Many people assisted me in the research and preparation of this book, but the following merit particular mention and thanks: John Agnew, New Zealand; Charles Bates, Allen County Museum, Lima, Ohio; Onouchi Makoto, Tōkyō; John Buydos, Dr. Tomoko Steen and Sayuri Umeda, Library of Congress; Dr. Steven Ericson, Dartmouth College; Sr. Jane Gates, Medical Mission Sisters, Philadelphia; Dr. Charles W. Kinzer, Annapolis; Kohashi Noriko, Los Angeles; Komine Hiroyasu, Yokohama; Kenneth Mencz, New York; The National Archives and Records Administration Staff, New York Regional Office; Zoe Rees and Judith Dennison, Birmingham City Archives, UK; and Sakakihara Asakichi, San Francisco.
Among those who have been particularly more generous than I deserve with both their time and assistance are: Kawano Keiko, The Railway Museum, Ōmiya; Terry Bennett, early Japanese photographic authority sans pareil whose assistance, advise, and guidance has been invaluable; Reg Carter, the late librarian of the Stephenson Locomotive Society, UK, who sadly did not live to see publication of this book; and Dr. Aoki Eiichi, one of Japan’s pre-eminent railway historians who graciously agreed to review the manuscript and offer comments. Finally, I must give heartfelt thanks to two individuals who helped me verify numerous dates, checked seemingly countless facts, and who offered help when my research abilities were at the limits of what could be accomplished outside of Japan, devoting untold hours with unwavering enthusiasm and providing encouragement at every turn in the road, Nakagane Jun, Yokohama and Ozawa Tomio, Tōkyō.