Zahra was sure surprise showed on her face. Seemed someone had experienced a change of heart toward her. Wait. Something occurred to her. We’ll. He’d said we’ll make it work. “You’re staying, too?” flew out before she could catch it.
“Do you have a problem with that?” he asked.
No, but she should have. “I was never the one with the problem, remember?”
“That’s arguable,” he said.
“Shall we argue it?” she shot back.
One corner of his mouth curved into a sexy smile that drew Zahra’s full attention. Yep, she definitely should have a problem with him staying. Oh, the delicious trouble she could get into with this man.
“I think we already have, and I’m pretty sure I lost,” he said.
Zahra laughed and so did Gregor, each returning to their task.
“What’s up with the camera?” Gregor asked.
She eyed the black camera bag sitting on the counter. “I don’t plan on snapping pictures of you and selling them, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“It had crossed my mind.”
And with good reason, she thought. “I love capturing pictures anywhere I go. I have a small studio in NoDa. North Davidson and Thirty-Sixth,” she said for clarification, but was sure he was familiar with Charlotte’s popular art district. “You should swing by sometime. I’ll give you a free head shot.”
“Thanks, but no, thanks. Cameras and I aren’t on the best of terms right now.”
“Because of the scar?”