Emotional Expression

Expressing Resistance


To help individuals develop effective ways of resisting requests that do not seem as well founded as they need to be.

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25 minutes

This exercise will help leaders and team members answer the questions, “How do you know when to push back, and how much?” and “In what way to do so?”



Facilitator Competencies image



Time Matrix

Activity Estimated Time
Describe the strategies 10 minutes
In pairs, apply one each 10 minutes
Debrief 5 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes


1. Distribute the Expressing Resistance Handout and discuss the following with your participants. There will be times in everyone’s career when he or she is requested to take actions that may seem rational from one point of view but equally irrational from another. When it really is a rational request, there is probably an information gap involved in the situation; however, often a lack of emotional reality testing also contributes to the mixed feelings. This could be, for example, because a person doesn’t want to disappoint/confront his or her boss’s unrealistic expectations. Review each of the ways to push back respectfully and effectively provided on the handout.

2. Ask participants to form pairs and experiment with the strategies by applying one to a situation in each of their lives. The person who goes first will briefly explain the situation and then practice using the strategy he or she chooses as if the situation is current. Then the pair should discuss the likely success of that strategy. Then the second person follows the process, and again the pair should discuss what is likely to happen.

3. Bring the full group together to debrief their experience and insights.


The following are some ways to push back respectfully and effectively. Choose one that might work in a situation you are in now or have experienced in the past and discuss with your partner how the method could work for you. Then trade and the other person picks a method to discuss.