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Aadhaar biometric identification system, 125–27, 151, 152
African National Congress (ANC), 60, 61–62
Afrinic, 109
Airbnb, 156
alcohol and drug abuse, 152–53
Al-Jazeera, 107
al-Qaeda, 30
American Express Company, 140
Arab Spring, 5, 35–37, 65, 107
Arpaio, Joe, 122
Arthashastra (Kautilya), 134
Ataturk, Mustafa, Kemal, 78
AT&T, 157–58
automation and artificial intelligence, 45, 47, 54, 97
Brazil and, 54
Egypt and, 54
Russia and, 54
Saudi Arabia and, 54
taxation of, 143–44
Turkey and, 54
United States and, 15–16, 31–32
Venezuela and, 54
Bannon, Steve, 9
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, 83–84
Ben Ali, Zine el-Abidine, 35–36
birthright citizenship, 117
Blue Eagle Program, 103
Boko Haram, 64
Bolsa Familia (Family Grant), 71, 150–51, 152
Bouazizi, Mohammed, 35
Brazil, 71–72
automation and, 54
Bolsa Familia (Family Grant), 71, 150–51, 152
data localization laws, 106
demographic vulnerability of, 54
Fome Zero (Zero Hunger), 71, 150–51
income inequality in, 54
Lava Jato corruption scandal, 42, 73
middle class in, growth of, 71
poverty levels, reduction in, 37, 150–51
trust in government and its institutions, 53, 71–72
us vs. them battle in, 72
Bryant, Chris, 95
Buhari, Muhammadu, 63
Cameroon, 109
Case, Steve, 157
Central Provident Fund, 150
Chancel, Lucas, 87
childhood education, 141–42
automation and, 45, 54, 93, 95–96
Chinese Dream, 136–37
data localization laws, 106
demographic vulnerability of, 54
economic growth of, 38–39, 91–92
education system in, 94
government of, 95
hukou system, 119–20
Internet, policing of, 112–14
journalists, jailing of, 106–7
nongovernmental organizations, shutting down of, 108
pollution levels and, 39–40, 92–93
poverty levels, reduction in, 37, 91
protests in, 39–40
social credit system, 127–30
social safety net in, 93
trade and, 18–19
trust in government and its institutions, 53
us vs. them fault lines in, 93–94
Chinese Dream, 136–37
climate change, 89
college tuition, 33
Congress of South African Trade Unions, 60
connectivity, 26–27
Constitution of the United States
Fifteenth Amendment, 123
Fifth Amendment, 133
Fourteenth Amendment, 133
social contract and, 133–34
Twenty-Fourth Amendment, 123
Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 123–24
voting rights and, 123–24
in Indonesia, 84
in Mexico, 73–74
in South Africa, 60–61
cultural anxiety, 20–27
connectivity and, 26–27
immigrants as source of job losses and fewer social services, 20–21
national identity, fear of loss of, 21–23
cyberspace vulnerabilities, 30–31
Czech Republic, 24–25
data localization laws, 106
debt, 145
Declaration of Independence, United States, 133
defined benefit plans, 140
defined contribution plans, 140
Democratic Alliance, 60
Democrats, 121–22
demographics of developing countries, 52, 54
Brazil, 54
China, 54
Mexico, 54
Nigeria, 54
Russia, 54
Turkey, 54
Venezuela, 54
developing countries, 35–98
corruption and, 44
demographics, and political stability in, 52, 54
development stages in, 45–47
ethnic, religious or sectarian minorities as targets in, 43, 50
investments in technology, people and infrastructure required in, 50–51
political systems in, as less able to respond to crises, 49–50
pollution and, 39–41
poverty levels, reduction in, 37
protectionism in, 105–6
protests in, 39–44
resilience of governments in, factors determining, 50–53
technological revolution, impacts of, 45, 47–48, 54
trade barriers in developed markets, impact of, 105
trust in government and its institutions in, 53–54
See also specific countries
discrimination in favor of majority, 118–19
Disruption Council, 146–47
drug and alcohol abuse, 152–53
Drutman, Lee, 21–22
Duda, Andrzej, 25
early education, access to, 141–42
Earned Income Tax Credit, 149
EB-5 visa program, 118
Eberstadt, Nicholas, 17
Economic Freedom Fighters, 60
economic insecurity, 14–20
debt crisis of 2010 and, 9–10, 20
financial crisis of 2008–2009 and, 12, 19
technological change and, 15–16, 31–33
wealth inequality and, 16–18
Economist, The, 117
college tuition, rising price of, 33
developing countries and, 51
early education, access to, 141–42
liberal arts education, 141
private sector involvement in, 157–58
retraining of workers, 142
rewriting social contract to address, 141–43
worker retraining and education, 142, 157–58
Egypt, 65–67
demographic vulnerability of, 54, 66–67
government of, 65–66
income inequality in, 54–55, 65
Internet, shutting down of, 108
journalists, jailing of, 106–7
media outlets, shutting down of, 107
poverty in, 65
protests and violence in, 65, 66
El-Erian, Mohamed, 145
Emergency Banking Act, 103
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 57
Empresas Polar, 75
Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 41, 49, 78–80
Ethiopia, protests in, 42–43
European Union (EU)
European Commission rules, impact of, 9–10
free movement of people in, 23, 29, 115
historical roots of nationalism versus globalism, 13
immigration and, 20–21, 115, 118
migrant crisis and, 10, 13, 23–25
national identity, fear of loss of, 22–23
terrorist attacks in, 23
trade and, 14–15
Family Grant (Bolsa Familia), 71, 150–51
Fancy, Tariq, 158
Fico, Robert, 25
Fifteenth Amendment, 123
Fifth Amendment, 133
financial crisis of 2008–2009, 12, 19, 38
Fink, Larry, 154–55
Finland, 147–48
Fome Zero (Zero Hunger), 71, 150–51
401(k) plans, 140
Fourteenth Amendment, 133
Friedman, Milton, 149
“From Books to Bytes: A Learning Revolution for the Poor” (Fancy), 158
Gandhi, Indira, 90
Gates, Bill, 143–44
Gaza, 100
General Data Protection Regulation (European Union), 106
migrant crisis and, 23
trade and, 14–15
gerrymandering, 122
gig economy, 146–49
globalism/globalization, 4–6
cultural anxiety and, 20–27
defined, 8–9
in developing countries, 35–55
downsides of, refusal of elite to recognize, 9
economic insecurity and, 14–20
historical roots of nationalism versus globalism, 12–14
as ideology of elite, 8–9
people believing “world is getting better” and, 8
us vs. them message and, 11–12
World Trade Organization meeting of 1999, protests at, 4–5
golden door citizenship, 117–18
Great Depression, 103–4
Greece, 117
guaranteed basic income, 147–52
Brazilian programs, 150–51, 152
in Europe, 147
Finland’s experiment with, 147–48
historical proposals for, in United States, 148–49
India’s Jan Dhan program and, 151, 152
Saudi Arabian economy as, 151–52
Singapore’s housing scheme, 150, 152
guest worker programs, 118
Guzmán, Joaquín, 73
Halal Internet, 110
Hamon, Benoît, 148
Hayek, Friedrich, 149
He, Elaine, 95
Henley, William Ernest, 7
Hillbilly Elegy (Vance), 157
Hoover, Herbert, 102
hukou system, 119–20
Hungary, 24–25
immigration, 115–18
Brexit campaign and, 21
economic arguments in favor of, 115–16
European Union and, 20–21, 115, 118
guest worker programs, 118
job losses and fewer social services blamed on, 20–21
number of refugees, in 2016, 28
physical barriers to, 116–17
of skilled and wealthy immigrants, 117–18
Trump and, 19–20
United States and, 19–20, 25–26, 28–29, 115, 116, 118
virtual walls, 117
income inequality, 5, 27–33, 97
in Brazil, 54
in developing countries, 51–52, 54–55
in European Union, 28
in Mexico, 54
rewriting social contract to address, 139–40
