Or punishment,” said Maura, focusing on the victim’s face. She thought of the words that had been scratched on her own door. On Lori-Ann’s bedroom wall. I have sinned.
Is this the reward?
“These aren’t just random cuts,” said Jane. “These are crosses. Religious symbols.”
“He drew them on the walls, too,” said Kibbie.
Maura looked up at him. “Was there anything else on the walls? Other symbols?”
“Yeah. Lots of weird stuff. I tell you, it gave me the willies just to step in that front door. Joe Jurevich will show you when you go to the house.” He gazed at the body. “This is all there is to see here, really. Enough to tell you we’re dealing with a very sick puppy.”
Maura closed the body bag, zipping the plastic over sunken eyes, over corneas clouded by death. She would not be performing this autopsy, but she did not need a scalpel and probe to tell her how this victim had died; she had seen the answer engraved on the woman’s flesh.
They wheeled the gurney back into the refrigerator and stripped off their gloves. Standing at the sink, washing his hands, Kibbie said, “Ten years ago, when I moved to Chenango County, I thought this was God’s country. Fresh air, rolling hills. Folks who’d wave hello, feed me pie when I made a house call.” He sighed, shut off the faucet. “You can’t get away from it, can you? Big city or small town, husbands still shoot their wives, kids still smash and grab. But I never thought I’d see this kind of sick stuff.” He yanked out a paper towel and dried his hands. “Certainly not in a village like Purity. You’ll see what I mean when you get there.”
“How far is it?”
“Another hour and a half, maybe two hours. Depending on whether you want to risk your lives speeding on back roads.”
“Then we’d better get going,” said Jane, “if we want to find a motel there.”
“A motel?” Kibbie laughed. “If I were you, I’d stop in the town of Norwich instead. You’re not going to find much in Purity.”
“It’s that small?”
He tossed the paper towel into the trash can. “It’s that small.”