Interpersonal Relationships

Investment in Friends


To take personally reflective time to evaluate the value of friendships in life and set priorities for the future.

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45 minutes

Participants are guided to write about the roles of friends and friendship in their lives and then to discuss the value of friendships, the priorities they choose for how they are living their lives, and their related goals for the next year.



Facilitator Competencies image



Time Matrix

Activity Estimated Time
Explain exercise 5 minutes
Give writing instructions and time to write 15 minutes
Discuss 15 minutes
Goal-writing 10 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes


1. Give participants paper and pens and tell them you will ask them to write about a few different items that will help them explore the role friends and friendship play in their lives. Emphasize that this exercise is intended to aid personal reflection and awareness; it is not to be used for judging oneself. It can help them make more personally satisfying decisions in their lives. Give them a few minutes for each of the topics. Watch, and when they stop writing and reflecting, move to the next question. Do not give them a handout with all the questions written out, as this can cause them to answer early questions in order to match the answers they think they should give for later questions.

2. Ask them to do the following:

“Friends are important at work because . . . ”

“Friends are important in my personal life because . . . ”

“Friends are important in my whole life because . . . ”

“My best friends are ‘best’ because . . . ”

Give them a few minutes to write.

3. Bring the group together for a discussion, working with the topics from their writing. Questions you might ask include:

4. You might also want to note that Interpersonal Relations, of which our friends are a major component, is a part of the Well-Being Indicator on the EQ-i2.0, which is a recognition that there is a direct link between our friendships and our personal happiness. Ask for their thoughts on this connection.

5. Ask them to write about one more topic, “My Priority for Friendship for the Next Year,” and to reflect on their goals for the next year. Remind them to be realistic. You don’t want them to set themselves up to fail.

Note: This exercise can be used well with Exercise 2.1 under Self-Actualization, where individuals create their 2% project and with Exercise 16.1 under Happiness/Well-Being.