Emotional Expression

Tell a Story


To practice recognizing and talking about emotions and listening to those of others.

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25 minutes (plus 3 more minutes for each person in the team or group)

Each person tells a story about the selected topic including commenting about how he or she felt during the event being described. The group or team discusses the value and challenges with expressing emotions and the value of storytelling.



Facilitator Competencies image



Time Matrix

Activity Estimated Time
Select topic in advance 5 minutes
Each person tells a story 5 minutes per person
Discuss 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes (plus 3 more minutes for each person in the team or group)


1. In advance, select the type of subject for the story you will ask your team, group, or coachee to tell. The subject could be a current project at work; a key event or relationship at work, such as working with a mentor; a meaningful personal event; or any other appropriate possibility.

2. Ask each person to take a few minutes and think about a story he or she will tell regarding the topic you have selected. They will have three minutes to tell their stories to the team or group or to you as the coach. Ask them to start telling their stories. The ground rules are

3. If you have a large team or group and are time-constrained, have them tell their stories in groups of three or four.

4. Invite discussion on what they are noticing and feeling having heard one another’s stories. Guide them to discuss: