Standing position
Primary muscles: gluteals, quadriceps, hip flexors, hip stabilizers
Stand in front of the ball with legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. Arms may rest on hips or by your sides; shoulders are down.
• Engage your abdominal muscles (to help with balance).
• Bend your left leg and rest the top of your foot (instep) on the ball.
• When you feel balanced and secure, slowly bend your right leg as you lower into a single-leg squat.
• As you descend, your left leg will naturally move the ball back slightly (away from your body).
• Straighten your right leg (the ball will move forward slightly). Repeat 8 to 12 times (1 set), then remove your left leg from the top of the ball.
• Perform 1 set with your right foot on the ball.
• Continue for up to 2 more sets, alternating legs.
• Engages the leg and buttock muscles
• Strengthens the quadricep and calf muscles
• Improves balance and lower body flexibility
Too much?
• Don’t bend front leg as far. Substitute Squat against Wall [06]. If balance is a problem, hold onto the back of a chair or rest one hand against a wall.
Want more?
• Hold light hand weights.