in Saudi Arabia, 54
in Turkey, 79
in United States, 16–18, 27–28
in Venezuela, 78
violence and, 29–30
India, 86–90
Aadhaar biometric identification system, 125–27, 151, 152
data localization laws, 106
demographic vulnerability of, 54, 89
infrastructure of, 88
Internet, shutting down of, 108–9
Jan Dhan, 151
nongovernmental organizations, shutting down of, 108
religious tensions in, 86–87, 90
trust in government and its institutions, 53
us vs. them battles in, 86–87, 90
water, access to, 88–89
Indian National Congress Party, 125
individual learning accounts, 142–43
individual retirement accounts, 140
Indonesia, 83–86
corruption in, 84
data localization laws, 106
demographic vulnerability of, 54, 85
income inequality in, 54–55, 84
poverty in, 84
religious tensions in, 83–84
trust in government and its institutions, 53
us vs. them battles in, 83–84
information, access to, 106–14
data localization laws, 106
General Data Protection Regulation (European Union), 106
Internet, shutting down or policing of, 108–14
journalists, jailing of, 106–7
media outlets, shutting down of, 107
nongovernmental organizations, shutting down of, 108
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 65, 66
private sector initiatives to provide access to, 156–57
shutting down or policing of, 108–14 project, 157
Iran, 110
Irwin, Douglas, 102
ISIS, 30
Israel, 99–100
Jaitley, Arun, 88
Jan Dhan, 151
Jefferson, Thomas, 133–34
Jigsaw, 159
Johns Hopkins University, 159
Johnson, Boris, 21
Jordan, 117
journalists, jailing of, 106–7
Justice and Development Party, 78
Kautilya, 134
Kerry, John, 18
Kuti, Fela, 62
Lankesh, Gauri, 86
Lava Jato corruption scandal, 42, 73
Lenin, Vladimir, 35
Le Pen, Marine, 7–8, 13, 19, 24
liberal arts education, 141
Lilesa, Feyisa, 43
Locke, John, 133–34
López Obrador, Andrés Manuel, 74–75
Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 150
Malaysia, 118–19
Mandela, Nelson, 59
maternity benefits, 152
Mbeki, Thabo, 59
media outlets, shutting down of, 107
Medvedev, Dmitry, 44
Merkel, Angela, 13
Mexico, 73–75
corruption in, 73–74
demographic vulnerability of, 54
income inequality in, 54
political system in, 74–75
poverty in, 74
trust in government and its institutions, 53
Eastern European countries and, 24–25
EU-Turkey deal and, 13
financial burden of, 23–24
national identity, fear of loss of, 23
number of migrants, 24
xenophobic political parties resulting from, 13
Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, 70
movement of people within countries, government controls over, 119–20
M-Pesa, 158–59
M-Tiba, 159
Muslim Brotherhood, 65
defined, 10
historical roots of globalism versus nationalism, 12–14
Navalny, Alexei, 44
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 90
New Deal, 103–4
New Economic Policy, 118–19
The Next America: Boomers, Millennial and the Looming Generational Showdown (Taylor), 121
Nigeria, 62–65
data localization laws, 106
demographic vulnerability of, 54
income inequality in, 54, 62–63
militant groups in, 64
oil prices and, 64
political system in, 63–64
poverty in, 63
protests and violence in, 62
trust in government and its institutions, 54
Nixon, Richard, 149
nongovernmental organizations, shutting down of, 108
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 22, 105
Obama, Barack, 6
Occupy Wall Street movement, 5, 12
Open Society Foundation, 108
opioid epidemic, 153
Paine, Thomas, 148–49
Palestinians, 1
Peña Nieto, Enrique, 73
pension plans, 140
personal security of citizens, duty of government to safeguard, 132
Piketty, Thomas, 87
Plato, 131
Poland, 24–25
Turkish protests and, 40–41
