Lower Body

Side position
Primary muscles: hip abductors, gluteals

Kneel on the floor and place the ball against your left hip.

fig. 01

• Hug the ball with your left arm for support; lower the left side of your body so that it leans against the ball and your left palm is flat on the floor.

• Straighten your right leg so that the inner arch of your right foot rests on the floor.

• Rest your right hand on the ball or, if you feel steady enough, place it on your right hip.

• Engage your abdominal muscles.

fig. 02

• Exhale as you lift your right leg as high as possible (without losing your form). Foot is parallel to the floor (toes aren’t turned up or down).

• Lower your leg back to the floor.

• Lift and lower for 1 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions each.

• Repeat with your other leg.


• Engages the leg and buttock muscles

• Engages the core stabilizer muscles


Too much?

• Decrease number of repetitions. Don’t raise your leg as high.

Want more?

• Hold a light hand weight on the thigh of the leg being lifted or use an ankle weight.


fig. 01


fig. 02