populism, 1–3
us vs. them divisions exploited by, 2–3
poverty, 9
in Egypt, 65
in Indonesia, 84
in Mexico, 74
in Nigeria, 63
reduction of, in developing countries, 37
in South Africa, 59
in Turkey, 79
private sector involvement in serving communities, 154–60
affordable housing and infrastructure spending by, 156–57
in developing countries, 158–59
Fink’s call for, 154–55
protecting democracy, 159
Rise of the Rest investment fund, 157
universities, hiring initiatives by, 159
worker retraining programs, 157–58
Zuckerberg’s ideas for, 155–56
progressive tax systems, 139
protectionism, 101–6
developed country trade barriers, impact on developing countries of, 105
in developing countries, 105–6
nontariff barriers, examples of, 104, 105–6
Roosevelt’s programs, in 1930s, 102–4
Smoot-Hawley Act tariffs, U.S., 102
Trump’s trade policies and, 105
in China, 39–40
in Ethiopia, 42–43
in Nigeria, 62
in South Africa, 58
in Turkey, 40–41
in Venezuela, 77
at World Trade Organization meeting of 1999, 4–5
Putin, Vladimir, 44, 49, 53, 81, 82, 83, 110, 138, 139
Qaddafi, Muammar, 36
Qatar, 107
Rasmussen, Løkke, 146–47
Reagan, Ronald, 116
Restrepo, Pascual, 32
retraining of workers, 142, 157–58
Rise and Fall of Nations, The (Sharma), 145
Rise of the Rest investment fund, 157
robotics. See automation and artificial intelligence
Romney, Mitt, 22
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 102–3
Roskomnadzor, 112
Rumie Initiative, 158
automation and, 54
data localization laws, 106
demographic vulnerability of, 54
economy of, 81–82
income inequality in, 54–55, 82
internal passport system, 120
Internet, policing of, 110–12
nongovernmental organizations, shutting down of, 108
oil prices and, 81
poverty levels, reduction in, 37, 81, 82
social contract in, 138–39
trust in government and its institutions, 53
Safaricom, 159
Salesforce, 156
Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 69
satellite television, 36
Saudi Arabia, 67–71
automation and, 54
demographic vulnerability of, 54, 68
economy of, 68–70
government of, 69–70
guaranteed basic income, economy as, 151–52
income inequality in, 54
oil exports and, 69
trust in government and its institutions, 53
us vs. them battle in, 67–68, 70–71
Vision 2030 project, 69–70
Scandinavia, 136
Sharma, Ruchir, 145
Sides, John, 21
education initiatives in, 142–43
housing and old age savings, Central Provident Fund for, 150, 152
Sisi, Abdel Fattah al-, 65
Slovakia, 24–25
Smoot-Hawley Act, 102
social contract, 131–54
alcohol and drug abuse and, 152–53
Arthashastra on, 134
Chinese Dream, 136–37
defined, in Declaration of Independence, 133
education, addressing, 141–43
expectations of government, 131–33, 134–36
gig economy, incentives for working in, 146–49
guaranteed basic income programs, 147–52
happiness or well-being and, 135–36
inequality, addressing, 139–40
personal security of citizens, duty to safeguard, 132
purpose of government, 132
rewriting, 139–41
in Russia, 138–39
in Scandinavian countries, 136
taxation and, 143–45
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and, 134
U.S. Constitution and, 133–34
social credit system, 127–30
social safety net
in China, 93
in developed versus developing countries, 48–49
in developing countries, 93
in European countries, 15
guaranteed basic income and, 147–52
reorganization of, ideas for, 146–49
trade and, 15
Social Security system, 140
Somalia, 12
Soros, George, 108
sorting citizens within countries, 118–23
discrimination in favor of majority, 118–19
movement of people, government controls over, 119–20
in United States, 120–22
South Africa, 58–62
corruption and poor leadership in, 60–61
demographic vulnerability of, 54, 58, 61
falling demand for commodities, impact of, 60
government of, 60–61
income inequality in, 54, 59–60
poverty in, 59
protests in, 58
trust in government and its institutions, 53
us vs. them battle in, 59
South African Communist Party, 60
student debt crisis, 33
substance abuse, 152–53
Summers, Larry, 144
taxation, 143–45
Taylor, Paul, 121
Tea Party movement, 12–13
technological revolution
adaptability of wealthier countries versus developing countries, 47–48
automation and artificial intelligence (See automation and artificial intelligence)
in developing countries, 45, 47–48, 54
in United States, 15–16, 31–33
terrorism, 30
in Egypt, 65–66
in European Union (EU), 23
xenophobic political parties resulting from, 13
TOR, 109–10
China and, 18–19
economic insecurity and, 14–15, 18–19
European Union and, 14–15
protectionist policies, warnings against, 18
social safety net protections and, 15
United States and, 15
Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, 102
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), 22, 105
Trump, Donald, 2
approval ratings of, 13–14
defense spending requests of, 30–31
election integrity commission, creation of, 125
immigration as issue in election of, 19–20
Obama 2012 populist voters who chose Trump in 2016, 21–22
opioid epidemic and, 153
race and, 122–23
trade as issue in election of, 19
trade policies of, 105
on walls, 99
Tsipras, Alexis, 11
Tunisia, 35–36
Turkey, 78–80
automation and, 54
demographic vulnerability of, 54
economy of, 80
immigration and, 117
income inequality in, 54–55, 79
Internet, censorship of, 109–10
journalists, jailing of, 106–7
political system in, 78–79
poverty in, 79
protests in, 40–41
trust in government and its institutions, 53
us vs. them battles in, 80
Twenty-Fourth Amendment, 123
Twenty-Sixth Amendment, 123–24
United Kingdom
foreign-born residents, increase in, 22–23
United Malays National Organization, 119
United States
automation, impact of, 31–32
historical roots of nationalism versus globalism, 12–14
immigration and, 19–20, 25–26, 28–29,115, 116, 118
income inequality in, 16–18, 27–28
manufacturing class in, 17
military spending of, 30–31
national identity and, 21–22
pension plans in, 140
progressive tax system in, 139
protectionist policies, in 1930s, 102–4
racial segregation in schools, 120–21
self-sorting of citizens in, 120–22
Social Security system, 140
unemployment rates in, 17–18
voting rights in, 123–25
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 134
Vance, J. D., 157
Venezuela, 75–77
automation and, 54
demographic vulnerability of, 54
economy of, 76–77
income inequality in, 54–55
oil prices and, 76
political system in, 77
protests and violence in, 77
trust in government and its institutions, 53–54
virtual private networks (VPNs), 109–10
voting rights, 123–25
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 123, 124
walls, 99–130
Aadhaar biometric identification system, India, 125–27
immigration, barriers to, 115–18
information, access to, 106–14
Israel and, 99–100
protectionism, 101–6
purposes of and rationales for, 100–101
social credit system, China, 127–30
sorting citizens within countries, 118–23
voting rights, 123–25
Warren, Elizabeth, 2
West Bank, 100
Wilson, Woodrow, 102
worker retraining and education, 142, 157–58
Workers Party, 150
Workforce Singapore, 142
World Happiness Report, 2017, 135–36, 137
Xi Jinping, 18, 94, 96, 136–37
Xinhua news agency, 114
Yandex News, 112
Yar’Adua, Umaru, 63
Zero Hunger (Fome Zero), 71, 150–51
Zuma, Jacob, 59